Name I3~
Level Mort~
Text See these general commands: I3TELL, I3FINGER, I3EMOTE, I3LOCATE, I3WHO, I3IGNORE

See these administrative commands: I3UCACHE, I3USER, I3BAN,

Name i3deny~
Level Imm~
Text Syntax: i3deny <person> <local channel Name>
Syntax: i3deny <person> [tell/beep/finger]

This command allows you to selectively ban certain users from using channels,
tells, beeps, and finger commands. Multiple denials can be imposed, but if you
should find you need to deny all of these options, it might well be worth looking
at setting their permissions to None instead.

Name i3listen~
Level Mort~
Text Syntax: i3listen <local channel>

This command toggles your listening state for a configured I3 channel.

Name i3chanlist~
Level Mort~
Text Syntax: i3chanlist [filter|all]

Displays a listing of configured channels the mud is currently tuned into.

If a filter is specified, it will display all channels which contain the
filter value in their Names or host muds.

Specifying all will show you every I3 channel available on the router the
mud is connected to.

Name i3mudlist~
Level Mort~
Text Syntax: i3mudlist [filter|all]

Displays a listing of muds currently connected to the network.

If a filter value is specified, all muds who's Names, types, or mudlibs which
contain the filter value will be shown.

If all is specified, then all connections whether up or down will be shown.
This can be a very spammy listing.

Name i3chanwho~
Level Mort~
Text Syntax: i3chanwho <local channel> <mud>

Displays a list of users who are listening to a particular channel on the
specified mud. This command will not display such a listing for the entire
network due to the sheer number of connected muds. Such a display would
constitute screens full of scrolling.

Name i3mudinfo~
Level Mort~
Text Syntax: i3mudinfo <mudName>

Displays information about a mud on the network. They do not need to be
connected for this to work.

Name i3invis~
Level Mort~
Text Syntax: i3invis

Toggles your invisibility state on I3. While invisible, you will not be seen
on who listings, be unable to send or receive tells, be unable to send or
receive beeps, and be unable to send or receive finger requests. This
invisibility state will not conceal you from channel messages you initiate.

This toggle is also unrelated to your local invisibility flags as a player.

As an immortal, this state acts separately from your wizinvis state. If you
are also wizinvis, that will take priority over i3invis.

Name i3color~
Level Mort~
Text Syntax: i3color

Toggles your ability to see color on I3. This acts apart from your mud's
ANSI state, so if your mud has no inbuilt color system, you will still be
able to see colors on I3 if this has been enabled.

Name i3mudlisten~
Level Admin~
Text Syntax: i3mudlisten [all/none]
Syntax: i3mudlisten <localchannel> [on/off]

This command will toggle the listening state of the entire mud for a selected
channel, or for all channels. For a specific channel, you need to specify on
or off when issuing the command.

Name i3stats~
Level Admin~
Text Syntax: i3stats

Displays statistical information about the mud and the network connection.
Information includes how many bytes have been sent and received, what descriptor
the connection is using, how many muds are known, how many channels are known,
and which router the mud is connected to.

Name i3hedit~
Level Admin~
Text Syntax: i3hedit <topic> <option> <field>

Allows minor editing of helps.
Option can be either "Name" or "perm".

Editing the text of the topic itself is not possible - yet.

Name i3cedit~
Level Imp~
Text Syntax: i3cedit <command> <create|delete|reName|code|permission|connected> <field>

This command allows you to edit the data contained in other commands, create new commands,
and delete commands.

When creating, you can optionally specify the Name of the function the command will use.
If the function Named does not exist, the command will not work.

Name i3router~
Level Imp~
Text Syntax: i3router add <router_Name> <router_ip> <router_port>
Syntax: i3router remove <router_Name>
Syntax: i3router list

This command allows you to add new routers to your connection choices,
delete existing routers, or just see which ones are already configured.

Name i3help~
Level Mort~
Text Syntax: imchelp <topic>

The command used to get help about other commands. Assuming the command has help information.

Name i3addchan~
Level Admin~
Text Syntax: i3addchan <channelName> <localname> <type>

The channelName should be what shows up on the router's list and is displayed
on the 'i3chanlist all' command.

LocalName should be the local name you want it listed as on the mud.

