GreedMud Release 0.99.5
Friday, 11th February 2000

Zen             <>

=== What's next?

I might finish and include these features in the next patch to GreedMud.
These features are by NO MEANS guaranteed to be coded. You might notice most of
the ideas aren't highly original. You see, my mind is usually useless at having
ideas for what to do if i don't have a set goal :-)

% - means sort of finished code.
* - means major, 'pie in the sky' changes.

		Debugging, cleanup, testing, improvement of code. You know...

*		Make the mud more AD&D based.

*		Substitute MOBPrograms for a real mud scripting language using
		  lex & yacc.

*		Use modules for the spells code so you can add/remove spells
		  on the fly.

*		Use POSIX threads. (This will break native Win32 compatibility)

*		Use TELNET char mode.  Make command line prompt like tcsh.

*		Add full Pueblo support. Or wait for the "next big thing"(tm)

		Automated quest code.

		Automated arena code, including challenge mode.

		Add value5 field to objects? Or value10?

*		Rework the whole classes idea.

...		Even more spells, even more skills.

%		Traps (discussed in the Merc mailing list)
		( can be made with a room special )

...		Add a couple more immskills ( never can have enough :-) )

		Online editing of classes & socials (save routine already made)

******		Make an entirely new mud, using Ansi C++ or Ansi Common Lisp

- Zen