Changed sanity checking to make it much faster.
Changed finding of orphaned objects to make it less spammy and more useful.
Added @sanfix to auto-repair corrupted databases as best as possible.
Added -sanfix command line option to netmuck, to do a @sanfix at startup time.
Changed {eq} and {ne} to make them not strip spaces before comparing.
Added debugging code to help find incorrect freeing of program strings, and
  related problems.
Fixed some bugs with RECYCLE, DESCR_SETUSER, and a couple other muf primitives
  to prevent the double freeing of muf program strings.

Fixed a bug where explicitly using the JMP MUF primitive would error out.

Added handling for {&var:first,last,sep} to allow getting list items from a
  variable.  Acts exactly like {sublist:{&var},first,last,sep}.  Fewer args
  are also allowed, such as {&var:2} to get the second list item from {&var}.
  One useful variant of all this is {&arg:2,-1,=} to get everything after ths
  first '=' that was given on the command line.
Fixed a bug with MPI matching macros down the environment from trigger owner.
Fixed a crasher bug in sanity checking with invalid object references.
Fixed a logic bug in {sublist} that made {sublist:a***b,2,4,*} return "b"
  instead of "**b".
Changed the numbering of instruction types so all integer types are together
  and all pointer types are together.
Removed the internal primitives IN_IF and IN_PROGRAM.
Added PROG_IF, PROG_EXEC and PROG_JMP internal instruction types for handling
  of if then, loops, and function execution.  These types are displayed in
  dumps as IF->address, EXEC->address and JMP->address.
Changed storge of addresses to include dbref.
Changed MUF system callstack to store dbrefs.
Fixed the single line primitive dump in the MUF debugger so that if the end
  of the line isn't shown, it will display a ... at the end instead of
  displaying just ..., as well as changed it so it would display the whole
  line if possible, and would only display 1 function, if there is more then
  1 function on a line.
Changed the MUF interpreter so if an EXECUTE goes to another program, it is
  treated like a CALL to the function in that program, saving variables and
  changing the active permissions to match that of the called program, and
  CALLs to the current program are treated like an EXECUTE to the program.
  JMPs to other programs will result in a MUF backtrace, erroring out.
Fixed a bug with finding the program UID on programs set HAVEN and STICKY.
  If the inherited level was M1, the program would NOT inherit the UID of the
  calling program.
Fixed a bug that the instances of a program was never decremented.  This
  would result in programs never being freed, and POSSIBLY corruption if a
  program is freed because the instances count wrapped around.
Added the dbref of the current program to the DEBUG dump.
The MUF debugger will now go to the proper program for source listings if
  the current function was called in an EXECUTE from another program.
Function addresses in argument stack backtraces are now displayed as
  '#dbref'function if the address points to another program.
Changed the wizard only mode and player limits to allow any truewizard to
  connect instead of just any wizard.  (ie: ignore QUELL bit for connects)
Fixed bug in INTERP primitive that might have caused a crash on return of an
Fixed crasher bug if a program was dequeued by dbref (IE compiled) and was
  running, but in a call to another program.
Fixed MUF memory leak in CALL and possible leaks in EXECUTE, JMP, & SLEEP.
Fixed MPI {dist} function to accept 2 arguments like it is supposed to.
Fixed a bug that crashed the server on @shutdown, when DELTADUMPS was not
  defined, but DISKBASING was.
Fixed a hanging bug in sanity, if an object's next field pointed to itself.
Changed permissions on the KILL MUF primitive to bring them more in line
  with the permissions for {kill} and @kill.

Changed prochelp.c to improve Indexing by Section for html and helpfiles.
Changed mpihelp docs to use improved indexing scheme.
Restricted @examine to usage by God only.
Fixed a security hole that allowed all Wizards to see player passwords.
  (Including the GOD password.)

Fixed a crasher bug with using MUD_ID in params.h
Fixed a few error messages in sanity checking.
Fixed @sanchange for changing the home field on an object.
Added ability for @sanchange to edit object ownership.
Fixed bug with sanity gagging on recycled objects.
Fixed bug with 'help', 'mpi', 'man', and 'news' not giving default text.
Changed @examine to give data on recycled objects too.
Fixed some small compile warnings that show up with gcc -Wall. (up to edit.c)
Fixed a crasher bug caused by double-freeing of public functions when a muf
  program gets multiple errors trying to compile.
WARNING: Some pre2.0.x versions of the Linux kernel appear to have a bug with
  closing the stderr output stream.  Do NOT use the DETACH #define option with
  these kernels.

Fixed a typo in 'man primitives'.
Fixed some errors regarding timezones in the time section of the MPI docs.
Fixed permissions in the muf COPYOBJ primitive, to give permission denied
  when trying to copy an object you don't own, with perms of less than M3.
Changed 'man', 'mpi', and 'help' help commands to require exact topic matches,
  to provent preblems of matching topic ABCD, when looking for topic AB.
Added {LISTPROPS:propdirname,object,pattern} to MPI.  This function will return
  a list of the full names of the properties that are contained in tha given
  propdir, on the given object.  The object, if not given, defaults to the
  trigger object.  If a pattern is given, the sub-properties in the propdir
  are each compared against the smatch wildcard pattern, and only those that
  match are returned.  This comparison is only done on the last part of the
  property name after the last /.
Added {PROPDIR:propname,obj} to MPI.  If the given property on the given obj
  is a propdir, containing sub-properties, then this returns true.  Otherwise
  it returns false.  Object will default to the trigger object, if not given.
Updated documentation for MPI.
Changed restart script to let the user define the port for the server to use,
  in the script itself.  This can be overridden on the command line.
Added ability for quoting text in MPI with backquotes (`) so that it gets
  translated literally.  Backquotes can be put inside pairs of backquotes
  simply by escaping them with a backslash.  To quote something, put `s
  around it.  ie:  {delay:5,`The delay was {subt:{secs},`{secs}`} long.`}
  NOTE: The ` handling is done BEFORE command handling, so `s in {lit:}s
  will need to be escaped with backslashes to be returned as part of the
  literal string.
Added automatic sanity checking to the server on startup.  Running netmuck
  with the command line option -nosanity will disable this.  If you want to
  check sanity interactively like the old sanity program did, run netmuck
  with the command line option -insanity. (interactive sanity)  If the server
  determines that the database does not pass the sanity checks, then the
  game is started up in Wizard Only mode, allowing only Wizards to log in.
Added @sanity command, to allow wizards to check database sanity.
Added @examine command, to allow Wizards to view the underlying database
  structure information for an object.
Added @sanchange command, to allow GOD (and only GOD) to edit the underlying
  structure of the database.  The syntax is '@sanrepair #DBREF FIELD #OBJREF'
  where DBREF is the object whose FIELD is being edited, and OBJREF is the
  object reference value to which FIELD is being set.  The valid FIELDs for
  this command are: exits, contents, next, location, and home.
Added @restrict command, to allow wizards to restrict login access to wizards
  only.  The syntax of this command is '@restrict on' or '@restrict off', to
  turn on and off the wizard-only login restriction.

Fixed a crasher bug with uncompressing strings longer than BUFFER_LEN.
Fixed a crasher bug with the MUF prim EXPLODE double-freeing a string.
Fixed a hanging bug with incorrectly handling various READ errors.
Fixed a near infinite loop with recycling a room that retrieves you.
Fixed a minor bug, to not display compiler errors if player is in READ.
Fixed a small compile warning in prim_interp().
Added a wizard-warning for when the playername hashtable appears to be bad,
  and automatically rebuilds it from scratch if it is.
Changed the TESTLOCK muf primitive to not error out with puppets.
Changed the $echo MUF directive to echo the rest of the text on the line,
  instead of just the next token as it was previously incorrectly doing.
Changed MUF to increment the integer value of the property .debug/errcount
  whenever a muf program crashes.  This is done on both the program that
  the muf interpreter crashed in, and on the program that the user initially
  called.  This can give you an idea of how often your programs are crashing.
Changed MUF to store a muf program error message in the string property
  .debug/lasterr, on both the program the interpreter crashed in, and on the
  program that the user initially called.  This can tell you how users last
  managed to crash your programs.
Changed MUF to store the time as a systime integer in the property named
  .debug/lastcrash, whenever a muf program crashes.  This is done on both
  the program the interpreter errored out in, and on the program the user
  initially called.  This is useful to know when a muf program of yours
  last got an error.

