TinyMAGE 1.1 - MUF primitive changes

connections ( -- c1 c2 ... i )
Returns a list of connections to the Muck; a player connected multiple times
appears multiple times in the list.  The connections are a separate type, not
integers, and cannot be operated on with arithmetic.  The connections are
guaranteed valid at least to the next `read', after which they might be

concount ( -- i )
Returns the number of connections to the Muck.

conidle ( c -- i )
Returns the number of seconds a connection is idle.

contime ( c -- i )
Returns a time (see types) indicating when the connection connected.  This
time is the number of seconds since the start of January 1, 1970 and is
suitable for use with the `strftime' function.

condbref ( c -- d )
Returns the dbref of the player that is on a given connection.

conhost ( c -- s )
Returns a string indicating the host name of the given connection.  (Wizard-
only.)  The string will be in IP number form if the host can't be or hasn't
yet been resolved.

conboot ( c -- )
Disconnects the specified connection after sending a "You have been booted
from the game." message.  This MUF word is wizard-only; furthermore, God
cannot be booted.  If the Muck is not compiled with GOD_PRIV, no wizard can
be booted.

int ( x -- i )
x can be a variable, dbref, or string.  Converts x into integer i.

prog ( -- d )
Returns the dbref of the current program.  (If the program is called by
another, the value is still that of the current program, not that of the

systime ( -- t )
Returns the number of seconds since the start of January 1, 1970.

setprop ( d s1 x -- )
Sets property associated with s1 in object d.  x may be a string or integer.

strftime ( t s -- s1 )
Takes a time (returned by `systime') and a string, returning a string format-
ted according to strftime(3).  Special format strings are of the format %[[-
]width[.precision]type.  `width' is a number specifying the field width;
strings are padded with spaces to the right, or to the left if a minus sign is
also added.  The precision is a number indicating the maximum length printed;
the value is truncated on the right if this is exceeded.  The type is a char-
acter or characters, as follows:
    m        month (01-12)
    h, b     month, three letter string (Jan, Feb...)
    B        month, full string (January, February...)
    d        day of month (01-31)
    e        day of month (1-31, space-padded)
    j        Julian day of year (001-366)
    w        day of week (0-6, 0 is Sunday)
    a        day of week, three letter string (Sun, Mon...)
    A        day of week, full string (Sunday, Monday...)
    y        year of the century (00-99)
    Y        year (padded with 0's to 4 places)
    H        hour (00-23)
    I        hour (01-12)
    k        hour (0-23, space-padded)
    l        hour (1-12, space-padded)
    M        minute (00-59)
    S        second (00-61)
    s        seconds, same as the argument
    p        "AM" or "PM"
    z, Z     three letter timezone (of the muck)
    %        percent character
    U        week number (00-53); weeks start on Sunday and must contain
             4 or more days belonging to the year
    W        same except weeks start on Monday

    C        equivalent to %a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y
    c        equivalent to %m/%d/%y
    x        equivalent to %m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S
    D        date in format mm/dd/yy
    T, X     equivalent to %H:%M:%S
    R        equivalent to %H:%M
    r        equivalent to %I:%M:%S %p

stringncmp ( s1 s2 i -- i' )
Compares the first i characters in strings s1 and s2 (case insensitive).
Return value is like stringcmp.

systime ( -- t )
Returns the number of seconds since the start of January 1, 1970.

trigobj ( d s -- )
Triggers object d to perform the commands specified by s.  The effective
user must have control over object d.

wild_match ( s1 s2 -- i )
Compares s1 with s2.  s1 may contain one or more wildcard characters('*').
Returns 1 if s2 matches the pattern specified by s1.