#AREA   Corellia~

#AUTHOR Keberus, Trelar, and Maveric~

0 36 0 36

#RESETMSG You hear the sound of repulsorlifts powering up in the distance.~


#ECONOMY 0 6141547

Corellian Citizen~
Corellian Citizen~
A Corellian Citizen wonders around the dark streets.
1 0 0 Z
1 0 0 0d0+50 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
256 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bounty Clerk~
Bounty Clerk~
A Bounty Clerk Sits here doing paperwork.
67 0 0 Z
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 2
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> greet_prog 100~
mpechoat $n A Bounty Clerk looks up from her paperwork.
say Oh, Hello $n.
say Anything i can do for you?
> give_prog The Dark Assassin's Head~
say You killed the Dark Assassin, Congratulations.
say He was scarying the citizens the most.
mpwithdraw 2500
give 150 credits $n
mpadvance $n 3 2000
mpat 1 drop head
mpat 1 purge head
> give_prog Gurder's Head~
say Ah, you killed that sneaky thief, good riddence...
mpwithdraw 550
give 40 credit $n
mpadvance $n 3 500
mpat 1 drop head
mpat 1 purge head
> give_prog Dreff's Head~
say Good, that no good scumbag is finally dead.
say Corellia has you to thank.
mpwithdraw 950
give 75 credit $n
mpadvance $n 3 900
mpat 1 drop head
mpat 1 purge head
Figure Dark Robes Assassin~
The Dark Assassin~
A Figure clad in long black robes stands here eyeing you.
3 4292608 0 Z
31 0 -300 20d20+3500 20d20+2
0 0
8 8 0
25 25 25 25 25 25 10
0 0 0 0 0
36 0 0 0 1 1 5
6 6 0 32 0 0 32 3
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> death_prog 100~
mpoload 10155
> fight_prog 30~
circle $n
Shadowy Dreff~
A Shadowy Figure wonders around here.
1 4227072 0 Z
1 0 0 10d30+1000 10d15+0
0 0
8 8 0
20 20 10 20 20 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 2
30 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> death_prog 100~
mpoload 10153
A short man in robes hides in the crowd.
129 0 0 Z
1 0 -300 10d25+1000 10d10+0
0 0
8 8 0
25 25 25 25 25 25 25
0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 1 1 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Store Clerk~
A Store Clerk~
A Store Clerk stands here behind the counter.
3 0 0 Z
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
20 10 10 20 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
A Corellian Bartender stands at the bar serving drinks.
3 0 0 Z
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
20 10 10 20 20 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Diner Waitress~
Diner Waitress~
A young woman stands here taking your order.
3 0 0 Z
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
20 10 10 20 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
BlasTech Dealer~
BlasTech Dealer~
A scrawny salesmen stands behind the counter.
3 0 0 Z
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
20 10 10 20 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Punk Rocker Kid~
A Punk Rocker~
A kid with a long spiked mohawk stands here wearing leathers.
5 0 0 Z
1 0 -300 9d10+500 9d11+2
0 0
8 8 1
25 25 25 25 25 1 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> rand_prog 40~
look $n
say The fuck are you looking at?
growl $n
A R-3PO Protocal droid stands here following his master.
257 0 0 Z
10 0 75 2d10+100 1d4+2
0 0
8 8 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
35 0 0 0 1 1 0
2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> speech_prog ration~
mpoload 133
give ration $n
> speech_prog drink~
mpoload 134
give canteen $n
> speech_prog food~
mpoload 133
give ration $n
> speech_prog canteen~
mpoload 134
give canteen $n
Fritz Chadra-Fan~
A short chandra-fan is here working on a R-3PO Protocol droid.
3 0 0 Z
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
14 0 0 0 8388608 8388608 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Tall Biker~
A Tall Biker~
A large man stands here in black leathers eyeing everyone.
3 0 0 Z
1 0 0 10d25+1000 10d20+0
0 0
8 8 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 48 3
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> greet_prog 100~
mpechoat $n A Tall Biker glares at you.
say The Shining Fists are watching you.
growl $n
Grunge Punk~
A Grunge Punk~
A smelly kid wearing chains and torn clothes stands here.
1 0 0 Z
1 0 0 9d11+200 9d10+0
0 0
8 8 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 16 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> greet_prog 100~
mpechoat $n A Grunge Punk starts to eye you dangerouslly.
laugh $n
say The hell are you doing here?
Punk Rock Chick Girl~
A Punk Rock Chick~
A girl in black leathers and high cut combat boots stands here.
1073741827 0 0 Z
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> greet_prog 100~
mpechoat $n The Punk Rock Chick turns around to see you.
laugh $n
spit $n
say Get the heck out of here.
Satz Biker Man~
An old biker looking man stands here playing "Im Not Pretty"
3 0 0 Z
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Corsec Agent~
A Corsec Agent~
A Corsec Agent is here patrolling the streets.
1 0 0 Z
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Battle Droid Antique~
Battle Droid~
An Antique battle droid stands here guarding its master.
257 0 0 Z
30 0 -150 10d15+550 10d15+20
0 0
8 8 0
25 25 25 25 25 25 20
0 0 0 0 0
37 0 0 0 1 0 3
6 6 0 0 0 0 0 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Hars Quarren~
A Tall Quarren stands here fixing up an antique battle droid
3 0 0 Z
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
15 0 0 0 33 32 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Modified R3-D2~
A Modified R3-D2~
A Modified R3-D2 droid follows his new owner.
1073742081 0 0 Z
15 0 62 3d10+150 1d4+2
0 0
8 8 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
38 0 0 0 2048 2048 2
3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Kentarr is stand here waiting for you to buy something.
1 0 0 Z
31 0 22 6d10+310 3d4+2
0 0
8 8 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 3
6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
A technician~
a technician~
A technician is readying ships for launch.
He is a young human technician, aged around 25 or 28. He is wearing a grey
worksuit that is smudged with grease. Several tools hang from a belt
around his waist. His face is blacked with tar and other dirty things
involving the machinery of the ships he maintains.
16778241 0 0 Z
9 0 80 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
The Diktat's Receptionist~
The Diktat's Receptionist~
The Diktat's Receptionist is sitting behind her desk here.
75 4194304 0 Z
9 0 77 1d10+90 0d4+2
0 0
8 8 2
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 2
1 1 2047 0 0 0 48 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> speech_prog p Diktat~
say The Diktat is probably busy. I'll check to see if he has time to see you.
mepcho The Receptionist activates her desk comlink. She speaks quietly for a moment.
mpecho The Receptionist turns to look at you.
say You can go ahead and go in, he is available.
mpecho The Receptionist buzzes the door and ushers you through it.
mptransfer $n 10384
> all_greet_prog 100~
say Welcome to the Diktat's Palace. What can I do for you?
The Diktat~
The Diktat~
The Diktat sits here behind his desk looking over some papers.
1073741891 0 0 Z
15 0 62 3d10+150 1d4+2
0 0
8 8 1
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 3
3 3 0 0 0 0 112 2
128 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
A female beach~
A beautiful female~
A female is here bathing in the sun.
67 0 0 Z
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 2
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> all_greet_prog 70 ~
say Hey! You wanna come and join me.
, pats the sand right next to her.
A sunbathing man~
A handsome man~
A man is here bathing in the sun.
67 0 0 Z
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
A Palace Guard~
A Palace Guard~
A Palace Guard stands watch here.
75 0 0 Z
20 0 -200 4d10+200 2d4+2
0 0
8 8 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 4
4 4 0 0 0 0 48 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Corsec Receptionist~
Corsec Receptionist~
A receptionist sits here waiting to help people.
67 0 0 Z
15 0 -100 3d10+150 1d4+2
0 0
8 8 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 2
3 3 0 0 0 0 112 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> all_greet_prog 100 ~
say Hello, Welcome to Corellian Security Headquarters. How can I help you today?
Corsec Commander~
A Corsec Commander~
A Corsec Commander is sitting here looking over papers.
75 4194304 0 Z
30 0 25 6d10+300 3d4+2
0 0
8 8 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 6
6 6 0 0 0 0 0 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> speech_prog p key~
if clan($n) == The Empire
say Oh...You need the key to the jail cells?
mpoload 10158
mpecho The commander rummages in his desk for the key.
give key $n
else say What are you doing in here.
mpecho The Commander lunges at you!
mpkill $n
> all_greet_prog 100~
if clan($n) == The Empire
mpecho The Corsec Commander looks up from his paperwork.
salute $n
say Hello $n, What can I do for you?
mpecho You hesitate and the commander starts going over his paperwork again.
say Get out of here right this instant!
mpecho The Commander lunges at you!
mpkill $n
Second Floor Receptionist~
A receptionist~
A receptionist is here helping people.
67 4194304 0 Z
15 0 -100 3d10+150 1d4+2
0 0
8 8 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 2
3 3 0 0 0 0 112 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> speech_prog p Commander~
say Ah you want to see the big dawg eh? 
mpecho The receptionist ushers you into the Commander's Office. 
mptransfer $n 10399
> speech_prog p Armor~
say Ah you need a repair eh?
mpecho The receptionist ushers you into the Armor Repair Shop.
mptransfer $n 10404
> act_prog p arrives~
say Welcome to the Second Floor of the Corellian Secuirty Headquarters.
say There are three main branches of this floor. The Commander's Office, the Armor Repair Shop and the Agent Sleeping Quarters.
say Please state the appropriate area for you.
> speech_prog p Sleeping~
say Need a rest huh? Don't we all!
mpecho A receptionist escorts you to the Sleeping Quarters.
mptransfer $n 10405
An old droid~
An old broken down droid~
An old broken down droid is here repairing armor.
1 0 0 Z
9 0 -100 1d10+90 0d4+2
0 0
8 8 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 1
1 1 0 0 0 0 48 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
A shop droid~
A shop droid~
A shop droid stands here awaiting someone's order.
1 0 0 Z
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
a newly created hi_mob~
Some god abandoned a newly created hi_mob here.
