Installation in a non-shared environment is fairly simple:

	Edit include/config.h to fit your preferences and your system.
	Edit include/params.h also.

	If you want your MUCKs to have the capability to use SSL, ensure
	you have the OpenSSL headers and libraries installed on your system
	and do this:

	    ./configure --with-ssl --prefix=$HOME/fbmuck
		make install    

	Otherwise, do this:

		./configure --prefix=$HOME/fbmuck
		make install    

	The argument to --prefix is the name of the directory you want
	all the fbmuck program and support files to be installed to.  If
	you do not include it, it will default to /usr/local.  If you do
	include it, but specify a directory that you don't have write
	access to, the install step will fail.

	Go to the directory you named in the --prefix, then edit
	game/restart to refer to the apropriate paths and database files.
	After doing this, to start the muck, do the following:
		cd game

Installation in a shared environment is a little trickier:

	Edit include/config.h to fit your preferences and system.  Remember
	that these will affect ALL servers that use these binaries.
	Edit include/params.h as well.

	Do the following:
		./configure --with-ssl

	Then, type:

	This should give you no errors.  If you do come across an error, feel
	free to contact us on SourceForge at http://sf.net/projects/fbmuck

	If it comes out okay, type:
		make install

	to install the binaries to /usr/local/bin and the shared help files
	to /usr/local/share/fbmuck.

	To install the provided System-V or RedHat startup scripts,
	(highly recommended), you type:
		make install-inits

	This will copy the appropriate script to the appropriate place on
	your system, and use chkconfig(8) to install the appropriate links
	into your /etc/rc.d directories.  This lets your system cleanly
	stop and start the mucks when it restarts.  Please see the file
	scripts/fbmuck-sysvinit for more information on configuration.
	(The RedHat startup script works the same way.)

    At this point you need to install some databases.  Use the command:
	    fb-addmuck FooMuck -n minimal -u johndoe -d $HOME/foo -p 8888,8899s

	to create a new muck named FooMuck, located in $HOME/foo that
	is based on the minimal.db starter database, and listens to port
	8888, and to SSL port 8899.  When this muck is started by the init
	scripts, it will be run with user johndoe's permissions.

	There are a couple of starter databases available: minimal and base.
	The minimal db has nothing in it except the starter room and the #1
	Wizard player.  The base db has a small set of commonly used muf
	libraries and globals installed.  It's much generally easier to start
	out with the base starter db.

    If you already have an existing muck database that you would like to
	add to the list of servers managed by the fbmuck init scripts, you
	can add them as follows:
	    fb-addmuck FoobarMuck -d $HOME/foobar -p 4201

	that adds an existing muck named FoobarMuck, which listens on port 4201,
	and has its restart script located in the $HOME/foobar directory.

	If you don't wish to use the fb-addmuck script, you can instead manually
	edit the /etc/fbmucks configuration file.

    To start or stop a single muck that you have permissions for, you can
	use the init scripts.  ie:
	    /etc/init.d/rc.d/fbmuck start FoobarMuck
	    /etc/init.d/rc.d/fbmuck stop FoobarMuck