Sender  Tawnos~
Date    Sun Sep 22 13:37:30 2002~
To      All~
Subject &w&G|&W FotE Favorite Areas Poll - Part 1 &G|~
Voting 1
Yesvotes Geiter Brenston Athan Rico Nova Jericho~
Novotes Selar~
Abstentions Trillen Koensayr Xak~
The following messages are a poll, read all of them and then vote for your favorite FotE area.

If your favorite area is CORUSCANT, type note vote <this notes number> YES

if your favorite area is YAVIN, type note vote <this notes number> NO

Please vote only once.


Sender  Tawnos~
Date    Sun Sep 22 13:38:34 2002~
To      All~
Subject &w&G|&W FotE Favorite Areas Poll - Part 2 &G|~
Voting 1
Yesvotes Nfinet Rico Selar Nova~
Novotes ~
Abstentions Koensayr~
If your favorite area is TATOOINE, note vote <this notes number> YES

If your favorite area is KASHYYYK, note vote <this notes number> NO


Sender  Tawnos~
Date    Sun Sep 22 13:40:15 2002~
To      All~
Subject &w&G|&W FotE Favorite Areas Poll - Part 3 &G|~
Voting 1
Yesvotes Thornes Verice Zig Rico Harper~
Novotes Selar~
Abstentions Nova Koensayr~
If your favorite area is MON CALAMARI, note vote <this notes number> YES

If your favorite area is ENDOR, note vote <this notes number> NO


Sender  Tawnos~
Date    Sun Sep 22 13:41:00 2002~
To      All~
Subject &w&G|&W FotE Favorite Areas Poll - Part 4 &G|~
Voting 1
Yesvotes Malando Selar~
Novotes Rico Nova~
Abstentions Koensayr~
If your favorite area is ORD MANTELL, note vote <this notes number> YES

If your favorite area is NAL HUTTA, note vote <this notes number> NO


Sender  Tawnos~
Date    Sun Sep 22 13:42:16 2002~
To      All~
Subject &w&G|&W FotE Favorite Areas Poll - Part 5 &G|~
Voting 1
Yesvotes Koensayr Selar Ytoryn~
Novotes Kawasi~
Abstentions ~
If your favorite area is CORELLIA, note vote <this notes number> YES

If your favorite area is BAKURA, note vote <this notes number> NO

Thanks for participating.



Sender  Verice~
Date    Sun Oct 20 14:08:57 2002~
To      All~
Subject Wrongs~
Voting 0
Yesvotes ~
Novotes ~
Abstentions ~

     I am Verice.  Those of you who have been wronged or hurt

can contact me, i will see if i can




Sender  Yeyinde~
Date    Mon Oct 21 18:13:19 2002~
To      All players~
Subject classes/roleplay~
Voting 0
Yesvotes ~
Novotes ~
Abstentions ~
Let me start by saying that i think their are way too many bounty

hunters/assassins....   Everyone wants to be the best, that

is human nature, so naturally they chose the (arguably) most

powerful class combination, the vast majority of these people

are also noghri. A very many of these same people have a engineer

or thief alt. I chose bounty hunter/assassin, so do not think

that i am being a hypocrite, because this applies to me as well.

This is ridiculous.I see this turning into diablo II, with one

person discovering an awesome combination, and everyone else

copying that one.  As long as classes exist, there will always

be one or two more that are head and shoulders above the rest

in terms of combat, and that is what people care about, apparently.

People will continue to create only those classes. I will not

bother to list them in hopes that some people had not heard

and actually tried to be original. For roleplay and balance

to exist, a classless system needs to be made. I was speaking

with salvius earlier today and he said, about weapons "I always

thought that anyone should be able to use a weapon" and i replied

"In RP, anyone can learn anything, given they would be worse

or better than another person who had differing experience in

the subject, was smarter, etc". I think that FotE could better

use a classless system based on attributes, rather than beginning

classes. I want to know what everyone else thinks of the same

subject, please.



Sender  Maiven~
Date    Tue Nov  5 11:09:52 2002~
To      All~
Subject re: Classes/Roleplay~
Voting 0
Yesvotes ~
Novotes ~
Abstentions ~
I always prefer classes systems however a huge problem I often find with them is that  a single individual ends up getting all the skills they need to do everything.

Removing the need for them to rp or interact with anyone. If this can be avoided then I'd agree, if not then I can't agree.

However I always point people to this http://www.mud.co.uk/richard/hcds.htm

As it's the truest thing I've ever seen in my many years of mudding and gaming. If not directly related to the point.

After reading that page you might take this point, not everyone chooses the 'best' class or combo.  Though I'd also prefer there wasn't a 'best' class or combo just trade offs.


Sender  Robb~
Date    Fri Nov  8 19:10:32 2002~
To      Everyone~
Subject politicians~
Voting 0
Yesvotes ~
Novotes ~
Abstentions ~
Instead of mobs flagged as citizens, players, upon character

creation would be able to choose a planet of birth, and would

be considered citizens of that planet. sneak Instead of mobs

flagged as citizens, players, upon character creation would

be able to choose a planet of birth, and would be considered

citizens of that planet.acute_ac That player would be able to

rate the governing body on a scale of -100 to 100. 100 being

the best, and 100 being the worst. Politicians would be able

to control different things like taxes, prices on the planet,

amount of police officers, customs officers etc using different

politician commands that would replace the old "propeganda"

and "mass_propeganda" and other support altering commands. If

the pop support of a planet were below -50, a citizen of the

planet would be able to use the "revolt" and cause the planet

to become owned by none.At any time a governments politician

could "Disown" a planet and cause it to become neutral owned.If

a planet is neutral owned, it can be "captured" (turn this into

a politician skill) and made into a planet owned by a government.

Instead of income based on popular support, have it as a tax,

every time someone receives credits from someone or takes it

from a corpse, have it automatically deduct half that much from

the money from the person. Let the other half come from nowhere,

seeing as how money needs to be added to the process somewhere.

So if the tax rate is 5%, and a person loots 100 credits, he

will only loot 97 credits, and the other 3 will go to the clan,

along with another 3 coming from nowhere.


Sender  Sojik~
Date    Sun Nov 10 15:07:58 2002~
To      All~
Subject re:Classes~
Voting 0
Yesvotes ~
Novotes ~
Abstentions ~
Remember, a good strategy can easily beat a rollplayer. I hate

Noghri for the simple reason noone RPs them correctly. Ever.

Anyhow, they can be beaten with a little brainpower though,

just to show them roleplaying is better than rollplaying, I

like to do That stuff.
