{51 60} ROM     Immortal Zone~
1200 1299

Heimdall, guardian of Bifrost, stands guard over the Rainbow Bridge.
Standing over 7 feet tall and muscled as only a god can be, Heimdall keeps
his unsleeping gaze over the Rainbow bridge.  His trusty Gjallor-horn never
leaves his side, and shall remain unwinded until the dread ship Naglfar sails
towards Valhalla on the dawn of Ragnarok.
57 30 1d1+19999 1d1+499 5d4+40 crush
-20 -20 -20 -10
stand stand male 0
0 0 large 0


The Chat Room~
You are lounging in a quiet cosy parlour, warmed by a gentle magical fire
which twinkles happily in a warm fireplace.  This is one of the many rooms
where the heroes and gods come to socialize.  It is by far one of the most
0 DJQ 0
Asgard lies to the south.
0 -1 1213
Moses' Hangout~
You see here a cozy little room with a fireplace.  You can tell it is Moses'
room by the two stone tablets and a bible on a small ledge near the fireplace.
This room was designed for total relaxation.  You can watch television, listen
to the stereo, even soak in a hot tub.
There is a bell here for the butler.
0 DQ 0
Asgard lies to the north.
0 -1 1213
The Center of the Universe~
You are at the centre of the universe, everything is filled with bright
light in all colors. You feel time and space no longer exist here.
Exits fill the room in all 42 dimensions, leading everywhere.
0 DJQ 0
Asgard lies to the east.
0 -1 1213
This is the huge Hall of Valhalla, where the Gods rule supreme.  The
cavernous building stretches infinitely in all directions.  Valhalla 
continues to the east, and the gods make their homes north and south of
the halls.  The golden gates are to the west.  You know not what lies 
0 DP 0
Alander's workroom is to the north.
1 -1 1209
Valhalla continues east.
0 -1 1217
A sea cave is south of here.
1 -1 1208
The entrance to Valhalla is to the west.
0 -1 1216
If you want to know what is up there, you shall have to go look...
0 -1 1
Priscilla's Pleasure Palace ~
As you look around you, you see the largest collection of erotic toys
in the world!!!  On a table in the middle of the room lies a book titled :
"All You Ever Wanted to Know About Sex..But Were Afraid to Ask"
There are things here that you never even imagined in your wildest dreams!
0 DJP 0
Valhalla is to the north.
1 -1 1218
The Eye of the Hurricane~
The shrieking winds of a monstrous storm surround you, spinning you around
in an endless web of fury. But then, in the middle of turmoil, you find a
strange calm. You find yourself hovering in the calm eye of a hurricane. All
around you you can see the desruction caused by the powerful storm. White
hot flashes of lightning flicker from the depths of the hurricane.  But
everything is strangely peaceful in here, with the sun shining in from above
and a flock of birds winging across the sky.  You stretch out and relax, this
storm is going to be here a while.
Walking on the Moon~
The proud and lonely silence of Mare Imbrium surrounds you, as you gaze upon
the sterile splendor of the moon.  All around is the velvet curtain of night,
studded with a thousand gleaming jewels.  Below you hangs the beautiful
fields of Earth, looking fragile and far away, but full of hope.  A sense of
wistful regret touches you, as you think about what might have been, and what
will be.
0 CJNO 0
crater mare imbrium~
A small shipping tag is pinned to the ground with a worn hunting knife.
Upon it is a dedication to Robert Anson Heinlein, the father of the future.
The Satin Memorial Reading Room~
Half read books lie everywhere: Yeats, Tennyson, Chandler, Barrie;
a battered paperback de Laclos; a dusty leather-bound Donne.  A
damp novel perches precariously on the edge of a large bathtub.
As your eyes travel beyond the steam rising to the air toward the
rose-brambled balcony railing, you notice a well-creased printout
of a poem sitting on a the velvet cushions of a rosewood chair
that has been set so as to see the stark black mountains
from one angle, or the wine-dark sea from another.
0 DJNP 4
rose rose-brambled balcony railing~
Climbing white roses have swarmed over the original marble to obscure
it almost completely.  The air is sweet not with roses, though,
but with Satin's sandalwood perfume.
rosewood chair~
It looks comfortable, and the cushions are ivory velvet.
stark black mountains wine wine-dark dark sea~
The ocean is constantly smashing up against the cliffs and rending
huge slabs from it.  The beach is scarcely a beach at all, more a
collection of rough flakes varying in size from a small car to a
small fist.  As the water comes up over the rocks and ebbs back
down, it filters through the spaces and makes an unnerving rattling
print out print-out creased well poem~
This page has been read over so many times that you can barely discern
the words, and in fact with much poring only the following becomes
        'I know that I am studly - Heck, I'm sexy, cute and cuddly
         And I know that I'm extremely modest too.'
The page it is flipped open to reads:

