#AREA   Ceivar  The City (The Tick)~

tick hero~
The Tick~
The Tick, mighty blue protector of The City, stands before you.
Towering over you is an enormous man in a blue suit, with little antennae.
He is the defender of justice in this fair City, and all evildoers must be
prepared to face him.  He is nigh-invulnerable, and as courageous as
they come.  He is The Tick!!!
2|64 8|32|128|512|8192 1000 S
75 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
arthur sidekick~
A man in an odd-looking white costume.
A small, chubby man in a little white suit is walking down the street.  The
white suit is an odd-looking costume, perhaps a bunny?  No, wait.  It's a
4|64|128 8|32|512|524288 800 S
54 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
american maid heroine~
American Maid~
American Maid, The City's most patriotic superperson, stands here proudly.
She is dressed in a red, white, and blue domestic's uniform.  Besides being
the most patriotic superperson in The City,  she's the most competent (or at
least one of the most competent).
2|64 128 900 S
54 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 2
die fledermaus hero~
Die Fledermaus~
Die Fledermaus reminds you of Batman, but not in any of the good ways.
One thing can be said of Die Fledermaus:  of The City's superheroes, he has
the worst attendance record.
2|64|128 0 500 S
51 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
sewer urchin hero~
Sewer Urchin~
Sewer Urchin listens to Die Fledermaus, and says, 'Definitely, definitely bad'.
Sewer Urchin smells terrible.  But, then again, when's the last time you
washed?  Although you don't exactly hang out in the sewers.  (With this
issue still undecided, you move on.)  He's wearing a surprisingly clean
purple spiny uniform.  He's actually very impressive, except for his
sidekickesque manner.
2|64 0 600 S
52 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
clone arthur~
a clone of Arthur~
The blue-faced creature in the white costume says, "I Arthur."
A closer look reveals that this creature is not Arthur at all, but instead
it is a rather stupid clone of him.
2|4|64 0 -400 S
52 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
clone tick mucous~
a clone of the Tick, made of mucous~
A towering green gooey form, the mucous clone is a horrible sight to see.
This monster looks exactly like the Tick, except that it's green and made of
mucous.  And it leaves a slime trail.  And it's attacking you.  And...and...
Okay, so it doesn't look _exactly_ like the Tick.  It does kind of resemble
him, though.
2|32|64 8|32|128|512 -500 S
57 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
thrakkorzog alien villain~
Thrakkorzog, a massive alien from Dimension 14B, makes evil plans here.
You're confused by the pronunciation of this creature's name.  Whatchamazog?
Laxativelog?  Four-yaks-and-a-dog?  Sapsuckerfrog?  Maybe you can just
call it Susan.

