/* $Header: config.h,v 1.4 90/04/24 14:46:24 lachesis Exp $
 * $Log:	config.h,v $
 * Revision 1.4  90/04/24  14:46:24  lachesis
 * Fixed the @odrop on rooms to links.
 * Revision 1.3  90/04/21  17:20:37  lachesis
 * Added property lists.
 * Revision 1.2  90/04/17  17:02:00  lachesis
 * Changed things to start TestMUCK.
 * Revision 1.1  90/04/14  14:56:30  lachesis
 * Initial revision
#include "copyright.h"

/* room number of player start location */
#define PLAYER_START 0

/* minimum cost to create various things */
#define OBJECT_COST 10
#define EXIT_COST 1
#define LINK_COST 1
#define ROOM_COST 10

/* cost to do a scan */
#define LOOKUP_COST 1

/* limit on player name length */

/* magic cookies */
#define NOT_TOKEN '!'
#define AND_TOKEN '&'
#define OR_TOKEN '|'
#define THING_TOKEN 'x'
#define LOOKUP_TOKEN '*'
#define NUMBER_TOKEN '#'
#define ARG_DELIMITER '='
#define PROP_DELIMITER ':'

/* magic command cookies */
#define SAY_TOKEN '"'
#define POSE_TOKEN ':'

/* amount of object endowment, based on cost */
#define OBJECT_ENDOWMENT(cost) (((cost)-5)/5)

/* amount at which temple stops being so profitable */
#define MAX_PENNIES 10000

/* penny generation parameters */
#define PENNY_RATE 10           /* 1/chance of getting a penny per room */

/* costs of kill command */
#define KILL_BASE_COST 100      /* prob = expenditure/KILL_BASE_COST */
#define KILL_MIN_COST 10
#define KILL_BONUS 50           /* paid to victim */

/* delimiter for lists of exit aliases */
#define EXIT_DELIMITER ';'

/* maximum number of destinations for an exit */
#define MAX_LINKS 50

/* timing stuff */
#ifdef CMU
#define DUMP_INTERVAL 86400     /* seconds between dumps */
#define DUMP_INTERVAL 3600      /* seconds between dumps */
#endif /* CMU */
#define COMMAND_TIME_MSEC 1000  /* time slice length in milliseconds */
#define COMMAND_BURST_SIZE 100  /* commands allowed per user in a burst */
#define COMMANDS_PER_TIME 1     /* commands per time slice after burst */

/* maximum amount of queued output */
#define MAX_OUTPUT 16384
#define DB_INITIAL_SIZE		100

#define TINYPORT 6250
#define WELCOME_MESSAGE "Welcome to ASYLUM, or the location of the West End Institute for the Reality\nDisabled.  We know you'll find your stop here restful, and hopefully we'll be\nbe able to give you the help we know you'll want.  We just want you to know\nthat any rumors of inmate escapes are just...rumors.\n\nJust enter\n\"connect name password\" if you're a returning player.\n\nIf you are just looking around, enter \"connect guest guest\".\n\nTo get a new character, send mail to jennifer@hardy.math.okstate.edu,\nwith the name of the character you want, and a valid email address. Your\ncharacter's password will be mailed back to you within a day or so.\n\nNo abuse.  Our doctors are instructed to keep the patients under control.\n\nREAD THIS: You are NOT guaranteed privacy under ANY conditions while logged\ninto Asylum.  The administration takes NO responsibility for any errors in\njudgement that result in you feeling your 'privacy' has been invaded.\n\n"

#define LEAVE_MESSAGE "\nGoodbye, and good luck in the Real World! (You'll need it.)\n"


#define HELP_FILE "help.txt"

#define NEWS_FILE "news.txt"

#ifdef LOCKOUT
#define LOCKOUT_FILE "lockout.txt"
#endif /* LOCKOUT */