A sudden blow: the great wings beating still
Above the staggering girl, her thighs carressed
By the dark webs, her nape caught in his bill,
he holds her helpless breast upon his breast.
How can those terrified vague fingers push
The feathered glory from her loosening thighs?
And how can body, laid in that white rush,
But feel that strange heart beating where it lies?
A shudder in the loins engenders there
The broken wall, the burning roof and tower
And Agammemnon dead.  Being so caught up,
So mastered by this brute blood of the air,
Did she put on his knowledge with his power
Before his indifferent beak could let her drop?
She has just started the Lady in the Lake:

Gillerain Regal, the Champagne of Perfumes.  It was definitely
the stuff to get.  One drop of that in the hollow of your
throat and the matched pink pearls started falling off you like
summer rain.
A copy of Peter Pan is opened near the end:

What sort of form was Hook showing?  Misguided man though he
was, we may be glad, without sympathising with him, that in
the end he stayed true to the traditions of his race.  The
other boys were flying about him now, flouting, scornful; and
as he staggered about the deck striking at them impotently, his
mind was no longer with them; it was slouching in the playing
fields of long ago, or being sent up for good, or watching
the wall-game from a famous wall.  And his shoes were right,
and his waistcoat was right, and his tie was right, and his
socks were right.

James Hook, thou not wholly unheroic figure, farewell.
.       "My mariners
         Souls that have toiled, and wrought, and thought with me -
         The ever with a frolic welcome took
         The thunder and the sunshine, and opposed
         Free hearts, free foreheads - you and I are old;
         Old age hath yet his honour and the toil
         Death closes all; but something ere the end,
         Some work of noble note, may yet be done,
         Not unbecoming of men that strove with the gods.
         The lights begin to twinkle from the rocks;
         The long day wanes; the slow moon climbs; the deep
         Moans round with many voices."
battered paperback de Laclos~
.       'One is very soon bored of everything, my angel; it is a law
        of nature.  It is not my fault.
        If, that is to say, that I am bored with an adventure that has
        claimed my attentions for four mortal months, it is not my fault.
        If, that is to say, my love is equal to your virtue - and that
        is certainly saying a great deal - it is not surprising that
        one should come to the end at the same time as the other.  It
        is not my fault.
        A woman that I love madly now insists that I give you up for
        her.  It is not my fault.
        I quite realize that this is the perfect opportunity to accuse
        me of perjury: but if, where nature has gifted men with no
        more than constancy, she has given women obstinacy, it is
        not my fault.
        Believe this, you should take another lover, even as I take
        another mistress.  This is good, very good advice: if you
        find it bad, it is not my fault.
        Good-bye, my angel.  I took you with pleasure, I leave you
        without regret.  I shall come back perhaps.  Such is life.
        It is not my fault.
dusty leather bound leather-bound Donne~
.       `Cruel and sudden, hast thou since
        Purpled thy nail in blood of innocence?
        Wherein could this flea guilty be,
        Except in the drop it sucked from thee?
        Yet thou trimph'st and say'st that thou
        Find'st not thyself, nor me the weaker now;
          'Tis true, then learn how false fears be:
          Just so much honour when thou yield'st to me
          Will waste as this flea's death took life from thee.'
Valhalla is to the south.
1 -1 1217
A Sea Cave~
You are in a small cave in a cliff next to a deep green sea.  Fine
gold and pink sand blanket the floor.  Shells are scattered and strewn
about.  A blow hole in the roof of the cave allows beams of light to stream
in and illuminate the cave.  The wind blows outside the entrance, but