Thrakkorzog's tongue screams, 'BRAINS!!!' as Thrakkorzog smiles.  The alien
reveals its evil plan to conquer the world with a clone army.
2|32|64 8|32|128|512 -1000 S
57 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
roommate thrakkorzog's~
Thrakkorzog's roommate~
Thrakkorzog's roommate wanders into the room.
The roommate is as completely uninterested as a person can be.  He
walks in and out, looking at the alien's evil machines with (perhaps) a mild
2|64 0 0 S
50 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
dinosaur neil mutant~
Dinosaur Neil~
A gigantic green mutant dinosaur, Neil runs amok (or, more often, walks amok).
Dinosaur Neil has become a major hazard.  Over 50 feet tall, the towering
monstrosity could destroy The City easily.  And what of his moustache?
He has the moustache of a Titan!
2|64 128 0 S
60 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
el seed villain~
El Seed~
A man? dressed like a matador stands on a raised platform--El Seed!
El Seed is making a speech (with a Spanish accent).
He mumbers something to himself, laughs, then says, 'You are the glorious
army of El Seed (that's me).  I am on a big power trip, and you are coming
with me!  My assistants, the lovely Bee Twins, will pass out medical waiver
forms, and ball-point pens.  PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY!'
You think to yourself that he reminds you of a sunflower.
2|64 0 -900 S
58 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
yank monkey~
a monkey~
Yank, the space monkey, now a supergenius.
Yank could be a regular monkey, except he's dressed in an astronaut uniform,
and he's speaking three languages.
2|64 0 0 S
50 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
pineapple pokopo villain~
Pineapple Pokopo~
The dictator of Pokoponesia is an enormous ox of a man.
Pineapple Pokopo is a huge man, with a pineapple for a head. (?)  He's busy,
looking very regal and important (and not very bright).
2|64 0 -800 S
54 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
mayor blank~
Mayor Blank~
Mayor Blank cowers behind his desk, unable to face the Terror.
If it weren't for all these supervillains popping up, Mayor Blank would be
just another in a long line of mayors who were just there, filling the office.
2|64|128 0 0 S
50 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
ottoman villainess~
the Ottoman~
A very regal woman rides about in a crowd of mobile furniture.
The Ottoman is planning to conquer The City, but first, she needs two things:
an army of furniture, and a wedding gown, for her marriage to Die Fledermaus.
(Naturally, Die Fledermaus isn't aware of this upcoming marriage.)
2|64 128|524288 -700 S
54 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
feral boy hero~
Feral Boy~
A wild-looking kid, probably Feral Boy.
Feral Boy is one of the Civic-Minded Five.  He's wearing nothing but a
pair of cutoffs, and his hair is long and unkempt.
64 0 600 S
52 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
angry red herring milton rowe villain~
the Angry Red Herring~
The Angry Red Herring roams the rooftops of The City.
Milton Rowe, now the Angry Red Herring, is committed to a life of crime.
2|32|64 0 -550 S
52 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
terror villain~
the Terror~
The Terror looks awfully old to be a supervillain.
Dressed in black, with the letter 'T' on his chest, the Terror used to be the
most intimidating of adversaries.  Now, he's more like the most intimidating
of old men.  He coughs, and wheezes.
2|64 0 -1000 S
55 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
ton villain human~
the Human Ton~
The Human Ton is big.  BIG.
He's physically dominant, but depends entirely on a hand puppet (Handy)
for any intellectual decisions.
2|64 0 -700 S
58 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
handy puppet hand~
Handy makes a literary reference, then shouts, 'READ A BOOK!'
Handy is a green hand puppet, attached to the Human Ton's large meaty hand.
You have a feeling that Handy could hold his own in a fight.
2|64 0 -950 S
56 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
jungle janet heroine~
Jungle Janet~
Jungle Janet is almost a female version of Tarzan.
She appears to be quite a bit more sophisticated than Tarzan could ever
hope to be, though.
64 0 700 S
54 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 2
stalin joe villain~
Joe Stalin~
Often mistaken for the Soviet leader, Joe Stalin isn't such a bad guy.
Joe Stalin was grabbed up by the Terror in order to impose a reign of terror
(what else) on The City.  He thought (rightly so) that a powerful deadly
evil dictator would be a major aid to his conquest.
2|64 0 -100 S
53 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
the Man-Eating Cow~
The Man-Eating Cow is just a regular cow.
You wouldn't even know it was a 'man-eating' cow, except that you saw
it eat a couple guys.  You wonder what sort of toppings cattle like on their
prey.  Are the humans called hamburgers if they're chopped up and put on buns?
Why is beef called hamburgers?  There's no ham in it.  Hmm...
64 0 0 S
53 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
living doll hero~
the Living Doll~
An elderly man, the Living Doll still has some fire left.
He looks at you and says, 'I'm full of tinier men!!'
It seems that this is true.  The top half of his body comes off, to reveal a
smaller duplicate of him.  How long can this go on?
2|64 128 800 S
52 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
visual eye hero~
the Visual Eye~
The Visual Eye croaks, 'Rocket from the socket!'
The Visual Eye is no longer in the prime of his life.  However, he is still
trying to foght for justice...when he's not napping.
2|64 0 750 S
52 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
4-legged man hero leg~
4-Legged Man~
The leader of The Civic-Minded Five, 4-Legged Man, stands here proudly.
One of the fastest heros in The City, 4-Legged Man can run for help (The
Tick) more adeptly than anyone else.
2|64|128 0 900 S
54 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
carpeted man hero~
the Carpeted Man~
The Carpeted Man wanders The City, sweating in his famous costume.
The Carpeted Man, dressed in full shag carpet, looks very uncomfortable as
he shuffles his feet, building up a static charge to zap his enemies.
64 0 800 S
53 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
captain mucilage~
Captain Mucilage~
Armed with adhesive justice, Captain Mucilage stands before you.
Captain Mucilage, another member of the Civic-Minded Five, stands here in a
uniform that looks like a couple of glue bottles' tops have been stuck on his
hands, and another on his head.
64 0 800 S
53 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
chairface chippendale villain~
Chairface Chippendale~
The kingpin of crime, and the birthday boy, Chairface Chippendale!
Chairface (called this for obvious reasons) looks like he's enjoying his
birthday immensely.  He motions for you to sit down, and have some cake.
2|64 128 -900 S
58 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
professor chromedome~
Professor Chromedome~
Professor Chromedome is talking to Chairface.
Professor Chromedome has arranged the entire birthday party without Chairface
being aware of it.  He's now enjoying his achievement, and eating some cake.
2|64 0 -800 S
55 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
furniture table~
the table~
A table advances toward you.  Wait a minute?!?
A large oak table is circling you, with a very aggressive posture, at least
for a piece of furniture.
2|64 0 0 S
53 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
sofa couch furniture~
the sofa~
A large Chesterfield sofa charges across the room.
The sofa is mindlessly obeying the Ottoman, and is bound to move up in
the ranks of her furniture army.  It doesn't seem to like you very much.
2|64 0 0 S
53 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
footstool furniture~
the footstool~
A footstool is sneaking up behind you for a better shot.
The footstool has slipped into the shadows, and is planning a treacherous
assault from behind.
2|64 32768|65536 0 S
53 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
vatos eureka scientist~
J. J. "Eureka" Vatos~
The long-lost scientist, J. J. "Eureka" Vatos, sits in Blowhole's belly.
An elderly gentleman, Vatos is fairly at home here in the belly of a giant whale.
You wonder why he never tried to get out, but assume (correctly) that he hasn't
tried.  He sits on the 'floor' and does a lot of thinking.
2|64 0 0 S
54 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
idea man villain~
the Idea Man~
The Idea Man sulks in the Evil Eye, because his latest plan failed.
The Idea Man is busy drowning his sorrows in hard liquor, and planning to
acquire yet another blimp, for his next evil plan, when he gets around to
making said plan.
2|64 0 -850 S
53 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
ants swarm~
the swarm of ants~
A swarm of angry ants charges down the anthill toward you.
Lots of ants.  All over the place.  They're swarming out of a trench coat.
You had not realized that a trench coat could hold so much.
64 32768 -390 S
53 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
ant queen villain~
the Ant Queen~
The queen of the ants assaults you furiously.
The Ant Queen stands here, planning her revenge on mankind, for all the cruel
injustices it has dealt her people.
2|64 0 -450 S
54 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 2
swiss klaus spy villain~
Klaus, a Swiss industrial spy~
Klaus looks like he's in pain.  He must have fallen off the roof.
Klaus appears to have pulled out the wrong attachment on his Swiss army
knife.  Instead of the helicopter, he got the corkscrew, and fell.  It looks like
he's done some serious damage to himself.
2|64 256 -500 S
53 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
bernard swiss spy villain~
Bernard, leader of the Swiss industrial spies~
An older Swiss gentleman, Bernard is the leader of the spies.
Bernard leads the Swiss industrial spies, and is quick to point out that
their actions in no way reflect the policies and beliefs of the nation
of Switzerland.
2|64 0 -550 S
55 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
franz swiss spy villain~
Franz, a Swiss industrial spy~
Franz looks off the rooftop, wincing at Klaus's terrible fall.
Franz sees his fellow 'grunt', Klaus, fall to earth with a thud.  He turns
to the elderly man, Bernard, as if wondering whether anything can be done.
2|64 0 -450 S
54 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
hilda villainess villain swiss spy~
Hilda, a Swiss industrial spy~
After watching Klaus fall, Hilda looks to Bernard for orders.
The only female among the Swiss industrial spies, Hilda follows Bernard's
orders swiftly, and accurately.  She's a credit to whoever trained her.
2|64 0 -475 S
53 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 2
dot sister~
Dot, Arthur's sister~
Dot is waiting here for Arthur and the Tick to return from their rounds.
Arthur's sister has enough common sense to avoid the superhero business as
much as she can.  She's sitting here, enjoying a cold beverage, and waiting
for her brother to return from patrol.
2|64 0 250 S
50 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 2
king mole-man~
the king of the mole-men~
The king of the mole-men steps out of his hole, and looks around the room.
The king of the mole-men is visiting his friends on the surface, The Tick and 
Arthur.  He's hanging out in the basement, since the bright light hurts
his eyes.
2|64|128 512 300 S
50 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
father dad~
Charles's father~
A model 50's father figure, Charles's father sits here, drinking coffee.
Charles' father is relaxing in the kitchen, having breakfast and reading
the newspaper.
2|64 0 0 S
50 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
mother mom~
Charles's mother~
An average housewife, nobody would expect her son to be the Brainchild!
She hurries about the kitchen, doing some cleaning up after breakfast.  She
looks out back at the treehouse, and smiles happily.
2|64 0 0 S
50 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 2
skippy robot dog~
Skippy may once have been a regular dog, but Charles has 'enhanced' him.
Skippy is perhaps the most dangerous watchdog you have ever beheld.  In
his robotic exoskeleton, he is deadly dangerous.
2|32|64 8|32|128|512|524288 0 S
56 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
nanny brunch miriam robot~
Miriam Brunch, the Mad Nanny~
Miriam Brunch mindlessly wreaks havoc upon The City in a huge robot suit.
Miriam Brunch has apparently been taken over by Charles, the Brainchild.  She
is being forced to ravage The City.  She looks like a regular nanny, except
for the giant metal suit.
64 8|32|128|512 0 S
56 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 2
charles brainchild villain~
Charles is scratching down evil ideas in a notebook.
Charles has removed the top of his skull, revealing his brain to the world.
He has a glass globe over it, and is very proud of his achievements.
2|64 0 -1000 S
55 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
Charles's sister~
Charles' sister is acting as his henchman, er, henchperson.
A regular little girl, Charles' sister is playing along with his 'evil phase'.
She thinks of it as an interesting game.
2|64 0 0 S
50 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 2
caped crusading chameleon hero~
the Caped/Crusading Chameleon~
The Caped/Crusading Chameleon shakes violently, muttering 'Can't...do...plaid'
The Chameleon is quivering uncontrollably, unable to turn himself to plaid.
He gasps for breath, and appears to be about to pass out.
2|64 256 700 S
51 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
Barry stands here, furious that the Tick has 'his' name.
Barry feels that he is the Tick, and nobody should take his name.  He's more
than willing to fight for it (and for many other things as well).
2|32|64 0 300 S
53 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
bulb deadly villain pigleg~
Pigleg, once the Deadly Bulb, has been captured.
A man with a pig on the end of his right leg sits in the cell, feeding and
comforting the leg/pig.  Beside him is a bright glowing helmet, which is shaped
like a lightbulb.
2|64 0 -300 S
53 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
breadmaster bread villain baker~
the Breadmaster~
The Breadmaster sulks in a corner, over a half-baked loaf.
The Breadmaster has failed, and is crying in a loaf of bread.  This,
naturally, results in a soggy loaf of bread.
2|64 0 -500 S
54 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
bee twin~
the Bee Twin~
One of the Bee Twins is checking the Corn Soldiers over.
The Bee Twin says in a buzzy sort of voice, 'Here's your medical waiver form.'
2|64 524288 -250 S
54 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 2
bee twin~
the Bee Twin~
A Bee Twin stands by El Seed, smiling and buzzing.
The Bee Twin eyes you suspiciously, and says, 'What kind of Corn Soldier are
2|64 524288 -300 S
54 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 2
corn soldier~
the Corn Soldier~
A Corn Soldier stands in the ranks, saluting El Seed.
An animate cornstalk, it stands in the ranks and salutes El Seed.
64 0 -100 S
52 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
corn soldier colonel~
the Corn Soldier~
A high-ranking Corn Soldier.  Must be a colonel.
This Corn Soldier is quite important.  He's the leader of what appears to be
this entire section of the field, and he reports directly to El Seed.
64 0 -150 S
54 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
carmella vatos daughter~
Carmella Vatos~
A rather attractive girl in a moth suit--Carmella, daughter of J. J. "Eureka" Vatos.
Carmella is enjoying a peaceful conversation with Dot, while waiting for
Arthur to return.
2|64 524288 700 S
51 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 2
son boy~
the Human Bullet's son~
A young boy is preparing to fire the enormous cannon.
The boy does some last minute checks on the enormous cannon, then prepares to
fire it.
2|64 0 450 S
51 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
human bullet hero~
the Human Bullet~
The Human Bullet is in a cannon, yelling down, 'FIRE ME, BOY!!'
The Human Bullet has leapt from the picnic table, charged to the giant
cannon, climbed in, and prepared to hurtle through the air.
2|64 0 750 S
54 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
tick's head~
the Tick's mind~
The Tick's head is flying around with little wings.
An object that looks like the Tick's head with wings is flying around here,
asking existential questions.
64 524288 0 S
54 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
midget fish~
the midget with a fish~
A little blue midget is chasing you, with a fish!!
Why do midgets keep hitting you with fish?
32|64 128 0 S
58 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
midget fish~
the midget with a fish~
Another blue midget with a fish is chasing you!
This is definitely the strangest dream you have ever had.
32|64 128 0 S
58 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
The Evil Midnight Bomber What Bombs at Midnight~
A man looks at you, with a wild look in his eyes.
The Evil Midnight Bomber is pretty talkative.  He looks at you, surprised
that you've found him, and says, 'You'll never prove a thing, copper.  I'm just
a part time electrician..I..I..I..BAD IS GOOD, BABY!! DOWN WITH GOVERNMENT!!'

