Lair of Jher~
{35 55} Garth   Lair of Jher~
32700 32725

Jher looks into your eyes, and freezes you with his stare.
You feel incredibly overwhelmed by the power in this evil man's eyes.
2|4|8|64 8|32|128|512|8192 0 0
53 0 50d10+5000 5d5+5000 6d7+21 punch
-23 -23 -23 -1
EFIJK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
warg young~
a young warg~
A young warg notices you and grins evilly.
He has been waiting for you to practice his newly learned skill of thievery.
4|64|128|262144 8|32|512|32768 0 0
32 0 10d10+1000 5d5+1000 6d4+9 none
-10 -10 -10 3
EFIKN 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
Knanath, Jher's pet, bares his fangs as he lunges at your throat.
If Knanath hasn't ripped your throat out by now, he must not be hungry.
2|4|32|64 2|8|32|512 0 0
43 0 25d10+2500 5d5+1000 3d12+15 beating
-15 -15 -15 2
EFI 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
adult mother warg~
warg mother~
An adult warg stands here surrounded by small warg children.
Stay away from her children or she will protect them more viciously than you 
could imagine.
4|64 8|32|512 0 0
40 0 15d10+1850 5d5+1000 4d8+13 bite
-13 -13 -13 3
EFI 0 0 0
stand stand female 0
0 0 medium 0
warg father~
warg father~
A large warg stands here looking for anything to attack for fun.
Don't mess with this beast, he will kill you before you can scream.
4|64 8|32|512|32768 0 0
42 0 25d10+2250 5d5+1000 3d12+14 bite
-14 -14 -14 3
EFI 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
young hungry warg~
the young hungry warg~
A young warg huddles under the light of the torch and sucks on a bone.
He looks at you and licks his chops.  Obviously he would rather suck on you.
2|4|64|128 0 0 0
35 0 10d10+1300 5d5+1000 4d7+11 charge
-11 -11 -11 3
EFI 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
the snake~
A snake senses your fear with his tongue as he wraps himself around your legs.
You see venom dripping off its fangs.
2|32|64 8|32|512 0 0
20 0  3d9+333 5d5+1000 2d8+5 shbite     
-4 -4 -4 5
FH L 0 I
stand stand none 0
0 0 small 0
A huge black bear is hidden in the shadows.
Beorn looks at you and says 'will you help me kill Jher?'
64 8|32|128|512|8192|32768|65536|1048576 0 0
47 0 25d10+3500 5d5+1000 6d6+17 claw
-17 -17 -17 2
CDEFIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 large 0
the bat~
A bat swoops down at your face.
You can see his black eyes, and hear his sonic screech as he judges the 
distance between it and you.
32|64 8|32|512|524288 0 0
34 0 10d10+1200 5d5+1000 4d7+10 charge
-11 -11 -11 3
F 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 small 0
Htrag warg breeder~
Htrag is here tending to the newly born warg litter.
Htrag looks back at you and flashes his fangs because he knows what he and 
these new pups will feast on.
2|64 8|32|128|512 0 0
40 0 15d10+1850 5d5+1000 4d8+13 bite
-13 -13 -13 3
EFI 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
female warg breeder~
the female warg~
A female warg shies against the far wall of the cage.
She growls at you and screams for help.
2|4|64 8|32|512 0 0
35 0 10d10+1300 5d5+1000 4d7+11 bite
-11 -11 -11 3
EFI 0 0 0
stand stand female 0
0 0 medium 0
male warg breeder~
the male warg~
The male breeder warg jumps to rip your throat out.
You see a creature with huge fangs dripping drool.  He is covered in matted 
brown hair and his eyes glow.
2|4|32|64 8|32|512 0 0
40 0 15d10+1850 5d5+1000 4d8+13 bite
-13 -13 -13 3
EFI 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
Sapth slave~
Sapth, Jher's slave, looks to you for help.
His eyes are pleading for someone to free him from Jher's bondage.
4|64|128 8|32|256|512 0 0
35 0 10d10+1300 5d5+1000 4d7+11 punch
-11 -11 -11 3
EFI 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
left huge warg guard~
the guard~
A huge warg stands to the left of the door guarding whatever is inside.
Obviously a warrior, this beast was bred to fight and kill.
ABCGT 8|32|512 0 0
40 0 15d10+1850 5d5+1000 4d8+13 pound
-13 -13 -13 3
stand stand male 0
0 0 large 0
right huge warg guard~
the guard~
A huge warg stands to the right of the door guarding whatever is inside.