you are protected from the weather in your cozy cave.  The foamy surf
never seems to quite reach your feet.  Several boulders here have been
worn by time into a shape similar to a comfortable chair.
0 DJP 0
Valhalla lies to the north.
1 -1 1203
The Archmage's Workroom~
This well-lit room is absolutely filled with clutter -- enchanting gear,
reagents, spell components, ancient tomes, scrolls, braziers, exotic incense
and countless other tools of the magical trade, all jumbled together with
seemingly no attention paid to organization.  You have no doubts that Alander
can find whatever he needs without delay, however.  A heavy oak door stands
barred to the south, to discourage idle visitors, and Alander's quarters
are east.
0 DK 0
Valhalla is to the south.
1 -1 1203
tools scrolls braziers components~
It's all worth a fortune, but you'd better not touch it.  Alander keeps
inventory and holds grudges.
clutter mess~
You notice Jimmy Hoffa's ring.
The first thing you notice about this office is the floor; it
is a black & white checkerboard pattern, with 8 squares to a side.  The
south wall is a HUGE picture window that produces a magnificent view of 
the land.  In front of the window is a large desk.  Completely covering
the east wall is a bookshelf, that is crammed full.  In the northwest
corner, you notice a statue.
0 DJP 0
Valhalla is to the north
1 -1 1217
This desk is much larger than anyone could possibly need.  At one end you 
notice a large, disorderly mass of papers; it must be all his immortal
paperwork.  At the other end is a magnificent wooden inlaid board with
handcrafted ebony and hardwood pieces.
You recognize this as a statue of Robert James Fischer, one of the most 
creative, if not eccentric, players of all time.  The inscription on the
base reads, "I like the moment when I crush a man's ego."
This is the most amazing collection of chess books you have ever seen.
Everything from Damiano's manuscripts, to a complete collection of the
Encyclopedia of Chess Openings, to the latest Imformants are all here.
Arena of Judgement~
The scene lain before you is one that gives you the feeling of being placed
under a higher authority.  The jury is out.  A statue of Pontius Pilate is
in the aft of the Arena.  Staring balefully, the statue faces a distant
hillside where many aged crosses still stand.  The Arena is set in a wide
pit-like field of trampled bloodstained grass, and is guarded by high walls
of veinous marble.  A bloodstone seat awaits the true paragon of Romanity.
0 DJP 0
Valhalla is to the south.
1 -1 1218
A statue of Pontius Pilate is here.  On it's face is the expression of some
age old contemplation.  Standing at the statues bronzy feet is a Blood red
shield that glimmers like a pool of blood.
The Realm of the Dead~
You are standing on an immense, grey stone floor that stretches as far as you
can see in all directions.  Rough winds plunging from the dark, starless sky
tear savagely at your fragile body.
0 DN 0
The hard floor seems to go on forever.
0 -1 1212
The hard floor seems to go on forever.
0 -1 1212
The hard floor seems to go on forever.
0 -1 1212
The hard floor seems to go on forever.
0 -1 1212
sky wind winds~
Cold winds plunge ceaselessly at you from the dark, cloudless sky.
The stone floor is the same shade of grey as the sky and is completely plain
and unscratched.  It is probably too hard for anything to leave as much as a
scratch on it.
You stand on a huge expanse of glass.  Below you are clouds and the 
pains of mortality.  As you stand in Asgard, home of the bravest of the
brave, you are frozen in awe of the power held within these walls.  A 
huge mansion lies to the east beyond a set of magnificent golden doors. 
0 0 0
The chat room is to the north.
0 -1 1200
The golden doors of Valhalla are to the east
0 -1 1216
Moses' hangout is to the south.
0 -1 1201
The center of the universe is to the west.
0 -1 1202
The Rainbow Bridge is below you.  You can barely see it through the clouds.
0 -1 1215
The Room of Lost Souls~
This is the room full of souls that never made it to Asgard.  They are 
trapped here eternally, left to wander about in misery.  They were infidels