1 0 0 Z
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

A list of posted bounties~
a Posted Bountys~
A list of Posted Bountys is mounted here.~
13 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
Posted Bountys~
Posted Bountys~
Dark Assassin - 2500
Stelik -------- 950
Dreff --------- 350
Diktat's Throne~
Diktat's Throne~
Diktat's Throne is here in the middle of the room.~
8 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
Dreff's Head~
Dreff's Head~
Dreff's Head lays in the street.~
13 0 16385
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
Gurder's Head~
Gurder's Head~
Gurder's Head lays in the street.~
13 0 16385
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
The Dark Assassin's Head~
The Dark Assassin's Head~
The Dark Assassin's Head lays in the street.~
13 0 16385
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
A Stage~
A torn carpet covered wooden stage sits here.~
12 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
&W A Skeleton Key~
&W A Skeleton Key~
A Skeleton Key has been carelessly misplaced here.~
18 0 16385
0 0 0 0
2 75 7
A glass of corellian ale~
a glass of corellian ale~
A glass of corellian ale is here.~
17 0 16385
2 2 3 0
1 5 0
A drinking fountain~
&B A drinking fountain is mounted to the wall here.&w~
&B A drinking fountain is mounted to the wall here.&w~
25 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
A Dead Man~
A Dead Man~
&rThe corpse of a thief lies here.&w~
13 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
corellian ore buster~
a corellian ore buster~
A large crate of Corellian ore busters is lying here.~
19 1073741824 1
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
bounty list~
a bounty list~
The Bounty List has been posted here.~
13 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
bounty list~
Dark Assassin: 2500 Credits
Gurder: 550 Credits
Dreff: 950 Credits
a hi_obj~
A hi_obj is here.~
13 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0

Floating in a void~
0 4 1 4 0 0 26904
Cora Spaceport~
Standing in the spaceport of Corellia you see chairs lined against
the walls. There are beings from every race here waiting for
a ride or for thier ships to be fixed. You notice a that a drinking
fountain has been placed here. You can hear the sounds of the
ships coming and going from the landing areas.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10154
0 -1 10153
Cora Spaceport~
Standing in the spaceport of Corellia you see chairs lined against
the walls. There are beings from every race here waiting for
a ride or for thier ships to be fixed. You notice a that a drinking
fountain has been placed to the east of here here. You can hear
the sounds of the ships coming and going from the landing areas.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10316
0 -1 10152
0 -1 10315
0 -1 10155
Corsec Landing Pad~
You are standing on the Primary Landing pad for the planet of
Corellia. The area here is very clean because the entire landing
pad is made out of a metal alloy which makes it strong enough
to hold up against all the constant landings and takeoffs of
ships throughout the day. You see many ships coming and going
just as you stand here for a momment.
0 52 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10152
Corner of Diktat Blvd. and Helm Street~
You stand at the corner of Diktat Boulevard and Helm Street.
You realize just how crowded this planet is as you see all of
the beings who surround you. You can still hear the ships from
the spaceport coming in and going. 
0 0 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10153
0 -1 10156
0 -1 10284
Diktat Blvd.~
You are walking down Diktat Boulevard. You see that it is in
good shape like most of the planet. You also notice the many
apartments along this street. You look down the street and all
you can see is apartments and shops for rent or sold. 
0 0 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10155
0 -1 10331
0 -1 10157
0 -1 10332
Diktat Blvd.~
You are walking down Diktat Boulevard and all you see is citizens,
apartments, and shops. Its not a bad thing but it just seems
like there is no end to them. You see that the streets are filled
with people going in and out of shops so you know you have wandered
into the main part of the city.
0 0 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10156
0 -1 10335
0 -1 10158
0 -1 10334
Diktat Blvd.~
You are walking down Diktat Boulevard and all you see is citizens,
apartments, and shops. Its not a bad thing but it just seems
like there is no end to them. You see that the streets are filled
with people going in and out of shops so you know you have wandered
into the main part of the city.
0 0 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10157
0 -1 10337
0 -1 10159
0 -1 10336
Intersection of Diktat Blvd. and Cora Street~
As you are standing at this intersection you see many different
peoples and different places. You see one way many apartments,
and another many shops. You see the lack of color on Cora Street.
Cora Street seems to be the more dangerous way to go, but some
people like danger and trouble.
0 0 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10158
0 -1 10160
0 -1 10171
0 -1 10272
Cora Street~
You are walking on Cora Street and realize that you are not alone.There
are eyes staring at you from the shadows. You start hearing
mumblings of people. It would be wise to get off of this street
0 0 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10161
0 -1 10159
Cora Street~
You are walking down Cora Street and see no familiar faces. You
see many citizens crowding the area and getting in your way.This
area is dimly lit and may be a bad area to be at night which
makes you feel a bit uneasy.
0 0 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10162
0 -1 10160
Cora Street~
You are walking down Cora Street and see no familiar faces. You
see many citizens crowding the area and getting in your way.This
area is dimly lit and may be a bad area to be at night which
makes you feel a bit uneasy.
0 0 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10163
0 -1 10161
Corner of Hilt Avenue and Cora Street~
You stand at the corner of Hilt Avenue and Cora Street. This
area is well lit with huge street lamps that are on at all times.The
street here is made of a concrete like substance which keeps
it very clean. To the north you see the turbolift which leads
to the lower levels of Corellia.
0 0 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10186
0 -1 10297
0 -1 10164
0 -1 10162
Hilt Avenue~
You walk down Hilt Avenue and see all of the small farms in this
area. You see many subsistence farmers and thier very small
farms. You see large hills in the far-off distance. The farms
are all well contained to avoid outside access to thier crops
and animals which live there.
0 1073741824 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10163
0 -1 10165
Hilt Avenue~
You walk down Hilt Avenue and see all of the small farms in this
area. You see many subsistence farmers and thier very small
farms. You see large hills in the far-off distance. The farms
are all well contained to avoid outside access to thier crops
and animals which live there.
0 1073741824 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10164
0 -1 10166
Hilt Avenue~
You walk down Hilt Avenue and see all of the small farms in this
area. You see many subsistence farmers and thier very small
farms. You see large hills in the far-off distance. The farms
are all well contained to avoid outside access to thier crops
and animals which live there.
0 1073741824 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10165
0 -1 10167
Intersection of Hilt Avenue and Vine Street~
Standing at the intersection of Hilt and Vine you see green everywhere.
The plants from these areas are those which use the process
of photosynthesis to release oxygen as a biproduct. The oxygen
is then used by those species who need it to survive.
0 1073741824 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10166
0 -1 10307
0 -1 10185
0 -1 10168
Vine Street~
You are walking down vine street and see why it was named that.
This street is very green and lush on both sides there are many
plants, trees, ect. The plants were put on this street to help
circulate the oxygen into the air for those who must breathe
0 1073741824 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10167
0 -1 10169
Vine Street~
You are walking down vine street and see why it was named that.
This street is very green and lush on both sides there are many
plants, trees, ect. The plants were put on this street to help
circulate the oxygen into the air for those who must breathe
0 1073741824 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10168
0 -1 10170
Vine Street~
You are walking down vine street and see why it was named that.
This street is very green and lush on both sides there are many
plants, trees, ect. The plants were put on this street to help
circulate the oxygen into the air for those who must breathe
0 1073741824 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10169
0 -1 10174
Diktat Blvd.~
You are walking down Diktat Boulevard and all you see is citizens,
apartments, and shops. Its not a bad thing but it just seems
like there is no end to them. You see that the streets are filled
with people going in and out of shops so you know you have wandered
into the main part of the city.
0 0 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10159
0 -1 10372
0 -1 10172
0 -1 10371
Diktat Blvd.~
You are walking down Diktat Boulevard and all you see is citizens,
apartments, and shops. Its not a bad thing but it just seems
like there is no end to them. You see that the streets are filled
with people going in and out of shops so you know you have wandered
into the main part of the city.
0 0 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10171
0 -1 10373
0 -1 10173
0 -1 10374
Diktat Blvd.~
You are walking down Diktat Boulevard and all you see is citizens,
apartments, and shops. Its not a bad thing but it just seems
like there is no end to them. You see that the streets are filled
with people going in and out of shops so you know you have wandered
into the main part of the city.
0 0 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10172
0 -1 10376
0 -1 10174
0 -1 10375
Intersection of Diktat Blvd. and Vine Street~
You are standing at the intersection of Diktat Blvd. and Vine
Street, here you can see the many plants that Vine Street has
to offer the planet. You also can see the many apartments which
are located on Diktat Blvd. For those species who need oxygen
to live, an apartment around this area would be prime.
0 0 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10173
0 -1 10170
0 -1 10175
0 -1 10280
Diktat Blvd.~
You are walking down Diktat Boulevard and all you see is citizens,
apartments, and shops. Its not a bad thing but it just seems
like there is no end to them. The streets aren't as filled as
they were before so you know that you are leaving the main part
of the city and coming in to the less populated areas of the
0 1073741824 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10174
0 -1 10176
Diktat Blvd.~
You are walking down Diktat Boulevard and all you see is citizens,
apartments, and shops. Its not a bad thing but it just seems
like there is no end to them. The streets aren't as filled as
they were before so you know that you are leaving the main part
of the city and coming in to the less populated areas of the
0 1073741824 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10175
0 -1 10177
Diktat Blvd.~
You are walking down Diktat Boulevard and all you see is citizens,
apartments, and shops. Its not a bad thing but it just seems
like there is no end to them. The streets aren't as filled as
they were before so you know that you are leaving the main part
of the city and coming in to the less populated areas of the
0 1073741824 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10176
0 -1 10178
Intersection of Diktat Blvd. and Smugglers Bend~
You are walking down Diktat Boulevard and all you see is citizens,
apartments, and shops. Its not a bad thing but it just seems
like there is no end to them. The streets aren't as filled as
they were before so you know that you are leaving the main part
of the city and coming in to the less populated areas of the
city. You see palace steps to the South of you.
0 1073741824 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10177
0 -1 10385
0 -1 10296
Smugglers Bend~
You are walking down Smugglers Bend and see how nice it is to
have such a dreadful name. You see many people surrounding the
area which makes you want to rush along with them. You can hear
the beautiful sound from the ocean here.
0 0 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10180
Smugglers Bend~
You are walking down Smugglers Bend and see how nice it is to
have such a dreadful name. You see many people surrounding the
area which makes you want to rush along with them. You can hear
the beautiful sound from the ocean here.
0 0 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10181
0 -1 10179
Smugglers Bend~
You are walking down Smugglers Bend and see how nice it is to
have such a dreadful name. You see many people surrounding the
area which makes you want to rush along with them. You can hear
the beautiful sound from the ocean here.
0 0 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10182
0 -1 10180
Intersection of Hilt Avenue and Smugglers Bend~
You stand at the intersection of Hilt Avenue and Smugglers Bend.
Here you can choose to go toward the green, small farmlands
which lie on Hilt, or you can choose to take the backways of
Smugglers Bend which can reach many places.
0 0 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10183
0 -1 10314
0 -1 10181
Hilt Avenue~
You walk down Hilt Avenue and see all of the small farms in this
area. You see many subsistence farmers and thier very small
farms. You see large hills in the far-off distance. The farms
are all well contained to avoid outside access to thier crops
and animals which live there.
0 1073741824 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10184
0 -1 10182
Hilt Avenue~
You walk down Hilt Avenue and see all of the small farms in this
area. You see many subsistence farmers and thier very small
farms. You see large hills in the far-off distance. The farms
are all well contained to avoid outside access to thier crops
and animals which live there.
0 1073741824 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10185
0 -1 10183
Hilt Avenue~
You walk down Hilt Avenue and see all of the small farms in this
area. You see many subsistence farmers and thier very small
farms. You see large hills in the far-off distance. The farms
are all well contained to avoid outside access to thier crops
and animals which live there.
0 1073741824 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10167
0 -1 10184
A Small Turbolift~
You stand in the sole turbolift on the planet. This turbolift
travels between all three levels of Corellia. There isn't much
room in here, maybe three or four people could fit at most.
You see a small list of levels mounted on the wall.
