Changed behavior of Wizard programs: They must now be set Wizard plus at least
  M1 in order to execute.  (The idea is that setting a program M0 should
  render it uninterpretable, but in the case of Wizard programs, they could
  have no MUCKER bit set and still be interpreted at mlev 4.)
If GOD_PRIV is set, Wizards can no longer chown items to God.  (Security fix)

Added NICEVAL in params.h to set the dumper process nice() priority.
Added GAUSSIAN primitive to float.  Takes std-deviation and mean and returns a
  floating point random value with the given gaussian distribution.
Added support for STARTTLS TELNET encryption negotiation.
Added STARTTLS_ALLOW @tune option, defaulting to off.
Fixed crasher bug in {debugif} MPI command.
Fixed documentation on {lsort} ('mpi lsort') for number of comparisons.
Fixed typo in PROGRAM_GETLINES documentation.
Changed FRAND primitive to be much more efficient and have a more uniform
Added --enable-debug configure option, to enable assert()s and memory
  corruption detection (the latter under glibc).
Modified behavior of {force} to always check every line forced to prevent
  spoofing possibility.  (Fix #986845)
Attempted fix of bug #201633 by dequeue_prog(), then setting thing mlev to
  0, before recycling it.
Moved NICEVAL out of params.h and into config.h where it belongs.
Added a LOT of assert()s.  Production systems that do not use --enable-debug
  will not see any performance penalty.
Added a bunch of debug messages that will only be seen when --enable-debug
  is passed to configure.
Modified behavior of MUF FORCE to no longer allow FORCE when force_level is
  already set. [this change has been backed out]
Changed so GOD_PRIV allows God to toad wizards without having to unset
  their wizard flag.
Added currently-disabled code code to support RFE#859214: 
  '"string1" "string2" =' operates as '"string1" "string2" strcmp not'.
  Implemented in p_math.c, function prim_equal -- however, it's not
  specifically math-related, but it makes at least some sense to
  overload the meaning for strings.  I am leaving this undocumented
  for now, and disabled by default (#ifdef STRINGMATH), for discussion
  as to whether this is a direction we want to take -- aliasing
  math operators for string operations.
Backed out the MUF FORCE change referenced above, as there are beta
  sites that do need to use multiple FORCE levels.
Modified default to not write compressed databases, though leaving COMPRESS
  defined so as to read currently-compressed databases.  If you wish
  to continue to use the (buggy) compression code, add '-compress' to
  your command string.
Fixed huge M1+ crasher related to event code.

Added improved SSL error reporting, via stderr.
Added feature #563307: array_filter_prop matching non-strings
Fixed {debug} MPI tracing for some systems including Linux.
Fixed bug #973899: fb-announce not compiled with ${CFLAGS}.
Fixed bug #970128: array_get_reflist chokes on negative dbrefs.
Fixed bug #925712: getpidinfo on MPI process crashes.
Fixed bug #924349: descrboot and conboot crash on non-wiz call.
Fixed bug #910839: W MUF can newpassword W even with GOD_PRIV.

Added @tunables for addpennies, movepennies, and pennies. MPI {money} is
  disabled if pennies MLEV>1.
Moved pennies from a thing/player-only trait to a global property, @/value.
Cleaned up #defines, especially removing redundancy in the compression and
  database-related ones.
Removed remaining Anonymity code fragments and defines due to non-use and
Fixed bug with array_nintersection allowing multiple occurances in a single
  array to influence final output.
Fixed a number of off-by-one crasher bugs, due to bad comparisons with db_top.
Fixed compilation issue with socklen_t on OS X 10.3 Panther.
Fixed possible crasher with dequeueing of tasks from a mufevent run process.
Fixed lost process bug with mufevent queue.
Fixed hang in regsub primitive.  Still wrongly handling null length matches.
Fixed possible stack information leak in pronoun_substitute.
Fixed bug #857360: regexp related crasher.
Fixed bug #863396: dup toadplayer sets ownership wrong.
Fixed bug with sanity not allocating player specific data for lost+found player.
Fixed bug with CHECKARGS not accepting all variable types for type 'v'.
Changed regexp code to use PCRE regexp package, so we'll have consistency.

Fixed bug with configure script not finding tm_gmtoff under OS X.
Fixed bug with 'configure --with-ssl=SSLTOPDIR' not working.
Fixed bug #734827: descrsecure? crashes on invalid descr.
Fixed bug #734813: exits_array is entirely M1.
Fixed bug #710290: Blank pass in DB causes SegFault.
Fixed bug #740711: Request, Add DB# matching to @chown
Fixed bug #749298: FRAND does not return a random number.
Fixed several bugs with MPI functions misreporting their names on errors.
Fixed some minor memory leakage with errors in ARRAY_N_DIFF/INTERSECT/UNION.
Fixed a crasher in ARRAY_N_DIFF.
Fixed bug where ARRAY_JOIN skipped initial empty strings.
Fixed compilation issues under MSVC++.  WinFuzz is reborn, more or less.
Fixed compilation warnings under GCC 3.1 with -Wall.
Fixed bug #744385: MPI list funcs LREMOVE doesn't act on single item {null:}
Fixed bug #789414: Catching a failed CALL breaks scoped variables
Fixed bug #659197: array_join truncates quietly
Fixed bug #785968: "man =" doesn't work
Fixed bug #659864: Preempt MPI descloop
Fixed crasher re unterminated comments in RFE #782388 nested comments patch.
Fixed "RFE" #670187: recycling a room sends zombies home quietly
Fixed crasher in for loops with stack overflow.
Fixed crasher with Inf in union/diff/intersect prims.
Fixed crasher with locks in union/diff/intersect prims.
Fixed bug in ARRAY_GETLINKS that would have returned garbage dbrefs.
Fixed various compiler warnings given with -Wall.
Fixed various calls to exit() and _exit() to use the correct ones.
Fixed bug #806163: Invalid param to newobject crashes MUCK
Fixed crasher bug with mufevents not dequeuing before executing process.
Fixed crasher bug #818424: @ps causes crash when MPI is in the timequeue.
Fixed possible crasher bug with autostart programs.
Changed DESCRDBREF to return #-1 for an invalid or not-logged-in descriptor.
Changed MUF stack traces to show floats in short format.
Changed string translations of floats to show only 15 significant digits.
Changed the compiler so that under default conditions (comment_loose),
  programs will be compiled with recursive comments turned on.  Should a
  comment-based compile error occur, the compiler will back up and
  automatically retry with the old-style comment parser instead.  This is
  done on a line by line basis, and only for paren mis-matches.  Please note
  that an unrecognized token -might- indicate a comment mis-match, but is
  not covered by this recompile code.
Changed $ifdef to allow for syntax like: $ifdef "__muckname=Foo Bar Muck"
Changed forked dump process to make it not do a pointless panic() on signals.
Changed forked dump to make it not allow overlapping dumps.
Added docs for ARRAY_FMTSTRINGS to muf manual.
Added ARRAY_FILTER_FLAGS ( list:dbrefs str:flags -- list:dbrefsout ) MUF prim.
  Takes a homogenous list array of dbrefs, and filters them for those objects
  that pass the given flag test.  See 'help @find' for flags test info.
Added FTOSTRC ( flt:val -- str:val ) MUF prim.  Returns string representation
  of a floating point value, without trailing zeros.  Like FTOSTR without the
  trailing zeros. (ProtoMuck prim)
Added ARRAY_INTERPRET ( list:data -- string:catenated ) MUF prim.  Takes a
  list of heterogenous data, and catenates it together with best apropriate
  translations of each type.  Like array_join, except there's no delimiters,
  and dbrefs are translated to names. (Protomuck prim)
Added }cat compiler $define to '} array_make array_interpret'. (Proto)
Added }array compiler $define to '} array_make'. (Proto)
Added RFE #498330: For "recycle" [success] message, put the #dbref.
Added RFE #788992: Allow @recycle by dbref
Added RFE #782388: Nested MUF comments
Added RFE #578523: muf-errors log: owner and nicer format
Added notification of start of comment line in MUF compile failure when
  the error is unterminated comments, overly nested comments or other
  comment-related error.
Added $pragma compiler directive.  Format is '$pragma argument'.  The rest
  of the line following a pragma is skipped.  If a pragma argument is not
  recognized, it is ignored.  Pragmas should be used for future compiler
  expansions and features that are non-mandatory.  This allows for easier
  portability between versions.
Added pragmas $pragma comment_recurse, $pragma comment_strict and
  $pragma comment_loose.  This forces recursive-comment only compiles,
  old-style comment compiles, or uses best-guess respectively.
  (See the compiler changes above.)
Added MUF_COMMENTS_STRICT @tune option, to specify if MUF comments are parsed
  in strict oldstyle mode, or in loose mode by default.
Added warning if recursive comment seems to end in a string.
Added support for italic and overstroke ANSI codes in {attr} and TEXTATTR.

Fixed crasher in prochelp when given too-long topic titles.
Fixed infloop problem in vehicles calling envprop when secure_thing_movement
  not set.  Bug #621067.
Fixed long-hang bug with sex properties parsing MPI recursively.
Fixed bug #602793: @q now dequeues progs in EVENT_WAITFOR.
Fixed bug #619557: WHO with EVENT_WAITFOR no longer blocks input incorrectly.
Fixed @dlt, @delta and @usage commands to give a more specific error message
  to wizzes when not compiled in.
Fixed compiler warnings about incompatible pointer types in calls to time(3), 
  ctime(3), gmtime(3)
Fixes @sweep to not list both pose and page with 'p' actions.
Fixed crasher when @Q was typed before logging in.
Fixed a large number of memory access problems.
Fixed a large number of minor memory leaks.
Fixed a crasher bug with earlier memory cleanups.
Fixed bug #659195: ldup causes (muf) stack protection fault.
Fixed bug #666898: _default pronouns for any miss, not only empty.
Fixed bug with TRY not honoring stack locking itself.
Fixed bug with redundant MCP init message, when resending welcome screen.
Fixed bug where programs placed in @flocks weren't run from {force}.
Fixed bug with optimiser crashing on div/mod by zero.
Fixed bug with TRY not honoring stack locking itself.
Fixed bug #695251: Colour not stripped from leave_mesg for !C.
Fixed bug with crashed background saves @booting people off the main process.
Fixed recursion problem with puppet @pecho's
Fixed crasher bug with dequeueing of MUF-event processes.
Changed help.txt into a muckhelp.raw file that is processed by prochelp.
Changed property loading routines to not abort(), but to instead log corrupt
  properties when they are found.
Changed db_putprop() to use snprintf() instead of manually constructing the
  property's disk format.
Changed a few new sprintf() calls to snprintf().  sprintf() is verboten!
Changed a lot of strcat() calls to strcatn().
Changed resolver reaper code to respawn resolver if it crashes.
Changed struct match_data and match_exits to not partially match Xpress exits
  unless specifically matching exits, or partial exit matching is requested
  in the match_data struct.
Changed MCP-GUI package version to 1.3.
Added ARRAY_NESTED_GET ( arr idxarr -- ? ) muf prim.  Used to fetch values of
  nested subvalues of an array.
Added ARRAY_NESTED_SET ( ? arr idxarr -- arr' ) muf prim.  Used to set values
  of nested sub-arrays, creating missing subarrays as needed.
Added ARRAY_NESTED_DEL ( arr idxarr -- arr' ) muf prim.  Used to delete values
  of nested sub-arrays.
Added SYSTIME_PRECISE ( -- float ) muf prim.  Returns the number of seconds
  since the systime epoch, like systime does, but as a floating point number
  with microsecond accuracy.
Added CATCH_DETAILED ( -- dict ) muf prim as a more detailed alternative to
  the CATCH statement.
Added strcatn() to stringutils.c.  Like strncat(), but is given buffer size.
Added strcpyn() to stringutils.c.  Like strncpy(), but always null terminated.
Added option to selected between (uni/bi)directional in-server ignore support.
Removed annoying 'Cannot access propdir directly' errors from MUF prop prims.

Reverted some clever Makefile changes that didn't work on all systems.

