/* $Header: interface.h,v 1.1 90/04/14 14:56:36 lachesis Exp $
 * $Log:	interface.h,v $
 * Revision 1.1  90/04/14  14:56:36  lachesis
 * Initial revision
#include "copyright.h"

#include "db.h"

/* these symbols must be defined by the interface */
extern int notify (dbref player, const char *msg);
extern int boot_off (dbref);
extern int shutdown_flag;       /* if non-zero, interface should shut down */
extern void emergency_shutdown (void);

/* the following symbols are provided by game.c */

/* max length of command argument to process_command */
#define MAX_COMMAND_LEN 512
extern void process_command (dbref player, char *command);

extern dbref create_player (const char *name, const char *password);
extern dbref connect_player (const char *name, const char *password);
extern void do_look_around (dbref player);

extern int init_game (const char *infile, const char *outfile);
extern void dump_database (void);
extern void panic (const char *);