TinyMAGE 1.1 - Player Macros

Macros are much like MUSH verbs, except they are only good on players.
With a macro, you can create an alias to execute a series of commands.


@vb me=$@dig *:@dig %0=#24
@dig My Home
>My home created with room number 45.
>Trying to set parent...
>Parent set to Home Parent Room(#24R).
You may execute multiple commands using player macros, by separating each
command with a semicolon(';').


@vz me=$*:%0;@set me=.last:%0
look me
>You see an old and familiar looking guest.
>guest -- .last set to look me
@vc me=$!:[get(me/.last)]
>You see an old and familiar looking guest.
Only one macro may be matched, and it searches starting from Va first, up to
Vz.  Thus, a Va macro gets first priority, and Vz last.

@va me=$test:say test
@vb me=$t*:pose t%0
>You say, "test"
>guest tea
@vc me=$tell:page me=test
>guest tell  (the Vb macro matched first, so it never reaches Vc.)
If a player's H flag is set, the macro matching will be disabled.
Finally, @q will set you H and will always be available if you do something
stupid like...

ex me
>guest(#1PW) [etc...]
@va me=$*:say I'm an idiot.
@set me=H
>You say, "I'm an idiot."
@va me=
>guest -- Va removed.
ex me
>guest(#1PWH) [etc...]