0 12 1 0 0 0 26904
Levels List
L1 - Ground Level
B1 - Sublevel 1
B2 - Sublevel 2
> speech_prog p L1~
mpecho The turbolift doors slide close.
mpecho The turbolift groans as it goes to the Ground Level.
mpecho The turbolift screeches to a halt.
mpecho The turbolift doors slide open.
mpecho You step out quickly before the doors reclose.
mptransfer $n 10163
> speech_prog p B1~
mpecho The turbolift doors slide close.
mpecho The turbolift groans as it goes to Sublevel 1.
mpecho The turbolift screeches to a halt.
mpecho The turbolift doors slide open.
mpecho You step out quickly before the doors reclose.
mptransfer $n 10250
> speech_prog p B2~
mpecho The turbolift doors slide close.
mpecho The turbolift groans as it goes to Sublevel 2.
mpecho The turbolift screeches to a halt.
mpecho The turbolift doors slide open.
mpecho You step out quickly before the doors reclose.
mptransfer $n 10218
&g Kentarr's Food Goods&w&W~
You stand in a food supply store. The clerk seems friendly and
ready to serve you. You see shelves and freezers of food all
around you. The place seems well-maintained, but yet it has
a strange ora about the whole place.
0 4 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10253
> speech_prog 1~
mpechoat $n The turbolift rises suddenly and the doors open.
mptrans $n 10186
mpat $n mpforce $n look
> speech_prog -2~
mpechoat $n The turbolift drops and the doors open.
mptrans $n 10226
mpat $n mpforce $n look
Corner of Scavanger Avenue and Freighter Street~
You stand at the corner of Scavenger Avenue and Freighter Street
here you can see many of the things going on on each of the
two streets. You see many people walking around these areas.You
see a few corsec agents wielding thier weapons that seem to
be on the lookout for someone.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10189
0 -1 10203
Scavanger Avenue~
As you walk on Scavenger Row you see all of the people passing
you up and going from shop to shop. There are a few other people
who are just standing around and possibly looking for trouble.This
street has a few shops and some apartments on it but not much
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10188
0 -1 10190
Scavenger Avenue~
As you walk on Scavenger Row you see all of the people passing
you up and going from shop to shop. There are a few other people
who are just standing around and possibly looking for trouble.This
street has a few shops and some apartments on it but not much
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10189
0 -1 10191
0 -1 10397
Scavanger Avenue~
As you walk on Scavenger Row you see all of the people passing
you up and going from shop to shop. There are a few other people
who are just standing around and possibly looking for trouble.This
street has a few shops and some apartments on it but not much
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10190
0 -1 10192
Corner of Scavanger Avenue and Meteor Way~
You stand on the corner of Scavenger Avenue and Meteor Way. There
are many people who seem to be treading the streets here. You
see a few corsec agents going in and out of shops, they seem
to be looking for someone.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10191
0 -1 10193
Meteor Way~
You walk down Meteor Way and realize how it got its name. This
area is a mess and it looks like it got hit by a meteor. You
walk down the road and see how different it is from the rest
of the streets.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10192
0 -1 10194
Meteor Way~
You walk down Meteor Way and realize how it got its name. This
area is a mess and it looks like it got hit by a meteor. You
walk down the road and see how different it is from the rest
of the streets.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10193
0 -1 10195
Meteor Way~
You walk down Meteor Way and realize how it got its name. This
area is a mess and it looks like it got hit by a meteor. You
walk down the road and see how different it is from the rest
of the streets.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10194
0 -1 10196
Corner of Treasure Ship Row and Meteor Way~
You stand at the corner of one of the main streets and one of
the messiest streets in all of the underground sectors of Corellia.
You can see a blaster shop on Meteor way from here, and you
can see nice friendly buildings and shops on Treasure Ship Row.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10197
0 -1 10195
0 -1 10204
Treasure Ship Row~
You walk down Treasure Ship Row, this is the main street of the
second basement level on Corellia. As you walk down this street
you see that the most widely used shops have been placed on
this street. There are a few other shops on the lesser known
streets of this sector.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10198
0 -1 10196
Treasure Ship Row~
You walk down Treasure Ship Row, this is the main street of the
second basement level on Corellia. As you walk down this street
you see that the most widely used shops have been placed on
this street. There are a few other shops on the lesser known
streets of this sector.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10199
0 -1 10197
Treasure Ship Row~
You walk down Treasure Ship Row, this is the main street of the
second basement level on Corellia. As you walk down this street
you see that the most widely used shops have been placed on
this street. There are a few other shops on the lesser known
streets of this sector.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10200
0 -1 10198
Intersection of Treasure Ship Row and Freighter Street~
You walk along and have come to an intersection in the residential
area of this sector. There are many apartments for rent on Freighter
Street and shops located close by on Treasure Ship Row.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10215
0 -1 10201
0 -1 10199
0 -1 10214
Freighter Street~
Walking down Freighter Street you see that you have now come
into the residental area of this sector, or as others like to
call, "The Burbs." There are homes all along this street that
are either owned or up for rent.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10202
3 -1 10344
0 -1 10200
Freighter Street~
Walking down Freighter Street you see that you have now come
into the residental area of this sector, or as others like to
call, "The Burbs." There are homes all along this street that
are either owned or up for rent.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10342
0 -1 10203
0 -1 10343
0 -1 10201
Freighter Street~
Walking down Freighter Street you see that you have now come
into the residental area of this sector, or as others like to
call, "The Burbs." There are homes all along this street that
are either owned or up for rent.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10340
0 -1 10188
0 -1 10341
0 -1 10202
Meteor Way~
You walk down Meteor Way and realize how it got its name. This
area is a mess and it looks like it got hit by a meteor. You
walk down the road and see how different it is from the rest
of the streets.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10330
0 -1 10196
0 -1 10205
Meteor Way~
You walk down Meteor Way and realize how it got its name. This
area is a mess and it looks like it got hit by a meteor. You
walk down the road and see how different it is from the rest
of the streets.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10204
0 -1 10206
Meteor Way~
You walk down Meteor Way and realize how it got its name. This
area is a mess and it looks like it got hit by a meteor. You
walk down the road and see how different it is from the rest
of the streets.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10205
0 -1 10207
Corner of Gunship Avenue and Meteor Way~
You have come to the 'bad' part of town. It is recommended that
you leave here if you do not want any trouble. If you like trouble
stick around because the local 'hoods' here also like trouble.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10208
0 -1 10206
Gunship Avenue~
Walking down Gunship Avenue you realize that this is not a regularly
used street. It is more of a street that a local "hood" would
travel on more than any of the citizens. Those some are brave
and attempt it, this street is well known for its crime and
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10209
0 -1 10207
Gunship Avenue~
Walking down Gunship Avenue you realize that this is not a regularly
used street. It is more of a street that a local "hood" would
travel on more than any of the citizens. Those some are brave
and attempt it, this street is well known for its crime and
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10210
0 -1 10208
Gunship Avenue~
Walking down Gunship Avenue you realize that this is not a regularly
used street. It is more of a street that a local "hood" would
travel on more than any of the citizens. Those some are brave
and attempt it, this street is well known for its crime and
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10211
0 -1 10209
Corner of Gunship Avenue and Freighter Street~
You have come to the 'hood' part of the residential area. It
is recommended that you leave here if you do not want any trouble.
If you like trouble stick around because the local 'hoods' here
also like trouble. Most people would hurry along.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10219
0 -1 10212
0 -1 10210
Freighter Street~
Walking down Freighter Street you see that you have now come
into the residental area of this sector, or as others like to
call, "The Burbs." There are homes all along this street that
are either owned or up for rent.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10213
0 -1 10211
Freighter Street~
Walking down Freighter Street you see that you have now come
into the residental area of this sector, or as others like to
call, "The Burbs." There are homes all along this street that
are either owned or up for rent.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10214
0 -1 10212
Freighter Street~
Walking down Freighter Street you see that you have now come
into the residental area of this sector, or as others like to
call, "The Burbs." There are homes all along this street that
are either owned or up for rent.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10200
0 -1 10213
Treasure Ship Row~
You walk down Treasure Ship Row, this is the main street of the
second basement level on Corellia. As you walk down this street
you see that the most widely used shops have been placed on
this street. There are a few other shops on the lesser known
streets of this sector.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10216
0 -1 10200
Treasure Ship Row~
You walk down Treasure Ship Row, this is the main street of the
second basement level on Corellia. As you walk down this street
you see that the most widely used shops have been placed on
this street. There are a few other shops on the lesser known
streets of this sector.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10217
0 -1 10338
0 -1 10215
Treasure Ship Row~
You walk down Treasure Ship Row, this is the main street of the
second basement level on Corellia. As you walk down this street
you see that the most widely used shops have been placed on
this street. There are a few other shops on the lesser known
streets of this sector.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10218
0 -1 10216
Corner of Treasure Ship Row and Clay Street~
As you stand on the corner of Treasure Ship Row and Clay Street,
you know for sure that this is the busiest spot in town. There
are literally tons of people coming and going constantly because
there is only one turbolift that leads to this sector which
just happens to be to the north from here.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10186
0 -1 10217
0 -1 10225
Gunship Avenue~
Walking down Gunship Avenue you realize that this is not a regularly
used street. It is more of a street that a local "hood" would
travel on more than any of the citizens. Those some are brave
and attempt it, this street is well known for its crime and
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10220
0 -1 10211
Gunship Avenue~
Walking down Gunship Avenue you realize that this is not a regularly
used street. It is more of a street that a local "hood" would
travel on more than any of the citizens. Those some are brave
and attempt it, this street is well known for its crime and
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10221
0 -1 10219
0 -1 10380
Gunship Avenue~
Walking down Gunship Avenue you realize that this is not a regularly
used street. It is more of a street that a local "hood" would
travel on more than any of the citizens. Those some are brave
and attempt it, this street is well known for its crime and
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10222
0 -1 10220
Corner of Gunship Avenue and Clay Street~
There are very, very bright lights here which are used to help
illuminate the adjacent streets. The lights are also used to
fend off crime, the people here belive crime won't happen if
you are always seen.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10223
0 -1 10221
Clay Street~
As you walk down Clay Street you notice how the light seems to
fade towards the east. There are street lamps posted here but
about only fifty feet or so. This area is very dim but good
enough to still see in.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10224
0 -1 10222
Clay Street~
As you walk down Clay Street you notice how the light seems to
fade towards the east. There are street lamps posted here but
about only fifty feet or so. This area is very dim but good
enough to still see in.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10225
0 -1 10223
Clay Street~
As you walk down Clay Street you notice how the light seems to
fade towards the east. There are street lamps posted here but
about only fifty feet or so. This area is very dim but good
enough to still see in.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10218
0 -1 10224
&B Corsec Jail&w&W~
You stand at the entrance to the Corsec Jail. The building here
is well maintained as it is run by the Corellian Security Agency
instead of the controlling government of this planet. This jail
was one of the most used during the Reign of Emperor Palpatin
0 12 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10230
1057 10158 10390
> speech_prog 1~
mpechoat $n The turbolift rises and the door opens.
mptrans $n 10186
mpat $n mpforce $n look
> speech_prog -1~
mpechoat $n The turbolift rises and the doors open.
mptrans $n 10187
mpat $n mpforce $n look
Spice Street~
You walk down a grungy road. This road is dirty, but not filty.
