1stMud Credits (in no particular order)

* The creators of Rivers of MUD, Merc, and DIKU. (www.rom.org)

* The Dawn Of Time Codebase for so many things. (www.dawnoftime.org)

* Nebseni/ClandestineMUD for their signal handling code. (www.clandestinemud.com)

* Erwin S. Andreasen for the Note Board System, Dual Wielding and Copyover 7.0. (www.andreasen.org)

* Dingo of Purple Dragon MUD for the Telnet Protocol code, Explored Rooms, Automap, most of the
   client.c stuff and alot of other miscellaneous code.

* Ivan for original OLC v1.81/v2.01, and tablesave stuff. (www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Pines/9618/)

* Aardwolf, where I saw global quests, multiclassing, ect. (www.aardwolfmud.org)

* First saw 64 bit flags done on Icey Depths(?), anyway its an interesting multi-lingual codebase

* Dalsor of AWW WOT Mud for the original player homes code (aww-mud.org).

* Josh Brittenham [Josh.Brittenham@netins.net] for the original war code.

* Doug Araya (Whiplash) [whiplash@tft.nacs.net] for the original arena code (www.bit0.com/~whiplash/).

* Mythran MUD (Maniac) for the economy code (ftp.game.org/pub/mud/diku/merc/envy/mythran).

* Oliver Jowett [oliver@randomly.org] for the MCCP code (www.randomly.org).

* Vassago and the ROM consortium for the original Quest code.

* Rob Siemborski (Defiant) [mud@towers.crusoe.net] with updates by Chris Fewtrell (Trax) 
   [C.J.Fewtrell@bcs.org.uk] for the web server code found in AFKmud.

* RogueMUD by Kenneth Conley (Mendanbar) [scmud@mad.scientist.com] for parts of the new string editor.

* Room & Object Programs by Ralgha [ralgha@gatewaynight.betterbox.net]

* Hunt skill seems to originally have appeared in SillyMUD Distribution V1.1b.  Ported to Merc by
   Turtle, modified for ROM by Hidayet Dogan (Baxter) [hdogan@flipper.bitav.org.tr]

* Original Auto-Auction code by Brian Babey [bbabey@iname.com]

* All the users of the ROM Mailing List (www.the-infinite.org/lists/romlist)

* All the users of the 1stMud Mailing List (http://firstmud.com/)

* Sourceforge.net/CompileFarm (http://sourceforge.firstmud.com/)