Changed spawn_resolver behavior -- now prints to status log if it can't spawn
  the resolver properly.  Previously used perror(), and didn't send it to
  error.log properly if it failed.
Changed FMTSTRING and ARRAY_FMTSTRINGS MUF prims to be ANSI-aware.
Changed all sprintf()s in the code to snprintf()s.
Changed parsing so commands starting with ';' exit delimiters will now trigger
  actions named 'delimiter', similar to how ':' triggers pose actions.
Changed MCP-GUI package version to 1.2 (1.002 as MUF sees it.)
Changed NOTIFY_EXCLUDE so excluding the room excludes environmental listeners.
Changed TOKENSPLIT to allow a delimiter token to also be an escape char.
Changed floats in MUF to be of double precision.
Changed MALLOC_PROFILING to be a --enable-memprof configure argument.
Changed CRT_ALSO_DEBUG to be a --enable-memprof=debug configure argument.
Changed USE_IPV6 to be a --enable-ipv6 configure argument.
Fixed bug with non-DISKBASE mucks where third save message wouldn't get sent.
Fixed bug with non-DISKBASE mucks where @dump would drop SSL users.
Fixed bug with reporting of incorrect line numbers in muf backtraces.
Fixed bug with DEBUGGER_BREAK having one too many initial breakpoints.
Fixed bug with muf errors getting stored in .debug/lasterr with ANSI codes.
Fixed 'make install-inits' so that it works.
Fixed fbmuck.spec to do an additional 'make install-inits'.
Fixed configure script to auto-find ssl.h location.
Fixed crasher bug with @killing invalid pids.
Fixed crasher bug with prim_moveto where dest was #-3.
Fixed double-freeing of source array contents in ARRAY_FMTSTRINGS.
Fixed potential crasher buffer overrun bug with MPI variables.
Fixed reference count leak in muf progs that error out with active for loops.
Fixed restart script to use 'df -kP' for posix df is available.
Fixed MPI snprintf() issues with incorrectly short buffer lengths.
Fixed bug with bad PCREATE_FLAGS @tune settings causing corrupted objects.
Fixed compile error with #undef DETACH.
Fixed crasher bug with infinite disconnect and descr_set_user loop.
Fixed bug #573142: mcp_frame_output_mesg stack corruption.
Fixed bug #579119: ltimestr now works right with snprintf.
Fixed bug #576552: Telnet keepalives no longer reset player's idletime.
Fixed bug #568297: @sweep will list all listener env rooms.
Fixed bug #577291: 'configure --with-ssl' checks for SSL header/lib existence.
Fixed crasher bug (null pointer dereference) in DESCR_SETUSER.
Fixed crasher bug with @mcpprogram with no arguments.
Fixed @ps to list progref & name by the first program on the caller stack.
Fixed ARRAY_GET_PROPDIRS muf prim, which pretty much just didn't work before.
Fixed strip_evil_characters() for speed and correctness.
Fixed examine for @oecho and @pecho not showing without who_doing @tuned on.
Fixed crasher bug with {commas} MPI function.
Fixed typo in default idleboot message.
Fixed memory leak when toading online players.
Fixed remove_prop bug so it will remove props ending in /. (bug #537744)
Fixed potential buffer overrun with the CHECKRETURN and ABORT_MPI macros.
Fixed @omessage bug where player names would not be prefixed on additional
  newlines. (bug #562370)
Fixed a few typos in README and README.ssl.
Fixed fbmuck.spec to use current version number (6.00rc7) and changed
  Source url to reflect sourceforge changes.
Fixed uses of '#' and '*' instead of NUMBER_TOKEN and LOOKUP_TOKEN.
Fixed do_armageddon to log @armageddon attempts by non-wizards.
Fixed do_{describe,idescribe,doing,fail,success,drop_message,osuccess,ofail,
  odrop,oecho,pecho} to acknowledge cleared messages more clearly.
Fixed do_restrict to display current status when no arguments are given.
Fixed examine to display @idesc, as per feature request #587474.
Fixed bug #593023: @register bugfix/feature-in-one.
Fixed @lock without keystring to unlock objects (similar to @flock etc.)
Fixed give messages for wizards removing pennies from players.
Fixed @recycle to give a proper message for attempts to recycle garbage.
Fixed bug #604213: @kill and event_waitfor error.
Fixed bug #606415: new programs are "in use".
Fixed bug #608081: Scoped vars lost with FORK prim.
Fixed bug #515341: "pid getpidinfo" returns empty array.
Fixed bug where listen and queued programs wouldn't get the pids they initially
  claimed they were going to get.
Fixed BLESSPROP and UNBLESSPROP to be wizbit instead of ML3.
Fixed packaging bug with 'make srpm'.
Added workaround for bug #555198: Compile warning on Mac OS X.
Added internal MUF primitives for pinning/unpinning arrays.  These are for the
  future planned MUV to MUF-bytecode compiler, and are not available from MUF.
Added DESCRBUFSIZE ( int:dscr -- int:bytes ) muf prim.  Returns the number of
  bytes of free space remaining in the output buffer before it will get
  the <output flushed> message.
Added USERLOG (str:mesg -- ) MUF prim.  Logs an arbitrary message to the user
  log file.  (#defined in config.h as USER_LOG, defaults to "logs/user".)
  The log entry will be formatted like:
	Winged(#4023) [newaction.muf(#666)] 06/11/02 03:09:31: <string>
  The program must be running at a mucker level at least equal to the @tune
  value 'userlog_mlev' (defaults to 3) to write this log entry.
Added timestamps to stderr warnings for double-CLEARs and double prog_cleans.
Added pcreate_flags @tune to specify what flags players are created with.
Added and merged Windows specific winfuzz4 changes.
Added @mcpprogram PROGNAME command, like @mcpedit, except it creates the
  program if it doesn't already exist.
Added dbdump_warning @tune, to turn on/off the dumpdone messages independantly.
Added XOR ( i i -- i ) logical eXclusive OR muf primitive.
Added more correct Telnet protocol negotiation.
Added IGNORING? ( d1 d2 -- i ) returns true if d1 is ignoring d2.
Added IGNORE_ADD ( d1 d2 -- ) adds d2 to d1's ignore list.
Added IGNORE_DEL ( d1 d2 -- ) removes d2 from d1's ignore list.
Added ARRAY_GET_IGNORELIST ( d -- a ) returns an array of d's ignores.
Added support for ignoring (gagging) players, ignores are mutual in that if
  player A ignores player B, A will not hear B, and B will not hear A.
Added ignore_support @tune to specify if @ignore is supported.
Added max_ml4_preempt_count @tune to specify the maximum number of instructions
  an mlevel4 (wizbitted) program may run before it is aborted, if set to 0
  no limit is imposed.  Defaults to 0.
Added reserved_names @tune which when set to a smatch pattern will refuse any
  object creations or renames which match said pattern.  Defaults to "".
Added reserved_player_names @tune which when set to a smatch pattern will
  refuse any player creations or renames which match said pattern.  Defaults
  to "" (matches nothing).
Added @delta alias for @dlt command (a la glowmuck).
Added @proginfo command (backported from glowmuck).
Added @__sys__ propdir for storing system only data, neither users nor wizards
  may read or write any properties contained within this propdir.
Added @clone command to allow cloning things (inspired by TinyMUSH).
Added verbose_clone @tune to control whether @clone is verbose about its
  operations. Defaults to 0.
Added @force_lock and @chown_lock aliases for @flock and @chlock.
Added @relink command to complement @link and @unlink.
Added REGEXP ( str:Text str:Pattern int:Flags -- list:Match list:Indices )
  Performs a regex match using the pattern given on the text. 
Added REGSUB ( str:Text str:Pattern str:Replace int:Flags -- str:Result )
  Performs a regex substitution on text using pattern and replace.
Added PARSEPROPEX ( ref:Obj str:Prop dict:Vars int:Pri -- dict:Vars str:Out )
  Similar to parseprop, although allows precreation of MPI variables.
Added PROGRAM_SETLINES ( ref:Program list:Lines -- )
  Sets all the lines of a program to those given in the array.
Added DEBUG_ON, DEBUG_OFF, and DEBUG_LINE prims in-server to avoid the stack
  pollution created by the macro versions.
Added SETLINKS_ARRAY ( ref:Obj arr:Links -- ) Multiple destination setlinking.
Added EPSILON ( -- flt:epsilon) muf primitive to provide precision of floats.
Removed dead concentrater log code.
Removed dead LOCKOUT code from include/config.h.

Added "objtype" field to results of SYSPARM_ARRAY, for when the sysparm is
  of the "dbref" type.  The "objtype" field specifies what type the dbref is
  restricted to.
Added "label" field to results of SYSPARM_ARRAY, for human readable labels.
Added }TELL MUF $define as '} array_make me @ 1 array_make array_notify'
Added DEBUGGER_BREAK ( -- ) muf prim.  Forces muf debugger entry/break.
Added ABS ( i -- i ) muf prim.  Returns absolute value of integer.
Added SIGN ( i -- i ) muf prim.  Returns sign of integer as -1, 0, or 1.
Fixed crasher bug with muf process kill while handling mufevent.
Fixed bug with GETPIDINFO returning timer event info for a process.
Fixed hanging bug in fbmuck init script, when fbmuck errors out.
Fixed crasher with GETLINKS primitive.
Fixed $author and $note directives to stop them from storing garbage.
Fixed crasher bug in ARRAY_FILTER_PROP.
Fixed error in ARRAY_FILTER_PROP processing of compressed strings.
Fixed error with ANSI reset codes being sent _after_ CRLFs.
Fixed crasher bug with null varname in function args declaration.
Fixed error in FMTSTRING with accepting negative dynamic precision values.
Fixed error in FMTSTRING with accepting a dynamic fieldwidth of -1.
Fixed crasher bug in FMTSTRING with dynamic fieldwidths.
Changed SSL cert/key load failures to just disable SSL, instead of exiting.
Changed SSL cert/key load failure error reporting to show file path/name.
Changed commandline to accept -sport with a warning when SSL not supported.
Changed makefiles so that 'make install-init' installs SysV init scripts,
  instead of 'make install'.  This should help Debian and BSD folks.

Added SYSPARM_ARRAY ( str:pattern -- listofdict:sysparminfo ) MUF prim.
  Returns a list of dictionaries with info about each @tune parameter that
  matches the given smatch wildcard pattern.

Changed MUF debugger so it breakpoints just before the program would exit.
Changed database format to Foxen7 format, which uses MD5 hashed passwords.
Added MUF bytecode optimizer.
Added optimize_muf boolean @tune parameter.
Added .debug/lastcrashtime human-readable timestamp property for muf crashes.
Added color/bold hilighting of muf crashes and backtraces to make them a bit
  more readable.
Added support for showing original scopevar names in debugging output.
Added support for using original scopevar names in debugger.
Added sanity check for bad exit link counts.
Added -godpasswd option to reset the God character's password.
Fixed bug in MCP where _datatag wasn't being preceeded by a separator space.
Fixed bad error messages argument numbers in several array_* primitives.
Fixed bug where COMPILE state left some values uninitialized.
Fixed memory leaks in ARRAY_FMTSTRINGS.
Fixed documentation error with ROUND.
Fixed issue where user could get charged for @action without action creation.
Fixed issue with improper CONCOUNT in status log files.
Fixed minor issue where startup INIT message might not display, if status
  log is unwritable and DETACH defined.
Fixed compile-time bug with inconsistent MALLOC_PROFILING exclusion.
Fixed crasher bug in compiling muf with unrecognized words and debug scopedvar
  name support.
Fixed restart code so that it'll work with newer pid-checking restart scripts.
Fixed small non-growing memory leak with dbloaded garbage object names.
Fixed crasher bug with letting object names grow near to BUFFER_LEN length.
Fixed errors with MUF bytecode localvar fetch-and-clear optimization.
Fixed MacOS X portability compile errors with socklen_t.

Added ARRAY_FMTSTRINGS ( arr:dicts str:fmt -- list:strs ) MUF prim.  Creates
  a formatted string for each dictionary in a list, returning a list of the
  formatted strings.
Fixed a crasher bug with loading lock props with ARRAY_GET_PROPVALS.
Fixed a crasher bug with loading lock props with ARRAY_GET_PROPLIST.
Fixed a crasher bug with debug traces of programs with large nested arrays.
Changed debug traces to not list out contents of nested arrays.
Changed debug traces to not show more than the first 7 items in an array.

Fixed crasher bug in new pronoun code.
Fixed profiling time and debugging initialization in the FORK muf prim.
Added player-based overriding of pronouns via _pronouns/GENDER/%x props.

Added MUF $define for }join as '} array_make "" array_join'
Added ProgName field to @ps display.
Added sie/hir/hirself/etc pronouns for 'herm' and 'hermaphrodite' gender.
Added generic gender pronoun support via _pronouns/GENDER/%X props on #0.
Added default gender pronoun overrides via _pronouns/_default/%X props on #0.
Added ARRAY_SORT_INDEXED muf primitive.  Like ARRAY_SORT, but lets you sort
  a list of arrays, based on an indexed element in each.
Changed @ps display code to be cleaner.
Changed dbdumps to fork() into the background when not using DISKBASEing.

Removed #ifdefs for FLUSHCHANGES as that code should not be optional.
Fixed infinite loop parenting bug.  I think.
Fixed a lot of uninitialized struct frame variables in child of FORK.
Fixed two-byte buffer overrun in {listprops}
Fixed uninitialized program instance count in @prog.
Fixed an MCP-GUI crasher bug with programs exiting with live dialogs.
Fixed bug #477633: {with:v,{&v},{&v}} displays garbage.
Fixed bug #478325: Arrays with 0s for values don't serialize properly.
Fixed bug #479093: smatches, array_filter_prop disagree.
Fixed bug where FOREGROUND muf progs didn't process MCP messages.
Fixed a number of missing MUF primitive documentation sections.
Fixed resolver to properly shutdown() indentd sockets.
Fixed missing files problem in 'make package'.
Fixed sysvinit scripts to not hang if restart script is missing.
Changed DESCRSECURE? to be ML3, not wizbit.
Changed input quotas to not count MCP messages.
Changed command logging to not list null commands.
Changed READ to _not_ return blank lines unless the process asked for them.
Changed ANSI code handling to use ^[[0m instead of ^[[m at EOL for resetting.
Changed dbdump to fork() on DB dump when DISKBASE is not defined.
Added 'make distclean'.
Added READ_WANTS_BLANKS ( -- ) muf primitive, to indicate the process wants
  READ to be able to return blank "" lines.
Added new @tune -- default_room_parent. This is the dbref used to parent
  rooms as the case of last resort, and defaults to #0 (which was previously
  the only thing used). Closes feature request #476091.

