/* $Header: /belch_a/users/rearl/tinymuck/src/RCS/hashtab.c,v 1.3 90/09/28 12:21:59 rearl Exp $ */

 * $Log:	hashtab.c,v $
 * Revision 1.3  90/09/28  12:21:59  rearl
 * Made some speed enhancements, fixed declarations of const char's.
 * Revision 1.2  90/09/18  07:56:50  rearl
 * Incorporated hash routines into TinyMUCK.
 * Revision 1.1  90/09/16  22:45:01  rearl
 * Initial revision
 * Baseline code 90/09/12  code donated by Gazer, (dbriggs@nrao.edu)
 *                         loosely based on hashing code in K&R II.

#include "db.h"
#include "externs.h"

/* hash:  compute hash value for a string
 * this particular hash function is fairly simple.  Note that it
 * throws away the information from the 0x20 bit in the character.
 * This means that upper and lower case letters will hash to the
 * same value.

unsigned hash(register const char *s, unsigned hash_size)
  unsigned hashval;

  for (hashval = 0; *s != '\0'; s++)
    hashval = (*s | 0x20) + 31 * hashval;
  return hashval % hash_size;

/* find_hash:  lookup a name in a hash table
 * returns NULL is not found, otherwise a pointer to the data union.
hash_data *find_hash(register const char *s, hash_tab *table, unsigned size)
  register hash_entry *hp;

  for (hp = table[hash(s, size)]; hp != NULL; hp = hp->next)
    if (string_compare(s, hp->name) == 0)
      return &(hp->dat);        /* found */
  return NULL;                  /* not found */

/* add_hash:  add a string to a hash table
 * will superceede old values in the table, returns pointer to
 * the hash entry, or NULL on failure.
 * NB: These hash routines assume that the names are static entities.
 * The hash entries store only a pointer to the names.  Be sure to
 * make a static copy of the name before adding it to the table.
hash_entry *add_hash(register const char *name, hash_data data,
		     hash_tab *table, unsigned size)
  register hash_entry *hp;
  unsigned hashval;

  hashval = hash(name, size);

  /* an inline find_hash */
  for (hp = table[hashval]; hp != NULL; hp = hp->next)
    if (string_compare(name, hp->name) == 0)

  /* If not found, set up a new entry */
  if (hp == NULL) {
    hp = (hash_entry *) malloc(sizeof(*hp));
    if (hp == NULL)
      /* can't allocate new entry -- die */
      return NULL;
    hp->next = table[hashval];
    table[hashval] = hp;
    hp->name = name;

  /* One way or another, the pointer is now valid */
  hp->dat = data;
  return hp;

/* free_hash:  free a hash table entry
 * frees the dynamically allocated hash table entry associated with
 * a name.  Returns 0 on success, or -1 if the name cannot be found.
int free_hash(register const char *name, hash_tab *table, unsigned size)
  register hash_entry **lp, *hp;

  lp = &table[hash(name,size)];
  for (hp = *lp; hp != NULL; lp = &hp->next, hp = hp->next)
    if (string_compare(name, hp->name) == 0) {
      *lp = hp->next;           /* got it.  fix the pointers */
      free((void *) hp);
      return 0;
  return -1;                    /* not found */

/* kill_hash:  kill an entire hash table, by freeing every entry */
void kill_hash(hash_tab *table, unsigned size)
  register hash_entry *hp, *np;
  int i;

  for (i = 0; i<size; i++) {
    for (hp = table[i]; hp != NULL; hp = np) {
      np = hp->next;            /* Don't dereference the pointer after */
      free((void *) hp);                 /* we've freed it! */
    table[i] = NULL;