Type can be one of the following:

0: selectively banned
1: selectively admitted
2: filtered - valid for selectively admitted ONLY

Selectively banned channels are public channels, open to all.
Selectively admitted channels are private channels, by invite only.

Filtering is not yet implemented in this client code, but is used to scrub
the content of a private channel by its host before it is sent out to those who are
subscribed. As noted, this CANNOT be done on a public channel ( yet ).

New channels default to "Mort" permission.

See I3PERMSET for more information on what permissions do.

Name i3adminchan~
Level Admin~
Text Syntax: i3adminchan <localchannel> <add|remove> <mudName>

This command is used to administer the list of muds authorized to use a channel.

When used with a public channel, "add" bans them from using it, and "remove" unbans them.
When used with a private channel, "add" allows them to use it, and "remove" disallows them.

This is all handled on a per mud basis.

Name i3ban~
Level Admin~
Text Syntax: i3ban <target>
Syntax: i3ban IP:Port

This is the mud-wide version of an I3IGNORE command. Best used in elevated cases
where indivudual users have been unable to effectively block traffic from another
user or mud who is harassing them, or harassing multiple users on your mud.
This is a somewhat drastic measure and all traffic from the individual user or
mud will be dropped silently. It is usually best to have documented cases of
individual abuse before proceeding to this level. If blocking at this level fails
to stop the problem, you may wish to proceed to the administrator of the channel
if the problem is channel related, or directly to the router administration for
the router you are connected to if it's something else. Be prepared to provide
any necessary documentation of incidents if the administrator you contact should
request them.

Name i3beep~
Level Mort~
Text Syntax: i3beep <person@mud>
Syntax: i3beep [on]/[off]

i3beep sends a quick message to a person on another mud.
If the target mud supports the beep tone, then the person
on that mud will hear the standard beep tone used by whatever
client software they are using. Works in the same manner as
the local beep command.

Using on or off as an argument will enable or disable your ability
to send and receive i3beeps.

Name i3chanlayout~
Level Admin~
Text Syntax: i3chanlayout <localchannel> <layout> <format...>
Layout can be one of these: layout_e layout_m

Format can be any way you want it to look, provided you have the proper number of %s tags in it.

layout_e designs require 2 %s tags, one for the channel localName, and one for the message itself.

layout_m designs require 4 %s tags. One for the channel localName, one for the username, one for
the mudName, and one for the message itself.

Formats with incorrect amounts of tags will be rejected.

Name i3config
Level Admin
Text Syntax: i3config <options>

The interface to changing your configuration while in the mud.
Most options listed by typing in the command cannot be changed if you are currently
connected to I3 and they will inform you of this.

'i3config show' will list the details of what you can currently change with this
command. If something is not listed, then the only means to change it is to edit it
in shell. The output of the command should be fairly self explainitory.

Name i3connect~
Level Imm~
Text Syntax: i3connect [router]

Does more or less what it implies: Connects the mud to the I3 network.

If a router is specified, then that router will be the one connected to.
If no router is specified, then the router listed first in the mud's router
configuration will be used.

Name i3disconnect~
Level Imm~
Text Syntax: i3disconnect

Does more or less what it implies: Disconnects the mud from the I3 network.

Name i3debug~
Level Imp~
Text Syntax: i3debug

When this option is on, all packets entering and leaving the mud are logged so
that they can be inspected later. This is really only of any value in the
deployment of new packet types that have not been tested, or in the addition of
new features that have yet to be implemented. It is not to be used lightly, for
it spams and is a gross invasion of privacy for anyone on the mud who may be
using tells. Responsible admins should either inform their users ahead of time or
use this option on a development port.

Name i3editchan~
Level Admin~
Text Syntax: i3editchan <localName> localname <new localname>
Syntax: i3editchan <localName> level <permission>

This allows you to change the local Name of a channel, or to change the permission
Level at which players can begin using it.

Available permissions are: None, Mort, Imm, Admin, and Imp. See I3PERMSET for more
information on what permissions do.

Name i3emote~
Level Mort~
Text Syntax: i3emote <person@mud> <message>

Sends a private emote to a person on another mud.