Fixed a hanging/crashing bug after exiting the MUF debugger.
Fixed a bug to not save out READMODE flags to databases on disk.
Fixed crasher bug with INTERP muf primitive.
Fixed a bug in STRENCRYPT/STRDECRYPT muf primitives.

Fixed timestamps in logfiles.  (For want of an s, the time was lost.)
Fixed notify_except for echoing messages in vehicles.
Fixed portability problem in topwords.  Use POSIX strchr() instead of index().
Added {created:obj}, {modified:obj}, {lastused:obj}, and {usecount:obj} MPI
  primitives to allow getting timestamp info on an object.
Fixed some bugs with resolver not working under various operating systems.
Fixed possible crasher bug with DESCR_SETUSER muf primitive.
Fixed configure script for Linux slackware 3.0 libraries oddness.
Added server ability to automatically boot idle players.  You can turn this
  on with the IDLEBOOT boolean @tune parameter, and set the maximum allowed
  idle time with the MAXIDLE time @tune parameter.  Wizards are never booted.
  If a player gets booted, the message they see is the IDLEBOOT_MESG @tune
  string.  (Thanks, Fre'ta!)
Changed MOVETO muf primitive to allow moving of actions, if program is wizbit.
Removed USERNAME from all but GOD (#1)'s WHO list, to address privacy concerns.
Added wizbit CONUSER (i -- s) muf primitive for programs that absolutely must
  have the username.  (Ie: user banning programs.)
Changed CONHOST muf prim to only return the hostname, and no username.
Added CHECKPASSWORD (d s -- i) wizbit primitive.  Checks if player d's password
  is the same as string s, and if so, returns 1, otherwise, returns 0.
Changed @ps output to list the trigger object for MPI delayed events.
Fixed a crasher bug caused by forcing commands on players in read mode.
Changed MUF READ handling to make READs become events on the @ps process list.
Fixed bugs that would have allowed messages to be echoed into VEHICLEs that
  were set DARK, and into VEHICLEs that were in rooms set VEHICLE.
Fixed bug that caused messages not to be echoed into the interior of VEHICLEs
  at all.
Fixed bug in MOVETO that allowed unprivileged players to teleport into vehicles
  that were not in the same room as the player.
Fixed bug that allowed players to @teleport themselves into VEHICLEs located
  in rooms they did not control.
Fixed bug that allowed players to @teleport themselves into objects that were
  not set VEHICLE.
Objects can now be used as the dropto for rooms, or as the home for other
  objects.  The object being linked to must be set ABODE if not owned by the
Added @credits command to list the hidden credits info that was always in FB.
Changed {fox} to return YARF!.
Added {debugif:condition,statement}. If condition evals true, use debug mode
  when evaluating statement.  Otherwise eval statement in regular mode.
Added several checks to trap failed memory allocations.  Prints msg to stderr.
Added ABATE alias for ABODE flag on exits.  An exit with the ABATE flag
  is a lower priority then one without the ABATE flag, making it lower
  then the M0 exit priority.
Changed MPI permissions so MPI with Wizard permissions can set any property.
Fixed DELPROP error reporting in MPI.
Fixed bug that padded all strings echoed from vehicles to the maximum
  buffer length.
Fixed bug that would cause the player_start to be set to #0 when loaded
  from the database file.
Added _sys/max_connects property on #0, to let programs get the max_players
  info that is displayed in the standard WHO list.
Fixed recursion bug with MUF errors in _listen propqueues
Added a maximum players connect limit.  This is @tunable with the following:
  @tune playermax=y         To limit how many players can connect.
  @tune playermax_limit     To set the max number of connects.
  @tune playermax_warnmesg  Mesg shown at connect screen, if #connects > max
  @tune playermax_bootmesg  Mesg shown when denying connect, if #connects > max
  Wizards can always connect.  The warning message lets players know when they
  first connect if they likely won't be able to connect.  Wizards can ignore
  that.  When the player sends the connect string, it checks if the player is
  a wizard.  If not, it sends them the boot message, and disconnects them.

Changed logout sequence to (hopefully) prevent showing text after the 'bye'
  message, when you log out using QUIT.
Substantially rewrote the restart script to hopefully be safer and allow
  fewer lost databases due to multiple restart attempts.  Also added some
  comments to it to make it easier for most users to modify appropriately.
Added messages to optimdb to make it more verbose, to prevent panicking
  users when it takes a long time on big databases.
Fixed unterminated string error with {foreach} with empty list.
Removed permissions check in ISPID? to make it available for ML1 programs.
Fixed {lsort}'s variable handling for dynamic sorts.
Fixed hanging bug caused by @recyling a room while in it.
Fixed some problems in the muf manual man.txt file, and updated it some.

Fixed a bug with how registered names interacted with the new compression code.
Changed how the welcome.txt banner page is displayed at login, to add carriage
  returns to lines that only end in line feeds.
Fixed configure script to handle @'s in the results of 'uname -a'.
Fixed an infinite loop bug with @recycling a room you're in while someone is
  using a 'ride' program to follow you.
Changed logging functions to give the time in HH:MM:SS MM/DD/YY format.
Fixed unterminated result from {for} when boundries would cause no execution.
Fixed ADDPROP to clear property values when passed a null string and a 0 for
  values.  If the property is not a propdir, it also gets removed.
Fixed {ref} to always return value passed if passed a raw dbref.  ie: {ref:#8}
Updated the README packaged with the server.
Added new shell script named 'optimdb' that re-optimizes the compression of
  a database, saving the optimized db out to another file.  The usage is:
        optimdb db-infile db-outfile

Fixed a problem with spontaneous shutdowns under Linux, when a connection
  dies just as the server tries to accept the connection.  Now the error is
  logged to stderr, and the server just continues on like it never happened.
Changed {dice} to limit the number of dice to 8888, to prevent the server
  from hanging on huge numbers of dice to roll.
Added timestamps to the commands log.
Fixed dump warnings to much more accurately warn of monolithic dumps.
Changed db format to store @tune parameters.  '@tune save' and '@tune load'
  still save to and load from the parmsfile.cfg file.  Parameters in the DB
  override the parameters in the parmsfile.cfg, but you can read in the
  parmsfile.cfg with '@tune load'.  When the database is dumped to disk,
  in a monolithic dump, the @tune parameters are saved at the beginning of
  the DB.
Changed the KILL muf primitive to allow ML1 and 2 programs to kill themselves.
Changed dbref unparsing so player dbrefs no longer show to the owner of that
  player's home room.
Changed the compression algorithm to a dictionary based compression scheme.
  It gets better compression than the old bigraph compression.  The database
  format was changed to hold the dictionary for this as well as the @tune stuff
  mentioned above.  Old databases wil be converted to the new format automatic-
  AND IS USED IN FB BY SPECIFIC PERMISSION.  NOTE: these changes should reduce
  the size of large databases, but will likely increase the size of small DBs,
  compared to bigraph compression, due to the addition of the dictionary to
  the db.
Changed main netmuck program launching argument format such that it can accept
  -option arguments anywhere in it's command line.  There are now two -options
  available.  -convert will cause netmuck to read the input database, then
  immediately save the db to the output database and shut down, without ever
  starting up muf programs or allowing connections.  -decompress causes netmuck
  to save the output databases it writes into an uncompressed format. Example:
  "netmuck -convert -decompress infile.db outfile.db" will convert the db in
  infile.db to the most current database format, with no compression.
Added 'topwords' program that will find the 4096 most common words in a db.
  topwords is a filter.  You pipe the uncompressed db into it and it returns
  the 4096 optimized dictionary words.  If you have a small database, it is
  best to simply use the game/data/wordlist.txt file provided with this re-
  lease.  If you have a large db, decompress a copy of it and run it through
  topwords, take the output words, and store them in the wordlist.txt file
  (after backing up the old one) then use netmuck with the -convert option
  to convert the uncompressed db into a db with the new compression using the
  optimized wordslist.

