ROGUE Release 2.1

Mendanbar	scmud@mad.scientist.com

=== Rogue-Based MUD Sites

The following muds are based on Rogue code.  The implementors of these muds
add their own changes and features, so don't expect all these muds to look
alike.  Most of them look VERY different!

If you would like to be added to (or removed from) this list, just e-mail

Rogue 1.1:
	Nobody Liked This Version, Sorry.

Rogue 2.2:
	Gemini E.X.         softcon.com                 3000
	CotB                mudprovider.com             9000

Rogue 2.4:
	All new Rogue Muds can be found at the website, this file is
	no longer used to keep track of the rogue community.