He rushes around, cackling maniacally and shouting, 'BOOM, BABY, BOOM!!!'
2|64 8|32|128|512|32768|65536 -1000 S
72 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
blowhole whale~
Blowhole, the cross-country whale, is jogging down the road.
An enormous whale, in the process of duplicating his feat from ten years
ago.  Blowhole is running across the country again.  His footsteps rock
the area.  Spectators cheer him on.  Nothing stops him.

     *BOOM*     *BOOM*     *BOOM*     *BOOM*

Blowhole leans forward as he runs, and he swallows you whole.
2|64 8|32|128|512 0 S
98 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
clown proto-clown villain~
An enormous furious clown is smashing everything.
You find yourself face to face with the most hilarious danger Mother Nature
(and Father Science?) ever thought of.  A gigantic, monstrous clown.  Yep,
it's a clown.  Floppy shoes, big red nose.  Everything checks.  And he's funny.

You giggle in Proto-Clown's presence.

Proto-Clown shouts, 'CLOWN SMASH!!!'

He charges you!  You see an enormous clown fist smash into you.

Everything goes black.

After a few minutes, you start to see color again.
2|64 8|32|512 -300 S
98 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
owner shopkeeper furniture bob vila~
the furniture store's owner, Bob~
A guy who looks a lot like Bob Vila is standing here.
You realize that this man, whose name is (oddly enough) Bob, owns the furniture
store.  Maybe you can get him to take your useless furniture off your hands.
He's taking the robbery of his store pretty badly.  He's kind of shaken up.
2|64 0 0 S
80 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
santa clone~
the Santa clone~
A clone of Santa is ruining Christmas for everyone.
The clone looks just like all the rest of the Santa clones.  They're all over
the place, wearing red suits, and causing trouble.
64 0 0 S
53 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
multiple santa villain~
Multiple Santa~
The evil Multiple Santa himself is pumping himself full of electricity.
This is the mastermind behind the Santa scheme.  He's electrically creating
clones of himself, to take over The City.  This jolly fat evildoer must be
stopped.  Right now, he's plugged into the generator.  You don't know how
many megavolts are running through him.
2|64 0 -600 S
55 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
waitress fran~
Fran, the waitress~
The waitress looks at you and mumbles, 'May I help you?'
Fran looks like the kind of waitress who doesn't take crap from anyone.  She's
had to throw some of The City's toughest heros out of this establishment, and
she can probably do the same with you.
2|64 8|32 200 S
98 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 2
sid bartender~
Sid, the bartender~
The bartender here is into some serious lurking.
Sid leans on the wall behind the bar, smiling an evil smile, and possibly
even willing to serve you a drink, if you're polite...
2|64 0 -200 S
98 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
big shot hero~
Big Shot~
Big Shot is relaxing here in the Comet Club.
You remember Big Shot from the news.  As you recall, he does a lot of shooting
people.  But he looks surprisingly relaxed and in control of himself.
2|64 0 0 S
55 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1