Fixed problem in primitive SETLINK where due to a logic error, objects were
  unable to become the 'home' of other objects.  Also allow setlink to now
  parent rooms to objects.
Fixed problem in primitive NEWOBJECT where due to a logic error, objects were
  not valid destinations.
Fixed SSL connections that were broken by the MCP flush changes.
Fixed garbage char at end of muf DEBUG lines.
Fixed bug #205753 -- env-looping problems.
Fixed bug #450413 -- Problems with forks within loops.
Fixed problem with certain MUF primitives changing an object's last_used
  timestamp on content, exit or name check, but not for prop-reading or any
  other access.  MUF only updates the last_used timestamp now when the
  moveto primitive is used.
Fixed permissions problem when both GOD_PRIV and tp_who_doing are set.
Fixed bug #424057 -- MATCH and PMATCH primitives now strip ansi sequences
  before processing.
Fixed _msgmacs searching to allow blessed environment room msgmacs.
Fixed bug #233181 -- now DETACH won't if -convert or -insanity is specified
  on the commandline.
Fixed crasher bug with using undeclared variabled in MPI.
Fixed crasher #201633 -- Server now does not crash when program FORCEs
  itself to be @recycled.  As a side result of this, there is now another
  statuslog line prefix to be aware of: 'SANITYCHECK:'.  If this prefix shows
  up in your status log, it generally points to a bug in the code that called
  the function that logged the SANITYCHECK:.  Which means, if you see this,
  please let us know at http://sourceforge.net/projects/fbmuck/.  Thanks!
Fixed a memory leak with using 'var!' in MUF.
Fixed interp_loop() based MUF prims to honor TRY-CATCH stack locks.
Fixed a bug in GUI_VALUE_SET that checked for 2 args, but popped 3.
Fixed arg ordering bug in the REFLIST_* muf primitives.  Now matches docs.
Fixed crasher with large arrays, DEBUG output, eith expanded_debug on.
Fixed a crasher bug with CLEARing uninitialized variables if CHECKOP fails.
Fixed a crasher bug with using '@kill all' when muf timers are present.
  This is also the cause of the dequeue_timers() crashes on @shutdown.
Fixed MCP GUI to send _closed events for open dlogs, when a descr disconnects.
Fixed a couple memory leaks with MCP GUI dialogs.
Fixed 'make clean' to remove the fbhelp.o file.
Fixed the 'fbhelp' program to look for its files in /usr/local/fbhelp/
Fixed some tiny buffer overrun errors with muf debugging.
Fixed 'PID KILL' to kill the current program, without triggering a CATCH.
Fixed erroneous error messages in GUI_CTRL_COMMAND.
Fixed MCP GUI event handlers to return multi-line 'data' args.
Fixed irregular crasher bug with @shutdown.
Fixed various minor memory leaks.  Cleaned up freeing of non-leak allocations
  on shutdown, to make real memory leaks more apparent.
Fixed bad macro definition of gui_dlog_simple.
Fixed error with FORK muf prim not duplicating forstack and trystacks.
Fixed erroneous handling of proplists in simpleedit MCP package.
Fixed a bug where MCP packages weren't renegotiating on a program recompile.
Added GETPIDINFO ( i -- a ) muf primitive.  Returns a dictionary of info
  on the given specified process.  See muf helpfile for more usage info.
Added $pubdef muf preprocessor directive.  Sets a _defs/XXX prop on the prog.
Added $version muf directive.  Sets the _version prop on the program.
Added $lib-version muf directive.  Sets the _lib-version prop on the program.
Added $author muf directive.  Sets the _author prop on the program.
Added $note muf directive.  Sets the _note prop on the program.
Added $abort muf directive.  Aborts the compile, giving a message.
Added $cleardefs muf directive.  Resets macro definitions to default set.
Added $ifver, $ifnver, $iflibver, $ifnlibver muf directives.  Like $ifdef.
Added $iflib, $ifnlib, $ifcancall, $ifncancall muf directives.  Like $ifdef.
Added the ability to allow wizards to use the OVERIDE_TOKEN on WHO.
Added new @tune -- lazy_mpi_istype_perm.  This changes the permissions for
  {istype} to be the lazy, pre-5.56 method, allowing {istype} to reference
  remote objects.
Added docs of supported MCP GUI ctrl-commands to the GUI_CTRL_COMMAND muf
  manual entry.
Added "data" argument for MCP GUI events context.  This is the data for the
  event, if any, sent by the client.
Added PROGRAM_GETLINES ( d i1 i2 -- a ) muf primitive.  Returns a list array
  of strings containing the muf program lines in program d, from line i1 to
  line i2, inclusive.  If both i1 and i2 are zero, then the entire program
  is returned.  If i1 is zero, it is assumed to mean the first line.  If i2
  is zero, it is assumed to mean the very last line.  If i2 and i2 are the
  same, and non-zero, then only that line will be returned, as a list array
  with a single string element.  The target program must be controlled by
  the current program's UID, be set VIEWABLE, or the current program must
  be running with wizard permissions.
Added ARRAY_CUT ( a1 @ -- a2 a3 ) muf primitive.  Given an array, and an
  index into the array, cuts the array into two arrays at that position.
  The first array output will contain all array items before the given
  index.  The second array will contain the given position and all items
  after it.  When used on a list array, both output arrays will be list
  arrays.  When used on dictionaries, both arrays will be dictionaries.
Added ARRAY_COMPARE ( a1 a2 -- i ) muf primitive.  Compares two arrays
  using the same ordering assumptions as ARRAY_SORT in case sensitive
  ascending order mode.  If the two arrays are identical, this returns 0.
  If the first array is considered greater than the second, this returns
  a positive value.  If the second array is considered greater, this
  returns a negative value.  I'm not sure if the greater/lesser-than
  comparison results are really useful, though.
Added DIFF3 ( fx1 fy1 fz1 fx2 fy2 fz2 -- fx' fy' fz' ) muf primitive.
  Returns three floats, being the differences of fx1 - fx2, fy1 - fy2,
  and fz1 - fz2, respectively.
Added DESCRSECURE? (d -- i) muf primitive.  Returns 1 if the descriptor
  number corresponds to a secure connection, and 0 otherwise.
Added MCP_MUF_MLEV @tune option to specify the mucker level required to
  use MCP and MCP-GUI muf calls.
Added support for encrypted SSL connections.  See README.ssl
Added {eval!} MPI function that acts like {eval} except it doesn't unbless.
Changed MUF debug line display to show PID of process being debugged.
Changed {eval} to unbless the code it evaluates, for security reasons.
Changed {index}, {index!}, {rand}, and {timesub} to properly check the
  blessing of the property they evaluates.
Changed muf PMATCH primitive to accept "me", returning the player.
Changed @list to view only muf programs set VIEWABLE, as opposed to LINK_OK.
Changed commands_per_time input quotas to not count MCP messages.
Changes player name checks to prohibit ( and ) in player names.
Changed MCP GUI event callback arguments to include the McpMesg.
Changed password-change errors more informative, so "Sorry." isn't seen.
Changed default setting for GOD_PRIV to be defined, not undef'd.
Changed database format to Foxen6.  Programs in earlier databases that are
  set LINK_OK will also get their VIEWABLE flag set.
Changed 'resolver' spawning behavior to first try to spawn from the
  installation's bin/ directory, then from the standard locations.
Changed MCP code to flush long messages periodically to try to bypass
  '<Output Flushed>' events.

Fixed a crasher bug with uninitialized watchpid-related variables.
Fixed ARRAY_FILTER_PROP muf primitive so it actually works.
Added NEXTENTRANCE ( d1 d2 -- d3 ) muf primitive.  Searches the database for
  the next object after d2 that is linked to d1.  You can begin a search by
  passing #-1 as d2.  The search currently scans upwards through the database,
  but this ordering is not guaranteed.  If an object is found that links to
  d1, then the dbref of that object is returned.  If no more such objects
  are found in the db, then #-1 is returned.
Added NEWPLAYER ( s1 s2 -- d ) muf primitive.  Creates a new player object,
  with the name s1, and the password s2.  This returns the dbref of the new
  player object.
Added COPYPLAYER ( d1 s1 s2 -- d2 ) muf primitive.  Creates a new player
  object with the name s1, and the password s2, and the properties, flags,
  links, etc. of the template object d1.  This returns the dbref of the
  newly created player object.
Added OBJMEM ( d -- i ) muf primitive.  Returns the current number of bytes
  in use by the given object.
Added INSTANCES ( d -- i ) muf primitive.  Returns the number of active
  instances of the given program.  Ie: the number of active processes that
  are running, using the given program.
Added COMPILED? ( d -- i ) muf primitive.  Returns 0 if the given program
  is not compiled.  Otherwise returns the number of compiled instructions.
Added NEWPROGRAM ( s -- d ) muf primitive.  Creates a new program object
  with the given name, and returns its dbref.
Added CONTENTS_ARRAY ( d -- a ) muf primitive.  Returns a list array that
  contains the dbref of every object contained within the given object.  If
  a #-1 is returned as the last list item, then there were too many objects
  to return all of them.
Added EXITS_ARRAY ( d -- a ) muf primitive.  Returns a list array that
  contains the dbref of every exit attached to the given object.  If a
  #-1 is returned as the last list item, then there were too many exits
  to return all of them.
Added GETLINKS_ARRAY ( d -- a ) muf primitive.  Returns a list array that
  contains the dbref of every object that the given object is linked to.
Added NEWPASSWORD ( d s -- ) muf primitive.  Changed the password of the
  given player d to s.
Added COMPILE ( d i1 -- i2 ) muf primitive.  Compiles the given program.
  If i1 is true, errors and warnings are printed out to the user.  If the
  program fails to compile, this returns 0.  If the compile is successful,
  this returns the number of compiled instructions.  This will throw an
  error if the program has any current instances running.
Added UNCOMPILE ( d -- ) muf primitive.  Uncompiles the given muf program.
  This will throw an error if the program has any current instances running.
Added GETPIDS ( d -- a ) muf primitive.  Returns a list array containing the
  pids of all the processes running the given program.  If #-1 is passed to
  this, then the array will contain the pids of all active processes.
Added TOADPLAYER ( d1 d2 -- ) muf primitive.  @toads player d2, and chowns
  all their posessions to player d1.  You can't toad wizard players.

Fixed bug with MCP not properly dealing with \r's in arg strings.
Fixed bug where being set !C didn't strip ANSI color from muf NOTIFYs.
Fixed DoS security hole with exhausing memory via huge MCP messages.
Changed MCP GUI code to limit to 256 "values" per dialog.
Changed EVENT_SEND to send a dictionary instead of just a value.  The array
  will contain "data" with the value, "caller_pid" with the pid of the caller,
  and "caller_prog" with the dbref of the caller.
Changed VEHICLE flag for muf progs to mean VIEWABLE, to let you @list them.
  Programs set LINK_OK are _not_ @listable unless they are also set VIEWABLE.
Added inserver muf define for C_MENU.
Added support for "valname" option to MCP GUI control creation.
Added a __fuzzball__ inserver MUF $define, set to 1, to let programmers
  differentiate between Fuzzball and ProtoMuck servers.
Added ++ and -- muf primitives.  They will increment or decrement ints, floats
  and dbrefs, and if passed a variable, they will increment/decrement the
  int, float, or dbref contained within the variable, much like in C.  When
  passed a variable, nothing is returned on the stack.  When passed an int,
  float, or dbref, the incremented/decremented value is returned.
Added DESCRLEASTIDLE ( d -- i ) muf primitive.  Returns the least idle
  connection descriptor for the given player.
Added DESCRMOSTIDLE ( d -- i ) muf primitive.  Returns the most idle
  connection descriptor for the given player.
Added FIRSTDESCR ( d -- i ) muf primitive.  Returns the most recent connection
  descriptor for the given player.  If #-1 is given, then this returns the
  descriptor of the most recent connection to the MUCK.
Added LASTDESCR ( d -- i ) muf primitive.  Returns the oldest connection
  descriptor for the given player.  If #-1 is given, then this returns the
  descriptor of the oldest connection to the MUCK.
Added DESCRDBREF ( i -- d ) muf primitive.  Returns the dbref of the player
  that is connected to the given descriptor connection.
Added DESCRTIME ( i -- i ) muf primitive.  Returns the length of time in
  seconds, since the given descriptor connected.
Added DESCRIDLE ( i -- i ) muf primitive.  Returns the length of time in
  seconds, that the given descriptor has been idle.
Added DESCRHOST ( i -- s ) muf primitive.  Returns the hostname that the
  given descriptor connection is connected from.
Added DESCRUSER ( i -- s ) muf primitive.  Returns the best guess at the
  username on the remote machine, that is connected to this descriptor
Added DESCRBOOT ( i -- ) muf primitive.  Disconnects the given descriptor
Added DESCRNOTIFY ( i s -- ) muf primitive.  Sends the given string message
  to the given descriptor connection.
Added PNAME-OK? ( s -- i ) muf primitive.  Returns true if the given string
  could be a valid playername.  Note that this does NOT check if the name
  is already in use or not.  Use pmatch for that.
Added NAME-OK? ( s -- i ) muf primitive.  Returns true if the given string
  could be a valid object name.
Added FORCE_LEVEL ( -- i ) muf primitive.  Returns the current force_level.
  This will tell you if the current program was run as a result of an @force.
Added 'fbhelp' compile target, to allow unix users to get FB help, man, and
  mpi documentation from the command line, without having to log in.  This
  only works if you did a 'make install', which copies the helpfiles to a
  useful place in the filesystem.  (/usr/local/fbmuck/help/*)
Added SORTTYPE_SHUFFLE inserver muf define for use with ARRAY_SORT, to
  randomize a list.
Added ->[] inserver muf define as a shortcut for array_setitem.
Added WATCHPID ( i -- ) muf primitive.  Sends a "PROC.EXIT.pid" event to
  the current process when the process referred to by the given pid exits.
  If the process process does not exist, the event will be sent immediately.
  The exit event can be retrieved by a call to EVENT_WAITFOR.  The event
  type will be "PROC.EXIT." with the pid of the process appended to it.
  The pid will also be returned as the data value from the event.  This
  primitive requires at least Mucker Level 3.
Added BLESSED? (d s -- i) muf prim.  Given an object and a property string,
  returns a boolean telling if that property is blessed.
Added four new data entries to USER muf event contexts sent by SEND_EVENT.
  "descr" contains the descriptor that initiated the sending program.
  "trigger" contains the dbref of the trigger that ran the sending program.
  "player" contains the dbref of the player that ran the sending program.
  "prog_uid" contains the dbref of the player used for permissions in the
  sending program.