Fixed a bug with the fb5.42 fix to SETLINK.  Wizbit programs will be able to
  use SETLINK with impunity now.
Changed unparse_object() so that players see the dbrefs of objects that they
  could @unlink.  This is so that @contents and @entrances provide useful
Fixed a logic problem with @chown.  NOTE: IMPORTANT SECURITY FIX!!!!!!!
Changed @chown to let players @chown an exit to themselves if they own the
  object it is attached to, or an object it is linked to.
Fixed a security hole where puppets and vehicles could be used as MPI bugs.
Fixed a compiling error when SPAWN_HOST_RESOLVER is undefined.

Fixed a portability bug with strencrypt referring to random(), not RANDOM().
Fixed a corrupting bug in deltas loading.  (Thanks, Lynx!)
Fixed setlink to always have permissions for wizbit.
Changed the get command to keep puppets from picking up stuff in a player.
Changed permissions, so players do NOT control exits linked or attached to
  something they own, unless they own the exit itself.
Changed @unlink, so you CAN unlink things, player, exits, room, etc.  that
  are linked to something you own.
Changed @chown, so you can chown unlinked exits to yourself.  This is useful
  if you want to remove an exit attached to your room, that you don't own.
  You can @unlink it first, then @chown it to yourself, then @recycle it.
Fixed @unlink, @unlock, and @uncompile to correctly match their command names.
Fixed a crashing off-by-one buffer over-run error in the MPI parser.  This fix
  should solve all the reports of server crashes due to overly large lists.

Patched process_commands to set the command @ variable for commands such as
  'home', '@teleport', etc that can indirectly run MUF.
Fixed a crashing bug and db array underflow bug in the exit matching routines,
  for matches initiated from room #0, with other unusual memory conditions.
Messages heard by a zombie are now displayed to their owner prepended with the
  string contents of the _/pecho property on the zombie.  If no such string
  property exists on the puppet, then the default is the name of the zombie
  with a > at the end.  This message is parsed for MPI.
Messages echoed into the interior of a vehicle are now prepended by the string
  contents of the _/oecho property on the vehicle.  If no such property exists,
  the default prepending string will be 'outside>'.  The _/oecho message is
  parsed for MPI.
Added @OECHO and @PECHO commands, for setting the _/oecho and _/pecho props.
Made {nearby} be able to work with remote objects, just as long as at least one
  of the objects is local to either the player or the trigger.
Fixed argument count checks to {lsort}
Fixed argument ordering of {fold} to match the documentation.
Added STRENCRYPT (s1 s2 -- s3) which takes string s1, and encrypts it using the
  key s2, returning the encrypted string s3.
Added STRDECRYPT (s1 s2 -- s3) which takes the encrypted string s1, and decrypts
  it using the key s2, returning the plaintext string s3.
Fixed a crashing bug with subpropdirs in _defs/ propdirs when compiling.
Fixed a hanging bug caused by an infinite parent loop.  Now @link and the MUF
  SETLINK primitive will error out if you try to home a vehicle object to
  a player or thing that is contained by the vehicle.
Updated sanity program with some fixes from Lynx.
Fixed some bugs in the matching routines with patches from darkfox.
Fixed Sanity to not complain about things homed to things.

Fixed some portability problems with compiling the resolver under Solaris.
Fixed some bugs with the hostname resolver dying on reading negative port nums.
  (So don't pass it negative port nums, you silly server!  Use unsigned short!)
Cleaned up some stuff to make fb compile a bit cleaner under Next.  Still ugly.

Changed logout/DESCR_SETUSER code to possibly fix a crasher/hanging bug.
Fixed a bug with {kill} not just returning 0 for non-existent processes.
Fixed possible crasher bugs with debugger.c functions returning pointers to
  buffers that are not declared static.
Added the SPAWN_HOST_RESOLVER #define, to let you compile the server to spawn
  a second process, when it starts up, that will do hostname (and username, via
  identd) resolution.  This means that the server will not pause while trying
  to resolve a machine's hostname, but the hostname for connections is updated
  as soon as the resolver process can figure out the connection's hostname.
  (and username, if identd is available on their site.)
Updated the Makefile to compile the resolver binary.
NOTE:  You MUST place the 'resolver' executable in the working directory that
  you run the netmuck program from.
Fixed bug where non-existent command names starting with 'd', wouldn't give
  the 'Huh?' error message.

Fixed a crasher bug with wildcard patterns ending in a single '\'.
Fixed a bug with RECYCLE refusing to recycle a room, if it is the trigger obj.
Added some stuff to MPI, MUF, and help documentation.

Added the 'disembark' alias for the 'leave' command, used to exit vehicles.
Fixed a crashing bug again (I hope) with lock props to recycled objects, and
  propval diskbasing.
Fixed a bug where non-found protected props will error out down the environ.
Fixed possible crasher bugs in {parse} and {lunion}.
Optimized {parse}, {lunion}, and {lunique} functions.
Optimized {exits} and {contents} functions.
Changed {tell} to not prepend a > before messages to either the owner of the
  object whose permissions are being used, or to the triggering player.
Changed spit_file() and index_file() in help.c, to print two spaces on a blank
  line, so blank lines get displayed to a user in the help, info, etc commands.
Fixed a bug with exit priorities matching.  It no longer randomly chooses
  between exits of lower priority, and those of higher priority that are
  further down the environment.
Changed Z flag effects so exits set Z don't show/exec @succ/@fails for Zombies.
Fixed a crashing bug with {lrand:{null}}.
Fixed a crasher bug with '$define foo $enddef'
Fixed a crasher bug when strlen(playername) + strlen(message) > BUFFER_LEN
  in parse_omessage().

Made significant changes to MPI to disassociate permissions from the trigger.
  This should make 'this' always be the object {exec}ed or {lexec}ed.
Added INTERP (d d2 s -- ?) MUF prim that takes a program dbref to run, the
  trigger to use, and the top stack item string.  It runs the MUF program with
  the given trigger (with the given string on top of the stack) and returns
  the top stack item that the MUF program exits with.

Fixed that damn {force} bug.  (This time for sure!)
Fixed a crashing bug with diskbased lock propvals pointing at recycled objs.

Changed sanity substantially to allow manual editing of a db, to correct
  DATABASE.  (Thanks, Whitefire!)
Fixed {lmember} to prevent hanging the server on a null list delimiter.
Fixed {isnum?} to return false for null strings.
Added code to abort the server if it gets an error during dbdump.  This keeps
  the deltas files from being erased when the disk fills during dbdump.
Changed {select} to accept negative values without crashing.  Negative vals
  only look at that negative list item value, and don't seek for nearby vals.
Changed permissions of {lexec} so that the mpi code in the given list will
  execute with the permissions and trigger of the calling code, if the list
  is not a _list, %list, .list, or ~list.
Changed permissions of {exec} and {exec!} so that the mpi code in the given
  property will execute with the permissions and trigger of the calling code,
  if the property is not a _prop, %prop, .prop, or ~prop.
Changed {force} to translate lists sent to its command arg, to be translated
  as multiple commands to force.
Changed MUF's FORCE primitive to refuse to force a line with \r's in it.
Fixed {with} so the variable value doesn't reset between arguments.
Updated the mpi documentation for mpihelp, and the info/mpidocs* files.
Edited the documentation order of the MPI functions in the mpihelp file,
  to fix some matching problems.  ie: 'mpi ne' returning info on {nearby},
  instead of on {ne}

Fixed {lrand}'s portability problems with random().
Fixed crashing bugs with AWAKE? and DESCR_SETUSER getting bad dbrefs.
Fixed bug with DESCRIPTORS giving incorrect errors.
Fixed {strip} to work on output of other functions.