You see garbage scattered about, there are a few people around
here loitering in groups with each other, beyond that there
isn't much else to see here.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10233
0 -1 10228
Corner of Crate Avenue and Spice Street~
You stand at the corner of Crate Avenue and Spice Street. Though Spice Street is known for its uncleanliness this corner is very well cleaned. It is probably due to the fact that the Corellian Security Headquarters is located here.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10229
0 -1 10227
0 -1 10398
Crate Avenue~
You walk down Crate Avenue with splendor. This seems to be a
newly added road that is paved with metal all the way down and
up. You realize that it is easier to maintain metal and keep
it clean than any other substance. There is nobody around here
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10230
0 -1 10228
Crate Avenue~
You walk down Crate Avenue with splendor. This seems to be a
newly added road that is paved with metal all the way down and
up. You realize that it is easier to maintain metal and keep
it clean than any other substance. There is nobody around here
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10231
0 -1 10229
0 -1 10226
Crate Avenue~
You walk down Crate Avenue with splendor. This seems to be a
newly added road that is paved with metal all the way down and
up. You realize that it is easier to maintain metal and keep
it clean than any other substance. There is nobody around here
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10232
0 -1 10230
Corner of Crate Avenue and Grey Street~
You stand on what has to be the emptiess street corner you have ever seen at your life. A glance either way reveals no one with seeing distance. This loneliness has sort of a scary feeling. 
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10243
0 -1 10242
0 -1 10231
Spice Street~
You walk down a grungy road. This road is dirty, but not filty.
You see garbage scattered about, there are a few people around
here loitering in groups with each other, beyond that there
isn't much else to see here.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10234
0 -1 10227
Spice Street~
You walk down a grungy road. This road is dirty, but not filty.
You see garbage scattered about, there are a few people around
here loitering in groups with each other, beyond that there
isn't much else to see here.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10235
0 -1 10233
Corner of Black Avenue and Spice Street~
You stand at the corner of Black Avenue and Spice Street. This
is where the civlized society meets the dumps. A glance north
would reveal clean walkways and brightly painted buildings.
A glance to either the east or west would reveal run down shacks
and littered streets.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10236
0 -1 10254
0 -1 10234
Black Avenue~
As you are walking down Black Avenue you realize it is one of
the more popular streets of the underground sectors. There are
many people who populate this street, all talking and moving
at the same time. You can hear a big clutter of words crashing
together, but they seem to make no sense to you 
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10237
0 -1 10235
0 -1 10395
Black Avenue~
As you are walking down Black Avenue you realize it is one of
the more popular streets of the underground sectors. There are
many people who populate this street, all talking and moving
at the same time. You can hear a big clutter of words crashing
together, but they seem to make no sense to you 
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10238
0 -1 10236
Black Avenue~
As you are walking down Black Avenue you realize it is one of
the more popular streets of the underground sectors. There are
many people who populate this street, all talking and moving
at the same time. You can hear a big clutter of words crashing
together, but they seem to make no sense to you 
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10239
0 -1 10237
The Intersection of Black Avenue and Grey Street~
At this intersection you see many things going on at once. To
one side you see people trying to sell thier bodies for money
and people exchanging money, but to the other side you see people
who just look down and mind thier own business and try to avoid
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10253
0 -1 10258
0 -1 10238
0 -1 10240
Grey Street~
You look up and down this street but see very little activity
at all. There are a few small mammals running about here, but
there are very few people in this sector. You see a sign that
reads, "No land vehicles allowed!" 
0 1073741832 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10239
0 -1 10241
Grey Street~
You look up and down this street but see very little activity
at all. There are a few small mammals running about here, but
there are very few people in this sector. You see a sign that
reads, "No land vehicles allowed!" 
0 1073741832 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10240
0 -1 10242
Grey Street~
You look up and down this street but see very little activity
at all. There are a few small mammals running about here, but
there are very few people in this sector. You see a sign that
reads, "No land vehicles allowed!" 
0 1073741832 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10241
0 -1 10232
Crate Avenue~
You walk down Crate Avenue with splendor. This seems to be a
newly added road that is paved with metal all the way down and
up. You realize that it is easier to maintain metal and keep
it clean than any other substance. There is nobody around here
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10244
0 -1 10232
Crate Avenue~
You walk down Crate Avenue with splendor. This seems to be a
newly added road that is paved with metal all the way down and
up. You realize that it is easier to maintain metal and keep
it clean than any other substance. There is nobody around here
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10245
0 -1 10243
Crate Avenue~
You walk down Crate Avenue with splendor. This seems to be a
newly added road that is paved with metal all the way down and
up. You realize that it is easier to maintain metal and keep
it clean than any other substance. There is nobody around here
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10246
0 -1 10244
Corner of Crate Avenue and Moonlight Row~
You come to a corner in the road. This means that you are on
the outskirts of this sector. There are many people here though,
both streets are very nice and well paved. There is a 'clean'
smell in the air here.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10247
0 -1 10245
Moonlight Row~
As you walk on Moonlight Row you notice that it is one of the
border streets for this sector but a very important one. There
is much activity on this street because it is used by those
who wish to cut across town very quickly.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10248
0 -1 10246
Moonlight Row~
As you walk on Moonlight Row you notice that it is one of the
border streets for this sector but a very important one. There
is much activity on this street because it is used by those
who wish to cut across town very quickly.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10249
0 -1 10247
Moonlight Row~
As you walk on Moonlight Row you notice that it is one of the
border streets for this sector but a very important one. There
is much activity on this street because it is used by those
who wish to cut across town very quickly.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10250
0 -1 10248
Corner of Black Avenue and Moonlight Row~
As you stand on the corner of Black Avenue and Moonlight row,
you know for sure that this is the busiest spot in town. There
are literally tons of people coming and going constantly because
there is only one turbolift that leads to this sector which
just happens to be to the north from here.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10186
0 -1 10265
0 -1 10251
0 -1 10249
Black Avenue~
As you are walking down Black Avenue you realize it is one of
the more popular streets of the underground sectors. There are
many people who populate this street, all talking and moving
at the same time. You can hear a big clutter of words crashing
together, but they seem to make no sense to you.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10250
0 -1 10252
Black Avenue~
As you are walking down Black Avenue you realize it is one of
the more popular streets of the underground sectors. There are
many people who populate this street, all talking and moving
at the same time. You can hear a big clutter of words crashing
together, but they seem to make no sense to you 
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10251
0 -1 10253
Black Avenue~
As you are walking down Black Avenue you realize it is one of
the more popular streets of the underground sectors. There are
many people who populate this street, all talking and moving
at the same time. You can hear a big clutter of words crashing
together, but they seem to make no sense to you 
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10252
0 -1 10187
0 -1 10239
Spice Street~
You walk down a grungy road. This road is dirty, but not filty.
You see garbage scattered about, there are a few people around
here loitering in groups with each other, beyond that there
isn't much else to see here.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10255
0 -1 10235
Spice Street~
You walk down a grungy road. This road is dirty, but not filty.
You see garbage scattered about, there are a few people around
here loitering in groups with each other, beyond that there
isn't much else to see here.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10396
0 -1 10256
0 -1 10254
Spice Street~
You walk down a grungy road. This road is dirty, but not filty.
You see garbage scattered about, there are a few people around
here loitering in groups with each other, beyond that there
isn't much else to see here.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10257
0 -1 10255
Corner of Starline Avenue and Spice Street~
Here you have come to a decision. You can either travel the more
friendly route with hoards of people and is clean, or you can
take the grungy way that is full of fith and hardly any people.
You can hear sounds of the people on Starline Avenue 
reverberating in your ears.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10264
0 -1 10256
Grey Street~
You look up and down this street but see very little activity
at all. There are a few small mammals running about here, but
there are very few people in this sector. You see a sign that
reads, "No land vehicles allowed!" 
0 1073741832 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10259
0 -1 10239
Grey Street~
You look up and down this street but see very little activity
at all. There are a few small mammals running about here, but
there are very few people in this sector. You see a sign that
reads, "No land vehicles allowed!" 
0 1073741832 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10260
0 -1 10258
Grey Street~
You look up and down this street but see very little activity
at all. There are a few small mammals running about here, but
there are very few people in this sector. You see a sign that
reads, "No land vehicles allowed!" 
0 1073741832 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10261
0 -1 10259
A Dead End~
You have reach a dead end. There is no way to go but back westwards
on Grey Street. There are walls surrounding all the ways but
west. You see graffiti painted on the walls. There are trash
cans scattered about here, but you see noting of any use to
0 1073741832 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10260
&B A Blue DropTube&w&W~
You are in a small droptube that travels between the planet of
Corellia and the shipyard that orbits it. The droptube is voice
activated so all you have to do to travel between the areas
is say the word "GO"!
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10275
> speech_prog p Go~
mpechoat $n Your body streches as your are sucked into the droptube. You are transported to the orbiting shipyard.
mpechoaround $n You watch as $n is sucked into the drop tube.
mptransfer $n 10460
Jail Cell-Corellia~
Looking around you notice that the cell is actually quite clean.
You realize that this jail has not been used much. In the right
corner you see a small water fountain. In the left corner you
see a porcelain toilet. You look through the bars and see the
Imperial logo on the wall here.
0 12 1 256 0 0 26904
1057 10158 10390
Starline Avenue~
You walk down Starline Avenue and see why it is nicknamed, "The
true main street of the underground," for there are people bustling
about everywhere. You can see all sorts of life he coming and
going on this street. The building here are kept very clean,
and the air here smells refreshing.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10271
0 -1 10257
Moonlight Row~
As you walk on Moonlight Row you notice that it is one of the
border streets for this sector but a very important one. There
is much activity on this street because it is used by those
who wish to cut across town very quickly.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10266
0 -1 10250
Moonlight Row~
As you walk on Moonlight Row you notice that it is one of the
border streets for this sector but a very important one. There
is much activity on this street because it is used by those
who wish to cut across town very quickly.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10267
0 -1 10265
Moonlight Row~
As you walk on Moonlight Row you notice that it is one of the
border streets for this sector but a very important one. There
is much activity on this street because it is used by those
who wish to cut across town very quickly.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10268
0 -1 10266
Corner of Starline Avenue and Moonlight Row~
You stand at the corner of Starline Avenue and Moonlight Row.
Since the two streets are probably the busiest streets of the
underground the crowd here is enormous. There is very little
room to move let alone walk here. It would be wise to try and
hurry a long to prevent being caught up in the hords of people.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10364
0 -1 10269
0 -1 10267
Starline Avenue~
You walk down Starline Avenue and see why it is nicknamed, "The
true main street of the underground," for there are people bustling
about everywhere. You can see all sorts of life he coming and
going on this street. The building here are kept very clean,
and the air here smells refreshing.
0 67108872 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10268
0 -1 10270
Starline Avenue~
You walk down Starline Avenue and see why it is nicknamed, "The
true main street of the underground," for there are people bustling
about everywhere. You can see all sorts of life he coming and
going on this street. The building here are kept very clean,
and the air here smells refreshing.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10269
0 -1 10271
Starline Avenue~
You walk down Starline Avenue and see why it is nicknamed, "The
true main street of the underground," for there are people bustling
about everywhere. You can see all sorts of life he coming and
going on this street. The building here are kept very clean,
and the air here smells refreshing.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10270
0 -1 10264
Cora Street~
You are walking on Cora Street and realize that you are not alone.There
are eyes staring at you from the shadows. You start hearing
mumblings of people. It would be wise to get off of this street
0 0 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10159
0 -1 10361
0 -1 10273
Cora Street~
You are walking down Cora Street and see no familiar faces. You
see many citizens crowding the area and getting in your way.This
area is dimly lit and may be a bad area to be at night which
makes you feel a bit uneasy.