Fixed STOD to allow for trailing spaces after a number argument.
Fixed a bunch of minor FreeBSD compatability issues.
Fixed a permissions error in muf's SET primitive, with setting vehicle's bits.
Fixed crasher bug with the MUF code ': main repeat ;'
Fixed possible security hole in {testlock} with @props.
Fixed crasher bug in {listprops} with too many properties.
Fixed a bug with DESCR_ARRAY returning an array with bad entries.
Fixed a crasher bug with dequeuing muf programs with TIMERs.
Fixed a crasher bug in {lmember} when not specifying delimiter.
Fixed a buffer overwrite error in {parse} when given output delimiters.
Fixed a security hole in {lexec}.  All props in list must be blessed for
  blessed permissions to be in effect.
Added @bless and @unbless commands for granting wizbit mpi permissions to
  individual properties.  Syntax is @[un]bless object=propname.
Added MPI {bless:propname[,object]} command to bless a property.  Requires
  blessed permissions to bless a property.
Added MPI {unbless:propname[,object]} command to unbless a property.  Requires
  blessed permissions to unbless a property.
Added MPI {revoke:commands} command to run the given mpi commands without
  any Blessing that the running script may currently have.  This is good
  to wrap around {eval} statments to prevent security holes.
Added BLESSPROP (dbrefObject strPropname -- ) MUF primitive.  Blesses the given
  property for MPI.  Requires Wizbit perms.
Added UNBLESSPROP (dbrefObject strPropname -- ) MUF primitive.  Unblesses the
  given property for MPI.  Requires Wizbit perms.
Added GUI_CTRL_COMMAND (strDlogID strCtrlID strCommand dictArgs -- ) muf prim.
  This is the generic primitive for executing a GUI control specific command.
  The dictionary contains the arguments for the given command.
Added GUI_VALUE_GET (strDlogID strCtrlID -- arrValue) muf primitive.  This
  gets the current value of the given GUI control, and returns it as a string
  list array.
Added ARRAY_MATCHVAL (arrStrings strPattern - arrStrings) muf primitive.
  Given an array and an smatch pattern string, returns a dictionary containing
  all the key-value pairs where the value was a string that matched the given
  smatch pattern.
Added ARRAY_MATCHKEY (arrStrings strPattern - arrStrings) muf primitive.
  Given an array and an smatch pattern string, returns a dictionary containing
  all the key-value pairs where the key was a string that matched the given
  smatch pattern.
Added ARRAY_EXTRACT (array arrIndexes -- array') muf primitive.  Takes an
  array, and returns a dictionary containing every element of the original
  array who's key was in the list indexes given.
Added ARRAY_JOIN ([s] s -- s) muf primitive.  Takes a list array and a
  delimiter string, and returns a single string that is the concatenation
  of all the items in the list array, with the delimiter string in between.
  For example:   { "one" 2 "three" 3.14159 }list "... " array_join
  will result in a single string: "one... 2... three... 3.14159"
Added ARRAY_FILTER_PROP ([d] s1 s2 -- [d']) muf primitive.  Takes a
  homogenous list array of dbrefs, and returns a list array with only
  those dbrefs who have a property specified by s1, set to a value that
  smatch matches s2.
Added ARRAY_SORT (arrData intSortType -- arrSortedData) muf primitive.  This
  sorts all the items in the list array given, based on the given sort type.
  This can sort strings, integers, floats, dbrefs, or mixes of types.  Integers
  are sorted in with floats, but strings sort after all numbers.  Dbrefs sort
  after the other number types, but before string types.  Other stack item
  types will sort separately, but in an undefined consistent order.  The valid
  sort types are 0 - 3, which have the following inserver muf macro $defines:
    SORTTYPE_CASE_ASCEND     Case sensitive and ascending order.
    SORTTYPE_NOCASE_ASCEND   Case insensitive and ascending order.
    SORTTYPE_CASE_DESCEND    Case sensitive and descending order.
    SORTTYPE_NOCASE_DESCEND  Case insensitive and descending order.
Added TRY-CATCH-ENDCATCH exception handling.
  TRY ( i -- ) locks all but the top i stack items, so that any attempt to pop
    or change them will throw an error.  Any errors thrown inside a TRY-CATCH
    block will jump execution immediately to the CATCH.
  CATCH ( -- s ) denotes the start of exception handling code.  If an error is
    thrown in the TRY-CATCH block, then execution will jump immediately to this
    primitive.  If no error was thrown in the TRY-CATCH block, then the code in
    the CATCH-ENDCATCH block will not be executed.  This primitive will pop off
    all stack items not locked by the TRY, and then unlocks the stack.  The
    string error message that was thrown will be pushed onto the stack.
  ENDCATCH ( -- ) denotes the end of the CATCH block.
  The ABORT ( s -- ) primitive can be used to throw arbitrary errors.
  An example of using the TRY-CATCH-ENDCATCH structure is:
    : get_a_prop ( d s -- s )
        2 TRY
            pop (We got an error trying to read the prop.  Ignore it.)
Added FINDNEXT ( d1 d2 s1 s2 -- d' ) muf primitive.  Searches for the next
  object in the database _after_ d1 that is owned by d2, whose name matches
  the wildcard pattern s1, and whose flags match those specified by s2.
  You can start a search with d1 set to #-1.  If d2 is #-1 then ownership
  checks will not be performed.  If s1 is an empty string, name checks will
  not be performed.  If s2 is a null string, flags will not be checked.
  s2 is a flagslist that is in the same format as that used by the @find,
  @owned, etc. commands.  ie:  "F3!D" will match all muf program objects in
  the database that are mucker level 3, and not set debug.  If there are
  no more objects in the database that might match all the search criteria,
  then #-1 is returned.  Otherwise, the next matching object is returned.
  This is used similarly to the NEXT primitive.  Ex:
    #-1 begin
        me @ "*.muf" "F" FINDNEXT
        dup while
        dup unparseobj .tell
Added REFLIST_ADD ( d1 s1 d2 -- ) muf primitive.  Adds dbref d2 to the reflist
  in property s1 on object d1.  If d2 is already in the list, it is moved to
  the end of the reflist.
Added REFLIST_DEL ( d1 s1 d2 -- ) muf primitive.  Removes dbref d2 from the
  reflist in property s1 on object d1.  If d2 is not in the list, nothing
Added REFLIST_FIND ( d1 s1 d2 -- i ) muf primitive.  Finds dbref d2 in the
  reflist in property s1 on object d1.  If d2 is not in the list, then 0 is
  returned.  Otherwise the position of the dbref in the list is returned,
  with the first dbref being in position 1, the second dbref in 2, etc.
Added support for multiple listener sockets, a la FB5.
Changed MPI to not use the trigger's wizbit for permissions.  Instead, if the
  property is itself Blessed, then it gets the permissions that wizbit mpi
  used to have.
Changed 'examine' command to list properties with either a '-' or a 'B' in
  front, to denote whether the property has been Blessed or not.
Changed the 'log_reads' @tune to 'log_interactive' to be compatible with fb5.
Changed EVENT_EXISTS to allow matching by smatch wildcard pattern.
Changes @bless and @unbless to (un)bless all props that match the given
  wildcard property name.

Fixed 'make package' script to correct location of configure script.
Fixed a crasher bug with closing a the input db file before we are done with
  it, when DISKBASE is #undefed and DELTADUMPS is #defined.
Fixed a crasher bug where ARRAY_APPENDITEM checked the wrong argument's type.
Fixed a crasher bug with DESCR_SETUSER for players with null passwords.
Fixed a crasher bug with CHECKPASSWORD for players with null passwords.
Fixed a string termination bug in ARRAY_PUT_REFLIST.
Fixed a bug with ARRAY_GET_REFLIST not decompressing before parsing strings.
Fixed a bug with zombies not echoing text.  Bug was introduced in O(1) code.
Fixed a misleading error message with muf compiling 'begin if repeat'.
Fixed a bug with STRNCMP giving bad results with null string arguments.
Fixed a bug with PARSEPROP not being re-entrant.
Fixed a bug with STOD parsing #-3 as #-1.
Added MUD_GID support, to change group affiliation (like MUD_ID).
Added {timing} MPI command to show how long a command takes to execute.
Added @tops, @mpitops, and @muftops commands for showing processor hogs.
Added CMD_LOG_THRESHOLD_MSEC @tune option.  When a command takes longer than
  this many milliseconds to execute, it will be logged to the logs/cmd-times
  log file.
Added EVENT_WAITFOR (listEventIDs -- context strEventID) MUF prim.  This will
  wait for an event to occur that matches one of the eventid strings in the
  given string list array.  The first event in the event queue that matches
  will be removed from the event queue, and will be returned, with the
  apropriate context data.  If there is no matching event, then this process
  will pause until a matching event becomes available.  The eventIDs are
  case sensitive.
Added EVENT_EXISTS (strEventID -- intCount) MUF prim.  Returns the number
  of pending events that have the given eventID type.
Added sending of "READ" MUF events to foreground/preempt processes to let
  them know there is text to be READ from the user.  Only one process will
  get a "READ" event, in the extremely unusual case that there are two
  foreground/preempt processes at once.  The context for the "READ" event
  is the descriptor that the text was sent from.  Note that there will only
  be one READ event in the queue, even if the user sends multiple lines.
  The descriptor reported by this event will be the one that sent the first
Changed the build scripts to do 'configure' from the directory above src.
Changed the restart script to look for netmuck in /usr/local/fbmuck/bin/
Changed 'make install' to install the binaries to /usr/local/fbmuck/bin/
Changed 'get' command to disable zombie thieving of player/container contents.
Changed {ontime} and {idle} to refer to the least idle of a users connections.
Changed maximum MUF stacksize to 1024 elements.
Changed @ps to show the %CPU usage of MUF processes.
Changed examine to show cumulative runtimes for MUF programs.
Changed MPI parser to use more minimal amounts of heap space instead of huge
  amounts of stack space.  This may lead to smaller process sizes.  This will
  also unfortunately slow down MPI slightly.  The 26 recursion level limit
  may be raised significantly, though.
Changed EVENT_WAIT into an inserver macro that resolves to the commands
  "0 array_make event_waitfor"
Changed TREAD into an inserver macro that that uses MUF event timers and
  EVENT_WAITFOR to do the same thing.
Optimized {select} MPI command to make it fast on very sparse lists.
Optimized almost all MUF connection primitives to be O(1) instead of O(n),
  by using lookup tables instead of searching a linked list.

Fixed more minor 64-bit compatability bugs with regards to time() calls.
Fixed problem with loading an older db leaving users in insert mode.
Fixed bug with ARRAY_GETRANGE returning a non-empty array when given a range
 that starts one beyond the end of the list array's content.
Fixed bug with ARRAY_VALS CLEAR()ing garbage when passed an empty array.
Fixed bug with @toad sending the inventory of the toader (not toadee) home.
Fixed several uninitialized variable problems.
Fixed a few bugs with functions being called with the wrong number of args.
Fixed a lot of compile-time warnings.
Added message to confirm exiting of insert mode in muf editor.
Added preliminary code to support READ mufevents.  This is incomplete.
Added EXPLODE_ARRAY (s s -- a) muf prim, as the array version of EXPLODE.
Changed the MUF compiler to use a single control_stack instead of separate
  if_stack and loop_stacks.