Added REGISTRATION_MESG @tune option to let you specify the message seen by
  someone who tries to create a new player object at the login screen.
Added LEAVE_MESG @tune option to let you specify the message seen when a
  player logs off.
Added HUH_MESG @tune option to specify the 'Huh?' message when a player
  enters a command the server doesn't understand.
Added {kill:processID} to kill a process on the timequeue.  If the process ID
  it is given is 0, then it will kill all processes ({delay}s) done by that
  trigger object.  If the process to be killed was not set off by that trigger,
  and was not set off by any object that the owner of the trigger owns, then
  this will error out with Permission denied.  If no process is found, this
  returns 0.  If a process was found, and the permissions were okay, then the
  process is killed, and {kill} returns the number of processes killed.
  Usually one.
Added {for:varname,start,end,increment,command} to act as a for loop.  For
  example: {null:{for:i,1,10,1,{tell:{&i}}}} will echo a count from one to ten,
  inclusive, to the user.
Changed {add}, {subt}, {mult}, {div} and {mod} to accept multiple arguments.
  {add} and {mult} are obvious.  All args are added or multiplied together.
  {subt}, {div}, and {mod} all take the first arg, then perform their operation
  with the rest of the arguments in order.  ie: {subt:10,3,4,2} would take ten,
  and subtract three from it, then subtract four from the result, then take two
  more away from the result of that, and return 1.  ie: 10 - 3 - 4 - 2 = 1.
Make the pennies that zombies find be credited to the zombie's owner.
Changed {or} and {and} to let them take up to nine arguments.  They will return
  true if, respectively, any of the args are true, or all of them are true.
Fixed a bug with {while} with it returning garbage on a failed first iteration,
Added {delprop:propname[,object]} to delete a prop and subsidiary propdirs.
Changed {inc} and {dec} to accept a second argument to specify how much to add
  to or subtract from the variable.
Added {lrand:list[,seperator]} function to return a random stringlist item.
Split out mfunlist.h from msgparse.c, to make it easier to add functions.
Changed all the propfetching functions in MPI to return integer and dbref vals
  for properties, if they are not string properties.
Added {prop!} {index!} and {exec!} to MPI, to look for props only on specified
  object, and not down the environment.
Fixed a crashing bug where the AWAKE? prim accepted invalid dbrefs.
Changed @find/@owned/@contents/@entrances to check both modified and lastused
  times when determining if an object is old and unused.
Changed @find, @owned, @contents, and @entrances to now have two new search
  options, and a new display option:
    @find =~2000=size
  will list all objs in the db whose current memory usage exceeds 2000 bytes.
  This will also display the size after the name and flags of the object.
    @find =^2000=size
  will list all objects whose total size exceeds 2000 bytes.  Note that this
  option will load all of each object into memory to make the size determin-
  ation.  On some systems this can take a while, and on all systems this is
  an abuse to the diskbasing cache.  Only Wizards may use this search feature.

Reset MPI recursion limit to 26 levels, since 31 levels seems to crash fb.
Fixed idiotic crashing bug with untouchprops_rec dereferencing NULL.

Fixed bug with losing programs in editor due to periodic program purging.
  (Thank you Cynbe!)
Changed {count} to make it not strip spaces in it's arguments.
Changed MPI parser so that commands that strip arg spaces do so before parsing
  the MPI that is in the arguments.  This lets you use {lit} to return a space
  to an MPI function that normally strips spaces.
Fixed a bug where timestamps on false exits didn't get updated.
Fixed an infinite loop bug with LOCK_ENVCHECK.
Fixed Mystique's crashing bug with {force} and @flocks to programs.
Added logging of @TUNE changes to the status log.
Changed @unlink to reset thing and player homes to defaults.
Put in a couple patches to hopefully prevent random program lossage.
Fixed bug where text was output after the disconnect message for a player.
Fixed two crashing bugs with @toading of a deltadumped player.
Changed the db_read routine to allow for reading deltas seperately from db.
Changed sanity to accept an optional seperate deltasfile argument.

Fixed a crashing bug with propval diskbasing.  Maybe.
Fixed wizzed object MPI permissions.
Fixed {force} and @force to allow forcing of uncontrolled objects if they
  are @flocked to the forcer.

Made examine list the value of the Force-lock, dangit.
Fixed a couple bugs with the DISKBASE_PROPVALS code. (IMPORTANT FIX)

Fixed a bug in {timesub} where it tried to return the zeroth list item.
Fixed a bug in {tell} where it wouldn't prepend username like it should.
Changed {tell} and {otell} to make then treat multiline strings passed
  to them with {nl}'s in them, act like each line was seperately {tell}ed
  or {otell}ed, respectively.
Made MPI debug and error messages not echo to ~listeners, etc.
Made MUF debug and error messages not echo to ~listeners, etc.
Closed extraordinarily BAD security bug with puppets @forcing their owner.
Changed MPI to check permissions by ownership, not by controls().
Changed MPI to make rooms nearby only if you or the trigger are IN them.
Added the @flock command (force-lock) that says who an object can be forced
  by.  If an object has no @flock, then it is assumed that the object will
  not be forcible by ANYONE. (except wizards, of course)  The @flock is stored
  in the @/flk property on the object.  @flock is used just like @lock.
Added the XFORCIBLE flag, that says that an object is forcible by whoever
  or whatever the object is force-locked to.  An object has to have both
  it's XFORCIBLE flag set and it's force-lock (@flock) set before it can
  be forced by @force or {force}.  BTW:  The X in XFORCIBLE stands for
  eXternally FORCIBLE.
Changed {force} to require that the forced player or puppet must have their
  XFORCIBLE flag set, and that the object be @flocked (force-locked) to the
  MPI trigger object.
Changed @force to require that the forced player or puppet must have their
  XFORCIBLE flag set, and that the object be @flocked (force-locked) to the
  forcing player.  Wizards can still force anyone.
Changed {contents} to list full contents of an object controlled by trigger.
Added the DISKBASE_PROPVALS @tune option.  When it's set to yes, then the
  server does not load the values of string and lock properties until they
  are actually needed.  This increases the number of hits to the disk, and
  slows the server down a bit, but it also takes up less memory.

fixed a bug with the offset field of {timesub} using the period value.
Updated the MPI manuals and intro files.
Included patches for compiling with IRIX.
Fixed a bug with postparsing of MPI.
Made some minor permissions changed with some MPI primitives.
Changed MPI to allow passing of the argument 'home' to certain routines.

Fixed bug with duplicate custom zombie wake-up messages.
Changed {set} to not parse MPI in its output as well as its arguments.
Fixed bug with toading players who have things homed to them.
Fixed bug with echoing to players with the Vehicle flag set.
Added listing of maximum players connected since startup, to WHO.
Added the LOCK_ENVCHECK @tune option.  When set to yes, locks will check
  down the environment, when looking for properties.
Fixed a crashing bug with a static var in a recursive compile.c function.
Fixed muf's SET primitive to work with Zombie.  (hopefully)
Changed MPI so funcs won't return object names instead of dbrefs.
Changed {name} to return the name for any object in the db.
Changed the NEW* creation prims to set ownership to the UID of the program.
Fixed the @set object=:clear bug.  (Finally.  For real this time.)
Changed 'make clean' to make it not remove the makefile.  Use the 
  'make clobber' command if you really want it to do that.
Changed the Makefile to compile sanity without all the san_*.c files.

Fixed bugs in {left} and {center}.
Fixed compile bug with prototyping for {left} {right} and {center}
Added code to abort the server if process_output() gets a null descriptor.
Added Nonblocking patch for ULTRIX systems.  (Look Ma, no lockups!)
Reduced the object struct size by 4 bytes.
Fixed LOCKED? (d d -- i) prim to work on testing against zombies.

