* [S]imulated [M]edieval [A]dventure multi[U]ser [G]ame      |   \\._.//   *
* -----------------------------------------------------------|   (0...0)   *
* SMAUG 1.4 (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1998  by Derek Snider      |    ).:.(    *
* -----------------------------------------------------------|    {o o}    *
* SMAUG code team: Thoric, Altrag, Blodkai, Narn, Haus,      |   / ' ' \   *
* Scryn, Rennard, Swordbearer, Gorog, Grishnakh, Nivek,      |~'~.VxvxV.~'~*
* Tricops and Fireblade                                      |             *
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
* Merc 2.1 Diku Mud improvments copyright (C) 1992, 1993 by Michael        *
* Chastain, Michael Quan, and Mitchell Tse.                                *
* Original Diku Mud copyright (C) 1990, 1991 by Sebastian Hammer,          *
* Michael Seifert, Hans Henrik St{rfeldt, Tom Madsen, and Katja Nyboe.     *
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
*			   Player movement module			    *

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "mud.h"

const sh_int movement_loss[SECT_MAX] = {
  1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 6, 4, 1, 6, 10, 6, 5, 7, 4

char *const dir_name[] = {
  "north", "east", "south", "west", "up", "down",
  "northeast", "northwest", "southeast", "southwest", "somewhere"

const int trap_door[] = {

const sh_int rev_dir[] = {
  2, 3, 0, 1, 5, 4, 9, 8, 7, 6, 10

ROOM_INDEX_DATA *vroom_hash[64];

 * Local functions.
OBJ_DATA *has_key args( ( CHAR_DATA * ch, int key ) );

char *const sect_names[SECT_MAX][2] = {
  {"In a room", "inside"}
  , {"In a city", "cities"},
  {"In a field", "fields"}, {"In a forest", "forests"},
  {"hill", "hills"}, {"On a mountain", "mountains"},
  {"In the water", "waters"}, {"In rough water", "waters"},
  {"Underwater", "underwaters"}, {"In the air", "air"},
  {"In a desert", "deserts"}, {"Somewhere", "unknown"},
  {"ocean floor", "ocean floor"}, {"underground", "underground"}

const int sent_total[SECT_MAX] = {
  3, 5, 4, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 25, 1, 1

char *const room_sents[SECT_MAX][25] = {
   "rough hewn walls of granite with the occasional spider crawling around",
   "signs of a recent battle from the bloodstains on the floor",
   "a damp musty odour not unlike rotting vegetation"},

   "the occasional stray digging through some garbage",
   "merchants trying to lure customers to their tents",
   "some street people putting on an interesting display of talent",
   "an argument between a customer and a merchant about the price of an item",
   "several shady figures talking down a dark alleyway"},

   "sparce patches of brush and shrubs",
   "a small cluster of trees far off in the distance",
   "grassy fields as far as the eye can see",
   "a wide variety of weeds and wildflowers"},

   "tall, dark evergreens prevent you from seeing very far",
   "many huge oak trees that look several hundred years old",
   "a solitary lonely weeping willow",
   "a patch of bright white birch trees slender and tall"},

   "rolling hills lightly speckled with violet wildflowers"},

   "the rocky mountain pass offers many hiding places"},

   "the water is smooth as glass"},

   "rough waves splash about angrily"},

   "a small school of fish"},

   "the land far below",
   "a misty haze of clouds"},

   "sand as far as the eye can see",
   "an oasis far in the distance"},

   "nothing unusual", "nothing unusual", "nothing unusual",
   "nothing unusual", "nothing unusual", "nothing unusual",
   "nothing unusual", "nothing unusual", "nothing unusual",
   "nothing unusual", "nothing unusual", "nothing unusual",
   "nothing unusual", "nothing unusual", "nothing unusual",
   "nothing unusual", "nothing unusual", "nothing unusual",
   "nothing unusual", "nothing unusual", "nothing unusual",
   "nothing unusual", "nothing unusual", "nothing unusual",
   "nothing unusual",

