=== Rogue Contribution Policy

We welcome contributions to Rogue.

You can send us areas, spells, skills, bug reports, bug fixes, code,
ideas, comments on our documentation, interesting stories, or anything
else, to any of our addresses above.

We particularly would like to get copies of 'bugs.txt', 'ideas.txt', and
'typos.txt' from any site running a Rogue mud.

If we use your contribution, we will credit you for it in this file and in
the source files.  The 'help rogue' credits major contributions.

Rogue is devoted to open release.  Once we accept a contribution, it will
become available to the entire mud community.  Also, once we accept a
contribution and integrate it into Rogue, we will not remove it later if
you change your mind.

We usually rework code contributions into our own style.

You are welcome to use any element of Merc in your own mud, as long as you
follow the terms in 'license.doc' and 'license.txt'.  If you take things from
Rogue we'd appreciate e-mail from you.

To contribute code, submit your changes to me, Kenneth Conley, through
email (scmud@mad.scientist.com).