TinyMUCK 2.2fb6.x should now be easier to compile on various systems.
The steps for compiling your muck are now to:

(1) Run './configure' with whatever arguments you wish to pass.  Common
	ones are:
	--prefix=|path|			-- Defaults to /usr/local, sets where things
								get installed.
	--with-ssl[=path]		-- Tells where OpenSSL libs are installed.
	--enable-memprof		-- debugging aid, profiles memory allocation
	--enable-debug			-- debugging aid, enables assert()
	--enable-ipv6			-- Compiles to use IPv6 instead of IPv4

(2) edit the file include/config.h to set preferences; most of the
	defaults are reasonable.

(3) Type 'make'.  This will compile the pcre library used by fbmuck, and then
	will compile the MUCK itself.  If there are any errors during this
	phase, please see below for information on how to diagnose it.

(4) Type 'make install'.  This will copy the fbmuck, fb-resolver, and other
	binaries to ${prefix}/bin, and copy the shared MUCK documentation to

(5) (optional) If you aren't upgrading, choose a starter database to install.
	We recommend the advancedb, but there are (currently) two other options
	as well -- the basedb from fb5, and a tiny db that contains only the
	most commonly-required programs.  Untar the one you wish to use,
	and follow the instructions in the README to install it.

In the best of all worlds, step 3 should create a fully compiled fbmuck
on any unix in existance. Being that the world is not perfect, however,
here are some tips:

*       If it chooses gcc, and gcc is broken on your system (such as
        Ultrix on a MIPS), you can run "CC=cc ; configure" to force it
        to use your local compiler. (or: "setenv CC cc ; configure" for
        you csh/tcsh users)

*       In some really bad cases you may have problems in wiz.c with
        either the do_usage function, or do_memory. Look for the defines
        in config.h NO_USAGE_COMMAND and NO_MEMORY_COMMAND.

*       Also in obscure cases you may have a problem with strftime.c,
        look for the USE_STRFTIME in config.h for some help there.

If you have to do any of these, or have other problems compiling the
server, please contact foxen@belfry.com describing the problem, what
system you are using (uname -a output perferably), and a log of the
compile errors. I will likely also ask for your "autoconf.h" results.

Even if you can fix it yourself, it is helpful to find out what it took
to get it working on your system so that I can make sure later releases
will support your system, and any other system with the same problems.

Alternatively, you can submit all of this information to the fbmuck
project bug tracker at http://www.sf.net/projects/fbmuck .