Fixed MPI {func} bug.  (I think.)
Fixed man and help for Ultrix.  (stat() on "" should return NULL, dangit!)
Fixed the compatibility mods to work with both SunOS & Solaris.
Added MPI {center:str,fieldwidth,padstr} func for centering strings.
Added MPI {right:str,fieldwidth,padstr} func for right justifying strings.
Added MPI {left:str,fieldwidth,padstr} func for left justifying strings.
Renamed the _look/ propqueue to _lookq/ to stop a bunch of propdir conflicts.
  Most sites already are using the _look/ propdir for local look programs.

Fixed bug with compiling/editing programs that have null lines.
Fixed the _detail/ code, and made the property names work like exit names.
Fixed a somewhat bad memory leak, with unfreed props in deleted propdirs.
Fixed bug with '@set obj=:clear' not clearing all props on object.
Added the _look/ propqueue hooks, run when something is looked at.
Added boolean @tune parm, look_propqueues, to allow _look/ propqueue use.
  @tune this to 'no' to disallow _look/ propqueues on your muck.
Added the GNU auto-configuration code.  Use 'configure', then 'make'
  to compile now.

Fixed bug that prevented debugging of called programs like libraries.
Fixed bug with muf debugger's "where" command giving incorrect information.
Fixed minor bug that kept FB from compiling on several systems.

Modified MALLOC_PROFILING code to list max bytes used for each line.
Fixed a compiler bug on freeing from the middle of a string on escaped words.
Added preliminary POSIX and SYSeVil portability mods.

Fixed possible infinite loop with a muf program failing compile when it is
  a listener program, printing out an error message, and triggering itself
  to try to recompile again.  etc etc.
Made bugfix to loading deltas, that would corrupt the garbage chain.
Made @set ignore trailing spaces on a property name.

Fixed some stuff in fb5.17 that make compiling and running netmuck hard.
Fixed a bad crashing bug with deletion of non-existent properties.
Fixed compile bug with NO_MEMORY_COMMAND in do_memory();

Make several various bugfixes for compiling without DISKBASE defined.
Fixed a few various bugs with MPI and other stuff.
Changed property struct to store the propname in the structure, instead of
 using a pointer to a separate propname.
Added code to allow profiling of what is using up how much memory.
Added DESCR_SETUSER ( i d s -- i ) primitive.  Used to reconnect a descriptor
  to a different dbref.  It first disconnects from the old dbref, then connects
  to the new one as if the connection typed QUIT, then logged into the new
  character.  It takes the descriptor number, the dbref to connect to, and the
  password string for the new player dbref.  If the password given doesn't
  match the player's password, then it gives a permission denied error.  This
  returns a 1 if successful, or a 0 if the given descriptor was not found.
Made bugfix for running of propqueue _departs before player is disconnected.

Fixed bug with setting properties with names that start with a colon.
Added ENVPROP (d s -- ?) primitive.  Like ENVPROPSTR, but reads all proptypes.
Changed ENVPROPSTR and GETPROPSTR to return string representations of dbref and
  lock property types.
Fixed crasher bug with free()ing of old @tune strings, on changing them.
Changed SETOWN prim to check for @chlock Chown_OK locking.
@sweep now lists dark players too.
All MPI and MUF propqueue stuff (_depart, _arrive, _connect, etc) except for
 the _listen, ~listen and ~olisten propqueues, will be run immediately, instead
 of being put on the timequeue in mass when you move about, connect, or other-
 wise trigger them.

Put code in {muf} to stop {muf}-PARSEPROP loops after 18 levels.
Now allow a wizard to list the gripe file via 'gripe' with no args.
Made bugfix to parseprop to make it re-entrant.
Removed USE_SINGLE_*FILE defines, since they aren't needed anymore.
Changed help, mpi, man, and news to show files with the given topic name, in
  the appropriate subdirectory, if they exist, instead of the given topic in
  the single helpfiles.  ie:  'help foo' will look to see if there is a file
  named 'foo' in the 'help' directory.  If there is, it will display it.  If
  not, it will look in the 'help.txt' file for a topic of 'foo'.

Fixed bug with strings in $define-$endef constructs, AGAIN.
Removed extra fclose() from macroload(), that caused LINUX to crash.
Removed setvbuf() calls to speed loads and saves back up.
@descriptions, @succs, etc will now parse MPI in args to @programs they run.
Changed @tune to allow setting a string parm to a null value, using "-".
Added @doing command, and a who_doing @tune option, for @doing in WHO.
  The @doing command sets the _/do property that is displayed in the WHO list.
Added @chlock command to let you set a lock as to who can @chown something.
  This sets the _/chlk lock property.
Added @conlock command to let you set who is allowed to use a container.
  This sets the _/clk lock property that is used by get and put.
Changed the examine command to list @conlock, @chlock, and @doing settings.

Fixed a bug with escaped quotes in strings in $define-$endef constructs.
Fixed a bug with trying to list partial files via the 'info' command.
Fixed a bug with doing an @ps when an MPI event is queued.
Fixed bug with MPI parsing of '{{{'.
Added the 'mpi_max_commands' @tune parm, to set max# of mpi instrs to run.
Updated mpihelp.txt help file.
Added an @memory command to list current malloc()ed heap memory usage stats.

Fixed a bug with QUIT that caused an infloop, and unfreed descriptors.
The _listen propqueue will only run MUF progs, now, using the same old rules.
The _olisten propqueue was removed.  It didn't serve a purpose, not doing MPI.
The ~listen propqueue was added, which can run either MUF or MPI.
The ~olisten propqueue was also added, which can run either MUF or MPI.
The _arrive and _oarrive propqueues now run before _listen, ~listen, or
  ~olisten propqueues that are triggered by the @succ or @osucc message on
  an action.
The _depart and _odepart propqueues now run before _listen, ~listen, or
  ~olisten propqueues that are triggered by the @drop or @odrop message on
  an action.
Fixed a bug where the muf lock prims were clearing extra stack items.
Added a SYSPARM (s -- s) muf prim, to get an @tune system parameter setting.
Fixed a bug in PART_PMATCH where it just plain didn't work.

Fixed bug in killing pid 0.  (shouldn't ever do that) (Thanks, darkfox!)
Fixed bug that allowed locational paradox with a vehicle.
Changed first timeslice of a muf program to 4x regular timeslice.
Added @restart command to shut down, then exec the restart script.
Changed internals of timequeue.
Changed Command @ for _listen queued MUF programs to "(_Listen)"
Changed MPI listener code to store the heard string in {&arg}

Moved a LOT of compiletime defines and options from config.h and params.h
 into the new @tune runtime tunable parameters command.  The defaults for
 these parameters are stored in the 'defaults.h' file.
 Use '@tune' to list all the runtime options, or '@tune <pattern>' to list
 only those options whose name matches the pattern.  '@tune <parm>=<value>'
 will set the given parameter to the given value, if legal.  '@tune load'
 will load the parameters from the 'data/parmfile.cfg' file, and '@tune save'
 will save the current parameters out to that file.  Parameters are auto-
 matically loaded from that file at server startup, and are automatically
 saved to that file at server shutdown.

Removed floating point math from MPI, for efficiency reasons.
Fixed bug with @contents giving a not found error message twice.
Fixed crashing bug with @set object=:clear
Fixed bug with MPI parsing args in a way that mismatched the function run.
Fixed bug with MPI misparsing of macros.
Added {select:value,propname,dbref} MPI function.
Added {timesub:period,offset,listname,dbref} MPI function.

  Fixed a crashing bug with removing all properties on an object.

  Fixed copyobj data loss bug introduces a few beta versions back.

  Fixed RMATCH to check for valid dbrefs passed to it.