Fixed an error message in MCP_REGISTER.  (required ML3, not wizbit.)
Fixed a bug with JMPs to function headers over-declaring scoped var sets.
Fixed a db corruption bug with @toading players.
Fixed bug #102350: if-else-then now won't interleave with begin-repeat.
Fixed multiple compile-time bugs with 64-bit systems.
Fixed ARRAY_GET_PROPLIST to return a list array instead of a dictionary.
Fixed bug where number() thought "+" and "-" were numbers.
Fixed POW to return 0.0 if the first arg is 0.
Fixed a crasher bug with {tell} and _listener programs on a room.
Changed the way MUF lvars work.  Called progs no longer get a copy of the
  caller prog's lvars.  However, if prog A calls into prog B which calls
  back into prog A, then both the inner and outer prog A have the same
  lvars, and changes made to one are seen by the other.  Prog B has its
  own lvars.  Basically, every different program dbref called will have
  its own lvars in that process.  The nice feature of this is that you
  can now make the equivalent of C-style static vars, which hold data
  persistently between calls into a lib.
Changed MCP_SEND to error out if the connection doesn't support the package.
Changed EVENT_SEND MUF prim to the following:
  EVENT_SEND ( i s ? -- ) Sends a "USER." event to the process referred
  to by the given pid.  The target process will receive an event that
  can be read with EVENT_WAIT.  The event type will be "USER." with the
  given event id string appended to it.  The given event id string will
  be truncated at 32 characters.  The event data argument will contain
  the sent data in the "data" element.  A "caller_pid" element will
  contain the process id of the caller, and a "caller_prog" element will
  have the dbref of the caller.  ie: '23 "foobar" 3.1416 event_send' will
  send an event to process 23, with an eventid of "USER.foobar", and a
  floating point data value of 3.1416 in the "data" element of the args
  dictionary that EVENT_WAIT will return.  This primitive requires at
  least Mucker Level 3.
Changed the rob command to give pennies to owner of robber puppets.
Changed MUF compiler to use an address linkage table, in preparation for
  possible alternate language support.
Optimized MUF interp to merge the FUNCTION/DECLVAR/INITVARS trio of instrs
  into a single FUNCTION instr.  This should improve speed slightly.
Optimized CLEAR and RCLEAR to use a switch statement.
Optimized copyinst() to use a switch statement.
Updated MUF manual (man.txt) to include docs for all muf primitives.
Added VAR! MUF compiler directive.  'var! foo' is the same as 'var foo foo !'.
Added internal primitives for one-inst SVAR get/set.
Added new MUF procedure declaration syntax, to allow the declaration and
  initialization of procedure-local variables from the stack.  Basically, if
  a procedure name ends with a '[' char, then that tells the compiler that
  you are specifying a list of variables that should be declared and init-
  ialized from the stack.  A ']' as a word terminates the list.  If a '--'
  is found before the ']', then anything from the '--' to the ']' gets
  ignored, and is treated sort of like a comment.  This lets coders specify
  what this procedure is expected to return.  Each variable can also be
  preceeded by an arbitrary type name and a colon (':'), as sort of a comment
  to show what stack item types it is expected to be.  The line:
      : myproc[ str:foo int:bar dbref:baz -- lock:qux ]
  gets effectively translated to:
      : myproc var! baz var! bar var! foo
  Note that the type name and return section are optional, so the line:
      : myproc[ foo bar baz ]
  is effectively the same as the above example.  The declaration of the
  returned values is _highly_ reccommended, though.  Type names may later
  get used to test that the passed arguments are of the right types, auto-
  matically.  This means that the type name should be one of 'addr', 'arr',
  'dbref', 'dict', 'float', 'int', 'lock', 'str', 'var', or 'lvar'.
Added MCP_REGISTER_EVENT ( strPkgName fltMinVers fltMaxVers -- ) MUF prim.
  Registers an MCP package so that clients can know what is supported, and
  marks this process as wanting to receive MCP messages as Muf Events.
  These events can be read with EVENT_WAIT, and will have event ids starting
  with "MCP.", followed by the package and message names.  The event data
  will be a dictionary, containing "descr", "package", "message", and "args"
  elements.  The args element will have a dictionary of message arguments as
  it's value.  The minimum and maximum package versions supported are
  represented as floating point numbers, with the minor version number being
  divided by 1000.  For example, an MCP package of version 1.1 is represented
  as 1.001, and a version of 1.23 is represented as 1.023.  This lets you use
  arithmetic compares to check version numbers.  Since this primitive arranges
  for MCP messages to be received as muf events, there is no need to use the
  MCP_BIND primitive with this.  A side benefit is that _any_ MCP message
  sent for this package can be caught, not just the ones you bound.  Also,
  the process that will handle the events is kept alive, so your data stored
  in variables, or on the stack, is kept.
Added ANSI_MIDSTR ( s i i -- s' ) MUF prim.
  Does exactly what MIDSTR does, except it ignores ansi escapes when
  determining what section of the string to extract. 

Reformatted all code to a uniform code style based off of K&R.
Removed GUI_DLOG_SIMPLE MUF primitive and replaced it with a macro that
  uses the new GUI_DLOG_CREATE primitive.
Removed GUI_DLOG_TABBED MUF primitive and replaced it with a macro that
  uses the new GUI_DLOG_CREATE primitive.
Removed GUI_DLOG_HELPER MUF primitive and replaced it with a macro that
  uses the new GUI_DLOG_CREATE primitive.
Added MAX_VARIABLE_COUNT $define to let MUF programs know what the highest
  variable number can be for Vars, Local Vars, and Scoped Vars.
Added an EXPANDED_DEBUG_TRACE @tune option to allow display of expanded
  array contents in MUF debug trace output.
Added an PROCESS_TIMER_LIMIT @tune option to specify the maximum number
  of timers allowed to any one process.  This defaults to 4.  See the
  description of timers in TIMER_START.
Added PROPLIST_INT_COUNTER @tune, to specify whether the system standard
  for proplist storage is to use integer or string props for the counter.
Added PROPLIST_ENTRY_FMT @tune, to specify the system standard naming
  format for proplists.  ie: lists of data stored in properties like
  _list#:3    _list#/1:One    _list#/2:Two    _list#/3:Three
  This string specifies the format of the names of the properties that
  each list items is stored in.  Any instance of P in this string will
  be replaced by the proplist name.  Any instances of N in this string
  will be replaced by the item's number.  All other characters will be
  taken literally.  The default is: "P#/N" which will make for proplists
  which store their items in props like  _list#/1:First
Added an ARRAY_DIFF      convenience macro define for '2 array_ndiff'.
Added an ARRAY_UNION     convenience macro define for '2 array_nunion'.
Added an ARRAY_INTERSECT convenience macro define for '2 array_nintersect'.
Added an ERR_DIVZERO?    convenience macro define for '0 is_set?'
Added an ERR_NAN?        convenience macro define for '1 is_set?'
Added an ERR_IMAGINARY?  convenience macro define for '2 is_set?'
Added an ERR_FBOUNDS?    convenience macro define for '3 is_set?'
Added an ERR_IBOUNDS?    convenience macro define for '4 is_set?'
Added a D_SIMPLE inserver define for specifying "simple" dialogs.
Added a D_TABBED inserver define for specifying "tabbed" dialogs.
Added a D_HELPER inserver define for specifying "helper" dialogs.
Added EVENT_SEND ( i s ? -- ) MUF prim.  Sends a "USER." event to
  the process referred to by the given pid.  The target process will
  receive an event that can be read with EVENT_WAIT.  The event type
  will be "USER." with the given event id string appended to it.
  The given event id string will be truncated at 32 characters.  The
  given arbitrary stack element will be passed on to the new process.
  ie: '23 "foobar" 3.1416 event_send' will send an event to process
  23, with an eventid of "USER.foobar", and a floating point data
  value of 3.1416.  This primitive requires at least Mucker Level 3.
Added TIMER_START ( i s -- ) MUF prim.  Requests that a timer event
  be sent to this program in i seconds, with an event name of "TIMER."
  with the given string appended.  ie: '5 "one" timer_start' will
  cause a "TIMER.one" event to be sent to the program in 5 seconds.
  This is used with EVENT_WAIT.  If a timer with the given timerid
  already exists, it will be rescheduled to occur after the new delay.
  Timer ids will be truncated to 32 characters.  Each MUF process can
  only have a limited number of timers, specified by the @tunee setting
  'process_timer_limit'.  Timers are listed on the @ps timequeue with
  the PID of the timer's process in parentheses.  Timers are one-shot
  events.  To get a repeating timer, you'll need to restart it when
  you process a new timer event.
Added TIMER_STOP ( s -- ) MUF prim.  Stops the timer with the given
  timerid, if it exists.  If there is already a timer event on the
  event queue, it will STAY on the queue until processed.  As with
  the timer_start primitive, the "TIMER." part of the event name is
  assumed.  '"first" timer_stop' will stop the timer created by
  '5 "first" timer_start'.  Timer ids ARE case sensitive.
Added EVENT_COUNT ( -- i) MUF prim.  Returns the number of pending
  events waiting to be processed with EVENT_WAIT.
Added ANSI_STRLEN ( s -- i ) MUF prim.  Returns the length of string s
  ignoring ansi escape within the string.
Added ANSI_STRCUT ( s i -- s1 s2 ) MUF prim.  Like STRCUT, but ignores ansi
  escapes when finding the location to divide the string at.
Added ANSI_STRIP ( s -- s' ) MUF prim.  Takes a string and removes ansi
  escapes from with in the string, returning the de-ansified string.
Added GUI_DLOG_CREATE (intDescr strType strTitle dictArgs -- strDlogID)
  If a user has a client that can support the MCP GUI protocol, then this
  primitive can be used to generate a dialog on their screen.  The intDescr
  is the integer descriptor of the connection to show the dialog on. The
  strType is the type of the dialog to create.  Currently, the only options
  for strType are D_SIMPLE, D_TABBED, or D_HELPER.  The strTitle argument is
  the title to show in the titlebar of the dialog.  dictArgs is a dictionary
  array that contains extra optional arguments for creating the dialog.
  In general, dictArgs is only used to specify "panes" and "names" for
  D_TABBED and D_HELPER dialogs.  This primitive returns a string containing
  the dialogid, used by other prims to add controls or make various changes.
  This dialog will be hidden and not shown to the user until it has been
  displayed with the GUI_DLOG_SHOW command.
Added ARRAY_APPENDITEM ( ? a -- a') MUF prim.  Appends the given item to
  the given list array.
Added SETSYSPARM ( s1 s2 -- ) MUF prim.  Assigns the @tunable parameter s1
  a value given by s2.  s2 must contain a legal value for s1. (wizbit only)
Added ARRAY_FINDVAL (a1 ? -- a2) MUF prim.  Returns a list array containing
  the keys of every element in the array a1 whose values match the given
Added ARRAY_EXCLUDEVAL (a1 ? -- a2) MUF prim.  Returns a list array containing
  the keys of every element in the array a1 whose values did NOT match the
  given value.
Added ARRAY_GET_PROPDIRS( d s -- a ) MUF prim.  Returns a list array
  containing the names of all the sub-propdirs contained within the given
  propdir.  Any propdirs the program wouldn't be able to read, are left out.
  (ML3 required.)
Added ARRAY_GET_PROPVALS ( d s -- a ) MUF prim.  Reads in properties from
  a propdir, and returns them in a dictionary, keyed by propname.  Sub-
  propdirs in the given propdir that do not have any value of their own,
  are left out of the returned dictionary.  Properties that the program
  doesn't have perms to read are also left out.  Reads up to 511 props
  maximum. (ML3 required.)
Added ARRAY_PUT_PROPVALS ( d s a -- ) MUF prim.  Takes the values in
  the given dictionary, and stores them in the given propdir on the
  given object.  Each dictionary entry will be saved into a property
  with the key as the name, and the value as the property value.
  Be aware that dictionary entries with keys starting with one of
  @ ~ _ or . may require special permissions to save.
Added ARRAY_PUT_REFLIST ( d s a -- ) MUF prim.  Takes a list array of
  dbrefs, and stores them in a property as a space delimited string of
  dbrefs.  ie:  "#1234 #6646 #1026 #7104"
Added ARRAY_GET_REFLIST ( d s -- a ) MUF prim.  Reads in list of space
  delimited dbrefs from a string property, and returns them as a list
  array of dbrefs.  See ARRAY_PUT_REFLIST for property syntax.
Added ARRAY_GET_PROPLIST ( d s -- a ) MUF prim.  Reads in properties from
  a classic style proplist, and returns them in a dictionary, keyed by
  propname.  Proplists can be in any of the common proplist styles:
  ie: "propname#/1", "propname/1", or "propname1".  If the program
  doesn't have permission to read the list, it returns an empty
  dictionary.  Reads up to 511 props maximum.
Added ARRAY_PUT_PROPLIST ( d s a -- ) MUF prim.  Takes the values
  in the given list array, and stores them in the given propdir on
  the given object as a sequential proplist.  This will use the
  system standard proplist format specified by @tune settings.
Added PROPLIST_COUNTER_FMT @tune, to specify the system standard naming
  format for proplists.  ie: lists of data stored in properties like
  _list#:3    _list#/1:One    _list#/2:Two    _list#/3:Three
  This string specifies the format of the name of the property that
  the count of list items is stored in.  Any instance of P in this
  string will be replaced by the proplist name.  All other characters
  will be taken literally.  The default is: "P#" which will make for
  proplists which store their count in props like  _list#:3
Added ARRAY_REVERSE (a -- a') MUF prim many versions ago, but forgot to
  note it here before.  Takes a list array and reverses its order.
Fixed crasher bug with MCP-GUI and players logging out and back in.
Fixed a nasty bug where ARRAY_GETITEM was retrieving CLEARed values.
Fixed a minor bug in fmtstring to handle arrays for %? formats.
Fixed a crasher bug with using various MPI commands on #0.
Fixed a bug to make XYZ_TO_POLAR and POLAR_TO_XYZ set the NAN flag and
  return 0.0's, like the rest of the FP prims do.
Fixed a crasher bug in MCP when client fails to send authentication key.
Fixed bug with stringpfx and null string arguments.
Changed ARRAY_GETRANGE to return empty list for out of range indexes.
Changed the MIDSTR muf prim to consider the first char of a string to be
  position 1, instead of 0.  This makes it match the results of instr.