and cowards.  Their cries of misery send a shiver down your spine.
0 D 0
0 -1 1219
Head of the Rainbow Bridge~
Standing on the mortal end of the Rainbow Bridge, the bridge arches up 
before you and seems to disappear into the clouds.  You wonder if it is 
wise to venture upward into the realm of the gods.  But it seems so calm
and peaceful here that it would be a shame to leave...
0 0 1
The Rainbow Bridge stretches ahead before you.
0 -1 1220
The altar of Midgaard is below you.
0 -1 3054
The Entrance of Valhalla~
The huge ornate entrance of Valhalla is before you.  It seems as though
atleast eight-hundred soldiers could walk abreast of one another through
these doors. You stare in awe at the sparkling mansion before you.  You
wonder what secrets are held behind these doors and long to hear the stories
of bravery and glory that you know are kept within the walls of Valhalla.
0 P 1
Valhalla lies to the east.
0 -1 1203
Asgard lies to the west.
0 -1 1213
You are standing in the halls of Valhalla.  Pictures of Odin, Thor, Tyr,
Loki, Freyr, Feyja, and Balder line the walls.  The cavernous hall extends
to the east and west.  Rooms belonging to the gods lie to the north and 
south.  There appears to be an exit above you, but you do not know what is
up there...
0 P 0
The Satin Memorial Reading Room is north of here.
1 -1 1207
Valhalla continues east.
0 -1 1218
Bigfoots' room is south of here.
1 -1 1210
Valhalla continues west.
0 -1 1203
If you want to know what is up there you shall have to go and look...
0 -1 1212
You are standing in the halls of Valhalla.  Tapestries of the gods line
the walls.  A statue of Odin is here.  The halls continue to the east and
west, and there are doors to the north and south of you.  There is some 
sort of exit above you, but you do not know where it leads...
0 P 0
Pontius' room is north of here.
1 -1 1211
Valhalla continues east.
0 -1 1219
Priscilla's Pleasure Palace is south of here.
1 -1 1204
Valhalla continues west.
0 -1 1217
If you want to know what is up there you shall have to go up and see...
0 -1 2
statue odin~
The statue of Odin has been exquisitely crafted.  It is of white marble
with black and gold veins.  It looks to be of magical origin.
You have reached the end of the halls of Valhalla.  There are heavy doors
on 3 walls.  They lead into the rooms of the gods.  The hall goes back to
the west, and there is some sort of an exit above you.  Torches sputter
softly and the scent of incense is strong here.
0 P 0
Melancholys' room is north of here.
0 -1 3161
Kates' room is east of here.
0 -1 3150
The Temple of Stupid is south of here.
0 -1 3170
Valhalla goes back to the west.
0 -1 1218
If you want to know what is up from here, you shall have to go up and see...
0 -1 1214
On the Rainbow Bridge~
You have reached the center of the Rainbow Bridge.  Clouds and mist swirl
around your feet.  The view from here is incredible.  It is little wonder 
that the heavens were saved for the gods personal pleasures.
0 0 1
The Rainbow Bridge continues upwards into the heavens.
0 -1 1221
The Rainbow Bridge disappears down into the clouds.
0 -1 1215
The clouds are beautiful.  There are shades of gray, pink and purple swirled
into the blue sky.
The End of the Rainbow Bridge~
You have reached the end of the Rainbow Bridge.  Asgard stretches out above 
you.  Looking around, you search for the legendary guardian of Asgard.  The
clouds are far below you and a sense of beauty and peacefulness surrounds you. 
0 0 -1
Asgard is above you, spread out in all its glory.
0 -1 1213
Bifrost, the Rainbow Bridge leads down to the Temple of Midgaard.
0 -1 1220

M 0 1200   1 1221  1	* Heimdall
D 0 1204   0    1	* Priscilla's Pleasure Palace  north
D 0 1218   2    1	* Valhalla south
D 0 1207   2    1	* The Satin Memorial Reading Room south
D 0 1217   0    1	* Valhalla north
D 0 1208   0    1	* A Sea Cave north
D 0 1203   2    1	* Valhalla south
D 0 1209   2    1	* The Archmage's Workroom south
D 0 1203   0    1	* Valhalla north
D 0 1210   0    1	* Office north
D 0 1217   2    1	* Valhalla south
D 0 1211   2    1	* Arena of Judgement south
D 0 1218   0    1	* Valhalla north