Name i3finger~
Level Mort~
Text Syntax: i3finger <person@mud>
Syntax: i3finger privacy

Request for information regarding a player on another mud.
Operates in a similar manner to the local 'finger' command.
Will only reveal information the target mud feels is appropriate.

Using the privacy argument will disable your information from being
sent to a requesting user on another mud. You will not be told anyone
has tried.

Name i3ignore~
Level Mort~
Text Syntax: i3ignore <target>
Syntax: i3ignore IP:Port

The I3IGNORE command blocks incoming traffic directed at a specific user on the mud.
It also prevents them from being displayed on such lists as who, and channel who.
This is your first line of defense against an annoying pest.
You can specify ignores either specifically or with wildcards, like so:

i3ignore pest@mud
i3ignore *@mud
i3ignore pest@*
i3ignore IP:Port

The IP type of ignore can only be specified as an IP and port, taken from the mud's
current mudinfo data. This will block anyone current and future who logs into that
mud IP and port from ever sending you traffic.

Before going to the mud's administration with a complain, you should attempt to make
an ignore work for you. If the particular person is still causing problems or is
making a nuisance of themselves to several people, advise your mud administration
that they may need to pursue an I3BAN against the person or mud in question.
Be prepared to show proper documentation of any incidents to support your case.

Name i3locate~
Level Mort~
Text Syntax: i3locate <Name>

Asks all the muds on the Intermud-3 network if a person
known by the Name is there. Be patient when using this command,
there are a lot of muds on the network to search through, so
a response may take some time to come back.

Name i3perms~
Level Imm~
Text Syntax: i3perms <user>

Displays the permission level for the target user on the mud.

Name i3permset~
Level Admin~
Text Syntax: i3permset <user> <permission>

This command sets the permission level for a particular user on your mud.
The following permissions are available:

Notset - Default value. Causes subsequent logins to reset perms based on level.
None   - No access.
Mort   - Allows access to channels and commands for non-staff players.
Imm    - Allows access to additional channels and commands for regular staff.
Admin  - Allows access to additional channels and commands for administrative staff.
Imp    - Allows access to additional channels and commands for implementors.

These permission values are also used when setting channels up for access.

Name i3removechan~
Level Admin~
Text Syntax: i3removechan <channel>

ChannelName should be the name seen on 'i3chanlist all'

Removed the indicated channel from the router, and deletes the local copy from the
mud as well. This does NOT send a broadcast to subscribed muds to delete their local
copies, so they will need to do that themselves upon noticing the channel is gone.

Name i3setchan~
Level Admin~
Text Syntax: i3setchan <i3channelName> <localname> [permission]

This creates a local copy of an existing I3 channel for the mud to subscribe to.
You must use the I3 Name of the channel so that your mud will know which one you
want. This is obtained from the 'i3chanlist all' command. You must then supply
a local channel Name to use with it. Then you can optionally set a permission level
at which players can start using the channel. Channels with no permission level
supplied will default to "Mort".

An example:

i3setchan diku_chat dchat mort

Available permissions are: None, Mort, Imm, Admin, and Imp. See I3PERMSET for more
information on what permissions do.

Name i3tell~
Level Mort~
Text Syntax: i3tell <person@mud> <message>
Syntax: i3tell [on]/[off]

i3tell sends a private message to a person on another mud.
To send a tell to someone on a mud with a multi-word Name, you need to
enlcose person@mud in quotes, like so: i3tell 'person@mud with long Name'
Otherwise this command operates in much the same way as the local tell command.

Using the on or off arguments will enable or disable your ability to send
and receive i3tells.

Name i3reply~
Level Mort~
Text Syntax: i3reply <message>

To reply to the last i3tell you received, simply type 'i3reply'
followed by your message and it will be sent back to the last
person on I3 who sent a tell to you. Works in the same manner
as the local reply command.

Name i3ucache~
Level Imm~
Text Syntax: i3ucache

Displays the current content of the mud's ucache data. This is a very spammy list
since multiple muds support this information and send packets out regularly.
Ucache data is used for gender targetting of socials.

Name i3user~
Level Imm~
Text Syntax: i3user@mud

Sends out a specific request for the target user's ucache data and updates the
data tables accordingly.

Name i3who~
Level Mort~
Text Syntax: i3who <mud>

Requests an overview of players on a different mud.
Operates similarly to the local who command.
