GreedMud Release 0.99.5
Friday, 11th February 2000

Zen             <>

=== Clans code changes

The clan code for GreedMud is unique.  It consists of a blend of several
existing clan implementation's ideas, plus some more i came up with.
It resembles the SMAUG clans system but with a more advanced rank system.

=== Info on clan system

A clan may be of 4 types: regular (PKILL), no PKILL, Order or Guild like in

However the rank system is more complex; (from top to bottom) you have 5 ranks:
Overlord, Chieftain, Subchief, Clanhero, Clansman.

There may only be 1 Overlord of course, he may "exile", "promote" and "demote"
his fellow clansmen.

Both the Overlord and Chieftain may "initiate" players into the clan. There may
only be 1 Chieftain.

Clansmen have the 'crecall', 'cdonate', 'leave', 'claninfo' commands available.

You need a certain amount of members per officer:

Chieftain:	9 members required for each Chieftain, max 1 Chieftain.
Subchief:	6 members required for each Subchief, max unlimited Subchief's.
Clanhero:	3 members required for each Clanhero, max unlimited Clanhero's.
Clansman:	no limits, you may have as many foot soldiers as you want.

The member number limits may be too small for a large mud.  However since over
here we shouldn't have too many players i find these limits reasonable.

=== How to create a new clan

** First you must create the clan structure:

For a clan named 'Berserker Clan' the command is:

Ex: 'makeclan Berserker Clan'

This will create a file named 'berserker.cln' in the clans/ directory.

** Then you must choose the clan type, motto, clan recall room vnum,
   clan donation pit vnum, clan prizes object vnums:

Available clan types are: 'clan', 'npk_clan', 'order', 'guild'.

Ex: 'setclan berserker type clan'

Ex: 'setclan berserker motto'		Will allow you to edit the clan motto.
Ex: 'setclan berserker recall 4001'	Sets the 'crecall' room to vnum 4001.
Ex: 'setclan berserker donation 4001'	Sets the 'cdonate' pit to vnum 4001.

Ex: 'setclan berserker obj1 4002'	Sets the ClanHero prize to vnum 4002.
Ex: 'setclan berserker obj2 4003'	Sets the Subchief prize to vnum 4003.
Ex: 'setclan berserker obj3 4004'	Sets the Chieftain prize to vnum 4004.

Use 'showclan berserker' to check out if the data you filled in is correct.

** Create an Overlord and add him to the clan:

For a player named 'Frodo' the command sequence is:

'mset Frodo clan berserker'		Make Frodo a clan member
'mset Frodo rank overlord'		Make Frodo an overlord

'setclan berserker members 1'		Set the clan have 1 member (Frodo).
'setclan berserker overlord Frodo'	Set the clan overlord string to 'Frodo'.

The last two commands are for updating the clan structure.  This way players
can use the 'clans' command and know who is the overlord, etc.

That's it.  The clan should run mostly by itself now since the overlord can
'initiate', 'exile', 'promote', 'demote' his fellow clansmen at will.

=== Prizes and motivation for clansmen

As they rise trough the ranks, clansmen get clan prizes:

Clan Ring:	upon promotion to Clanhero
Clan Shield:	upon promotion to Subchief
Clan Weapon:	upon promotion to Chieftain

Each clan has a score, this score increases (in case of a fight between 2 PKILL
clan members) 50 points for each kill.

Of course this system has room for improvement.  With the added score you
could get more rooms for that clan or a special spec_healer type program for

=== Clan code & assorted stuff

Most clans code is in act_clan.c, but file load/saving is in tables.c.

=== The fundamental structures in memory are

++ The clans linked memory list ++

struct  clan_data
    CLAN_DATA * next;           /* next clan in list                    */
    char *      filename;       /* Clan filename                        */
    char *      who_name;       /* Clan who name                        */
    char *      name;           /* Clan name                            */
    char *      motto;          /* Clan motto                           */
    char *      description;    /* A brief description of the clan      */
    char *      overlord;       /* Head clan leader                     */
    char *      chieftain;      /* Second in command                    */
    int         pkills;         /* Number of pkills on behalf of clan   */
    int         pdeaths;        /* Number of pkills against clan        */
    int         mkills;         /* Number of mkills on behalf of clan   */
    int         mdeaths;        /* Number of clan deaths due to mobs    */
    int         illegal_pk;     /* Number of illegal pk's by clan       */
    int         score;          /* Overall score                        */
    int         clan_type;      /* See clan type defines                */
    int         subchiefs;      /* Number of subchiefs                  */
    int         clanheros;      /* Number of clanheros                  */
    int         members;        /* Number of clan members               */
    int         clanobj1;       /* Vnum of first clan obj (ring)        */
    int         clanobj2;       /* Vnum of second clan obj (shield)     */
    int         clanobj3;       /* Vnum of third clan obj (weapon)      */
    int         recall;         /* Vnum of clan's recall room           */
    int         donation;       /* Vnum of clan's donation pit          */
    int         cclass;         /* For guilds                           */

++ The player (pcdata) clan info data structures ++

	CLAN_DATA *ch->pcdata->clan	/* pointer to player's clan */
	int        ch->pcdata->rank	/* clan rank bits           */

	RANK_NONE		      0		/* Doesn't have a clan  */
	RANK_EXILED		      1		/* Exiled from a clan   */
	RANK_CLANSMAN		      2		/* Foot soldier         */
	RANK_CLANHERO		      3		/* Knight               */
	RANK_SUBCHIEF		      4		/* Knight Lord          */
	RANK_CHIEFTAIN		      5		/* Second in command    */
	RANK_OVERLORD		      6		/* Head clan leader     */

- Zen