# Makefile for TinyMuck 1.2

# GCC:
AR = ar
OPTIM= -g -O2 -pipe -Wall -W -Wno-parentheses -Wno-unused
INCS = -I.

# The suffix appended to executables.  
# This should be set for Cygwin and Windows.
EXE = .exe
#EXE =

# To log failed commands (HUH's) to stderr, include -DLOG_FAILED_COMMANDS
# To restricted object-creating commands to users with the BUILDER bit,
# To log all commands, include -DLOG_COMMANDS
# To force fork_and_dump() to use vfork() instead of fork(), include 
# To force grow_database() to be clever about its memory management,
#   include -DDB_DOUBLING.  Use this only if your realloc does not allocate
#   in powers of 2 (if you already have a clever realloc, this option will
#   only cost you extra space).
# By default, db.c initially allocates enough space for 10000 objects, then
#   grows the space if needed.  To change this value, include
#   -DDB_INITIAL_SIZE=xxxx where xxxx is the new value (minimum 1).
# To include code for keeping track of the number of blocks allocated,
#   include -DTEST_MALLOC.
# To include code which attempts to compress string data, include -DCOMPRESS.
# To eliminate the message third parties see when a player whispers, include
# To include gender flags and pronoun substitution code, 
#   include -DGENDER.
# To allow players to claim ownership of objects using @chown, 
#   include -DPLAYER_CHOWN.  This also adds the CHOWN_OK flag,
#   to indicate whether an object is @chownable.
# To include teleport-to-player destinations for exits,
# To make the ``examine'' command display full names for types and flags,
# To display "has connected" and "has disconnected" messages, use
# To allow players to set HAVEN flags, use -DHAVEN.
# To allow players to set ABODE flags, use -DABODE.
# To allow the game to dump core after PANIC dumps, use -DCOREDUMP.
# For the WHO list for wizards to show hostnames instead of addresses, use

LIBS= -Lrwho -lcrypt -lrwho 

# Everything except interface.c --- allows for multiple interfaces
CFILES= create.c game.c help.c look.c match.c move.c player.c predicates.c \
	rob.c set.c speech.c stringutil.c utils.c wiz.c db.c boolexp.c \
	unparse.c compress.c property.c hashtab.c os.c
OFILES = $(CFILES:.c=.o)

HFILES = config.h copyright.h db.h externs.h hashtab.h interface.h match.h os.h 

AUX_FILES = CHANGES README restart minimal.db small.db muck.doc help.txt \
    decompress.c interface.c sanity.c \
    Makefile Makefile.bor \
RWHO_LIB = rwho/librwho.a
RWHO_FILES = rwho/clilib.c rwho/mudwho.c rwho/mwhod.c rwho/mwhocmd.c 
    rwho/muds.dat rwho/rwhodoc rwho/rwhostart rwho/mwhod.doc

GAME_FILES = game/help.txt game/lockout.txt game/news.txt game/restart \

# Files in the standard distribution
# currently missing sanity-check.c extract.c dump.c
# I have replaced sanity-check.c with sanity.c -- it's my own version

OBJDEPENDS = $(OFILES) $(RWHO_OFILES) decompress.o sanity.o interface.o

PDIST= $(patsubst %,tinymuck/%,$(DISTFILES))

TARGETS= $(RWHO_LIB) netmuck$(EXE) decompress$(EXE) sanity$(EXE) \
  mudwho$(EXE) mwhod$(EXE) mwhocmd$(EXE)

all: $(TARGETS) 

netmuck$(EXE): interface.o $(OFILES)
	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(LIBS) 

sanity$(EXE): sanity.o utils.o db.o compress.o
	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(LIBS) 

decompress$(EXE): decompress.o compress.o
	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(LIBS) 

mudwho$(EXE): rwho/mudwho.o 
	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(LIBS)

mwhod$(EXE): rwho/mwhod.o 
	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(LIBS)

mwhocmd$(EXE): rwho/mwhocmd.o 
	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(LIBS)

$(RWHO_LIB) : rwho/clilib.o
	$(AR) rsc $@ $^

	-rm -f a.out gmon.out $(TARGETS) $(OBJDEPENDS) $(OBJDEPENDS:.o=.d)

	ln -s ./ tinymuck
	tar czvf tinymuck-1.2-$(RELEASE).tar.gz $(PDIST)
	rm tinymuck

# pull in dependency info for *existing* .o files
-include $(OBJDEPENDS:.o=.d)

# compile and generate dependency info;
# more complicated dependency computation, so all prereqs listed
# will also become command-less, prereq-less targets
#   sed:    append directory to object target. (gcc bug?)
#   sed:    strip the target (everything before colon)
#   sed:    remove any continuation backslashes
#   fmt -1: list words one per line
#   sed:    strip leading spaces
#   sed:    add trailing colons
%.o: %.c
	$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $*.c -o $*.o
	@$(CC) -MM $(CFLAGS) $*.c > $*.d
	@mv -f $*.d $*.d.tmp
	@sed -e 's|.*:|$*.o:|' < $*.d.tmp > $*.d
	@sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/\\$$//' < $*.d.tmp | fmt -1 | \
	  sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/$$/:/' >> $*.d
	@rm -f $*.d.tmp