  Pair of bugs in announce.c that made it work less than optimally.
  Bug in nextprop where it wasn't clearing the propname returned on a fail.
  Bug where @succ, @fail, @drop, or @desc program would nuke the command
    line argument and command @ of a prog run from the link of an exit.
  SETLINK prim now checks linkability perms by perms of effective UID instead
    of the player.  This means SETUID programs can link exits to things the
    owner of the program controls.
  Bug where \ was not escaping primitives from substitutions.
  Multiple bugs in the restart script.
  Bug in init_checkflags() that made @contents give incorrect results.
  Bug in could_doit that allowed players to use personal links to !JUMP_OK
  Bug allowing players to look at registered objects from afar.
  Bug with invalid _listener warning message going off at wrong times.
  Crashing bug where strlen(propname) + strlen(propstring) > BUFFER_LEN
  Bug where you could do @ and ! with variables of negative numbers.
  Nasty crashing bug with corrupted parent pointers in avl propdir structures.
  Bug where it tried to compress strings in @desc, @succ, @fail, &c. commands
    when COMPRESS was not #defined.  The db should initially load slightly
    faster when COMPRESS *is* defined, also.
  The help.txt (help command) file has been cleaned up and updated a great
    deal, though there remains some updating still to do.
  The man.txt (the MUF manual) file has been updated to correspond with the
    current state of MUF as of fb5.0beta22.
  There is now an 'info muf-tutorial' manual, made by Scotfox, in the
    'game/data/info' directory.
  Made puppets announce to the room when their owner connects or disconnects.
    The default puppet connect message can be overridden with a _/pcon string
    property, and the disconnect message by a _/pdcon string property, set on
    the puppet itself.

  Added the @sweep command to list objects in the room that can hear you.

  Added a new memory manager for systems that have LARGE process sizes.
    balloc() is tuned to reduce overhead and fragmentation of memory on
    databases that tend to take up more than 16 megabytes of process size.

  Added the push, pop, exec, and prim commands to the debugger.

  A muf Debugger.  If you try to run a program that you control, that has its
    ZOMBIE flag set, it will drop you into the MUF debugger.  This lets you
    step line by line, or instruction by instruction through a muf program,
    setting breakpoints to stop at, and other nice things.  There is help
    available within the debugger, via the 'help' command.

  @armageddon lets a wizard shut down the server immediately, without saving
    the database.  This can take an optional argument, explaining the shutdown
    in the form of '@armageddon message'.
  @idescribe lets you set what things look like from the inside.  This sets
    the _/ide property on the object.  Syntax is "@idesc <obj>=<inside desc>"
  The muf property lists read in by {list} and {concat} in MPI can be any one
    of nine list formats, including the listname#/1 style and the listname1
    style formats.  The server automatically determines the list type and
    reads the list in properly.
  The MPI parser is now installed.  This is too large a subject to cover here,
    so there will be a new file put in the info directory that explains it.
    This is a major change.  It adds a lot of MUSH-type stuff to MUCK.
    However, it is *not* MUSH.  It's something derived from several of the
    popular MUF description extension programs.  Only much, much more powerful.
    Example:  To list the awake player in the room in the room's @succ, just
    set the @succ of the room to:
      Awake players: {filter:{contents:here},1,{awake:{1}},{nl},\, }
  There is now a #define option for RWHO that lets you connect your fb muck
    to an RWHO server.  Read the RWHO docs in the docs folder for more info.
  $defines for bg_mode, fg_mode, and pr_mode, for use with the new MODE and
    SETMODE primitives.  fg_mode is defined as an integer denoting foreground
    mode, bg_mode denotes background mode, and pr_mode denotes preempt mode.
  The @contents command will list all objects and exits in the given object
    that match a flags check similar to the ones in @find, @owned, and
    @entrances.  The syntax is '@contents <object>[=<flags>[=<format>]]'
    where <object> is the object to list the items from, <flags> is a flag
    string that everything in the object is checked against, and <format> is
    the format that the list will be displayed in.  See @find, @owned, and
    @entrances for more details
  There is a new #define in params.h, PCREATE_FLAGS, where you can specify
    what flag bits get set as the default when a player is @pcreated.
  The @dlt command will let a wizard force a delta-dump.
  There is now a #define option, DELTADUMPS, that will make the database save
    out in a delta dump format.  That is, only the changed objects are written
    out to the end of a temporary deltas-file, updating it, instead of the
    entire db being written out in a monolithic dump.  When the deltas-file
    grows to about the same number of objects as the input file, it does the
    old monolithic dump to resynchronize the db file.  @dump and @shutdown
    also do the monolithic dump to resynch the db.  Delta dumps are MUCH
    faster than old style dumps.  To create a loadable db from a deltas-file
    and the initial input db, simply append the data/deltas-file file to the
    end of a copy of the input file, and load it up.  This is also handled
    automatically by the restart script.
  Omessages (@odrop, @osucc, etc) that start with an apostrophe, a comma,
    a dash, or a space, will not put in the space between the name and the
    message when they are displayed.

  MPI scripts now cannot call MUF programs with less than Mucker Level 3,
    if the MPI was triggered by a listener.  If the MPI was NOT run from a
    listener, then it can call MUF all it wants.

  MPI cannot run {delay} commands if the MPI code was run by a lock, or from
    a _listen propqueue.

  MPI cannot run {tell} or {otell} commands from a _listen propqueue if
    the trigger object is not a room.

  You now use '@set <object>=:clear' to clear all properties from an object.

  Only players who do not have their Zombie bit set can @force puppets, hear
    puppet echoes, or set Zombie bits on things.  Also, listeners owned by a
    player who is set Zombie will not work.  Only a Wizard may set or clear
    a Zombie bit on a player.

  @teleport will let players teleport themselves between rooms they own.  Also,
    Realm wizards will be able to @teleport players in their realm between any
    two rooms within their realm.

  When you do a 'look <name>' it will first check to see if there is an object
    by that name in the room.  If there is, it does a normal look at that
    object.  If there is not, then it looks in the _details/ propdir on the
    room, for a property that <name> is a prefix of.  If it finds more than
    one such property, it gives the standard ambiguous message.  If only one
    detail was matched, and it is a string property, then it's value is disp-
    layed.  Otherwise, the standard no-match message is given.
    'look <object>=<detail>' also works, for details set on players, things,
    and programs.

  When an object of TYPE_THING is set HAVEN, you don't see it's contents when
    you look at it.  This is to implement open and closed pouches.

  The debugger can now push local and global variables onto the stack via the
    'push' command, and the 'print' command was added to display the value of
    global and local variables, referenced only by number.

  An @created thing will now have it's home set to the player, if the room
    the player is in is not controlled by them.

  The 'sex' property is now considered to have the same permissions as
    _props or %props.

  Puppets will not relay text or be @forcible, if they are set DARK.

  _arrive, _oarrive, _depart, and _odepart propqueues on the player will
    now also be triggered as the player moves about.  They used to only
    be triggered on the room, and down the environment.

  Changed the definition of the Zombie Flag (as talked about further
    down).  Any object can now be @forced by it's owner, so long as it is
    not in a room set Zombie.  Also, things cannot be @forced to use
    exits set Zombie.  The Zombie flag, on objects of TYPE_THING, the
    zombie flag merely means that any text that thing sees or hears will
    be relayed to it's owner.  A puppet will not relay text from a room
    set Zombie, though.  The restrictions for rooms and exits set Zombie
    do not apply to puppets owned and controlled by wizards.

  Renamed 'O' for Old in @find checks to '@', to free up the O flag.

  Objects of TYPE_THING that have the ZOMBIE bit set on them, will broadcast
    what they hear to their owner, a la puppets.

  ML3 programs can now read and write to both .props and _props.  @props and
    ~props are still wizbit only.

  The MOVETO primitive can now reattach exits to new sources.

  ML1 programs now can no longer list dark things in a room's inventory,
    unless the perms the program runs under controls the object.

  ML0 programs, or programs owned by ML0 players, now cannot be run, and
    error out with Permission Denied, when an attempt to run them is made.

  Changed database storage format to store the db size at the beginning of
    the db, and to save out the contents of objects all together in clumps.
    This might help improve problems with memory paging on large systems,
    and speed property fetches in some circumstances.

  Added 'l' as a possible stack item type, for CHECKARGS.  This corresponds
    to stack items that are lock boolean expressions.

  Altered the MUF debugger to have it list source code lines.

  Panic dumps, due to crashes, now also dump out the macrofile, to the
    muf/macros.PANIC file.