key arthur~
a key to Arthur's apartment~
A key to Arthur's apartment lies here.~
18 0 1
0 1 6 11 
0 0 0
key chairface~
a key to Chairface's mansion~
A very intricate golden key lies here.~
18 0 1
0 1 6 11 
0 0 0
key 14b~
a key to apartment 14B~
A key to apartment 14B.  You know this because it says so.~
18 0 1
0 1 6 11 
0 0 0
key prison~
the key to The City's prison~
A heavy iron key.~
18 0 1
0 1 6 11 
0 0 0
little wooden boy burning remains~
the burning remains of Little Wooden Boy~
The flaming remains of Little Wooden Boy.  Perhaps the smoke will force Blowhole to release you?~
18 1 1|16384
0 1 6 11 
4 0 0
19 6
box happy~
the Happy Box~
This is a trick the Tick taught Big Shot.  'Put it in the Happy Box,' he said.~
15 1|32|64|1024 1|16384
100 1 -1 0 
5 0 0
4 2
17 -20
23 -3
24 -3
12 50
suit santa red~
a battle-scarred Santa suit~
A Santa suit that has been horribly abused.~
9 512|2048 1|8
12 0 0 0 
10 0 0
23 -4
24 -4
santa hat red~
a Santa hat~
A red hat, like Santa wears.~
9 512|2048 1|16
10 0 0 0 
4 0 0
13 20
17 -10
5 2
evil eye cocktail drink~
an Evil Eye cocktail~
A drink that'll put your 'Eye' out.~
17 1 1
3 3 7 0 
1 0 0
mug cafe finest drink~
a mug of the Cafe's finest~
A huge mug full of a dark bubbling drink.~
17 2 1
12 12 8 0 
3 0 0
beer bottle~
a regular beer~
A regular bottle of beer.~
17 0 1
3 3 1 1 
1 0 0
bacon eggs biscuit breakfast~
a plate of food (bacon, eggs, and a biscuit)~
A delicious-looking breakfast, consisting of bacon, eggs, and a biscuit.~
19 0 1
5 0 0 0 
1 0 0
milk glass~
a tall glass of milk~
A tall, refreshing glass of milk.~
17 0 1
5 5 10 0 
1 0 0
burger dinner~
a burger from The Diner~
Dinner is served, and Fran's burgers are the best around.~
19 0 1
12 0 0 0 
1 0 0
nose clown proto-clown red~
a big red nose~
Proto-Clown's big, funny, red nose.~
9 0 1|16
12 0 0 0 
5 0 0
3 -5
4 -5
shoes floppy clown proto-clown~
a pair of floppy shoes~
Proto-Clown's big floppy shoes.~
9 0 1|64
12 0 0 0 
14 0 0
3 -5
4 -5
running shoes whale-sized~
a HUGE pair of shoes~
A whale-sized pair of running shoes.~
9 32|64|4096 1|64
12 0 0 0 
15 0 0
14 50
a vicious fish~
An incredibly unpleasant-looking fish.~
5 0 1|8192
0 1 6 0 
7 0 0
19 5
18 5
1 2
deadly bulb helm lightbulb~
the Deadly Bulb helm~
A lightbulb with a skull painted on it.~
1 1|2|128|512|2048 1|16
12 0 20 0 
5 0 0
12 25
13 -10
pigleg pig~
a pig~
A large pink pig, possibly the world's oddest birth defect.~
9 64|4096 1|64
12 0 0 0 
5 0 0
13 25
14 -75
5 1
1 2
2 -2
trench coat~
a trench coat~
A genuine trench coat (you can hide anything under this).~
15 128|512 1|1024
100 1 -1 0 
10 0 0
13 50
moth suit~
a moth suit~
An incredible white suit, a bunny?  No, a moth.~
27 1024|2048 1|8
0 1 6 11 
5 0 0
3 2
4 1
12 25
14 50
17 -20
maid outfit red white blue~
a patriotic maid's outfit~
A red, white, and blue maid's outfit--the uniform of American Maid!~
9 1024|2048 1|8
12 0 0 0 
5 0 0
heels shoes~
a pair of combat heels~
A pair of shoes, with the sharpest heels you've ever seen.~
5 1024|2048 1|64
0 1 6 11 
4 0 0
2 2
14 50
18 1
19 1
antennae tick's blue~
a pair of antennae~
A pair of blue antennae, exactly like those of certain arachnids...~
9 1024|2048 1|16
12 0 0 0 
10 0 0
17 -20
1 1
18 3
19 3
5 1
a Spoooooooon!!~
A simple spoon, nothing of great consequence, or is it?~
5 64|1024|2048 1|16384
0 1 6 0 
3 0 0
19 4
18 4
1 2
gate gateway dimensional machine~
a dimensional gate~
A complicated machine, used as a dimensional gateway.~
4 2|16|64|512|2048 1|16384
70 42 42 2 
10 0 0
moustache titan~
a moustache~
A gigantic black moustache--the moustache of a Titan.~
9 4096 1|16
0 1 6 9 
20 0 0
1 3
3 -2
25 -2
19 3
18 5
matador's pants~
a pair of matador's pants~
A pair of very flashy pants, like a matador would wear.~
9 512|2048 1|32
12 0 0 0 
5 0 0
18 2
19 -2
1 2
13 15
a radioactively heightened intellect~
You can't quite see it--it's as if it were pure thought.~
9 1|32|64|1024 1|16
12 0 0 0 
1 0 0
3 2
12 25
4 1
13 -20
17 -1
bracer pineapple~
a pineapple bracer~
A bracer covered with the outside of a pineapple.~
9 512|2048 1|4096
12 0 0 0 
6 0 0
18 4
19 4
5 1
sharkskin cape~
a sharkskin cape~
A cape made of sharkskin; it's rough to the touch.~
9 512|2048 1|4
12 0 0 0 
8 0 0
19 5
17 10
chair comfortable comfy~
the World's Most Comfortable Chair~
A chair.  The World's Most Comfortable Chair.~
12 64|128|4096 1|8
0 0 0 0 
40 0 0
14 -50
1 -2
pants cutoffs shorts~
a pair of cutoffs~
A pair of pants, cut off into ragged shorts.~
9 1024|2048 1|32
12 0 0 0 
4 0 0
herring suit slippery red~
a slippery red suit~
A slippery red suit that looks like a herring.~
9 512|2048 1|8
12 0 0 0 
15 0 0
19 3
17 -50
plans evil notepad~
a notepad~
A notepad filled with evil plans.~
2 16|32 1
40 24 0 0
2 0 0
second set legs~
a second set of legs~
A second set of legs, close behind the first set.~
9 64|1024|2048|4096 1|32
12 0 0 0 
20 0 0
2 4
14 25
glue helmet~
a glue-shooting helmet~
A helmet used to shoot glue at enemies.~
9 128|1024|2048|4096 1|16
12 0 0 0 
9 0 0
18 1
2 -2
14 -10
17 1
glue gloves~
a pair of glue-shooting gloves~
A pair of gloves used to fire an adhesive substance at enemies.~
9 128|1024|2048|4096 1|128
12 0 0 0 
6 0 0
18 2
2 -2
17 2
carpet suit~
a carpet suit~
A suit made of shag carpeting.~
9 1024|2048 1|8
12 0 0 0 
25 0 0
5 -2
2 -1
17 -20
19 2
ring chairface~
chairface's signet ring~
A ring with Chairface Chippendale's insignia on it.~
9 16|512 1|2
12 0 0 0 
1 0 0
17 -10
18 3
19 1
2 1
12 10
24 -5
swiss army knife giant~
a giant Swiss army knife~
A giant multi-purpose Swiss army knife.~
4 0 1|16384
60 45 45 56 
7 0 0
19 3
18 2
bullet helmet~
a bullet helm~
A helmet shaped like a bullet.~
9 1024|2048 1|16
12 0 0 0 
6 0 0
19 3
1 2
4 -4
17 25
bag bombs~
a bag that says 'BOMBS'~
A black bag that says 'BOMBS' on it.~
15 16|512|2048 1|16384
75 1 -1 0 
5 0 0
23 -1
24 -1
a really big bomb~
A huge round black bomb.~
4 16|512|2048 1|16384
75 1 1 26 
11 0 0
19 2
a piece of birthday cake~
A piece of Chairface's birthday cake.~
26 0 1
55 28 28 28 
2 0 0
key charles~
a key to Charles' house~
A key to the house of the evil little mastermind himself.~
18 16 1
0 1 6 11 
1 0 0
evil Legs!~
You've got LEGS, BABY!  You're all over the place!~
9 16|512|2048 1|32
12 0 0 0 
5 0 0
2 2
17 -20
5 1
1 1
13 25
12 10
14 20
a nondescript key~
A standard key, there are probably hundreds like it.~
18 16|32 1
0 1 6 11 
1 0 0

The Highway to The City~
This is a long stretch of roadway.  It continues majestically east, toward...
The City!  A place where evildoers must ever cower in fear of...THE TICK!!!
There is a signpost at the side of the road.
0 4 1
0 -1 22219
0 -1 22013
THE CITY---2 miles

(There is some fine print that you can't quite read.  Maybe a closer look?)~
fine print~
Levels 50-67