Obviously a warrior, this beast was bred to fight and kill.
ABCGT 8|32|512 0 0
42 0 25d10+2250 5d5+1000 3d12+14 pound
-14 -14 -14 3
stand stand male 0
0 0 large 0
Shaanh, Jher's love slave, cowers in the corner.
She is wearing close to nothing and she has marks and slashes all over her 
body from some unthinkable torture.
64|128 8|32|256|512|65536 0 0
37 0 10d10+1500 5d5+1000 3d10+12 slap
-12 -12 -12 3
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand female 0
0 0 medium 0
fish hideous one-eyed~
the hideous one-eyed fish~
A hideous creature with one blind eye and a huge mouth swims between your legs.
The fish is disgusting.  It has one clouded eye, but it can sense you're there 
because of your distinct smell.
64|128 8|32|512 0 0
38 0 10d10+1600 5d5+1000 5d6+12 charge
-13 -13 -13 3
EF 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 medium 0

pile of gold~
a pile of gold~
A small glistening pile of gold catches your eye.~
20 1 1
10000 0 0 0 
0 0 0
bone key~
a key made of bone~
A hard white key was left on the floor.~
18 0 1|16384
0 0 0 0 
1 0 0
breeding formula~
breeding formula~
Special warg breeding formula was left here.~
10 64 1
35 39 28 28 
0 0 0
curved dagger jher's~
Jher's curved dagger~
Jher's evil curved dagger is here glowing.~
5 1|2|64|512 1|8192
0 0 0 11 
3 0 0
12 120
19 10
13 100
4 2
1 -1
breeding formula~
breeding formula~
Special warg breeding formula was left here.~
10 64 1
35 1 28 12 
0 0 0
breeding formula~
breeding formula~
Special warg breeding formula was left here.~
10 64 1|16384
35 42 4 38 
0 0 0
19 5
13 25
beorn's fury~
Beorn's fury~
A huge set of teeth are rotting like a skull in the desert.~
5 64|1024|4096 1|8192
0 0 0 10 
2 0 0
18 5
19 8
large brass key~
A large brass key shimmers here.~
18 0 1|16384
0 0 0 0 
1 0 0
the throne~
A huge golden throne covered in jewels.~
12 1 0
0 0 0 0 
5 0 0
key jewel topaz~
a key made of topaz~
A key made of some fine cut amber colored jewell is on the floor.~
18 1|128 1
0 0 0 0 
5 0 0
carved ebony figurine~
a carved ebony figurine~
You can barely make out a small black rock under all the dust.~
18 32 1
0 0 0 0 
0 0 0
dusty golden trunk chest~
the golden chest~
A large dusty trunk was left in the corner, looks like a good place to sit.~
15 64 0
100 15 9910 0 
5 0 0
diamond bracelet~
a diamond bracelet~
A diamond bracelet sparkles here.~
9 1|32|64 1|4096
5 0 0 0 
5 0 0
12 50
broken scroll~
a broken scroll~
A bound roll of paper is hidden here.~
2 2 1
50 28 42 81 
5 0 0
glowing zapath necklace~
a glowing zapath necklace~
A necklace carved from a blood red stone was left here.~
9 1|64|512|4096 1|4
7 0 0 0 
1 0 0
14 100
19 4
gold pill coin~
a gold coin~
A small gold coin catches your eye here.~
26 1 1
0 19 -1 -1 
5 0 0

Descent into the Lair of Jher~
As you descend deeper into the lair, you hear the sound of howling 
wargs.  You feel a tingling in your back, and the hair on the back of your 
neck stands on end.
0 1 3
0 -1 32702
0 -1 32701
0 -1 14791
Mouth of a Cave~
You see an eerie crack in the mountain face.  Some strange power 
creates an urge to explore further.
0 1 3
0 -1 32700
Descent into the Lair of Jher~
As you descend deeper into this realm of unknown, you sense an 
impending danger and reconsider your travel into the darkness.  Only if you 
are among the strong will you continue.
0 1 2
0 -1 32700
0 -1 32703
A Room in the Cave~
This room is lit by torches, but even brighter are the eyes of the 
wargs that come to this room to feast.  These creatures are unique because 
they are continuously hungry.  This is not a good place to be.  Your gaze 
passes from a young warg's glowing eyes to his drooling mouth.
