TinyMAGE 1.1 - New Commands

@aconnect <player>[=<command list>].  Sets the Aconnect attribute (only good
on players and #0).  The Aconnect command list is executed immediately after
the player connects.  Aconnect on #0 affects all connecting players except
for Wizards.
Example:  @aconnect me=@wall Hello World!

@dboot <descriptor>.  Boots a descriptor connected to the MAGE interface.
Only Wizards may use this command.
Example:  @dboot 1  (disconnects descriptor 1 on the WHO list)

@field <object>=<property>:<old>,<new>.  Edits a property string, substituting
all occurances of <old> with <new>.
Example:  @field here=@desc:the,a

@find [<string>][=<player>].  Similar to TinyMUCK 2.2 @find, except it allows
an additional optional <player> argument.  If <player> is specified, only
displays a match if the object is owned by <player>.
Example:  @find tribble=One

@oconnect <player>[=<text>].  Sets the Oconnect attribute, which everyone in
the player's room (except for the player) sees when the player connects.  If
this field is not set, "<name> has connected." will be displayed by default.
Example:  @oconnect me=connects to this virtual world.

@odesc <object>[=<text>].  Sets the Odesc attribute.  Whenever the object is
looked at, everyone in the room execept the looker sees the Odesc text.
Example:  @odesc north=looks to the north.

@odisconnect <player>[=<text>].  Sets the Odisconnect attribute, which
everyone in the player's room (except for the player) sees when the player
disconnects.  If this field is not set, "<name> has disconnected." will be
displayed by default.
Example:  @odisconnect me=falls into a deep slumber.

@owned [<player>][=<flaglist>].  Similar to TinyMUCK 2.2 @owned, except it
allows for an additional optional <flaglist> argument.  <flaglist> may contain
the one-letter abbreviations for object types and flags.  Valid values for
types are P(players), R(rooms), F(programs), E(exits), -(things).  If no
type and/or no flags are specified, @owned will display objects of any type
and/or will not check for specific flags.

Example:  @own One=WL  (searches the db for all objects owned by One which are
                       set WIZARD and LINK_OK)
Example:  @own =P-RH   (searches the db for players, things, rooms which have
                       the HALTED flag set)
Example:  @own =P-pq   (searches the db for players and things, with both the
                       PUPPET and QUELL flag set)

@rst.  Shuts down and restarts the MAGE.

@startup <object>=[<text>].  Sets the Startup attribute (only effective on
players and things).  The Startup command list is executed by the object
whenever the mud is restarted.

@uptime.  Displays the uptime of the MAGE.

@version.  Displays the MAGE server version.