TinyMAGE 1.1 - Flags

on players, the ARCHITECT is a super-builder (or a weak wizard).  An architect
  has control over any object, except for players, and objects which have the
  WIZARD flag set.
on rooms, the ABODE flag allows any player to make the room his/her home.

on players, BUILDER lets the player create most types of objects.

on exits/programs/things/rooms, allows any player to take over ownership using
  the @chown command.

on players/things, DARK makes the player or thing invisible
on rooms, DARK hides the contents and exits of the room
on programs, DEBUG displays debugging information when the program is run

on players, HALTED disables player macros and triggered commands
            HAVEN prevents the player from being paged
on things, HALTED disables triggered commans
on rooms, HAVEN prevents killing in the room

on rooms, lets an object teleport to that room
on players/things, as rooms and in addition allows others to teleport the
  player or thing

on all objects, allows anyone to @link an exit to the object

on players, allows the player to create MUF programs
on rooms/things, hides the contents of the room or thing

on things, PUPPET relays everything it sees to the owner
on players, PARANOID displays the source object associated with all output

on players, effectively removes all control the player has over his own
  objects, overrides the WIZARD and ARCHITECT flags also

on rooms, dropped objects automatically go to the dropto room
on things, STICKY things go home when dropped
on players, SILENT hides where the player arrives from/goes to
on programs, SETUID sets the permissions of the object executing the program
  to that of the program's owner

on all objects, allows anyone to examine it
on programs, allows anyone to list the program

on all objects, WIZARD gives the objects special powers