Created by Ceivar

Based on The Tick, by Ben Edlund.
Converted from Envy to Anon by Yaegar for AnonyMud.
An Intersection~
The streetlights are smashed, there is a demolished car lying halfway in a
cracked building, and it's more than likely that the reason is the giant
clown smashing everything in sight.
To the north, a road continues to the center of The City.  To the south there
are some stores, and further on, some apartments.  The highway continues to
the east and west.
0 0 1
0 -1 22225
0 -1 22202
0 -1 22226
0 -1 22222
The Highway~
The highway continues through the heart of The City, and to the south you see
the headquarters of the marginally famous Civic-Minded Five.
0 0 1
0 -1 22203
1 -1 22250
0 -1 22201
The Highway~
The highway continues for a while, then turns abruptly north.  A sign by the
roadside indicates that the highway comes to an end not far ahead.
0 0 1
0 -1 22204
0 -1 22202
An Intersection~
The highway ends here, intersecting with Main Street, which runs east-west.
To the northwest you see City Hall.  You are in the heart of The City, and
Main Street continues both ways for quite a distance.
0 0 1
0 -1 22214
0 -1 22203
0 -1 22205
Main Street~
Main Street is beautiful this time of year.  You can see City Hall to the
northeast, and there is apparently some sort of enormous black spiderlike
machine climbing on top of the building.
0 0 1
0 -1 22204
0 -1 22206
In Front of City Hall~
To the north is City Hall, apparently taken over by the villain in the black
machine.  A relaxing park in south of you.  The street is full of policemen,
hurrying to and fro, upset at their inability to save the mayor.
0 0 1
0 -1 22209
0 -1 22205
0 -1 22210
0 -1 22207
Main Street~
Main Street continues for several blocks, with buildings to the north and
south, but nothing interesting.
0 0 1
0 -1 22206
0 -1 22208
Intersection of Main and Heroic~
Main Street runs east into town, and west to the suburbs.  Heroic Avenue runs
south from here.
0 0 1
0 -1 22207
0 -1 22223
0 -1 22211
City Hall~
City Hall is a shambles.  Some master criminal has run through the place,
destroying all kinds of things.  Perhaps the villain came through the hole in
the ceiling.  The ladder leading up into the hole may be a hint.
0 8 0
0 -1 22206
0 -1 22294
The Park~
The park is a lovely relaxing place, away from all the power-hungry villains,
and the grand exploits of the heroes (or, in some cases, not-so-grand exploits).
0 1024 2
0 -1 22206
Main Street~
To the west, Main Street becomes Millard Fillmore Drive, at The City's city
limits.  You are entering the suburbs now.
0 0 1
0 -1 22208
0 -1 22212
Millard Fillmore Drive~
To the south you see what looks like a regular home, complete with an
unusually large cannon in the yard.
0 0 1
0 -1 22211
0 -1 22298
0 -1 22213
The End of Millard Fillmore Drive~
Millard Fillmore Drive comes to an end here, and intersects with a small
friendly-looking suburb street.
0 0 1
0 -1 22243
0 -1 22212
Main Street~
The road continues for about a block, with nothing but businesses and office
0 0 1
0 -1 22215
0 -1 22204
Intersection of Main and an Alleyway~
To the south is possibly the most sinister dark alley you've ever seen.
0 0 1
0 -1 22216
0 -1 22229
0 -1 22214
Main Street~
Main Street continues, and you enter a high class area of town.  There are
mansions spotting the area.
0 0 1
0 -1 22217
0 -1 22215
Main Street~
South of you a great, elaborate mansion.  It's obviously the dwelling of the
master criminal and mob boss Chairface Chippendale.  The place is decked out
with elaborate signs and decorations.  Apparently it's Chairface's birthday.
0 0 1
0 -1 22218
1 22201 22272
0 -1 22216
An Intersection~
Main Street intersects with a major highway here.
0 0 1
0 -1 22233
0 -1 22295
0 -1 22217
The Highway~
The highway continues on toward The City, but there is also a turn.  There's a
large billboard on the roadside.
0 0 1
0 -1 22220
0 -1 22268
0 -1 22200
The billboard has a lovely rendition of a tyrannosaurus fighting a somewhat
less powerful (and more mangled) dinosaur.  At the bottom, in large print,
The Highway~
The highway continues, with absolutely no interesting features.
0 0 1
0 -1 22221
0 -1 22219
The Highway, Near Blowhole~
Traffic is stopped here.  The reason is obvious.  Blowhole, the cross-country
whale, is jogging down the highway, and nobody wants to get stepped on.
0 0 1
0 -1 22222
0 -1 22220
The Highway~
And so, the road drags on for about another mile.  You appear to be getting
close to The City.
0 0 1
0 -1 22201
0 -1 22221
Heroic Avenue~
Heroic Avenue has recently been given this new name, due to the fact that
the diner that all The City's heros hang out in is on this street.
0 0 1
0 -1 22208
0 -1 22224
In Front of The Diner~
The Diner is to the west.  It looks like a friendly place for a meal, or just
a cup of coffee or a snack.
0 0 1
0 -1 22223
0 -1 22225
1 -1 22256
Heroic Avenue~
The famous Diner is to the northwest, and south of you, you can hear shouts
of, 'CLOWN SMASH!'  Perhaps that psychotic (or maybe just misunderstood)
killer clown won't come this way.
0 0 1
0 -1 22224
0 -1 22201
Heroic Avenue~
To your east is the headquarters of the Civic-Minded Five.  Heroic Avenue
continues north and south, and there are even a few monuments now.
0 0 1
0 -1 22201
1 -1 22250
0 -1 22227
In Front of Some Stores~
To the east is a furniture store, Bob's Furniture Emporium.  West, there is
the single largest store you've ever seen.  It must be one of those
Mega-Stores.  Heroic Avenue continues south.
0 0 1
0 -1 22226
0 -1 22259
0 -1 22228
0 -1 22261
The End of Heroic Avenue~
Heroic Avenue is closed for construction beyond this point.  However, there is
a parking lot to the east.  It must be for the apartment complex ahead.
0 0 1
0 -1 22227
0 -1 22244
A Sinister-Looking Alleyway~
It's a dark alley, filled with the kind of people you don't want to meet in
a dark alley.  It continues south, and gets darker.
0 0 1
0 -1 22215
0 -1 22230
In Front of The Evil Eye Cafe~
The trademark sign of the Evil Eye Cafe hangs here, in its full neon
brilliance.  Supervillains enter and exit the cafe in a constant stream.
0 0 1
0 -1 22229
1 -1 22255
0 -1 22231
End of the Alley~
The alley comes to an end, but it looks like you can continue south on a path
that hasn't seen much use.  You wonder if you really want to, though.  It
doesn't look like there's much there.
0 4 1
0 -1 22230
0 -1 22232
The Base of the Anthill~
The path has led you to the base of the largest anthill you've ever seen.
0 0 1
0 -1 22231
0 -1 22257
The Highway~
To the northeast you see the hydroelectric dam.  To the south is Main
Street, and most of The City.
0 4 1
0 -1 22234
0 -1 22218
The Highway~
The hydroelectric dam is down a lane to the east.  What looks like a flood
of red is moving down the river from the dam.
0 0 1
0 -1 22235
0 -1 22263
0 -1 22233
The Highway~
The luxurious Comet Club is to the immediate west.  You can't wait to check
it out.
0 4 1
0 -1 22236
0 -1 22234
1 -1 22269
The Highway~
The highway moves steadily away from The City.  Ahead of you, you can see some
cornfields.  Further on, there is a building of some kind.
0 0 1
0 -1 22237
0 -1 22235
The Highway~
The cornfields to the east look more and more sinister the closer you get.
Odd, what can be so evil about a cornfield?
0 4 1
0 -1 22238
0 -1 22265
0 -1 22236
The Highway~
It looks as if the building up ahead is a prison of some kind.  It's probably
full of supervillains.
0 0 1
0 -1 22239
0 -1 22237
The Highway~
The prison to the west looks like a busy place.  It appears to be one of the
fullest prisons in the area, courtesy of The Tick!
0 0 1
0 -1 22240
0 -1 22238
2 22203 22267
The Highway~
The highway continues away from The City.  You can see an ocean ahead to
the east.  It looks a little rough, but still crossable.
0 0 1
0 -1 22241
0 -1 22239
The Highway~
You catch a glimpse of a shiny object falling to earth out over the ocean.
It looks like it landed pretty far out at sea.
0 0 1
0 -1 22242
0 -1 22245
0 -1 22240
The Highway~
The road is getting rougher, as it gets further from civilization.  Frankly,
it's pretty rough now.  The City's a long way away.
0 4 1
0 -1 22241
In Front of a Suburban Home~
You are now in the suburbs of The City.  The house directly in front of you
looks much like all the others.  It's very nice.  There's a treehouse out
back, and a station wagon parked in the driveway.  A wholesome family home.
0 0 1
1 22246 22251
0 -1 22213
A Parking Lot~
There are quite a few cars here.  It's a regular parking lot, and there's
nothing out of the ordinary.  Arthur's sister's car is parked here.
0 0 1
0 -1 22274
0 -1 22228
The Ocean~
You've left the highway, and taken the first step on a long ocean voyage.
0 0 7
0 -1 22246
0 -1 22241
The Ocean~
The high seas.
The ocean is getting rough.  You can see a shiny glowing thing crashing to
the ground further east.
0 0 7
0 -1 22247
0 -1 22245
Approaching an Island~
You finally found the place where the shiny object landed.  There's an island
to the southeast.  Odd, the number of sharks in the area seems to be growing
quite large.
0 0 7
0 -1 22248
0 -1 22246
Near an Island~
If you can manage to evade the sharks, you might be able to get to the island
to the south.  Perhaps you'll be able to find out what that falling object was.