0 0 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10359
0 -1 10272
0 -1 10360
0 -1 10274
Cora Street~
You are walking on Cora Street and realize that you are not alone.There
are eyes staring at you from the shadows. You start hearing
mumblings of people. It would be wise to get off of this street
0 0 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10363
0 -1 10273
0 -1 10362
0 -1 10275
Corner of Starlight Way and Cora Street~
You stand at the Corner of Starlight Way and Cora Street. There
are many people here moving back and forth. To the West you
see the tube that leads to the shipyard which orbits the planetm,
and you can still hear sounds from the cafe to the North.
0 0 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10290
0 -1 10274
0 -1 10276
0 -1 10262
Starlight Way~
You are walking down Starlight Way and you don't see much of
anything except a few shops and a lot of apartments. You notice
how fresh the air smells and can faintly hear the waves of the
ocean from afar.
0 1073741824 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10275
0 -1 10353
0 -1 10277
0 -1 10352
Starlight Way~
You are walking down Starlight Way and you don't see much of
anything except a few shops and a lot of apartments. You notice
how fresh the air smells and can faintly hear the waves of the
ocean from afar.
0 1073741824 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10276
0 -1 10355
0 -1 10278
0 -1 10354
Starlight Way~
You are walking down Starlight Way and you don't see much of
anything except a few shops and a lot of apartments. You notice
how fresh the air smells and can faintly hear the waves of the
ocean from afar.
0 1073741824 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10277
0 -1 10356
0 -1 10283
0 -1 10357
Starlight Way~
You are walking down Starlight Way and you don't see much of
anything except a few shops and a lot of apartments. You notice
how fresh the air smells and can faintly hear the waves of the
ocean from afar.
0 1073741824 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10283
0 -1 10291
0 -1 10377
Vine Street~
You are walking down vine street and see why it was named that.
This street is very green and lush on both sides there are many
plants, trees, ect. The plants were put on this street to help
circulate the oxygen into the air for those who must breathe
0 1073741824 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10369
0 -1 10174
0 -1 10370
0 -1 10281
Vine Street~
You are walking down vine street and see why it was named that.
This street is very green and lush on both sides there are many
plants, trees, ect. The plants were put on this street to help
circulate the oxygen into the air for those who must breathe
0 1073741824 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10368
0 -1 10280
0 -1 10367
0 -1 10282
Vine Street~
You are walking down vine street and see why it was named that.
This street is very green and lush on both sides there are many
plants, trees, ect. The plants were put on this street to help
circulate the oxygen into the air for those who must breathe
0 1073741824 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10366
0 -1 10281
0 -1 10283
Corner of Starlight Way and Vine Street~
You are standing on the corner of Starlight Way and Vine Street
you don't see much of anything except a few shops and a lot
of apartments. You notice how fresh the air smells and can kindly
hear the waves of the ocean from the distance.
0 1073741824 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10278
0 -1 10282
0 -1 10279
0 -1 10358
Helm Street~
You stand on Helm street and all you see is the many people of
different races all pacing up and down the crowded streets.To
the South you see a bounty office. You notice how well-maintained
the entire area of this planet seems to be.
0 0 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10155
0 -1 10317
0 -1 10285
Helm Street~
You are walking down Helm Street and you notice many empty shops
that are up for rent and a few that are already owned. You don't
see anything wrong with this street whatsoever. The streets
pavement has no cracks in it and is virtually perfect.
0 0 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10284
0 -1 10319
0 -1 10286
Helm Street~
You are walking down Helm Street and you notice many empty shops
that are up for rent and a few that are already owned. You don't
see anything wrong with this street whatsoever. The streets
pavement has no cracks in it and is virtually perfect.
0 0 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10320
0 -1 10285
0 -1 10321
0 -1 10287
Corner of Starlight Way and Helm Street~
You stand on the corner of Starlight Way and Helm Street. You
notice how clean the area around you is. You hear laughter from
a nearby bar and see two entrances to the bar, one to the North
and one to the West. You see nothing special about the entire
area except how nice it looks.
0 0 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10324
0 -1 10286
0 -1 10288
0 -1 10322
Starlight Way~
You are walking down Starlight Way and you don't see much of
anything except a few shops and a lot of apartments. You notice
how fresh the air smells and can faintly hear the waves of the
ocean from afar.
0 1073741824 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10287
0 -1 10289
0 -1 10326
Starlight Way~
You are walking down Starlight Way and you don't see much of
anything except a few shops and a lot of apartments. You notice
how fresh the air smells and can faintly hear the waves of the
ocean from afar.
0 1073741824 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10288
0 -1 10290
0 -1 10327
Starlight Way~
You are walking down Starlight Way and you don't see much of
anything except a few shops and a lot of apartments. You notice
how fresh the air smells and can faintly hear the waves of the
ocean from afar.
0 1073741824 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10289
0 -1 10328
0 -1 10275
0 -1 10329
Starlight Way~
You are walking down Starlight Way and you don't see much of
anything except a few shops and a lot of apartments. You notice
how fresh the air smells and can faintly hear the waves of the
ocean from afar.
0 1073741824 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10279
0 -1 10292
0 -1 10378
Starlight Way~
You are walking down Starlight Way and you don't see much of
anything except a few shops and a lot of apartments. You notice
how fresh the air smells and can faintly hear the waves of the
ocean from afar.
0 1073741824 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10291
0 -1 10293
0 -1 10379
Corner of Starlight Way and Smugglers Bend~
You are standing on the corner of Starlight Way and Smugglers
Bend you don't see much of anything except a few shops and a
lot of apartments. You notice how fresh the air smells and can
hear the waves of the ocean from the distance.
0 1073741824 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10292
0 -1 10294
0 -1 10388
Smugglers Bend~
You are walking down Smugglers Bend and see how nice it is to
have such a dreadful name. You see many people surrounding the
area which makes you want to rush along with them. You can hear
the beautiful sound from the ocean here.
0 1073741824 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10295
0 -1 10381
0 -1 10293
Smugglers Bend~
You are walking down Smugglers Bend and see how nice it is to
have such a dreadful name. You see many people surrounding the
area which makes you want to rush along with them. You can hear
the beautiful sound from the ocean here.
0 1073741824 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10296
0 -1 10294
Smugglers Bend~
You are walking down Smugglers Bend and see how nice it is to
have such a dreadful name. You see many people surrounding the
area which makes you want to rush along with them. You can hear
the beautiful sound from the ocean here.
0 1073741824 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10178
0 -1 10295
Cora Street~
You are walking down Cora Street and see no familiar faces. You
see many citizens crowding the area and getting in your way.
This area is dimly lit and may be a bad area to be at night
which makes you feel a bit uneasy.
0 0 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10298
0 -1 10163
Cora Street~
You are walking down Cora Street and see no familiar faces. You
see many citizens crowding the area and getting in your way.
This area is dimly lit and may be a bad area to be at night
which makes you feel a bit uneasy.
0 0 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10299
0 -1 10297
Cora Street~
You are walking down Cora Street and see no familiar faces. You
see many citizens crowding the area and getting in your way.
This area is dimly lit and may be a bad area to be at night.
0 0 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10300
0 -1 10298
Corner of Dagger Avenue and Cora Street~
You stand at the corner of Dagger Avenue and Cora Street. You
see that both ways look nice, but Dagger Ave. doesn't have much
on it as far as shops and homes go, especially when it is compared
to the infamous Cora Street.
0 0 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10301
0 -1 10299
Dagger Avenue~
You are walking down Dagger Avenue and realize just how barren
this street is. This seems to be a long street with literally
nothing on it. You wonder why the street was even put here at
0 0 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10300
0 -1 10302
Dagger Avenue~
You are walking down Dagger Avenue and realize just how barren
this street is. This seems to be a long street with literally
nothing on it. You wonder why the street was even put here at
0 0 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10301
0 -1 10303
Dagger Avenue~
You are walking down Dagger Avenue and realize just how barren
this street is. This seems to be a long street with literally
nothing on it. You wonder why the street was even put here at
0 0 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10302
0 -1 10304
Corner of Dagger Avenue and Vine Street~
As you stand at the Corner of Dagger and Vine you see the lushness
of Vine Street and the emptiness of Dagger Avenue. Some people
don't like pretty things so they would take Dagger Avenue, but
most people love beautiful things and would rather take Vine
Street to see all of its vegetation.
0 0 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10303
0 -1 10308
0 -1 10305
Vine Street~
You are walking down vine street and see why it was named that.
This street is very green and lush on both sides there are many
plants, trees, ect. The plants were put on this street to help
circulate the oxygen into the air for those who must breathe
0 1073741824 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10304
0 -1 10306
Vine Street~
You are walking down vine street and see why it was named that.
This street is very green and lush on both sides there are many
plants, trees, ect. The plants were put on this street to help
circulate the oxygen into the air for those who must breathe
0 1073741824 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10305
0 -1 10307
Vine Street~
You are walking down vine street and see why it was named that.
This street is very green and lush on both sides there are many
plants, trees, ect. The plants were put on this street to help
circulate the oxygen into the air for those who must breathe
0 1073741824 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10306
0 -1 10167
Dagger Avenue~
You are walking down Dagger Avenue and realize just how barren
this street is. This seems to be a long street with literally
nothing on it. You wonder why the street was even put here at
0 0 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10304
0 -1 10309
Dagger Avenue~
You are walking down Dagger Avenue and realize just how barren
this street is. This seems to be a long street with literally
nothing on it. You wonder why the street was even put here at
0 0 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10308
0 -1 10310
Dagger Avenue~
You are walking down Dagger Avenue and realize just how barren
this street is. This seems to be a long street with literally
nothing on it. You wonder why the street was even put here at
0 0 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10309
0 -1 10311
Corner of Dagger Avenue and Smugglers Bend~
Here you can see the people moving quickly past you. Striving
to keep up would be in vain for they are the locals and know
the city much better than you. Here you can still faintly smell
the ocean because the gentle wind is blowing towards you.
0 0 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10310
0 -1 10312
Smugglers Bend~
You are walking down Smugglers Bend and see how nice it is to
have such a dreadful name. You see many people surrounding the
area which makes you want to rush along with them. You can hear
the beautiful sound from the ocean here.
0 0 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10311
0 -1 10313
Smugglers Bend~
You are walking down Smugglers Bend and see how nice it is to
have such a dreadful name. You see many people surrounding the
area which makes you want to rush along with them. You can hear
the beautiful sound from the ocean here.
0 0 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10312
0 -1 10314
Smugglers Bend~
You are walking down Smugglers Bend and see how nice it is to
have such a dreadful name. You see many people surrounding the
area which makes you want to rush along with them. You can hear
the beautiful sound from the ocean here.
0 0 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10313
0 -1 10182
&Y Spaceport Hotel&w&W~
You stand in the Spaceport Hotel. This hotel is primarily used
for those whos ship will not be fixed until the next day. The
hotel is in near mint condition and the clerk here seems nice
and friendly.
