NOTE: THIS IS the RotS DISTRIBUTION OF SWFotE. If you wish to download 
this or any other distribution of SWFotE, including updates, please visit

For an easier start to get your mud going, there is a premade
level 36 administrator named 'User'. The password is 'password'.

You should immediately change your name and password. This obviously goes 
without saying, but. Who knows.

Also, best way to boot the mud is "nohup startup <port> &" in src directory.
'nohup' is an abbreviation of 'no halt user process', which prevents 
killing the mud's process when you logoff your user in the shell.

This is stated in other files, but you should read through fote.README, 
force.README, space.README, and all licenses in the /doc directory.

Do not drink and code.

For some amusing excerpts from the old FotE, see help quotes in-mud.

If any of the original staff comes around to your mud one day, be sure to 
say hey and what not. We'll likely say hey back. We will not, however, 
demand access to your mud or anything along those lines. (Preemptive 
strike here)

For more information, type 'changes' in-mud. You can post your own changes 
to the codebase by the 'addchange' command.