0 0 7
0 -1 22249
0 -1 22247
The Surf Near Pokoponesia~
You're having a great deal of difficulty keeping the sharks off of you, let
alone actually getting to the beach.
0 0 6
0 -1 22248
0 -1 22283
The Civic-Minded Five's Headquarters~
This really isn't as impressive as you had hoped.  There is a pool table, and
a bar, and a few soft comfortable easy chairs.  However, the bar isn't even
0 8 0
1 -1 22202
1 -1 22226
The Living Room~
The living room is that of a model home.  It's very clean, and there are
knick-knacks on the mantle, and on tables scattered about the room.  You
hear Charles' parents talking in the kitchen.
0 8 0
0 -1 22252
1 -1 22243
The Kitchen~
The kitchen it a relaxing place.  Charles' parents keep a lovely home,
and this room is no exception.  The sliding glass door opens into the
backyard, where you see Charles' treehouse.
0 8 0
1 -1 22253
0 -1 22251
Charles' Backyard~
A large tree stands in the middle of the yard.  You can see a treehouse in the
branches, and a rope ladder hanging down.  You hear voices from the treehouse,
and frequent evil laughter.
0 0 2
1 -1 22252
0 -1 22254
Charles' Treehouse~
This treehouse is very high-tech on the inside.  There are all sorts of
computer terminals, and electronic equipment.
0 8 0
0 -1 22253
The Evil Eye Cafe~
This place is absolutely perfect for lurking, and about ninety-nine percent
of the people here are taking advantage of this.  The air here reeks of evil.
0 8 0
1 -1 22230
The Diner~
The Diner is a small, comfortable diner.  The prices are reasonable, which is
good, since being a superhero doesn't pay too well.  Several of the stools
at the counter are occupied by hero types on a regular basis.
0 8 0
1 -1 22224
The Anthill~
You're about halfway up the anthill, and the climb is very tedious.  To make
it worse, the ants don't want you up there.
0 0 5
0 -1 22232
0 -1 22258
The Top of the Anthill~
You've reached the top of the anthill, and it was quite a trek.  Before you,
you see the dangerous magnifying glass that the ants threaten The City with.
Not too far beyond that, you can see the ant queen's people farm.
0 0 4
0 -1 22257
people farm~
This is an enormous construction, an obvious duplicate of an ant farm, but
for use on people instead.~
magnifying glass~
This magnifying glass stands at least 30 feet high, and is positioned so that
the sun at noon will shine through it, incinerating The City.~
Entry to Bob's Furniture Emporium~
The entryway to Bob's Furniture Emporium is way too crowded.  It must have
something to do with the woman who seems to be leading an army of furniture
out of the store.
0 8 0
0 -1 22260
0 -1 22227
Bob's Furniture Emporium~
It really is a cozy little store, if it weren't a wreck because of the
sinister Ottoman.
0 8 0
0 -1 22259
The Mega-Store Entrance~
Stretching before you in all it's glory is the biggest store you've ever seen
in your life.  You can't see the far wall, the store is so large.  You
suppose you'll never find anything useful, although you'd be bound to
get a good price on it if you did.
0 8 10
0 -1 22227
0 -1 22262
The Mega-Store~
You're standing in front of a large sign, with a map of the store.  On the
map you see the words, 'You are here'.  It occurs to you that being 'here'
is quite a lot like being lost.
0 8 10
0 -1 22261
The Hydroelectric Dam~
What's going on here?  The dam is full of Santas!
0 8 0
0 -1 22264
0 -1 22234
The Hydroelectric Dam~
A man in a Santa suit has taken control of the dam.  Apparently he's cloning
himself.  A flood of Santas is pushing you back out of the room.
0 0 0
0 -1 22263
The Cornfields of Evil~
The fields are moving!  You hear someone speaking to the north.  Rows
of stalks move in unison, as if saluting.
0 0 2
0 -1 22266
0 -1 22237
El Seed's Evil Den~
The regimented rows of corn stalks are listening to El Seed's speech.
El Seed paces back and forth in front of them, making a driving oratory.
0 0 2
0 -1 22265
The Prison~
The prison is fairly dismal.  However, it is bright.  Most of the light is
coming from a nearby cell.  You can see the occupant now.
0 8 0
2 -1 22239
Dinosaur Grotto~
Dinosaur Grotto is a lovely place, carefully set up.  There are several
digs open, and many helpful tours, guides, and signs.  There is also
a giant green mutant dinosaur.
0 0 3
0 -1 22219
The Comet Club's Parking Lot~
The parking lot's size indicates that the Comet Club usually gets about
twenty to thirty-five people.  All the way across the lot, to the north,
is a small building, perhaps for sidekicks.  The Comet Club is to the south.
0 0 1
0 -1 22271
1 -1 22235
0 -1 22270
The Comet Club~
The Comet Club is booming.  Famous and influential superheros are laughing
and drinking.  The atmosphere here is almost as joyous as Chairface's party.
0 8 0
0 -1 22269
The Comet Club's Sidekicks Shack~
There are several sidekicks here, looking miserable.  You don't blame them,
this place looks miserable.
0 0 0
0 -1 22269
1 -1 22299
Chairface's Mansion~
The size of the entry hall is amazing in and of itself.  Chairface is one
rich guy.  On the wall, there are several expensive paintings.  You hear
laughter from the south.
0 8 0
1 -1 22217
0 -1 22273
Chairface's Mansion~
The party is going full-force in here.  Dozens of mobsters are toasting
to the health of Chairface.  People are laughing, drinking, and generally
having a good time.
0 8 0
0 -1 22272
The Entrance to the Apartments~
You stand in front of a medium-sized apartment building.  It doesn't look
much different from any of the others, but you sense a certain something.
0 0 1
1 -1 22275
0 -1 22244
The Hallway~
The hallway is well-lit.  There are several rooms, both to the north and
south.  They all appear to be locked.
0 8 0
1 22202 22276
1 22200 22277
1 -1 22274
Apartment 14B~
As you enter the apartment, you realize that there is an enormous disgusting
alien living here.  Hints to this fact include pictures of its family, lots
of alien machines, and (of course) the enormous evil monster itself.
0 8 0
1 -1 22275
Arthur's Apartment~
Arthur and the Tick don't appear to be here right now.  You see crime-fighting
equipment scattered across the room, along with a macaroni duck.
0 8 0
1 -1 22275
1 -1 22279
0 -1 22278
Arthur's Basement~
The basement is fairly full.  There isn't much room to move around, with the
washine machine, the dryer, the mole-man, the pile of dirt from his hole
in the floor, and the dirty laundry.
0 1|8 0
0 -1 22277
The Rooftops~
You emerge onto the rooftops.  The roofs to the north, east, and west all
appear to be within jumping distance.  There is also a large wooden tower
on this roof.  You hear someone up there.
0 0 4
0 -1 22281
0 -1 22282
0 -1 22280
0 -1 22293
1 -1 22277
Rooftops, Overlooking The Diner~
Below you, you can see The Diner.  You can also see the cracks in the
concrete below, where the Tick has often leapt down from here.
Looking back, you realize that the edges of many of the rooftops are
also cracked.
0 0 4
0 -1 22279
0 -1 22224
Rooftops, Overlooking City Hall~
Ahead of you, you see City Hall, and on top of it, the enormous black
spider machine of The Terror.  The street below is crowded, buy you can
surely leap down into an empty area, if that's what it takes to save
the day.
0 0 4
0 -1 22279
0 -1 22206
Rooftops, Overlooking the Evil Eye Cafe~
Below you, you see the dreaded Evil Eye Cafe, hangout of The City's most
notorious supervillains.  The Tick keeps close watch on this establishment.
0 0 4
0 -1 22279
0 -1 22230
A Pokoponesian Beach~
The beach is empty, except for pineapple trees.  You remember hearing
one thing about Pokoponesia, that they don't have much, but what they
have, they have lots of.  And they have sharks and pineapples.
0 0 2
0 -1 22249
1 -1 22285
0 -1 22284
The Cliffs~
You can see the beach below you.  The entire island, in fact.  And it's
all covered with pineapple trees.
0 0 5
0 -1 22283
Pineapple Pokopo's Palace~
The throne room isn't much, but then Pokoponesia doesn't have a lot
to export.
0 8 0
1 -1 22283
0 -1 22286
Pineapple Pokopo's Basement~
This room is some sort of lab.  Apparently Pineapple Pokopo found the
space monkey, Yank, and has him imprisoned here.
0 8 0
0 -1 22285
The Tick's Mind~
You find yourself in the middle of a vast, empty plain.  It extends as
far as you can see, in all directions.  You think you see something on
the eastern horizon, but you can't be sure.  To the north, you see the
Tick's pleasure center.  You manage to resist your urge to enter.
0 4 10
0 -1 22288
At the Statue~
A great statue stands in the sand here.  It looks exactly like the
Tick's head.  There's another statue not too far from it, of a hand
giving a thumbs up.
0 0 2
0 -1 22289
0 -1 22287
The Elevator~
An elevator stands out in the middle of this plain.  It looks like it
goes up.  You hope it hurries, before the midgets come back.
0 0 2
0 -1 22288
0 -1 22290
The Escalator of Enlightenment~
You ride up the escalator in peace, until suddenly the steps collapse into
a ramp, and the ramp starts moving down!
0 4 4
0 -1 22291
0 -1 22289
A Platform~
You've finally gotten to the top of the escalator.  A few precious seconds
of relaxation, then you must leap from this platform.
0 0 1
0 -1 22290
0 -1 22292
You're falling...