0 8 2
0 -1 32704
0 -1 32706
0 -1 32702
A Room in the Cave~
This room stinks of warg defecation.  The room is also scattered about 
with bones from old kills.  One dim torch in the corner provides the only 
light.  You feel very frightened.  As you look in disgust at the bones, you can
see the traces of a trapdoor underneath.
0 8 2
0 -1 32703
A trapdoor is buried under a pile of bones.~
1 -1 32705
Small Treasure Room~
Before you came along this room had not seen light since Jher was only 
a young man studying the ways of taming the wild.  Your eyes are stunned by a 
glistening pile of gold at your feet.  Once you can pry your eyes away from 
the pile of gold, you notice the snakes slithering up and around your legs.
0 1|8 2
1 -1 32704
An Unlit Hallway~
As you journey deeper into the cave, the sounds of howling get louder. 
However, the only thing you can hear is the sound of your pounding heart.  The 
hallway continues west, but you also see a crack you may be able to pass 
through to the south.  You hear the sound of bats flapping overhead.
0 1|8 2
0 -1 32703
0 -1 32707
0 -1 32712
A Crack in the Wall~
For some unknown reason, you have decided to explore this crack.  The 
thing you never know about caves is when you might fall into a bottomless pit.
You hear the dripping of an underground stream, and think about the horrible 
things that may be swimming or growing in it.
0 1|4|8 2
0 -1 32706
0 -1 32708
The Disgusting Underground Pool~
You find youself up to your waist in muck.  The stench is overwhelming 
and you have the urge to vomit, but are afraid what creatures that might 
0 1|8 6
0 -1 32707
0 -1 32709
0 -1 32711
The Disgusting Underground Pool~
You are waist deep in muck.  The stench is overwhelming.
0 1|8 6
0 -1 32708
0 -1 32710
The Disgusting Underground Pool~
You are waist deep in muck.  The stench is overwhelming.
0 1|8 6
0 -1 32711
0 -1 32709
The Disgusting Underground Pool~
You are waist deep in muck.  The stench is overwhelming.
0 1|8 6
0 -1 32708
0 -1 32710
An Unlit Hallway~
The celing of this hall is getting higher.  You do not have to be in a 
crouch as you walk.  As you straighten your back and look ahead you see the 
most hideous thing you have ever seen.
0 4|8 2
0 -1 32706
0 -1 32713
Breeding Room~
You see two cages, one to the north, and one to the south.  The 
screaming and howling from the two cages blend together into a terrifying 
sound which brings you to the border of insanity.
0 8 2
1 32701 32715
0 -1 32712
1 32701 32714
0 -1 32716
The Male Warg Holding Cage~
The animals in this cage, jump at you as you open the cage door.  The 
door you just opened provides the fastest route to the female cage across the 
room.  These disgusting wargs never get enough of two things, food and female 
wargs.  You may have just provided them with both.
0 1|8 2
1 32701 32713
The Female Warg Holding Cage~
These female wargs are in absolute terror of the males in the cage 
across the room.  As you entered this cage, they mistake you for a male sent 
in to proliferate the dirty warg race.  However once they realize it is only 
you, they try to remember when the last time they ate was.
0 1|8 2
1 -1 32713
A Further Descent~
This path is totally devoid of light.  As you keep walking west you 
bump into a slimy wall and by feeling determine that the tunnel now turns 
0 1|8 2
0 -1 32713
0 -1 32717
A Further Descent~
After making the turn southwards, you are dismayed to discover that 
once again the tunnel goes down.  But you are comforted because you know that 
you have at least made it this far alive.
0 1|8 2
0 -1 32716
0 -1 32718
The Passage to the Throne Room~
As you reach the bottom of your climb you straighten up and look 
northwards.  There is a huge wood and iron door, with a round brass handle.  
There are two large warg warriors standing guard at either side of this door.
To get by, you will either have to kill them or sneak by and pick the lock.
0 1|8 2
1 32707 32719
0 -1 32717
Southern end of the Throne Room~
This must be a throne room.  The ruler of these wargs must be very 
wealthy, but he also must be cruel to live in such luxury while all his slaves 
0 8 2
0 -1 32720
1 -1 32718
Northern End of the Throne Room~
There is a huge throne made of the finest gold and glistening with the 
finest jewels.  Even with all this brightness, you are overwhelmed by darkness,
for Jher sits on the throne.