  Examine now lets you use wildcards to specify which properties to
    list.  As a special case, if you end a wildcard search string with a
    /**, then it will list all the properties within the matched propdir,
    and recursively list all the sub-propdir properties, as well.
  When you try to get something from, or put something into a container,
    it checks the container object for an _/clk lock property, and eval-
    uates it.  If the player does not pass the _/clk lock check, then
    they are not allowed to get anything from or put anything into that
    object.  This also has the side effect that a player can set their
    _/clk property to a lock that specifies who can hand things to them.
    If the container object does not have a _/clk lock property, then it
    is assumed that the container is locked, and no-one may use it.
  Properties can now hold locks and dbrefs in addition to the standard
    strings and integers.  This necessitates a database format change.
  Locks have been moved into _/lok properties.
  'get container=object' now lets you get things from containers.  This
    checks to make sure that neither the container or the object is
    locked against you before it fetches the object to you.  'get object'
    still works fine for picking up objects that are in the room.
  'put object=container' lets you put an object in a container.  The
    container must not be locked against you, or else it will refuse to
    put the object in it.  If the container is a player, you can hand the
    object to that player.  ie: 'put camera=mike' hands the camera object
    to the player named mike.  The default container is the room, so
    'put camera' is the exact same as 'drop camera'.
  Every 15 minutes, the db is swept for proploaded objects that are unused,
    and for programs that are compiled but haven't been used in a while.
    These properties and programs are cleared out of memory, and will not
    be reloaded until they are next needed.  The length of time that must
    pass before an object can be considered unused is defined in params.h
    by the CLEAN_INTERVAL #define.  This interval is also how long it is
    between these periodic cleanings of memory.
  If a player is @toaded, any programs owned by them are stripped of
    AUTOSTART bits, and are dequeued from the time queue.  This is
    because when a player is toaded, by default all their objects,
    including programs, are @chowned to #1.
  All shutdowns now have short messages explaining why the server shut
    down.  ie: if the server crashed, or if a wizard shut the server down.
  If an exit is set HAVEN, then it can take a command line argument for
    its MPI scripts.  ie:  if an action named 'test' is set haven, then
    if a player typed 'test this', the argument 'this' would be put in
    the MPI 'arg' variable for each MPI script triggered by that action.
  Expanded listeners so that everything that uses notify, or notify_except,
    will send messages to _listeners.
  _listener propqueues can now be restricted to listen only for certain
    messages.  To do this, precede the prog number or MPI script in the
    _listen propqueue property with an smatch string and an equals sign.
    Example:  @set object=_listen/1:*says*{Hello|Hi|Yo}*=&{lexec:greeting}
    This would restrict the listener to only lines that match the smatch
    pattern "*says*{Hello|Hi|Yo}*", and on those lines that did match it,
    it would run the MPI script {lexec:greetings}.  If you need an equals
    sign in the smatch pattern, you can escape it with a \.
  "@set object=propname: propval" no longer strips spaces from between the
    property delimiter (the colon) and the property value.  This lets you
    set properties to string values starting with spaces.
  "@set object=propname:^intval" lets you set the integer value of a property
    to the value of the given intval.
  @force and the FORCE primitive can now be used on objects of TYPE_THING,
    if they have the ZOMBIE flag set.  Objects act as if they have the
    permissions of their owner.  If an object is locked against a player,
    it will also be locked against any thing that that player owns, that
    tries to test the lock.
  Things with the ZOMBIE flag set cannot enter rooms or use exits that
    have the ZOMBIE flag set.  This allows a way to prevent zombies
    from entering areas where they are not wanted.
  The PROPDIR? prim can now be used by anyone of Mucker Level 2 or above.
  Objects of TYPE_THING, that have the VEHICLE flag set, can now contain
    players.  To enter a vehicle, you can either use a MUF program to
    teleport you to it via MOVETO, you can get a wizard to @teleport you
    into it, or else you an use an action that is both attached and
    linked to the vehicle to enter it.  This means that you can only
    enter a vehicle from the same room that it is in, and you cannot use
    far links to enter it.  This prevents the use of vehicles to get
    around locks.  Inside the vehicle, you will see it's @idesc, instead
    of it's @desc, and you will not be shown it's @succ or @fail.
    Objects dropped in a vehicle will not go away to the their homes, as
    a vehicle cannot have a dropto set in it.
  Things with the VEHICLE flag set cannot enter rooms or use exits that
    have the VEHICLE flag set.  This allows a way to prevent vehicles
    from entering areas where it would be illogical for them to be.
  There is now a LISTEN_MLEV #define in config.h that lets you set the
    minimum mucker level that can be run from a _listen propqueue.
  _listen propqueues will no longer give a message if the program they
    point to is not a valid program to run.
  Timequeue now also has a limit on the number of processes allowed to a
    single player.  This parameter is #definable in params.h with the
    MAX_PLYR_PROCESSES define.  Wizards can have as many processes as
    they need.  The total process limit is still in effect, though it
    has been raised.  The personal process limit for players is normally
    set around 16.
  Propqueues can now run MPI scripts, if the value of the property in the
    propqueue starts with a '&'.  If so, then it is evaluated as an MPI
    script, starting at the next character, and the output is sent to the
    triggering player.  Example:
      @set here=_connect:&{delay:5,The scavengers scatter as you wake up.}
    Would tell you that message, five seconds after you connect.
    This works for _connect, _disconnect, _arrive, and _depart.
  Locks to properties will now check against smatch patterns, meaning that
    you can do things like '@lock object=species:{Fox|cat}*' to let anyone
    through with a species property set to "fox", "foxtaur", "cat", etc.
  Locks to properties will run the string value of the property it tries
    to check, through the MPI parser, before it checks the returned value
    against the expected value.  This means that you can make MPI scripts
    for locks.  Example:
      @lock west=_MyMPIScript:1
      @set west=_MyMPIScript:{lt:{count:{contents:{links:this},Player}},10}
    This would make it where a player would not be able to go through the
    'west' exit unless there were less than 10 players in the room that west
    is linked to.
  Locks to properties will now also check the object the lock is on for a
    property.  Meaning that if you '@lock object=foo:bar' and you have a
    property on the same object named "foo" that is set to a value of "bar",
    then the lock will evaluate true.
  Altered matching routines to allow matching from a remote object for MPI.
    This shouldn't have any visible changes outside of MPI functions.
  envpropstr(), and all that depends on it, including the ENVPROPSTR prim,
    and pronoun_substitute(), will now look on the object given first, then
    on each ROOM object down the environment.  The change is that it no
    longer will look at the player carrying the item, etc.  Just ROOMs.
  notify() will now split a line, if it contains \r's, sending each part
    separately, appended with \r\n.
  The FOREGROUND primitive has been replaced by the in-server $define of
    "fg_mode setmode".  The BACKGROUND primitive has been replaced by the
    in-server $define of "bg_mode setmode".  The PREEMPT primitive has
    been replaced by the in-server $define of "pr_mode setmode".
  When a program compiles, it now automatically $includes #0, and the owner of
    the program, so a player can make a bunch of personal standard $defines.
  Vastly rewrote the property handling routines to split it into four modules
    that handled one aspect of the properties, each.  propdirs.c handles the
    propdirs structure, props.c handles the lowest level property structure,
    property.c handles the high-level interface for the rest of the program,
    and diskprops.c handles fetching props from disk when needed and purging
    excess props from memory.  Because of this redesign, 4 bytes were shaved
    off of the original property structure, and an extra information node per
    propdir was eliminated.  This will probably translate into a 100 byte per
    object memory savings.
  Added a #define option, REALMS_CONTROL, that changes the way that controls()
    works, so that if there is a room set wizbit, then the owner of that room
    controls all items within that room's environment.  The object owners, and
    the wizards still control the objects, as well.  When this define is set,
    a room set Wizbit cannot be @chowned, except by a true wizard.
  Made database dumps more efficient (hopefully) when DISKBASE is defined.
  The 'sanity' and 'reconstruct' programs now take the file(s) to operate on
    as command line arguments, instead of through stdin/stdout.  This means
    that they will work whether or not the DISKBASE #define is set.  Their
    syntaxes are:
        reconstruct infile outfile
        sanity infile
  If a room is set BLOCK (Builder), then only actions on the room, or in
    the environment may be used to leave the room.  Also, actions linked to
    players in the room will not work.  Only a wizard may set a room BLOCK
    at this point.
  Added a check for 'O' in the flags fields of @owned, @find, etc.  If you
    specify this flag, it will match for objects that have not been used for
    longer than 90 days.  This figure is alterable with the AGING_TIME #define
    in params.h
  Altered the output format of @stats, and gave it more useful info for wizzes.
  The SETLINK primitive can now link to #-3. (HOME)
  When a player is not in INTERACTIVE mode, and they do a WHO, if there is
    an @WHO action with an exit priority of 1 or more in the environment,
    then it is triggered.  This lets special WHO programs be written for
    things like @doing messages, etc.
  If SECURE_WHO is defined in config.h, then players will not be able to use
    the WHO command when they are not connected to a player yet, or when they
    are in interactive mode.  This prevents the possibility of using these
    modes to bypass a global @who program.
  %props are now protected like _props to protect %n, %p, %s, etc props from
    being changed by people who shouldn't be able to.
  The GRIPE command will now inform all unquelled wizards online when a
    gripe is made.  Also, gripes with no messages are now ignored by the
  The COMMAND variable in MUF will now give values that are specific for
    when the program is run from an @message.  The possible values, in this
    situation, are (@Desc) (@Succ) (@Fail) and (@Drop)
  When the server is started up, the _sys/dumpinterval property on #0 is set
    to the #defined integer value of DUMP_INTERVAL.
  When the server is started up, the _sys/maxpennies property on #0 is set
    to the #defined integer value of MAX_PENNIES.
  When the server is started up, and the database has finished loading, the
    _sys/startuptime property on #0 is set to the integer SYSTIME value.
  Just before the server is shut down, except in the case of a PANIC dump,
    the _sys/shutdowntime property on #0 is set to the integer SYSTIME value.
  When the database is dumped, except in the case of a PANIC dump, the
    _sys/lastdumptime property on #0 is set to the integer SYSTIME value.
  Using ADDPROP to set a property to a null string and a 0 value will clear
    the values on a propdir, and will REMOVE_PROP non-propdir properties.
  When using raw telnet, backspace and delete characters will delete the
    previously typed character.  This is a simple mod, and will make many
    poor backspaceless players happy.
  Exits can now have priority levels to let you specify that certain exits
    are not overridable by local actions.  When an exit is searched for, in
    the matching routines, it will match like it used to, except that if
    it finds an exit, later in the search order, that has a higher priority
    level, it will choose that exit instead.  You can set the priority level
    of an exit by setting its Mucker Level. (ie: @set exit=2)  A level of 0
    is the lowest priority, and a level of 3 is the highest priority.  When
    the server looks for the standard "connect", "disconnect", or "look"
    actions, it will ignore any actions with a priority Level of 0.  Only a
    Wizard can set the Priority Level of an exit or action.  When an action
    is @attached to another object, @named to something else, or @unlinked,
    its Priority Level is reset to 0.
  If COMPATIBLE_PRIORITIES is #defined in config.h, then exits that are
    on room or player objects will never act as if they have an effective
    priority level of less than 1.
  Removed the MORTAL_DARKING #define and replaced it with the EXIT_DARKING
    and THING_DARKING #define options.  If both are #defined, they act just
    like MORTAL_DARKING used to.  Individually, you can specify whether
    non-wizards can @set objects of TYPE_THING, or objects of TYPE_EXIT
  Changed all the "look" forces in the server to use a slightly better
    method of making a player look around.  This was done in preparation
    for the exit priority Level security mods.  A nice side effect of
    this is that commands will no longer occur before the initial room
    "look" when a player wanders into the room.
  ISPID? will now return true for 'pid ispid?'
  KILL will now stop the current process when you do 'pid kill'
  The interpreter will now allow up to 8 levels of programs that are run
    as a consequence of MOVETO, LOCKED?, and FORCE.  ie: a program can
    MOVETO a player to a room that has a program in the @desc that checks
    a lock with LOCKED?, which which runs a program that FORCEs the player
    to do something.  This now works up to eight levels deep.  It used to
    only work to two levels deep.
  CONTROLS (d d -- i) Takes a player dbref and an object dbref, and returns
                       true if the player has control over the given object.