Added boolean secure_thing_movement @tune param.  Enables triggering of the
  _arrive/, _depart/, etc. propqueues for Thing objects as well as Players.
  This can cause server processing overhead, but it allows more certain
  tracking of object movement via MUF/MPI.

Fixed a possible crasher bug with blank MUF program lines.
Fixed @mcpedit so it will display compile errors.
Fixed bug where MCP wouldn't split up multiline MUF strings with \r chars.
Fixed a crashing bug in the MUF INTERP primitive.
Fixed a crashing bug with @ps listing of MPI processes for non-wizards.
Fixed a reference count bug in array_getitem muf primitive.
Fixed a different reference count bug in many array_* prims.
Changed Boolexp parsing code to make it re-entrant.
Changed muf instruction display code to make it re-entrant.
Removed buggy propdir_diskbasing code completely.
Added \r\n's to the ends of the shutdown messages.
Added the ability to print the contents of scoped vars in the muf debugger.
Added the WIZCALL MUF keyword.  Used like the PUBLIC keyword, but the calling
  program requires wizbit permissions to call the function.
Added the following MUF primitives:
    CANCALL?  (d s -- i)
        Will return true if the given program has a public or wizcall function
        that the current program has permissions to call.  Returns false,
    ONLINE_ARRAY  ( -- a)
        This is the same as the ONLINE primitive, except it returns a single
        stack item which is an array of dbrefs instead of pushing every dbref
        separately onto the stack.
    DESCR_ARRAY  (d -- a)
        This returns an array of descriptors that are associated with the
        given dbref.  This is effectively the same as the sequence
        'descriptors array_make'.
    {  ( -- mark)
        Pushes a marker onto the stack, for use with the }, }LIST, and }DICT
    }  ( mark ?n ... ?1 -- ?n ... ?1 i )
        Returns the count of how many stack items exist between the topmost
        stack marker and the top of the stack.  That stack marker is removed
        from the stack, and the count is pushed onto the top of the stack.
        This is useful for automatically counting a number of static strings,
        and other such things.
    }LIST  ( mark ?n ... ?i -- array )
        MUF primitive.  This takes all the stack items above the topmost stack
        marker, and makes a list from them, a la array_make.  In fact, this is
        implemented as an inserver macro with a definition of '} array_make'.
    }DICT  ( mark @n ?n ... @1 ?1 -- dict )
        This takes all the pairs of names (@s) and values (?s) between the
        top of the stack and the topmost stack marker, and makes them into
        a dictionary, a la the array_make_dict primitive.  In fact, this is
        implemented as an inserver macro with a definition of
        '} 2 / array_make_dict'.
    DESCR  ( -- i)
        Returns the connection descriptor that invoked the currently running
        program.  This may return -1 for some listener or autostart programs.
    TOKENSPLIT  (strString strDelim strEscape -- strPre strPost strChar)
        Searches strString for the first character that matches any character
        in strDelim, so long as it is not escaped by the character passed in
        strEscape.  Returns the unescaped string before the found character,
        the raw string after that character, and the character that was found.
    GUI_AVAILABLE  (intDescr -- fltVersion)
        Returns the floating point version number of the MCP GUI protocol
        supported by the given descriptor's connection.  The version is
        encoded in the number such that major version 8, minor version 12
        is represented as 8.012.  If the MCP protocol is not available on
        that descriptor, then 0.0 is returned.
    GUI_DLOG_SIMPLE  (intDescr strTitle -- strDlogID)
        If a user has a client that can support the MCP GUI protocol, then
        this primitive can be used to generate a simple dialog on their
        screen.  By "simple" I mean just an empty window with no controls.
        The intDescr argument specifies what connection descriptor to
        create the dialog for (ie: what user's screen to show it on), and
        the strTitle arg specifies what the title of the dialog will be.
        This returns a string containing the dialogid, used by other prims
        to add controls or make various changes.  This dialog will be hidden
        and not shown to the user until it has been displayed with the
        GUI_DLOG_SHOW command.
    GUI_DLOG_TABBED  (intDescr strTitle dictPages -- strDlogID)
        If a user has a client that can support the MCP GUI protocol, then
        this primitive can be used to generate a tabbed dialog on their
        screen.  By "tabbed" I mean a window with a tabbed notebook, similar
        to Win95 "property sheets", with three standard buttons at the bottom.
        The standard buttons return values of "_ok", "_cancel", and "_apply".
        The intDescr argument specifies what connection descriptor to create
        the dialog for (ie: what user's screen to show it on).  The strTitle
        arg specifies what the title of the dialog will be.  The dictPages
        argument is a dictionary array of page ids and display names to be
        created.  (ids as dictionary keys, display names as vals) This prim
        returns a string containing the dialogid, used by other prims to add
        controls or make various changes.  When you create a new control, you
        can specify which page to put it in by passing a pageid in as the
        value of the "pane" argument.  This dialog will be hidden and not
        shown to the user until it has been displayed with the GUI_DLOG_SHOW
    GUI_DLOG_HELPER  (intDescr strTitle dictPages -- strDlogID)
        If a user has a client that can support the MCP GUI protocol, then
        this primitive can be used to generate a helper dialog on their
        screen.  By "helper" I mean a dialog similar to a Win95 wizard dialog.
        The standard buttons return values of "_cancel", and "_finish".
        The intDescr argument specifies what connection descriptor to
        create the dialog for (ie: what user's screen to show it on), and
        the strTitle arg specifies what the title of the dialog will be.
        The dictPages argument is a dictionary array of page ids and display
        names to be created.  (ids as dictionary keys, display names as vals)
        This returns a string containing the dialogid, used by other prims
        to add controls or make various changes.  When you create a new
        control, you can specify which page to put it in by passing a pageid
        in as the value of the "pane" argument.  This dialog will be hidden
        and not shown to the user until it has been displayed with the
        GUI_DLOG_SHOW command.
    GUI_DLOG_SHOW  (strDlogID -- )
        Forces a given dialog to be shown to the user.  The strDlogId is what
        was returned by the GUI_DLOG_CREATE (or similar) command.
    GUI_DLOG_CLOSE  (strDlogID -- )
        Forces a given dialog to be closed and destroyed.  The strDlogId is
        what was returned by the GUI_DLOG_CREATE (or similar) command.
    GUI_CTRL_CREATE  (strDlogID strType strCtrlID dictArgs -- )
        Creates a new control in a given dialog.  strDlogID contains the
        dlogid returned from a GUI_DLOG_SIMPLE (or similar) command.  strType
        contains the control type.  To make debugging easier and faster,
        MUF $defs have been provided for each control type.  They are:
        and C_NOTEBOOK.  If you use these instead of the actual type name
        strings, then if you mistype one, it will throw an error when trying
        to compile, instead of when you try to run it.  The strCtrlID arg
        is the id to give the control, for use in reading the values back
        later, or modifying the control.  dictArgs is used to pass any other
        arguments needed to create the control.  This will be used by almost
        all controls.  It is a dictionary array that contains argnames as
        keys, each with an argument value.
    GUI_VALUES_GET   (strDlogID -- dictValues)
        Returns a dictionary containing all the control values for the given
        dialog.  The keys are the control ids.
    GUI_VALUE_SET    (strDlogID strCtrlID strValue -- )
        Sets the value of a given control in a given dialog.
    EVENT_WAIT       ( -- dictContext eventID)
        Waits for an event to occur, pausing the MUF program.  Currently, the
        only events are GUI events.  GUI events have eventID strings that are
        created by prepending "GUI." to the dlogID of the dialog that generated
        the event.
    []    (a @ -- ?)
        Defined to be the same as array_getitem
    [..]    (a @1 @2 -- a')
        Defined to be the same as array_getrange

Fixed a bug in the MALLOC_PROFILING code.  (Thanks, Cynbe!)
Fixed a few compiler warnings about main() not returning int.
Fixed a bug in the ITOC muf primitive that returned random words for
  values greater than 127.
Added the ATAN2 (fy fx -- f) MUF primitive.  Equivalent to atan(fy/fx),
  but takes the signs of the arguments into account, and avoids DIVBY0.
Added the DIST3D (fx fy fz -- f) MUF primitive.  Returns the distance of
  XYZ coords (fx, fy, fz) from the origin.
Added the XYZ_TO_POLAR (fx fy fz -- fr ft fp) MUF primitive.  This converts
  the XYZ coordinate (fx, fy, fz) to the spherical polar coord (fr, ft, fp).
Added the POLAR_TO_XYZ (fr ft fp -- fx fy fz) MUF primitive.  This converts
  the spherical polar coordinate (fr, ft, fp) to the XYZ coord (fx, fy, fz).
Added MOVEPENNIES (d1 d2 i -- ) moves i pennies from player/thing d1 to play-
  er/thing d2.  I think the perms on this will need to be rewritten as soon
  as we figure out what they SHOULD be.  This is the first step towards mak-
  ing ADDPENNIES require at least ML3 (or wizbit), for enabling economies.
  Thanks to David McClure for this mod.
Added @tune autolook_cmd to allow changing what action to run when entering
  a room.  This defaults to "look".  This was a feature request.  Thanks to
  Loki for this mod.

Fixed a crasher bug with multi-line MCP messages.
Fixed several parsing bugs with the dns-org-mud-moo-simpleedit MCP package.

Fixed a crasher bug in MCP introduced in a previous bugfix.

Fixed several related crasher bugs, triggered by failure to run MUF progs.

Fixed a crasher bug caused by a wild pointer in the MCP negotiation code.

Log Read/Interactive ability added.  By setting the boolean @tune option
 'log_reads' to 'yes' (default 'no'), any commands entered while in the
 interactive or read mode (due to server action or MUF 'read' prim) will
 be sent to the server command log with appropriate annotation.  Be
 warned that this could cause quite a bit of spammage in your log file,
 and certainly will replicate (though not in nice order), some information
 that is included under program logging.
Enable/Disable 'Home'.  By setting the boolean @tune option 'enable_home'
 to 'no' (default 'yes'), the global in-server 'home' command will cease
 to work.  This allows the MUCK administrator to create a programmatic
 or other customized 'home' action, or to have none at all for MUCKs where
 the 'home' command would not be in-theme.
Xpress or prefix commands.  By setting the @tune option 'enable_prefix'
 to 'yes' (default 'no'), the server gains the ability to do internal
 matches against actions much in the way the in-server '"' and ':' work.
 To set up a prefix command, create an action linked to a program as you
 normally would.  Make sure the action is owned by a wizard.  Then have
 the wizard set the 'X' flag on the command and make sure the @tune
 option is set.  At this point, any of the 'names' set on the action
 are now 'prefix' names and will be matched against the beginning of
 the user's command string.  For example, a prefix action called '&;foo'
 will match both '&yadda' and 'fooBar'.
Bug fix for prim_online.  A rare crashing bug was found in the MUF
 'online' primitive, where when the exact number of people online were
 exactly two more than the remaining MUF stack size, the stack top
 limit would be exceeded, causing a SEGV further down MUF execution.