0 8388616 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10153
0 -1 10461
&G Cora Quick Stop &w&W~
You are standing in what some call the "Quickie Stop." For this
reason service here is prompt, yet friendly. The place overall
is in very good condition just like most of the planet. The
Clerk has quite a variety of items compared to most.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10153
&R Bounty Office&w&W~
You are in a bounty claims office. You see how nice this place
looks and how well it is maintained. You see the clerk doing
her paperwork and you see a list of bounties posted on the wall.

0 12 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10284
Recently Bountied

All on the list are wanted on this planet!
Name - Price
The Dark Assassin - 150
Dreff - 75
The Thief - 40
Empty Shop~
You stand inside of an empty shop. There are many wall mounted
shelves to place your tools and other items if you choose to
rent the shop. There is quite enough room for four people to
work in here independently. This would be a great place to set
up if you have apprentices.
0 67108876 1 1 0 0 26904
0 -1 10285
Empy Shop~
You stand inside of an empty shop. There are many wall mounted
shelves to place your tools and other items if you choose to
rent the shop. There is quite enough room for four people to
work in here independently. This would be a great place to set
up if you have apprentices.
0 67108876 1 1 0 0 26904
0 -1 10285
Empty Shop~
You stand inside of an empty shop. There are many wall mounted
shelves to place your tools and other items if you choose to
rent the shop. There is quite enough room for four people to
work in here independently. This would be a great place to set
up if you have apprentices.
0 67108876 1 1 0 0 26904
0 -1 10286
Empty Shop~
You stand inside of an empty shop. There are many wall mounted
shelves to place your tools and other items if you choose to
rent the shop. There is quite enough room for four people to
work in here independently. This would be a great place to set
up if you have apprentices.
0 67108876 1 1 0 0 26904
0 -1 10286
Corellia Bar and Grill~
You smell the aroma of the food that is being cooked at the grill.
You see many tables around you, most of which are full. You
see a sign that reads, "Sit down at a table and the waitress
with be by shortly to take your order." 
0 12 1 0 0 0 26904
1 -1 10323
0 -1 10287
You smell the aroma of the food that is being cooked at the grill.
You see many tables around you, most of which are full. You
see a sign that reads, "Sit down at a table and the waitress
with be by shortly to take your order." 
0 12 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10324
0 -1 10322
0 -1 10325
Corellia Bar and Grill~
You smell the aroma of the food that is being cooked at the grill.
You see many tables around you, most of which are full. You
see a sign that reads, "Sit down at a table and the waitress
with be by shortly to take your order." 
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10287
1 -1 10323
You smell the aroma of the food that is being cooked at the grill.
You see many tables around you, most of which are full. You
see a sign that reads, "Sit down at a table and the waitress
with be by shortly to take your order." 
0 12 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10323
Empty Shop~
You stand inside of an empty shop. There are many wall mounted
shelves to place your tools and other items if you choose to
rent the shop. There is quite enough room for four people to
work in here independently. This would be a great place to set
up if you have apprentices.
0 67108876 1 1 0 0 26904
0 -1 10288
Empty Shop~
You stand inside of an empty shop. There are many wall mounted
shelves to place your tools and other items if you choose to
rent the shop. There is quite enough room for four people to
work in here independently. This would be a great place to set
up if you have apprentices.
0 67108876 1 1 0 0 26904
0 -1 10289
Empty Shop~
You stand inside of an empty shop. There are many wall mounted
shelves to place your tools and other items if you choose to
rent the shop. There is quite enough room for four people to
work in here independently. This would be a great place to set
up if you have apprentices.
0 67108876 1 1 0 0 26904
0 -1 10290
Empty Shop~
You stand inside of an empty shop. There are many wall mounted
shelves to place your tools and other items if you choose to
rent the shop. There is quite enough room for four people to
work in here independently. This would be a great place to set
up if you have apprentices.
0 67108876 1 1 0 0 26904
0 -1 10290
&R BlasTech Blasters&w&W~
You are standing in Blastech Blasters. The only type of guns
sold here are Blastech. You see a salesman behind the counter
who is waiting for your next purchase on a nice blaster. The
place seems to be nice but there is some wierd hole in the wall
to the left of you.
0 12 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10204
Empty Home~
You stand inside of an elegant home. There are paintings on the
walls of beautiful sunsets and of great people throughout history.
There is a restroom to your left and a shower to the right.
The place looks very tidy and comfy.
0 77594636 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10156
Empty Home~
You stand inside of an elegant home. There are paintings on the
walls of beautiful sunsets and of great people throughout history.There
is a restroom to your left and a shower to the right.The place
looks very tidy and comfy.
0 77594636 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10156
Empty Home~
You stand inside of an elegant home. There are paintings on the
walls of beautiful sunsets and of great people throughout history.There
is a restroom to your left and a shower to the right.The place
looks very tidy and comfy.
0 77594636 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10157
Empty Home~
You stand inside of an elegant home. There are paintings on the
walls of beautiful sunsets and of great people throughout history.There
is a restroom to your left and a shower to the right.The place
looks very tidy and comfy.
0 77594636 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10157
Empty Home~
You stand inside of an elegant home. There are paintings on the
walls of beautiful sunsets and of great people throughout history.There
is a restroom to your left and a shower to the right.The place
looks very tidy and comfy.
0 77594636 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10157
Empty Home~
You stand inside of an elegant home. There are paintings on the
walls of beautiful sunsets and of great people throughout history.There
is a restroom to your left and a shower to the right.The place
looks very tidy and comfy.
0 77594636 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10158
Empty Home~
You stand inside of an elegant home. There are paintings on the
walls of beautiful sunsets and of great people throughout history.There
is a restroom to your left and a shower to the right.The place
looks very tidy and comfy.
0 77594636 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10158
&c Fritz's Droids&w&W~
You stand in the shop run by Fritz. This shop used to sell robot
pets but had to close down for lack of business. Now you can
still come in here but Fritz will sell you nothing but he will
show you his collections of droids which are in a glass case
in the center of the room.
0 12 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10216
Clan Storage Room #1~
You stand in one of the clan storage rooms for the New Republic.
In here you can store basically whatever you want. Just remember
to always keep a key or do what is necessary to have one. You
can drop whatever you want here but also remember all other
clan members have access to this storage room as well.
0 1074267140 1 0 0 0 26904
Empty Home~
You stand inside of an elegant home. There are paintings on the
walls of beautiful sunsets and of great people throughout history.There
is a restroom to your left and a shower to the right.The place
looks very tidy and comfy.
0 77594636 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10203
Empty Home~
You stand inside of an elegant home. There are paintings on the
walls of beautiful sunsets and of great people throughout history.There
is a restroom to your left and a shower to the right.The place
looks very tidy and comfy.
0 77594636 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10203
Empty Home~
You look about in this empty home. The place isn't huge but good
enough for one to live well in. You see all of the necessitites
such as toiletries and such.You see an elegant bed with a marble
headboard that sits in the corner of the room.
0 77594636 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10202
An Empty Apartment~
You look about in this empty home. The place isn't huge but good
enough for one to live well in. You see all of the necessitites
such as toiletries and such.You see an elegant bed with a marble
headboard that sits in the corner of the room.
0 77594636 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10202
Old Warehouse~
You are standing in an old warehouse. Here you see a bunch of
punkers that seem to want trouble with anyone who is not just
like them. You can hear loud music coming from the upstairs.
The entire area is a bit grungy and trash is littered about.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
3 -1 10201
0 -1 10345
Trashed Steps~
You manage your way to the trashed steps. Watch where you walk
because there is junk all over these steps and you may slip
and fall. You find that you are inside of the Shining Fists'
turf. You should be extra weary of what you do around here.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10346
0 -1 10344
&B The Auditorium&w&W~
You stand in the area of the Auditorium. There are many people
sitting here on the floor listening to the music being played
on the stage by the punk rock group. Go ahead and sit down and
listen if you want.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10345
0 -1 10347
0 -1 10349
1 -1 10348
&b -At The Stage-&w&W~
You come up on the Stage and people start "boo-ing" you off of
the stage. Do something quick before they start throwing things.
Join in and start singing with the old biker.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10346
As you stand in the parlor you see many tables surrounding the
area. There are punks everywhere and they are all snickering
at you for some reason. You see a bar to the south and the auditorium
to the southwest. 
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10351
1 -1 10346
You stand in this hallway that leads to the Bathroom. You will
probably find nothing special here at all. But if you insist
you can go into the bathroom area here.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10346
0 -1 10350
The bathroom~
You stand in the bathroom of these punks. As you walk in you
notice an especially large punk eye you wearily. Be carful no
to to provoke a fight in here.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10349
At The Bar~
You stand at the bar, here a droid sells alcohol to anyone who
has enough money to buy it. The punks do not care how old they
are when they start drinking, in fact, most of them start at
the very young ages of five or six.
0 12 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10348
Empty Home~
You look about in this empty home. The place isn't huge but good
enough for one to live well in. You see all of the necessitites
such as toiletries. You see an elegant bed with a marble headboard
which sits in the middle of the room.
0 77594636 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10276
Empty Home~
You look about in this empty home. The place isn't huge but good
enough for one to live well in. You see all of the necessitites
such as toiletries. You see an elegant bed with a marble headboard
which sits in the middle of the room.
0 77594636 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10276
Empty Home~
You look about in this empty home. The place isn't huge but good
enough for one to live well in. You see all of the necessitites
such as toiletries. You see an elegant bed with a marble headboard
which sits in the middle of the room.
0 77594636 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10277
Empty Home~
You look about in this empty home. The place isn't huge but good
enough for one to live well in. You see all of the necessitites
such as toiletries. You see an elegant bed with a marble headboard
which sits in the middle of the room.
0 77594636 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10277
Empty Home~
You look about in this empty home. The place isn't huge but good
enough for one to live well in. You see all of the necessitites
such as toiletries. You see an elegant bed with a marble headboard
which sits in the middle of the room.
0 77594636 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10278
Empty Home~
You look about in this empty home. The place isn't huge but good
enough for one to live well in. You see all of the necessitites
such as toiletries. You see an elegant bed with a marble headboard
which sits in the middle of the room.
0 77594636 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10278
Empty Home~
You look about in this empty home. The place isn't huge but good
enough for one to live well in. You see all of the necessitites
such as toiletries. You see an elegant bed with a marble headboard
which sits in the middle of the room.
0 77594636 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10283
Empty Shop~
You stand in an empty shop. There are tools and workbenches surrounding
the area. The room is good in size and very clean. You see tools
for all sorts of craftsmen on the tables. You can purchase this
room and use it to have apprentices or just a place to engineer
0 67108876 1 1 0 0 26904
0 -1 10273
Empty Shop~
You stand in an empty shop. There are tools and workbenches surrounding
the area. The room is good in size and very clean. You see tools
for all sorts of craftsmen on the tables. You can purchase this
room and use it to have apprentices or just a place to engineer
0 67108876 1 1 0 0 26904
0 -1 10273
Empty Shop~
You stand in an empty shop. There are tools and workbenches surrounding
the area. The room is good in size and very clean. You see tools
for all sorts of craftsmen on the tables. You can purchase this
room and use it to have apprentices or just a place to engineer
0 67108876 1 1 0 0 26904
0 -1 10272
Empty Shop~
You stand in an empty shop. There are tools and workbenches surrounding
the area. The room is good in size and very clean. You see tools
for all sorts of craftsmen on the tables. You can purchase this
room and use it to have apprentices or just a place to engineer
0 67108876 1 1 0 0 26904
0 -1 10274
Empty Shop~
You stand in an empty shop. There are tools and workbenches surrounding
the area. The room is good in size and very clean. You see tools
for all sorts of craftsmen on the tables. You can purchase this
room and use it to have apprentices or just a place to engineer
0 67108876 1 1 0 0 26904
0 -1 10274
&r -A Small Junk Area-&w&W~
You are standing in a small area that is covered in junk on all
sides but the south. You see one man here trying to piece togther
a bot of some sort. You see citizens coming in and out of here,
seeing if they can find anything of any use to themselves.