  ...endlessly downward...

                           ...you're starting to feel hot...


                      ...why ARE you here?...


                   ...WAIT!  You remember!  A BIG CLOWN HIT YOU!!

The heat must be reentry.

<<<<<THUD>>>>>  You hit the ground.  Hard.  Ouch.
0 0 9
0 -1 22201
The Tick's Crime Tower~
The Tick has cleaned up his crime tower since his fight with Arthur.  It is
now a great fortress against evil.  You can plainly see that The City has
spent some money to make this tower a bit more sturdy, probably instead of
giving a reward to the Tick.  You can see the moon clearly through the
window of the crime tower.  It's been completely abused.  It looks like
somebody has taken a bite out of it,  and it also has the letters
'HA' carved into it.
0 8 1
0 -1 22279
The Terror's Machine~
As you enter the black machine, you see some sort of alien flying away.

So, this is the headquarters of the greatest criminal mind of the
twentieth century (and possibly part of the nineteenth).  The machine IS
quite an impressive technological feat.
0 8 0
0 -1 22209
The Highway~
The highway heads south, to parts unknown.  To the east is a retirement
0 4 1
0 -1 22218
0 -1 22296
A Rest Home~
This looks just like a regular rest home, except for the fact that everyone
except for the staff is wearing some sort of superhero outfit.  There's a lot
of reminiscing going on.  'Ah, the good old days!' says one of the patients.
0 8 0
0 -1 22295
Blowhole's Belly~
Well, you've never been inside a whale before.  Frankly, it's disgusting.
It's sticky and moist, and there are all kinds of odd sounds.
0 1|8 0
2 22204 22221
The Human Bullet's Yard~
The yard is just as normal as can be.  There's a picnic table, and a gas grill.
Also, there's an enormous cannon aimed into the sky toward The City.
0 0 2
0 -1 22212
cannon gun~
The cannon is aimed in the general direction of The City.  It is a
not-so-sophisticated apparatus, designed for a single purpose--to send the
Human Bullet to the scene of the crime as quickly as possible.~
Bomber's Hideout~
A small dark place behind the Comet Club, the perfect place for evil to
0 16384 1
1 -1 22271