Fixed usage of first_prop() and first_prop_nofetch() to be 64bit clean.
Fixed a string termination bug in @open.
Fixed a crasher bug with reading float props stored as 1 instead of 1.0.
Fixed a compile-time bug with #undefing DISKBASE.
Fixed a crasher bug with the {parse} mpi primitive.
Changed the search restrictions for MPI _msgmacs/ macros.  Now when MPI
  looks for a macro, it uses the following algorithm:
      Check the owner of the trigger.
      Check the Trigger itself.
      Check each object down the environment from the trigger that is
    owned by the same player as the trigger.
      Check #0.
Changed mpi {store} permissions, to refuse to store props to properties
  under _msgmacs/ unless the mpi has wizardly permissions.
Changed muf to require at least mucker level 3 to store any properties
  in or under _msgmacs/ propdirs.
Changed the muf compiler to be thread-safe. (Planning for future.)
Removed Balloc for not being very useful, and not being 64bit clean.
Added low-level MCP (Mud-Client Protocol) support.  This is a protocol
  used to allow the server to communicate data to client programs.
Added the following MCP primitives to support MCP:
  MCP_REGISTER ( strPkgName fltMinVers fltMaxVers -- )
      Registers an MCP package so that clients can know what is supported.
      The minimum and maximum versions supported are represented as floating
      point numbers, with the minor version number being divided by 1000.
      For example, an MCP package of version 1.1 is represented as 1.001,
      and a version of 1.23 is represented as 1.023.  This lets you use
      mathematical compares to check version numbers.
  MCP_BIND ( strPkgName strMesgName addrCallback -- )
      Binds a specific message, so if it is received, the given function is
      called.  The callback function is assumed to accept the args:
      ( intDescr dictArgs -- ) where dictArgs is a dictionary array contain-
      ing key-value pairs that represent the arguments of the message.  Each
      argument can either have a string value, or a list array of strings,
      where the list array is used for multi-line values.
  MCP_SUPPORTED ( intDescr strPkgName -- fltVersion )
      Returns the version number of this package that is supported by this
      connection descriptor.  If this package isn't supported, returns 0.0
      The version number is represented as a floating point number, with the
      minor version number being divided by 1000.  For example, an MCP
      package of version 1.1 is represented as 1.001, and a version of 1.23
      is represented as 1.023.  This lets you use mathematical compares to
      check version numbers.
  MCP_SEND ( intDescr strPkgName strMsgName dictArgs -- )
      Sends an MCP message for the given package to the given connection
      descriptor.  dictArgs contains key-value pairs, where each key is
      an argument name, and the value is the argument value.  Values can
      be strings, floats, dbrefs, integers, or array lists of strings.
      They all get translated into an appropriate string format before
      getting sent.

Changed the packaging scripts to preserve modification dates on source files.
Changed all calls to set_property() to be 64 bit clean.
Fixed a bug in the debugger's "prim" command.
Fixed an error that excluded topwords.c from the release packages.
Fixed a crasher bug with 63 & 64 character filenames in the data/info dir.
Added ARRAY_NOTIFY (a1 a2 -- ) muf primitive.  a1 is an array of strings to
  notify to all the dbrefs in array a2.

Added ARRAY_NUNION ({a} -- a) MUF prim, to return a list array, containing the
  union of values of all the given arrays.
Added ARRAY_NINTERSECT ({a} -- a) prim, to return a list array, containing the
  intersection of all the given arrays.  Multiple arrays are consecutively
  processed against the results of the previous intersection, from the top of
  the stack down.
Added ARRAY_NDIFF ({a} -- a) MUF prim, to return a list array, containing the
  difference of all the given arrays.  Multiple arrays are consecutively
  processed against the results of the previous difference, from the top of
  the stack down.
Added SRAND ( -- i ) to muf.  Generates a seeded random number.
Added SETSEED ( s -- ) to muf.  Sets the seed for SRAND.  Only the first
  thirty-two characters are significant.  If SRAND is called before SETSEED
  is called, then SRAND is seeded with a semi-random value.
Added GETSEED ( -- s ) to muf.  Returns the the current SRAND seed string.
Fixed bug with compiling under Linux using glibc2.
Updated configure script using a much newer autoconf program.

Added FOREACH ( a -- @ ? ) as a loop start construct.  Use similar to FOR.
Added ARRAY? ( ? -- i ) to test if a stack item is an array.
Added DICTIONARY? ( ? -- i ) to test if a stack item is a dictionary array.

Fixed a crasher bug with FORKing a muf process with any scoped vars.
Changed MUF time related primitives to be cleaner under 64 bit systems.
Added ARRAY stack item type to MUF.
Added the following primitives:  (@ represents an index int, string, or float)
  ARRAY_MAKE       ( {?} -- a )   Makes a list array from a stackrange.
  ARRAY_MAKE_DICT  ( {@ ?} -- a ) Makes a dictionary associative array from
                                    a stackrange of index/value pairs.
  ARRAY_EXPLODE    ( a -- {@ ?} ) Explodes array into stackrange of index/value
                                    pairs. ie:  "idx0" "val0" "idx1" "val1" 2
  ARRAY_KEYS       ( a -- {@} )   Returns the keys of an array in a stackrange.
  ARRAY_VALS       ( a -- {?} )   Returns the vals of an array in a stackrange.
  ARRAY_COUNT      ( a -- i )     Returns count of items in array
  ARRAY_FIRST      ( a -- @ i )   Returns first index in array, and a boolean.
                                    Bool is false if no items are in array.
  ARRAY_LAST       ( a -- @ i )   Returns last index in array, and a boolean.
                                    Bool is false if no items are in array.
  ARRAY_PREV       ( a @ -- @ i ) Returns previous index in array, & a boolean.
                                    Bool is false if no items left.
  ARRAY_NEXT       ( a @ -- @ i ) Returns next index in array, and a boolean.
                                    Bool is false if no items left.
  ARRAY_GETITEM    ( a @ -- ? )   Gets a given item from an array.
  ARRAY_DELITEM    ( a @ -- a' )  Removes a given item from an array.
  ARRAY_SETITEM    ( ? a @ -- a') Overwrites a given array item with value
  ARRAY_INSERTITEM ( ? a @ -- a') Inserts a given value into an array.
  ARRAY_GETRANGE  ( a @ @ -- a' ) Gets range between two indexes (inclusive)
                                    from an array, returning it as an array.
  ARRAY_DELRANGE  ( a @ @ -- a' ) Deletes a range of items from an array,
                                    between two indexes, inclusive. Returns
                                    the resulting array.
  ARRAY_SETRANGE  (a1 @ a2 -- a') Sets items in list a1 to vals from list a2,
                                    starting at the given index.  Returns the
                                    resulting array.
  ARRAY_INSERTRANGE (a1 @ a2 -- a') Inserts items from array a2 into a1,
                      starting at the given index.  Returns
                      the resulting array.

Added PMATCH (s -- d) prim to MUF to avoid costly calls to wizbit libraries.
Added function-scoped variables to MUF.  They are local to each invocation
  of the given function, and recursive calls will get their own scoped vars.
  You declare a function-scoped var by using 'var VARNAME' inside a function.

Fixed a bug in popn that caused wierd system behaviour.
Fixed a crasher bug in dupn.  Similar to the dup bug fixed recently.
Fixed a crasher bug in ldup.  Similar to the dup bug fixed recently.
Changed ldup and dupn to accept 0 as a valid value.

Fixed a few bugs where some changed objects would fail to get delta dumped
  under certain circumstances.

Fixed a crasher bug with the newobject primitive.
Fixed a crasher bug with the copyobj primitive.

Fixed a crasher bug with doing a pop in the muf debugger on an empty stack.

Changed all references to THING specific structures to go through macros.
Fixed (I think) a crasher bug with @forcing zombies and vehicles.

Added patches to allow entry of empty lines.
Fixed crasher bugs in MUF compiler with empty lines.
Fixed a bug with the MPI {links} command regarding metalinks.
Fixed many small memory leaks.
Fixed a crasher in @pcreate caused by player specific struct mods.

Fixed a hanging bug with FOR loops.
Fixed a crashing bug with overflowing an omessage string buffer from MPI.
Optimized memory usage by allocating structures for player and program specific
  data, instead of wasting space in the specific union shared by all objects.
Changed all references to player or program specific data to go through macros.
Changed {otell} to fix restrictions on nameless messages.

Fixed a crashing bug in freeing of unused propdirs, with propdirs diskbasing.
Fixed a crasher bug in MPI caused by a buffer overflow.
Fixed a bug in announce when not using IPV6.
Fixed a string termination bug in with '@mpi {foo'
Fixed a bug where DESCR_SETUSER wasn't checking for stack underflow correctly.
Fixed a bug in freeing unused propdirs from memory.  This _might_ fix the bug
  with losing entire propdirs of properties after the first deltadump. [Nope.]
Fixed a bug with _listen programs that SLEEP.  This might fix the "Tried to
  free an already freed program frame" crasher bug. (Thanks, Fre'ta!)
Fixed the restart script to be more friendly to having multiple mucks on the
  same machine.  It now uses the netmuck.pid file to determine if a particular
  muck is running from a particular directory, from a particular account,
  instead of just greping for all 'netmuck' programs running on the machine.
Edited edit-help.txt slightly for formatting, and corrected a slight error.
Added rwho_inet_addr() to rwho.c to fix lack of portability with inet_addr().
Added -version command line option, to see what version the server binary is.
Added -gamedir command line option.  Server cd's to this dir before starting.
Added -dbin, -dbout, and -port command line options for specifying the input
  and output db files, and the port number.  This is an alternative to the old
  syntax of 'netmuck infile outfile portnum'.
Added GETLINKS ( d -- dn..d1 n ) muf primitive, for getting info on metalinks.
  Returns 0 when the obj is an unlinked exit, or if the obj is a program.
  Returns 0 if the obj is a room with no dropto.  Returns #-3 and a count of 1
  if the dropto is linked to HOME.
Optimized database dumping slightly.
Changed {list} and {lexec} to return a null string if the list wasn't found.
  ie: they no longer error out with a "Failed list read."

Added USE_IPV6 #define option to config.h, to allow support for the future
  IP version 6 Internet Protocol.  The code for IPv6 support was contributed
  by Kim Liu.
Added NEXTOWNED (d -- d) primitive to MUF.  When called with a player dbref,
  this returns the dbref of the first object they own.  When called with that
  dbref, this returns the next object owned by the same player.  When there
  are no more objects left owned by that player, then #-1 is returned.  The
  order of the objects is not guarenteed, but when used correctly, each object
  owned by that player will be returned exactly once.  The player object itself
  will NOT be returned.  This is used similarly to the NEXT primitive.  Ex:
      me @ begin dup while dup unparseobj .tell nextowned repeat
Added LDUP ( {?} -- {?} {?} ) to duplicate a stackrange on top of the stack.
Added DUPN ( ?n...?1 i -- ?n...?1 ?n...?1 ) to duplicate the top N stack items.
Added POPN ( ?n...?1 i -- ) to pop the top N stack items.
Added LREVERSE ( ?n...?1 i -- ?1...?n i ) reverses top N items, leaving count.
Changed REVERSE back to ( ?n...?1 i -- ?1...?n )  ie: no count left on top.
Replaced edit-help.txt with a more understandable editor help screen.

Fixed a crasher bug with propdir based diskbasing.
Changed DB dumping routines to free unused propdirs from memory after saving.
Documented {default} in mpihelp.txt.
Changed ITOC primitive to allow creating an escape char.

Added boolean @tune option for diskbase_propdirs to enable propdir diskbasing.
Added ability to diskbase by propdirs.  This means that the server only loads
  properties that are in propdirs that are being accessed.  Hopefully this will
  reduce the memory usage of FB.
Fixed bug with INTOSTR not correctly handling negative numbers,
Fixed loophole in {otell} that allowed spoofing.
Fixed some minor bugs in MPI list and looping functions, to correctly return 
  empty initial list items.
Fixed {parse} to deal correctly with a null output separator.
Changed MUF debugger to make it always print line numbers before souce code.
Changed REVERSE primitive to keep the count: ( ?n ... ?1 N -- ?1 ... ?n N )
  To obtain the old behavior, just pop off the count.
Changed {otell} and {tell} to allow _listeners to hear them.
Changed MUF's NAME and TRUENAME prims to return "<garbage>" on recycled objs.

Fixed math bug in ROUND that rounded 1.5000 down to 1.0.
Fixed bug where MUF debug trace would print 1.000 as 1 without decimal point.
Fixed range checking bugs in several floating point MUF primitives.
Changed FTOSTR to always include a decimal point.
Added REVERSE (?n ... ?1 n -- ?1 ... ?n) MUF primitive.  Reverses the stack
  order of the top n stack items.
Added %~ format code to FMTSTRING.  Will take any stack item type and output
  the default format representation for that type.  If passed a float, the
  format "%12.8~" will act like "%12.8g".  If passed a string, it will act
  like "%12.8s".  Et cetera.
Changed ROUND MUF primitive to take a float and an integer argument, the
  integer setting the 'precision' of the rounding in decimal places.

Changed examine code to display Haven flag on Things as HIDE, since it's used
  on objects of type Thing to hide the contents when you look at them.
Added {ESCAPE:text} MPI function.  Lets you keep {eval:{escape:{&arg}}} from
  evaluating any MPI code that the user may have entered.  Basically quotes
  and escapes text so that when evaluated, the original text is returned.
Added DESCRFLUSH (i -- ) to MUF.  Flushes output text on the given descriptor.
  If -1 is passed as the descriptor, it flushes output on all connections.
Added calls to sync() after database dumps to make sure the databases are
  physically saved to disk quickly after a dump.

----------------------START Mods by Points -----------------------
Programmer's notes for 6.00 MUF primitive additions.
Additions and notes by Points.

Major changes:

  In this version, a number of changes and additions have been made to
the MUF server.  MUF now supports a new type, floating point, as well
as hosts a variety of new primitives in several categories.  A
floating point library has been created.  To support this, a number of
new property handling primitives have been creates and modified to
allow float-types to be stored to and read from props.  In addition,
the new math library supports range error checking.  The old integer
math library has been expanded and now uses the new error routines as
well.  Finally, a handful of new string operations have been added to
both speed up string manipulations as well as make some basic
manipulations much easier for the programmer.