0 12 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10268
Clan Storage Room #2~
You stand in one of the clan storage rooms for the New Republic.In
here you can store basically whatever you want. Just remember
to always keep a key or do what is necessary to have one. You
can drop whatever you want here but also remember all other
clan members have access to this storage room as well.
0 525316 1 0 0 0 26904
Empty Shop~
You stand in an empty shop. There are tools and workbenches surrounding
the area. The room is good in size and very clean. You see tools
for all sorts of craftsmen on the tables. You can purchase this
room and use it to have apprentices or just a place to engineer
0 67108876 1 1 0 0 26904
0 -1 10282
Empty Shop~
You stand in an empty shop. There are tools and workbenches surrounding
the area. The room is good in size and very clean. You see tools
for all sorts of craftsmen on the tables. You can purchase this
room and use it to have apprentices or just a place to engineer
0 67108876 1 1 0 0 26904
0 -1 10281
Empty Shop~
You stand in an empty shop. There are tools and workbenches surrounding
the area. The room is good in size and very clean. You see tools
for all sorts of craftsmen on the tables. You can purchase this
room and use it to have apprentices or just a place to engineer
0 67108876 1 1 0 0 26904
0 -1 10281
Empty Shop~
You stand in an empty shop. There are tools and workbenches surrounding
the area. The room is good in size and very clean. You see tools
for all sorts of craftsmen on the tables. You can purchase this
room and use it to have apprentices or just a place to engineer
0 67108876 1 1 0 0 26904
0 -1 10280
Empty Shop~
You stand in an empty shop. There are tools and workbenches surrounding
the area. The room is good in size and very clean. You see tools
for all sorts of craftsmen on the tables. You can purchase this
room and use it to have apprentices or just a place to engineer
0 67108876 1 1 0 0 26904
0 -1 10280
Empty Home~
You look about in this empty home. The place isn't huge but good
enough for one to live well in. You see all of the necessitites
such as toiletries. You see an elegant bed with a marble headboard
which sits in the middle of the room.
0 77594636 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10171
Empty Home~
You look about in this empty home. The place isn't huge but good
enough for one to live well in. You see all of the necessitites
such as toiletries. You see an elegant bed with a marble headboard
which sits in the middle of the room.
0 77594636 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10171
An Empty Apartment~
You look about in this empty home. The place isn't huge but good
enough for one to live well in. You see all of the necessitites
such as toiletries. You see an elegant bed with a marble headboard
which sits in the middle of the room.
0 77594636 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10172
Empty Home~
You look about in this empty home. The place isn't huge but good
enough for one to live well in. You see all of the necessitites
such as toiletries. You see an elegant bed with a marble headboard
which sits in the middle of the room.
0 77594636 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10172
Empty Home~
You look about in this empty home. The place isn't huge but good
enough for one to live well in. You see all of the necessitites
such as toiletries. You see an elegant bed with a marble headboard
which sits in the middle of the room.
0 77594636 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10173
Empty Home~
You look about in this empty home. The place isn't huge but good
enough for one to live well in. You see all of the necessitites
such as toiletries. You see an elegant bed with a marble headboard
which sits in the middle of the room.
0 77594636 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10173
Empty Shop~
You stand in an empty shop. There are tools and workbenches surrounding
the area. The room is good in size and very clean. You see tools
for all sorts of craftsmen on the tables. You can purchase this
room and use it to have apprentices or just a place to engineer
0 67108876 1 1 0 0 26904
0 -1 10279
Empty Shop~
You stand in an empty shop. There are tools and workbenches surrounding
the area. The room is good in size and very clean. You see tools
for all sorts of craftsmen on the tables. You can purchase this
room and use it to have apprentices or just a place to engineer
0 67108876 1 1 0 0 26904
0 -1 10291
Empty Shop~
You stand in an empty shop. There are tools and workbenches surrounding
the area. The room is good in size and very clean. You see tools
for all sorts of craftsmen on the tables. You can purchase this
room and use it to have apprentices or just a place to engineer
0 67108876 1 1 0 0 26904
0 -1 10292
&z United Parcel Service&w&W~
You stand inside of the United Parcel Service. You see a sign
that reads, "Delivery all over the Galaxy!" mounted on the northern
wall. You see many packages lying around, maybe you should take
them where they belong.
0 12 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10220
First Bank of Corellia~
You stand in The First Bank of Corellia. You see a large grey
vault to the east. You see video cameras mounted to the ceiling,
watching your every move. You notice how the carpet on the floors
is very soft and confortable to your feet. There is a window
here that allows you to look out at the beach.
0 268 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10294
33554432 -1 10388
Entrance to the Palace~
You stand in the entrance to the palace. There isn't a door here,
just an arch in the ceiling. The walls here are dark grey and
bare. It seems awful quiet as there are no guards posted here.
0 4 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10385
0 -1 10386
Palace Throne Room~
As you stand in the throne room you notice that Diktat is nowhere
to be seen. You figure he must be in his office. You see a beautiful
throne sitting in the middle of the room. There is a guard here
looking around for people who should't be in the palace.
0 4 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10386
Diktat's Office~
As you stand in the office of Diktat you see how powerful he
really is. He himself may not be too powerful but his guards
look pretty tough. You see Diktat here sitting behind a huge
wooden oak desk. The guards are in front of him watching your
every move.
0 4 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10387
Palace Steps~
You stand on the steps of the Diktat's Palace. The palace isn't
as large as some you have seen. This palace was built by the
Empire after the Diktat pledged his loyalty to them. 
0 4 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10178
0 -1 10382
Palace Foyer~
You stand in the foyer of the palace and can choose to go the
the reception area or the throne room. Here you see a drinking
fountain mounted, from which is flowing crystal clear water.
You hear the scream of a man as he dies.
0 4 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10382
0 -1 10383
0 -1 10387
Reception Area~
You stand at Receptionist's desk. There are chairs set up against
the walls for those who need to wait for Diktat to become available.
The area here is spotless of course. If you want to speak with
diktat maybe you should ASK the Receptionist.
0 4 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10386
&O A Sandy Beach&w&W~
You are on a sandy beach and all you see is the bright sun. You
feel the soft sand underneath you and see many people playing
about in the water and on the beach. This looks like a fun time!
0 4 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10293
0 -1 10389
&O A Sandy Beach&w&W~
You are on a sandy beach and all you see is the bright sun. You
feel the soft sand underneath you and see many people playing
about in the water and on the beach. This looks like a fun time!
0 4 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10388
Jail Corridor~
You stand in a well lit jail corridor. You see cells all around,
you can hear the people inside of them screaming at you to free
them. You just cover your ears and keep walking.
0 12 1 0 0 0 26904
1057 10158 10263
1057 10158 10226
1057 10158 10391
0 -1 10392
Jail Cell-Corellia~
Looking around you notice that the cell is actually quite clean.
You realize that this jail has not been used much. In the right
corner you see a small water fountain. In the left corner you
see a porcelain toilet. You look through the bars and see the
Imperial logo on the wall here.
0 12 1 0 0 0 26904
1057 10158 10390
Jail Corridor~
You stand in a well lit jail corridor. You see cells all around,
you can hear the people inside of them screaming at you to free
them. You just cover your ears and keep walking.
0 12 1 0 0 0 26904
1059 10158 10393
0 -1 10390
1057 10158 10394
Jail Cell-Corellia~
Looking around you notice that the cell is actually quite clean.
You realize that this jail has not been used much. In the right
corner you see a small water fountain. In the left corner you
see a porcelain toilet. You look through the bars and see the
Imperial logo on the wall here.
0 12 1 0 0 0 26904
1059 10158 10392
Jail Cell-Corellia~
Looking around you notice that the cell is actually quite clean.
You realize that this jail has not been used much. In the right
corner you see a small water fountain. In the left corner you
see a porcelain toilet. You look through the bars and see the
Imperial logo on the wall here.
0 12 1 0 0 0 26904
1057 10158 10392
&p A Small Hotel&w&W~
You stand in a small hotel. You see that this hotel isn't as
good as the ones from the grounds above or as big, but it should
do you just fine if you just need a place to stay for a while.There
are a few cracks in the walls and a few mice running around
but the place isn't that bad.
0 8389644 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10236
&C The Auction House&w&W~
You are standing in an Auction House. You see shelves full of
items that are waiting to be auctioned or be picked up by the
buyers of the items. You most likely have come here to auction
off your goods to other people, if so then you have come to
the right place.
0 -2147483640 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10255
&w A Run-Down Motel&w&W~
You stand in a run-down motel. The motel has been placed in the
worst part of town and even the owner has left the vicinity.The
walls have holes in them, there is no carpeting and the ceiling
leaks. There is now a sign that reads, "Take whichever room
you like, just pick up the keys here." 
0 8389632 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10190
&B Corsec Headquarters &w&W~
You stand at the entrance to the Corellian Security Headquarters.
The security for the entire planet is controlled and monitored
from within this building. This building is well maintained
as it is run by the local citizens instead of the overulling
plan etary government.
0 12 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10228
0 -1 10400
&B Corsec Commander's Office &w&W~
You stand in the office of the commanding officer of Corellian Security. The furniture here is scarce as he doesn't spend much time here. There is but a desk with a chair behind it with a solitary chair in front for visitors. 
0 12 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10403
&B Corsec Reception Area&w&W~
You stand in the reception area of the Corellian Security Headquarters.
This building was built by Emperor Palpatine as a gift to the
citizens after they choose to handle their own security instead
of having the standard stormtrooper control.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10398
0 -1 10401
&B A Corridor&w&W~
You are walking down a small corridor. The walls here are a dark blue color. There are Corsec logos every thirty feet along the wall. This corridor leads to the turbolift that provides access to the rest of the facility.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10400
0 -1 10402
&B A Small Turbolift&w&W~
You stand in the sole turbolift of the facility. This turbolift
is the only connection between the first floor and the rest
of the facility. This building only has two floors though because
the construction was delayed so that the citizens could aid
the ir struggle against the Rebel Alliance.
0 12 1 0 0 0 26904
> speech_prog p 2~
mpecho The turbolift hums as it comes to life. 
mpecho The turbolift slowly goes to the second floor.
mpecho You step out quickly before the doors reclose.
mptransfer $n 10403
mpat 10403 mpecho $n arrives from a turbolift.
