Rogue Release 2.4
Sunday 03 Febuary 2001

Mendanbar	scmud@mad.scientist.com

=== Acknowledgment

This document contains information on how to import stock ROM24b6 areas
into a Rogue 2.4 game with as little changes as possible.

=== Overview

The Rogue codebase has modified the area files to support new features
and enhancements that make the world a safer place to eat muffins and
pinto beans. A few of these features are expanded affect bits (affect2_by)
for mobs, note descriptions for objects, themes for areas, security for
olc, and area flags that save data to the area file.

=== The #AREADATA section

    Theme <string>~
The theme is simular to the credits of original Diku/ROM. The theme is
like a short description of the "type" of area or theme ;)

    Flags ABCDE
This is barely used currently but it's used to store AREA_UNLINKED info.
In the future it is possible to hold other bits like nomodify.

    Security #
Added with OLC to set the security level a player needs to be to change
or create areas. This is important because you dont want everyone doing
that. If a player has their name in the Builders section he can modify
that area even if his security level is lower than that of the area.

=== The #MOBILES section

    Affect bits 2
This is for the expanded 64 affect flags. I ran out at 32 and needed
more room, so this is it.

=== The #OBJECTS section

    Note Description
This is for the extra note_descr on objects.

=== Warnings

When inserting a stock area into the game you have to watch out for
exits and resets that are from other areas, such as Midgaard. Midgaard is
linked to several other areas such as the newbie school, Midgaard2, and
surrounding areas. If an exit leads to a vnum that is out of bounds the
mud will crash, likewise if there is a reset of a mob or object that is
from another area the mud wont think twice about playing hell with your
mud. Usually if this happens the code will report it in the syslog.

=== Importing Areas

To import the area into the game move the file from rom2rogue/ into the
area/ directory. Edit the area list (area.lst) file and add the name of
the file just above the $ then save and reboot the mud. If the mud crashes
then refer to the warnings section on why it did what it did.

=== Fixing Errors

The files contained in rom2rogue have been modified to work with the
current Rogue version (2.4) and need only be plugged in to work. However
you may only be adding one area of a group of areas, such as Midgaard,
Newbie School, and surrounding areas.

If the error is a exit leading to nowhere then I would suggest opening
the file going to the line the syslog reports as being fubar and changing
the exit vnum into a vnum within that area, then take a note on what room
the exit was in. Later after you have fixed all the resets go into those
rooms you marked and then just delete the exit in olc.

Alternativly you can delete the lines in the area file or add the other
areas that the current area needs. What fun eh?