  GETPROP (d s -- ?)  Gets the value of a given property, and puts it on the
                        stack.  This can return a lock, a string, a dbref, or
                        an integer, depending on the type of the property.
                        Permissions are the same as those for GETPROPSTR.
                        This primitive returns 0 if no such property exists,
                        of if it is a valueless propdir.
  SETPROP (d s ? -- ) Stores a lock, dbref, integer, or string into the named
                        property on the given object.  Perms are the same as
                        for ADDPROP.
  PARSELOCK (s -- l)  Parses a lock string into a lock.
  UNPARSELOCK (l -- s)  Unparses a lock into a string fit for program editing.
  PRETTYLOCK (l -- s)  Unparses a lock into a string fit for players to see.
  TESTLOCK (l d -- i)  Tests the player against the given lock.
  LOCK? (? -- i)  Returns true if the top stack item is a lock.
  PARSEPROP (d s s i -- s) Returns the string output of the MPI Parser, given
                            an object, a property name to parse, an input
                            string for the {&cmd} variable, and an integer
                            that should either be 1, for when you want {delay}
                            messages to be sent to the player only, and 0, when
                            you want the rest of the players in the room to
                            get the omessages. NOTE: for security reasons,
                            you cannot use PARSEPROP on an object you don't
                            control, if the property is not a _prop or a ~prop.
                            The exception to this is if the muf program is at
                            least Mucker Level 3.  Then parsing of normal props
                            is allowed.  If the muf program is wizbit, it can
                            also parse @props and .props.
  ADDRESS? (? -- i)  Returns true if the top stack item is a function address.
  MODE ( -- i)      Returns an integer denoting the current multitasking
                     mode.  This ignores BLOCKing bits on programs.  The
                     integer this returns will be the same as one of
                     those defined by the standard $defines bg_mode,
                     fg_mode, and pr_mode, being background, foreground,
                     and preempt mode, respectively.
  SETMODE (i -- )   Sets the current multitasking mode to the given
                     mode.  The integer this uses will be the same as one
                     of those defined by the standard $defines bg_mode,
                     fg_mode, and pr_mode, being background, foreground,
                     and preempt mode, respectively.  Programs set BLOCK
                     will run PREEMPT, ignoring this mode.
  MLEVEL (d -- i)   Returns the Mucker (or Priority) Level of the given object.
  DATE   ( -- i i i)  Returns the monthday, month, and year.  ie:  if it were
                       February 6, 1992, date would return 6 2 1992 as three
                       integers on the stack.
  GMTOFFSET ( -- i)   Returns the machine's offset from GMT in seconds.
  STRINGPFX (s s2 -- i)  Returns 1 if s2 is a prefix of s.  Case insensitive.
                          Returns 0 if s2 is NOT a prefix of s.
  PART_PMATCH (s -- d)  Takes a player name, or the first part of the name,
                         and matches it against the names of the players who
                         are currently online.  If the given string is a
                         prefix of the name of a player who is online, then
                         their dbref is returned.  If two players could be
                         matched by the given string, it returns a #-2.  If
                         None of the players online match, then it returns
                         a #-1.
  NEXTDESCR (i -- i)  Takes a descriptor number, and returns the next connected
                        descriptor number.  To get the first descriptor number,
                        use '1 condescr'.  Between these, you can step through
                        the descriptors list.  If you try to use nextdescr on
                        an invalid descriptor, it will return 0.  If you have
                        reached the end of the descriptor list, it returns 0.
                        (requires Mucker Level 3.)