> speech_prog p 1~
mpecho The turbolift hums as it comes to life. 
mpecho The turbolift slowly goes to the first floor.
mpecho You step out quickly before the doors reclose.
mptransfer $n 10401
&B Second Floor Reception&w&W~
You stand in the second floor reception area. This is the only floor of the building besides the first. The most vital parts of the building were finished before the construction was delayed and then ulitmately cancelled.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10402
&B Armor Repair&w&W~
You stand in the armor repair shop of the Corellian Secuirty.
Since funds were limited it was easier to install this shop
rather than buy extra armor for the agents. The droid here was
suppose to be replaced a long time ago but due to insufficent
funds i t never happened.
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10403
&B Agent Sleeping Quarters&w&W~
This single room was put in for the on-duty agents of Corsec to get a short catnap in during their break. There is a single cot against the wall here. On the wall there are hooks for a jacket and a holster.
0 8388616 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10403
Floating in a void~
0 4 1 0 0 0 26904
Shipyard Main Landing~
You are on the main landing pad of the Corellian Shipyard. There
are lots of ships surrounding the area. Some new, some still
being built, and some that have been repaired or just for sale.The
landing itself is made of a pure metal alloy to make it hard
and durable against the forces of the ships upon takeoff.
0 48 1 4 0 0 26904
0 -1 10451
0 -1 10452
0 -1 10453
0 -1 10454
Shipyard Landing Pad A~
You are on one of four of the secondary landing pads for this
shipyard. There are a few ships surrounding the area. Some new,
some still being built, and some that have been repaired or
just for sale. The landing itself is made of a pure metal alloy
to make it hard and durable against the forces of the ships
upon takeoff.
0 48 1 4 0 0 26904
0 -1 10450
Shipyard Landing Pad B~
You are on one of four of the secondary landing pads for this
shipyard. There are a few ships surrounding the area. Some new,
some still being built, and some that have been repaired or
just for sale. The landing itself is made of a pure metal alloy
to make it hard and durable against the forces of the ships
upon takeoff.
0 48 1 4 0 0 26904
0 -1 10450
Shipyard Landing Pad C~
You are on one of four of the secondary landing pads for this
shipyard. There are a few ships surrounding the area. Some new,
some still being built, and some that have been repaired or
just for sale. The landing itself is made of a pure metal alloy
to make it hard and durable against the forces of the ships
upon takeoff.
0 48 1 4 0 0 26904
0 -1 10450
Shipyard Landing Pad D~
You are on one of four of the secondary landing pads for this
shipyard. There are a few ships surrounding the area. Some new,
some still being built, and some that have been repaired or
just for sale. The landing itself is made of a pure metal alloy
to make it hard and durable against the forces of the ships
upon takeoff.
0 48 1 4 0 0 26904
0 -1 10450
0 -1 10455
A Small Hallway~
You are standing in the hallway the connects the Shipyard to
a small spaceport allowing for food, shelter, and other necessities.
The hallway here is barren and has the luster of the metal that
covers the walls. There are no paintings, pictures or anything
creative here.
0 12 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10454
0 -1 10456
Shipyard Spaceport~
You are standing in the Shipyard Spaceport which isn't very large
but decent in size. You see chairs for those who are having
thier ships worked on and a hotel for those whose ships won't
be done right away. There is also a small store to the south
of here.
0 12 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10457
0 -1 10460
0 -1 10458
0 -1 10459
0 -1 10455
&YA Small Hotel&w&W~
You stand in a small, yet cleanly hotel. The place is so little
it seems more like a motel than a hotel. You see the clerk sitting
at her desk and behind her you see the keys to all of the rooms
and thier numbers. 
0 8388620 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10456
&G A Small Store&w&W~
You stand in a small store run by a shop droid. The place itself
has walls of metal on all sides and looks very rigid and unconfortable.
Here you can purchase a few items while you wait for you ship
to be repaired or if you just stopped in here out of hunger.
0 12 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10456
&O A Small Alcove&w&W~
You stand in a small alcove built to house the ATM machine here.
The alcove is only big enough for a single person to stand in
besides the machine. If you are unsure how to use this machine
type help bank.
0 268 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10456
&B A Blue DropTube&w&W~
You are in a small droptube that travels between the planet of
Corellia and the shipyard that orbits it. The droptube is voice
activated so all you have to do to travel between the areas
is say the word "GO"!
0 8 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10456
> speech_prog p Go~
mpechoat $n The floor falls out beneath you as your sucked into the tube. You are transported to the planet. 
mpechoaround $n You watch as $n is sucked into the droptube. 
mptransfer $n 10262
The Galactic Mail Center~
0 1073741824 1 0 0 0 26904
0 -1 10315
Floating in a void~
0 4 1 0 0 0 26904
Floating in a void~
0 1073741828 1 0 0 0 26904

M 1 10151 76 10152
O 1 10160 1 10152
M 1 10151 76 10153
M 1 10151 76 10156
M 1 10151 76 10159
M 1 10151 76 10159
M 1 10151 76 10159
M 1 10151 76 10160
M 1 10151 76 10160
M 1 10160 31 10166
M 1 10151 76 10167
M 1 10160 31 10169
M 1 10151 76 10171
M 1 10160 31 10174
E 1 59 1 16
M 1 10151 76 10175
M 1 10151 76 10175
M 1 10151 76 10176
M 1 10151 76 10177
M 1 10151 76 10179
M 1 10151 76 10181
M 1 10160 31 10182
M 1 10151 76 10183
M 1 10151 76 10185
M 1 10151 76 10189
M 1 10160 31 10192
M 1 10151 76 10193
M 1 10151 76 10194
M 1 10151 76 10195
M 1 10151 76 10195
M 1 10160 31 10198
M 1 10160 31 10199
M 1 10160 31 10200
M 1 10151 76 10200
M 1 10151 76 10200
D 0 10201 2 1
M 1 10151 76 10202
M 1 10160 31 10202
M 1 10151 76 10203
M 1 10151 76 10203
M 1 10151 76 10204
M 1 10151 76 10204
M 1 10151 76 10206
M 1 10160 31 10206
M 1 10160 31 10207
M 1 10151 76 10207
M 1 10151 76 10209
M 1 10164 6 10209
M 1 10160 31 10210
M 1 10151 76 10210
M 1 10160 31 10211
M 1 10151 76 10211
M 1 10151 76 10212
M 1 10151 76 10216
M 1 10167 1 10217
M 1 10155 1 10220
M 1 10151 76 10221
M 1 10160 31 10222
M 1 10151 76 10224
M 1 10151 76 10224
M 1 10151 76 10225
D 0 10226 3 0
M 1 10151 76 10227
M 1 10151 76 10228
M 1 10160 31 10228
M 1 10160 31 10228
M 1 10151 76 10228
M 1 10160 31 10230
M 1 10151 76 10232
M 1 10160 31 10233
M 1 10153 1 10234
M 1 10151 76 10235
M 1 10151 76 10238
M 1 10151 76 10238
M 1 10151 76 10242
M 1 10160 31 10245
M 1 10151 76 10248
M 1 10151 76 10248
M 1 10171 1 10249
M 1 10151 76 10250
M 1 10151 76 10251
M 1 10160 31 10252
M 1 10151 76 10253
M 1 10151 76 10254
M 1 10151 76 10257
M 1 10151 76 10258
M 1 10160 31 10259
M 1 10151 76 10260
M 1 10160 31 10262
D 0 10263 2 0
M 1 10151 76 10265
M 1 10160 31 10266
M 1 10151 76 10267
M 1 10151 76 10272
M 1 10151 76 10274
M 1 10160 31 10275
M 1 10151 76 10277
M 1 10151 76 10280
M 1 10151 76 10283
M 1 10160 31 10287
M 1 10151 76 10288
M 1 10151 76 10289
M 1 10151 76 10290
M 1 10160 31 10291
M 1 10151 76 10298
M 1 10160 31 10300
M 1 10151 76 10301
M 1 10160 31 10303
M 1 10151 76 10305
M 1 10151 76 10307
M 1 10154 1 10308
M 1 10151 76 10310
M 1 10151 76 10312
M 1 10151 76 10312
M 1 10160 31 10312
O 1 1141 1 10315
M 1 10156 1 10316
G 1 133 1
G 1 59 1
G 1 134 1
G 1 1057 1
G 1 64 1
G 1 1068 1
M 1 10152 1 10317
O 1 10318 1 10317
D 0 10322 0 0
M 1 10158 1 10323
G 1 1072 1
D 0 10324 3 0
M 1 10157 1 10325
G 1 201 1
G 1 1056 1
G 1 276 1
G 1 260 1
G 1 259 1
G 1 10159 1
M 1 10159 1 10330
G 1 58 1
G 1 54 1
G 1 53 1
G 1 52 1
G 1 51 1
G 1 50 1
M 1 10162 1 10338
M 1 10165 1 10344
M 1 10164 6 10344
M 1 10164 6 10344
D 0 10344 0 1
M 1 10163 1 10345
G 1 274 1
M 1 10151 76 10346
D 0 10346 6 0
M 1 10166 1 10347
O 1 10157 1 10347
M 1 10164 6 10348
M 1 10164 6 10348
D 0 10348 9 0
M 1 10160 31 10349
M 1 10160 31 10350
M 1 10164 6 10350
M 1 202 2 10351
G 1 65 1
G 1 258 1
G 1 259 1
G 1 260 1
M 1 10169 1 10364
O 1 1926 1 10380
O 1 1243 1 10380
M 1 1144 2 10381
M 1 1144 2 10381
M 1 10177 5 10383
E 1 50 1 16
O 1 10152 1 10383
M 1 10174 1 10384
M 1 10177 5 10384
E 1 50 1 16
M 1 10177 5 10384
M 1 10177 5 10384
M 1 10177 5 10384
O 1 10161 1 10384
O 1 10160 1 10386
M 1 10173 1 10387
M 1 10175 2 10388
M 1 10176 2 10388
M 1 10175 2 10389
M 1 10176 2 10389
D 0 10390 0 0
D 0 10390 1 0
D 0 10390 2 0
D 0 10391 0 0
D 0 10392 0 1
D 0 10392 2 0
D 0 10393 2 1
D 0 10394 0 0
M 1 10179 1 10399
E 1 51 1 16
O 1 116 1 10399
M 1 10178 1 10400
O 1 116 1 10400
M 1 10180 1 10403
M 1 10181 1 10403
M 1 10172 3 10450
M 1 10172 3 10452
M 1 10172 3 10453
M 1 9722 1 10457
M 1 10182 1 10458
G 1 151 1
G 1 139 1
G 1 65 1
G 1 134 1
G 1 133 1
O 1 38 1 10461

 10156    0  0  0  0  0   120  90         0 23    ; A Store Clerk
 10157    0  0  0  0  0   120  90         0 23    ; Bartender
 10158    0  0  0  0  0   120  90         0 23    ; Diner Waitress
 10159    0  0  0  0  0   120  90         0 23    ; BlasTech Dealer
 10162    0  0  0  0  0   120  90         0 23    ; Fritz
 10163    0  0  0  0  0   120  90         0 23    ; A Tall Biker
 10171    0  0  0  0  0   120  90         0 23    ; Kentarr
 10182    0  0  0  0  0   120  90         0 23    ; A shop droid

 10181    9  0  0          25   1         1 23    ; An old broken down droid

M  10155 spec_thief
M  10160 spec_thief
