Documents bundled:

CHANGES:		Summary of versions history.
COPYING:		Copying conditions
CREDITS:		A little "thank you" file.
Documentation:		This file.
INSTALLATION:		A quick installation guide.
MIPS:			MIPS port notes.
README:			Standard MUD distribution stuff
REPORTING:		How to report bugs
SUPPORT:		When there's a bug, in the neighbourhood,
			Who're you gonna call?

muck/Features:		Demonstration of TinyMUCK improvements over TinyMUD
muck/MUCK.doc:		TinyMUCK non-programming documentation
muck/MUF-tutorial:	Beginner's tutorial on MUF
muck/MUF.manual:	MUF programmer's manual (for TinyMUCK 2.2)
muck/forth.ref:		MUF cheatsheet (for TinyMUCK 2.2)
muck/technical.doc:	For technical people only

mush/	TinyMUSH documentation

mage/attributes.txt	Information about TinyMAGE attributes
mage/commands.txt:	New TinyMAGE commands
mage/flags.txt:		Summary of flags in TinyMAGE
mage/macros.txt:        Information about the newly added player macros!
mage/primitives.txt:	An addenda to MUF.manual

----  (Old)

MUD.doc written by Chysalis and Three.
(jdstone@uokmax.uucp &&

HAVEN, ABODE, page with message done by Random (russ@uokmax.uucp)

@recycle by Jimbo (

@#, MUF macros, MUF tutorial by Stinglai