D 1 22274 1 1			; The Entrance to the Apartments Lock East
D 1 22275 0 1			; The Hallway Lock North
D 1 22275 2 1			; The Hallway Lock South
M 1 22205 1 22275			a clone of Arthur to Hallway
G 1 22202 100
M 1 22206 1 22279			a clone of The Tick, made of mucous to Roof (Tick's)
M 1 22207 1 22276			Thrakkorzog to Apmt 14B
E 1 22226 100 17
M 1 22208 1 22276			Thrakkorzog's roommate to Apmt 14B
G 1 22202 100
M 1 22209 1 22268			Dinosaur Neil to Dinosaur Grotto
E 1 22227 100 6
M 1 22210 1 22266			El Seed to El Seed's HQ
E 1 22228 100 7
M 1 22211 1 22286			a monkey to Pokoponesia (Pokopo's palace--Yank)
E 1 22229 100 6
M 1 22212 1 22285			Pineapple Pokopo to Pokoponesia (Pineapple Pokopo's Palace)
E 1 22231 100 3
E 1 22230 100 14
E 1 22230 100 15
M 1 22213 1 22209			Mayor Blank to City Hall
G 1 22203 100
M 1 22214 1 22259			The Ottoman to Furniture Store-Entry
E 1 22232 100 5
M 1 22215 1 22250			Feral Boy to Civic Minded Five's HQ
E 1 22233 100 7
M 1 22217 1 22294			The Terror to The Terror's Machine
M 1 22218 1 22206			the Human Ton to Road 1--Intrsxn (CH & Park)
M 1 22219 1 22206			Handy to Road 1--Intrsxn (CH & Park)
M 1 22220 1 22250			Jungle Janet to Civic Minded Five's HQ
M 1 22221 1 22294			Joe Stalin to The Terror's Machine
M 1 22222 1 22294			the Man-Eating Cow to The Terror's Machine
M 1 22223 1 22296			The Living Doll to Old Superheroes Home
M 1 22224 1 22296			The Visual Eye to Old Superheroes Home
D 1 22243 0 2			; In Front of a Suburban Home Lock North
M 1 22225 1 22202			4-Legged Man to Highway
E 1 22236 100 7
M 1 22226 1 22203			The Carpeted Man to Highway
E 1 22239 100 5
M 1 22227 1 22202			Captain Mucilage to Highway
E 1 22237 100 6
E 1 22238 100 9
M 1 22228 1 22273			Chairface to Chairface's Mansion
E 1 22240 100 1
G 1 22201 100
G 1 22245 100
M 1 22229 1 22273			Professor Chromedome to Chairface's Mansion
G 1 22245 100
M 1 22216 1 22280			the Angry Red Herring to Roof (Overlooking Diner)
E 1 22234 100 5
M 1 22230 1 22259			the table to Furniture Store-Entry
M 1 22231 1 22259			the sofa to Furniture Store-Entry
M 1 22232 1 22259			the footstool to Furniture Store-Entry
M 1 22233 1 22297			J. J. "Eureka" Vatos to Blowhole's Belly
G 1 22204 100
M 1 22234 1 22255			the Idea Man to The Evil Eye Cafe
G 1 22201 100
M 1 22235 1 22257			the swarm of ants to The Anthill
E 1 22220 100 12
M 1 22235 1 22257			the swarm of ants to The Anthill
E 1 22220 100 12
M 1 22236 1 22258			the Ant Queen to The Top of the Anthill
M 1 22235 1 22258			the swarm of ants to The Top of the Anthill
E 1 22220 100 12
M 1 22237 1 22230			Klaus, a Swiss industrial spy to Road 3-Intrsxn (Evil Eye)
E 1 22241 100 17
M 1 22238 1 22282			Bernard, leader of the Swiss industrial spies to Roof (Overlooking Evil Eye)
E 1 22241 100 17
M 1 22240 1 22282			Hilda, a Swiss industrial spy to Roof (Overlooking Evil Eye)
E 1 22241 100 17
M 1 22239 1 22282			Franz, a Swiss industrial spy to Roof (Overlooking Evil Eye)
E 1 22241 100 17
M 1 22241 1 22277			Dot, Arthur's sister to Arthur's Apmt
M 1 22242 1 22278			the King of the Mole-men to Basement (Arthur's)
M 1 22243 1 22252			Charles's father to The Kitchen
M 1 22244 1 22252			Charles's mother to The Kitchen
M 1 22245 1 22253			Skippy to Charles' Backyard
M 1 22246 1 22251			Miriam Brunch, the Mad Nanny to The Living Room
G 1 22246 100
M 1 22247 1 22254			Charles to Charles' Treehouse
G 1 22235 100
M 1 22248 1 22254			Charles's sister to Charles' Treehouse
M 1 22249 1 22262			the Caped/Crusading Chameleon to The Enormous Store
M 1 22250 1 22270			Barry to The Comet Club
M 1 22251 1 22267			The Deadly Bulb to Prison
E 1 22219 100 8
G 1 22218 100
M 1 22252 1 22255			the Breadmaster to The Evil Eye Cafe
M 1 22253 1 22265			the Bee Twin to The Cornfields of Evil
M 1 22254 1 22266			the Bee Twin to El Seed's Evil Den
M 1 22255 1 22265			the Corn Soldier to The Cornfields of Evil
M 1 22255 1 22265			the Corn Soldier to The Cornfields of Evil
M 1 22256 1 22265			the Corn Soldier to The Cornfields of Evil
M 1 22257 1 22277			Carmella Vatos to Arthur's Apmt
E 1 22221 100 5
M 1 22258 1 22298			the Human Bullet's son to The Human Bullet's Yard
M 1 22259 1 22298			the Human Bullet to The Human Bullet's Yard
E 1 22242 100 6
M 1 22260 1 22288			the Tick's mind to Tick's mind (Statue)
M 1 22261 1 22288			the midget with a fish to Tick's mind (Statue)
E 1 22217 100 16
M 1 22262 1 22288			the midget with a fish to Tick's mind (Statue)
E 1 22217 100 16
M 1 22264 1 22221			Blowhole to Highway (BLOWHOLE!)
E 1 22216 100 8
M 1 22265 1 22201			Proto-Clown to A Major Intersection
E 1 22214 100 6
E 1 22215 100 8
D 1 22224 3 0			; In Front of The Diner Open West
D 1 22202 2 1			; The Highway Close South
D 1 22226 1 1			; Heroic Avenue Close East
M 1 22266 1 22260			the furniture store's owner, Bob to Furniture Store
M 1 22267 1 22264			the Santa clone to Hydroelectric Dam
M 1 22267 1 22264			the Santa clone to Hydroelectric Dam
M 1 22267 1 22264			the Santa clone to Hydroelectric Dam
M 1 22267 1 22263			the Santa clone to Hydroelectric Dam
M 1 22267 1 22263			the Santa clone to Hydroelectric Dam
M 1 22267 1 22263			the Santa clone to Hydroelectric Dam
M 1 22268 1 22264			Multiple Santa to Hydroelectric Dam
E 1 22206 100 5
E 1 22207 100 6
D 1 22235 3 1			; The Highway Close West
D 1 22239 3 2			; The Highway Lock West
D 1 22297 4 2			; Blowhole's Belly Lock Up
D 1 22252 0 0			; The Kitchen Open North
M 1 22269 1 22256			Fran, the waitress to The Diner
G 1 22211 100
G 1 22212 100
G 1 22213 100
M 1 22203 1 22256			Die Fledermaus to The Diner
M 1 22204 1 22256			Sewer Urchin to The Diner
D 1 22217 2 2			; Main Street Lock South
D 1 22283 3 1			; A Pokoponesian Beach Close West
M 1 22202 1 22224			American Maid to In Front of The Diner
E 1 22222 100 5
E 1 22223 100 8
M 1 22201 1 22228			Arthur to Road 2-Intrsxn (To Tick's)
E 1 22221 100 5
G 1 22200 100
M 1 22200 1 22293			The Tick to The Tick's Crime Tower
E 1 22224 100 6
E 1 22225 100 17
G 1 22200 100
D 1 22230 1 0			; In Front of The Evil Eye Cafe Open East
M 1 22270 1 22255			Sid, the bartender to The Evil Eye Cafe
G 1 22208 100
G 1 22210 100
G 1 22209 100
M 1 22271 1 22270			Big Shot to The Comet Club
E 1 22205 100 17
M 1 22263 1 22299			The Evil Midnight Bomber What Bombs at Midnight to Bomber's Hideout
E 1 22243 100 17
E 1 22247 100 7
P 1 22243 0 22244
D 1 22271 3 2			; The Comet Club's Sidekicks Shack Lock West
O 1 22248 100 22255			a nondescript key to The Evil Eye Cafe

22266 12 0 0 0 0 125 75 7 21			Bob
22269 0 0 0 0 0 125 75 0 23			Fran
22270 8 23 5 0 0 140 60 0 23			Sid

M  22200 spec_guard			The Tick
M  22201 spec_guard			Arthur
M  22202 spec_guard			American Maid
M  22204 spec_poison			Sewer Urchin
M  22205 spec_thief			a clone of Arthur
M  22206 spec_poison			a clone of the Tick, made of mucous
M  22207 spec_fido			Thrakkorzog
M  22209 spec_fido			Dinosaur Neil
M  22211 spec_cast_mage			a monkey
M  22215 spec_guard			Feral Boy
M  22220 spec_guard			Jungle Janet
M  22223 spec_guard			the Living Doll
M  22224 spec_guard			the Visual Eye
M  22225 spec_guard			4-Legged Man
M  22226 spec_breath_lightning			the Carpeted Man
M  22227 spec_guard			Captain Mucilage
M  22246 spec_cast_judge			Miriam Brunch, the Mad Nanny
M  22263 spec_cast_judge			The Evil Midnight Bomber What Bombs at Midnight
M  22268 spec_breath_lightning			Multiple Santa
M  22269 spec_cast_judge			Fran, the waitress
M  22270 spec_cast_judge			Sid, the bartender
M  22271 spec_cast_judge			Big Shot