Floating Point:

  The following floating-point math functions have been added -
        CEIL - returns the next highest integer number (as floating point).
        FLOOR - returns the next lowest integer number (as floating point).
        FLOAT - converts an integer into a floating point number.
        SQRT - gives a square root.
        POW - returns x to the power of y.
        FRAND - returns a random floating point number between 0 and 1.
        SIN - returns the sine of a number.
        COS - returns the cosine of a number.
        TAN - returns the tangent of a number.
        ASIN - returns the inverse sine of a number.
        ACOS - returns the inverse cosine of a number.
        ATAN - returns the inverse tangent of a number.
        EXP - returns the value of e raised to the x power.
        LOG - returns the natural log of a number.
        LOG10 - returns the log base 10 of a number.
        FABS - returns the absolute value of a number.
        STRTOF - converts a string to a floating point value.
        FTOSTR - converts a floating point value to a string.
        FMOD - floating point remainder of x/y.
        MODF - Returns the integral and fractional parts of x, both as
                floating point values.
        PI - gives PI.
        INF - returns an infinite result.
        ROUND - rounds to the nearest integer, returned as a floating
                point value.

  Related functions -
        GETPROPFVAL - retrieves a float value stored in a property.
        FLOAT? - returns true if the next item on the stack is a 
                floating point value.

  Some notes regarding range -
        SIN, COS and TAN only operate in the ranges between -pi/4 and
pi/4.  It may be nessecary for the programmer to have to check these
values and set the sign as appropriate after processing.  ASIN and
ATAN only operate in the ranges between -pi/2 and pi/2 while ACOS
operates within the range of 0 to pi.  Most functions will not accept
INF as a legal input.  SQRT expects a value greater than or equal to
zero.  LOG and LOG10 require a value greater than zero.  Very small
values will return INF.  Finally, POW requires that for x^y, if x is
zero, y must be greater than 0, and if x is less than zero, y must be
an integer value.

  Some notes regarding string formatting -
        STRTOF recognizes most standard forms of floating point
notation.  This includes the xxx.yyy format as well as the x.yyyEzz
forms.  Conversely, FTOSTR can return either form, depending on which
will contain the fewer number of characters for the given value.  Use
FMTSTRING (see below) to fix the output style.

Other math changes:

  For the standard math functions (+,-,/,*,etc.), the following types
are allowed -
        x       OP      y       result
        INT             INT     INT
        DBREF           INT     DBREF
        VAR             INT     VAR
        LVAR            INT     LVAR
        FLOAT           FLOAT   FLOAT
        FLOAT           INT     FLOAT
        INT             FLOAT   FLOAT

  FLOAT types are not allowed to be used in the MOD command.
  All bit operations on FLOAT types will be converted to INT types.
  It is no longer nessevary to use DBCMP to compare for equality
between two differnet dbref numbers.  Dbrefs can now use the standard
comparison operations (>,<,=,>=,<=).  DBCMP has been retained for
backwards compatibility.
  INT will convert FLOAT types to INT as well as DBREF, VAR and LVAR
types.  In the cases of VAR and LVAR, INT will return the index number
of the variable.

Math error functions:

  The new MUF math functions now report when certain math errors have
occurred.  Among these errors would be such items as division by zero,
overflow, underflow, using INF as an input or input values out of
range.  In most cases, an error condition will return a zero value
(except in the case of integer math, which will wrap around on an
overflow or underflow condition).  It is possible to poll for error
conditions after every math operation, or when a '0' result is found.

  The error primitives are -
        CLEAR - this clears all error flags.
        CLEAR_ERROR - this will clear a specific error flag.
        ERROR? - will return true if any error flags have been set.
        SET_ERROR - sets a specific error flag on.
        IS_SET? - checks to see if a specific error flag is set.
        ERROR_STR - given an error identifier, returns a user-readable error
        ERROR_NAME - given the error flag bit identifier, returns the string
                name for the error flag.
        ERROR_BIT - given the error flag string name, returns the bit
        ERROR_NUM - returns the total number of error flag types.

  The current error flags supported are -
        DIV_ZERO  - (0) Division by zero attempted.
        NAN       - (1) Result was not a number.
        IMAGINARY - (2) Result would be imaginary.
        FBOUNDS   - (3) Floating-point inputs were out of range.
        IBOUNDS   - (4) Calculation resulted in an integer overflow or

New string functions:

  The new string primitives are -
        TREAD - acts like a timed READ call.  If the user does not provide
                input within the given number of seconds, the READ call will
                time-out and return a failure to the program, otherwise it
                returns a success and the string value entered.
        MIDSTR - returns the string specified from within a given string.
        CTOI - converts a character (first character in a string) to its
                ASCII equivilent.
        ITOC - converts an integer to its ASCII equivilent character.  If it
                is not a valid display character, a null string is returned.
        STOD - takes a string and attempts to extract a dbref number from it.
                Recognizes both plain numbers as well as numbers prepended
                with the '#' sign.
        SPLIT - given a string and a string token, will split the first string
                at the first found instance of the token.  The split string
                will be the original string and a null if no token matches.
        RSPLIT - as SPLIT, but finds the last matching token.
        FMTSTRING - allows for string formatting with format substitutions as
                per C's printf.  See below for further implementation details.

  FMTSTRING usage -
        FMTSTRING can be used to format complicated and long strings, as well
                as multi-lined (with embedded new-lines) strings.  These
                strings can consist entirely of user-specified text, formatted
                variable entries (as values taken from the stack) or a
                combination of both.

  The syntax for the format string is as follows:

  Format -+---+-%[-,|][+, ][0][number][.number]type->+----->
          ^   |                                      |
          |   +-text-------------------------------->|
          |                                          |

  Here, text can be any string that does not contain a '%'.  This can
be circumvented by replacing any occurance of a '%' with '%%'.  'Number'
is any standard integer number, and type should be one of the following
single character identifiers (case is important):

        i - integer argument
        s - string argument
        ? - unknown type argument, will print a string stating what the
            variable type is
        d - dbref number, in the form of #123
        D - dbref name reference; given a dbref, will print the associated
            name for that object - terminates on bad reference
        l - pretty-lock, given a lock, will print the description
        f - float in xxx.yyy form
        e - float in x.yyEzz form
        g - shorter of forms e or f

  A sample format string might look something like:

        "There are %i apples in the box."

  If there was an integer value of '5' on the stack, this would return:

        "There are 5 apples in the box."

  Variables can be formatted in very specific manners.  For numeric
entries, zero padding can be specified, as well as control over the
sign field.  The total output field size for the variable can be
specified, as well as the minimum and maximum output lengths.  Within
a field, output can be left, right or center justified.  The [-,|]
denotes the justification style to use.  With no argument, a field will
be right justified.  A '-' will change this to left and a '|' will make
the field centered.  If justification is to be used, the first
numeric entry must be specified.  This denotes the total size of the
variable field.  If the output of the variable is not limited by the
maximum output number (see below), and the total size of the output is
greater than the given field width, justification will have no meaning.
The second number field (after the period) specifies the maximum number
of characters to be printed for string variables, or the precision for
numerics.  When dealing with numerics, the '+', ' ' and '0' characters
also can be used before the numeric fields.  Specifing '+' will make
sure that a sign character is always printed before the number, wether
it be a plus or a minus.  Default is to only print a minus sign as
needed.  If a ' ' is used instead of the '+', a positive number will
be prefaced with a space instead of a plus-sign.  When a '0' is given,
zeros will be prefaced to the printed number in order to fill the
field width.
  Tabbing and new-lines are allowed within the format strings as well.
Tabs are defaulted to the equivilent of eight spaces.  Starting a new
line with '\r' will reset the tab count.  Unless explicitly reset with
a new-line character, tab will continue to count in mod-eight across
the given output line.  To insert a tab character, use '\t'.
  Variables should be on the stack 'under' the format string, and should
be in order of reference.  The first variable referenced by the format
string should be the next item in the stack, and so forth.

Primitive prototypes:

        CEIL    [ f - f ]
        FLOOR   [ f - f ]
        FLOAT   [ i - f ]
        SQRT    [ f - f ]
        POW     [ f f - f ]
        FRAND   [ - f ]
        SIN     [ f - f ]
        COS     [ f - f ]
        TAN     [ f - f ]
        ASIN    [ f - f ]
        ACOS    [ f - f ]
        ATAN    [ f - f ]
        EXP     [ f - f ]
        LOG     [ f - f ]
        LOG10   [ f - f ]
        FABS    [ f - f ]
        STRTOF  [ s - f ]
        FTOSTR  [ f - s ]
        FMOD    [ f f - f ]
        MODF    [ f - f f ]
        PI      [ - f ]
        INF     [ - f ]
        ROUND   [ f - f ]
        GETPROPFVAL [ d s - f ]
        FLOAT?  [ ? - i ]
        CLEAR   [ - ]
        CLEAR_ERROR [ s|i - i ]
        ERROR?  [ - i ]
        SET_ERROR [ s|i - i ]
        IS_SET? [ s|i - i ]
        ERROR_STR [ s|i - s ]
        ERROR_NAME [ i - s ]
        ERROR_BIT [ s - i ]
        ERROR_NUM [ - i ]
        TREAD   [ i - s i ]
        MIDSTR  [ s i i - s ]
        CTOI    [ s - i ]
        ITOC    [ i - s ]
        STOD    [ s - d ]
        SPLIT   [ s s - s s ]
        RSPLIT  [ s s - s s ]
        FMTSTRING [ ?1 ... ?n s - s ]

All changes completed as of 10/1/96.
----------------------END Mods by Points --------------------------

Fixed a bug in {testlock} that always tested the lock against the using player,
  regardless of who it was told to test against.
Optimized the MUF INTOSTR primitive to be faster and more efficient.
Optimized the MUF CON* primitives to be faster and more efficient.
Optimized property trees to remove redundant searches and unneeded recursion.
Optimized fetching of property values from disk.
Added the DIM attribute option to {attr} and TEXTATTR


Fixed compile bugs when GOD_PRIV was undefined.

Changed permissions on {istype} to make it only match local objects.

Various changes to man.txt, including very brief docs on the muf debugger.

Added FOR (i1 i2 i3 -- i) MUF loop, to loop from i1 to i2, with a step of
  i3.  The current count is pushed onto the stack at each iteration.  FOR is
  used just like BEGIN, marking the beginning of a loop, with REPEAT or
  UNTIL marking the end.  However unlike other loops, FOR loops are
  limited to a ridiculously high nesting of 512, enforced at runtime.
  The FOR primitive is actually (i1 i2 i3 -- ) and the FORITER primitive,
  used to control the iteration count is ( -- [i] i1) where i1 is a
  boolean signaling weather or not to continue, and if continuing, i is
  the currnet count.  The primitive FORPOP ( -- ) cleans up the FOR
  nesting stack by popping off the data for the nested loop.

Fixed a bug where a reference to a loop right after the BEGIN would cause
  either a MUF error in the case of a non-nested loop, or incorrect code,
  in the case of a nested loop.

Made the MUF compiler less recursive and more iterative.

Added reporting of file:line when an instruction that has been CLEAR()ed
  is unparsed for display.

Added ANSI color ability to the server.  Players only see the ANSI codes if
  they have their COLOR bit set.  To add an escape sequence to a string, use
  \[ to represent the escape char.  (Similar to \r for carriage returns.)
  This works in both MUF and in MPI.  Only color, bold, underline, reverse,
  and flash attributes are allowed.  All other escape sequences are stripped.

Added the {attr:} function to MPI, to allow setting attributes of text for
  players who have clients that can display them.  The syntax for the {attr}
  function is:  {attr:ATTRIBUTE,...,TEXT} where you may specify up to eight
  attributes to give to the specified TEXT.  Ie:: {attr:bold,red,WARNING!}
  would print WARNING! in bold red text, then reset back to the default text
  style for anything after the {attr:} command.  {ATTR} commands do not nest
  well, yet, so don't put {ATTR}s inside other {ATTR}s.

Added TEXTATTR (textstr attrstr -- codedstr) command to MUF.  Takes a plain
  text string and adds the neccesary codes to make the output codedstr display
  with the given attributes, when shown with an appropriate client.  The attri-
  butes are passed to TEXTATTR in the attrstr, as a series of comma separated
  attribute names. ie:  "WARNING!" "bold,red" TEXTATTR ME @ SWAP NOTIFY

  The attributes supported by the MPI {ATTR} function and the MUF TEXTATTR
  command are: reset, bold, flash, underline, reverse, black, magenta, red,
  yellow, green, cyan, blue, white, bg_black, bg_magenta, bg_red, bg_yellow,
  bg_green, bg_cyan, bg_blue, or bg_white.  The bg_* series of attributes set
  the background color.  The colors without the bg_ prefix set the foreground
  color attributes.  Reset will reset the text attributes back to normal.

  It is best to use {ATTR} or TEXTATTR instead of directly making ANSI escape
  codes with \[, since it is planned to make {ATTR} and TEXTATTR optionally
  send HTML codes instead of escape sequences, for those client programs what
  will be able to use it.  Besides, it's easier to read {attr:bold,text}
  instead of \[[1mtext.

Changed name setting code to always reject putting escape chars in names.

Fixed a bug with compiling under Linux with DETACH defined.

Fixed a sporatic crasher bug that ocurred when the number of processes on the
  timequeue was exactly ten, and all were due.