                        >Room Flags<

The following is a list and a brief description of all room flags

syntax: name              flag #  stat name    defined name 

The value for flag # includes the offset of +1

Shop                1       Shoppe          RSHOPP
    The room serves as a shop where players can buy goods.

Recycle             2       Dump            RDUMPR
    All items dropped in the room will be recycled (disappear)
and the player will get 5 gp for each item dropped.

Pawnshop            3       Pawnshop	    RPAWNS
    Room can serve as a shop for player to sell their goods.

Training ground     4-5-6-7   Train           RTRAIN
    Room can serve as a training ground for characters.

Name                    Flags
----                    -----

Assassin                7
Barbarian               6
Cleric                  6, 7
Fighter                 5
Mage                    5, 7
Paladin                 5, 6
Ranger                  5, 6, 7
Thief                   4

Repair Shop         8       Repair          RREPAI
    Players can have weapons and armor repaired in the room.

Continual Darkness  9       DarkAlways      RDARKR
    The room is constantly in darkness, players need to be able
to see int he dark or have a light source to be able to see.

Dark At Night       10      DarkNight       RDARKN
    Players need to have a light source or intrared vison
to see the room at nigth (game time).

Post Office         11      PostOffice      RPOSTO
    A player can send or read their mail in the room.

Safe Room           12      NoPlyKill       RNOKIL
    The room is a safe room, no player killing or player stealing
allow in the room.

No Teleport         13      NoTeleport      RNOTEL
    Players are unable to teleport, be summoned to or track to
the room.

Fast heal           14      HealFast        RHEALR
    Players heal time is reduced in this room to promote faster healing.

One Player          15      OnePlayer       RONEPL
    A maxium of one player is allowed in the room.

Two Player          16      TwoPlayer       RTWOPL
    A maxium of two players are allowed in the room at the same time.

Three Player        17      Threeplyr       RTHREE
    A maxium of three players are allowed in the room at the same time.

No Magic            18      NoMagic         RNOMAG
    Players are unable to cast any form of magic in this room.

Permanent Tracks    19      PermTrack       RPTRAK
    The room has "permanent" tracks on the ground which rangers
can detect withthe track command.

Earth Realm         20      Earth           REATH
    All Earth realm spells gain a damage bonus while Wind
spell suffer a damage penality when casted in the room.

Wind Realm          21      Wind            RWINDR
    All Wind realm spells gain a damage bonus while Earth
spell suffer a damage penality when casted in the room.

Fire Realm          22      Fire            RFIRER
    All Fire realm spells gain a damage bonus while Water
spell suffer a damage penality when casted in the room.

Water Realm         23      Water           RWATER
    All Water realm spells gain a damage bonus while Fire
spell suffer a damage penality when casted in the room.

Group Wander        24      Group           RPLWAN
    The monster of random monsters taht appear will be based
on the size of the group in the room. I.E. if 4 players are in the
room between 1 to 3 monster will appear at one time.

Player Harm         25      PHarm           RPHARM
    Players that spend a certian lenght of time in thisd room
will start to lose hp.  If an elemental flag is set for
the room (Fire, Water, Wind, Earth), the player will lose damage
with respects to that realm (fire realm: player gets burnt, etc.)
If a player has the proper resist-element for given element
(earthshiled for earth pharm rooms, the player won't suffer
any damage.

Poison              26      P-Poison        RPPOIS
    If the RPPOIS flag is set in conjunction with the RPHARM flag,
a player will become posioned if they spend enough time inthe room.
The player will not suffer any damage unless an elemental flag is set.

Magic Drain         27      MPDrain         RPMPRD
    If the RPMPDR flag is set in conjunction with the RPHARM flag,
a player will lose magic points in the room.  A player will
not die if their mp reaches 0.  The player will not suffer any 
damage unless an elemental flag is set.

Befuddling          28      Confusion       RPBEFU
    If the RPBEFU flag is set in conjunction with the RPHARM flag,
a player will become confused for a short peroid of time if they
spend enough time in the room. The player will not suffer any
damage unless an elemental flag is set.

No Summon           29      No SUmmon       RNOLEA
    Players in the room can not be summoned out of, regardless
if the no summon is set or cleared.

Pledge              30      Pledge          RPLDGK
    The room can serve as a place for players to pledge
their alligance  to a kingdom. Note: a monster with the 
MPLDGK flag set must also be in the room.

Rescind             31      Rescind         RRSCND
    The room can serve as a place for players to rescind
their alligance  to a kingdom. Note: a monster with the 
MRSCND flag set must also be in the room.

No Potion           32      No Potion       RNOPOT
    Players will be unable to drink potions in the room.  Any
attemp to do so wil result in the evaporation of th epotion.

Extended Magic      33      Pmagic          RPMEXT
    Players casting defesnive spells will have an increased duration while
mend wounds and vigor would have inceased healing power.