0 8 2
2 32709 32721
0 -1 32719
Jher's Bedroom~
This is where Jher sleeps.  To avoid the chance of the wargs attacking 
him in anger while he sleeps, he specially bred Knanath to protect him.  The 
bedroom is dark, for Jher loves the darkness.  Above the bed you see a hole to 
another tunnel.  This was to be his escape route if was ever trapped in his 
0 1|8 1
2 -1 32720
0 -1 32722
Tunnel Above Jher's Bedroom~
This tunnel has never been used because Jher never had the need.  
After the climb up here, it levels off and turns south.
0 1|8 3
0 -1 32723
0 -1 32721
A Small Tunnel~
Since Jher had never used this tunnel, he never paid any attention to 
its upkeep.  You have to crawl now, and as you crawl, you seem to be ascending.
0 1|8 3
0 -1 32722
0 -1 32724
The Secret Room~
When you finally make it to this room, you are incredibly exhausted.  
You sit down to rest on an old trunk.  As you sit, you brush aside some dust 
on the trunk.  The shine from your light off the golden chest is blinding.  As 
you try to open it, you realize in disappointment that it is locked.  
if you look around, you may find something hidden that will open it.
0 1|4|8|8192 3

* removed/unknown M 1 0 1 32700
M 1 32703 1 32703 1 *
M 1 32701 2 32703 1 * a young warg to A room in the cave
M 1 32704 1 32703 1 *			warg father to A room in the cave
M 1 32705 1 32704 1 *	the young hungry warg to A room inthe cave
D 1 32704 5 1	*; A Room in the Cave Close Down
D 1 32705 4 1 *		; Small Treasure Room Close Up
M 1 32706 2 32705 1 *	the snake to Small treasure room
O 1 32700 100 32705	*a pile of gold to Small treasureroom
M 1 32708 2 32706 1 *	the bat to An unlit hallway
M 1 32708 1 32708 1 *	the bat to The Disgusting Underground Pool
M 1 32708 1 32710 1 *	the bat to The Disgusting Underground Pool
D 1 32715 2 1 *	; The Female Warg Holding Cage Close South
D 1 32713 0 2	*; Breeding Room Lock North
D 1 32714 0 1	*; The Male Warg Holding Cage Close North
M 1 32709 1 32713 1 *	Htrag to Breeding Room
E 1 32701 1 17
M 1 32710 2 32715 1 *	the female warg to The Female Warg Holding Cage
M 1 32711 2 32714 1 *	the male warg to The Male Warg Holding Cage
M 1 32712 1 32717 1 *	Sapth to A Further Descent
M 1 32714 1 32718 1 *	the guard to The Passage to the Throne Room
M 1 32713 1 32718 1 *	the guard to The Passage to the Throne Room
D 1 32718 0 2	*; The Passage to the Throne Room Lock North
D 1 32719 2 1	*; Southern end of the Throne Room Close South
D 1 32713 2 2	*; Breeding Room Lock South
M 1 32700 1 32720 1 *	Jher to Northern End of the Throne Room
E 1 32703 100 16
G 1 32709 100
O 1 32708 100 32720 1 * the throne to Northern End of the Throne Room
M 1 32702 1 32721 1 *		Knanath to Jher's Bedroom
D 1 32720 0 2	*; Northern End of the Throne Room Lock North
D 1 32721 2 1	*; Jher's Bedroom Close South
O 1 32711 100 32724 *	the golden chest to The SecretRoom
M 1 32715 1 32721 1 *	Shaanh to Jher's Bedroom
E 1 32712 100 14
E 1 32712 100 15
M 1 32716 1 32709 1 *	the hideous one-eyed fish to The DisgustingUnderground Pool
M 1 32716 1 32711 1 *the hideous one-eyed fish to The Disgusting UndergroundPool
O 1 32714 100 32724	*a glowing zapath necklace to The Secret Room
O 1 32715 100 32724	*a gold coin to The Secret Room

32709 10 10 10 10 10 50 100 0 23			*Htrag

M  32700 spec_breath_lightning * Jher the trainer of wargs
M  32701 spec_thief		*a young warg
M  32702 spec_guard		*the warg prince
M  32703 spec_poison		*warg mother
M  32704 spec_fido		*warg father
M  32705 spec_fido		*the young hungry warg
M  32706 spec_poison		*the snake
M  32707 spec_breath_lightning	*Beorn
M  32708 spec_poison		*the bat
M  32709 spec_guard		*Htrag the breeder
M  32710 spec_poison		*the female warg
M  32711 spec_thief		*the male warg
M  32712 spec_janitor		*Sapth
M  32713 spec_guard		*the guard
M  32714 spec_guard		*the guard