   "rocks and coral which litter the ocean floor."},

   "a lengthy tunnel of rock."}


char *grab_word( char *argument, char *arg_first )
  char cEnd;
  sh_int count;

  count = 0;

  while( isspace( *argument ) )

  cEnd = ' ';
  if( *argument == '\'' || *argument == '"' )
    cEnd = *argument++;

  while( *argument != '\0' || ++count >= 255 )
    if( *argument == cEnd )
    *arg_first++ = *argument++;
  *arg_first = '\0';

  while( isspace( *argument ) )

  return argument;

bool has_exits( ROOM_INDEX_DATA * room )
  int count = 0;

  for( e = room->first_exit; e; e = e->next )

  if( count > 0 )
    return TRUE;
    return FALSE;


char *wordwrap( char *txt, sh_int wrap )
  static char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
  char *bufp;

  buf[0] = '\0';
  bufp = buf;
  if( txt != NULL )
    char line[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
    char temp[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
    char *ptr, *p;
    int ln, x;

    line[0] = '\0';
    ptr = txt;
    while( *ptr )
      ptr = grab_word( ptr, temp );
      ln = strlen( line );
      x = strlen( temp );
      if( ( ln + x + 1 ) < wrap )
        if( ln > 0 && line[ln - 1] == '.' )
          strcat( line, "  " );
          strcat( line, " " );
        strcat( line, temp );
        p = strchr( line, '\n' );
        if( !p )
          p = strchr( line, '\r' );
        if( p )
          strcat( buf, line );
          line[0] = '\0';
        strcat( line, "\r\n" );
        strcat( buf, line );
        strcpy( line, temp );
    if( line[0] != '\0' )
      strcat( buf, line );
  return bufp;

void decorate_room( ROOM_INDEX_DATA * room )
  char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
  char buf2[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
  int nRand;
  int iRand, len;
  int previous[8];
  int sector = room->sector_type;
  char *pre = "You notice ", *post = ".";

  if( room->name )
    STRFREE( room->name );
  if( room->description )
    STRFREE( room->description );

  room->name = STRALLOC( "In a virtual room" );
  room->description = STRALLOC( "You're on a pathway.\n\r" );

  return; /* Return with above till I can figure out what is
           * wrong with it. --Shaddai
  room->name = STRALLOC( sect_names[sector][0] );
  buf[0] = '\0';
  nRand = number_range( 1, UMIN( 8, sent_total[sector] ) );

  for( iRand = 0; iRand < nRand; iRand++ )
    previous[iRand] = -1;

  for( iRand = 0; iRand < nRand; iRand++ )
    while( previous[iRand] == -1 )
      int x, z;

      x = number_range( 0, sent_total[sector] - 1 );

      for( z = 0; z < iRand; z++ )
        if( previous[z] == x )

      if( z < iRand )

      previous[iRand] = x;

      len = strlen( buf );
      if( len == 0 )
        switch ( number_range( 1, 2 * ( iRand == nRand - 1 ) ? 1 : 2 ) )
          case 1:
            pre = "You notice ";
            post = ".";
          case 2:
            pre = "You see ";
            post = ".";
          case 3:
            pre = "You see ";
            post = ", and ";
          case 4:
            pre = "You notice ";
            post = ", and ";
        sprintf( buf2, "%s%s%s", pre, room_sents[sector][x], post );
      else if( iRand != nRand - 1 )
        if( buf[len - 1] == '.' )
          switch ( number_range( 0, 3 ) )
            case 0:
              pre = "you notice ";
              post = ".";
            case 1:
              pre = "you see ";
              post = ", and ";
            case 2:
              pre = "you see ";
              post = ".";
            case 3:
              pre = "over yonder ";
              post = ", and ";
          switch ( number_range( 0, 3 ) )
            case 0:
              pre = "";
              post = ".";
            case 1:
              pre = "";
              post = " not too far away.";
            case 2:
              pre = "";
              post = ", and ";
            case 3:
              pre = "";
              post = " nearby.";
        sprintf( buf2, "%s%s%s", pre, room_sents[sector][x], post );
        sprintf( buf2, "%s.", room_sents[sector][x] );
      if( len > 5 && buf[len - 1] == '.' )
        strcat( buf, "  " );
        buf2[0] = UPPER( buf2[0] );
      else if( len == 0 )
        buf2[0] = UPPER( buf2[0] );
      strcat( buf, buf2 );
   * Below is the line that causes the uninitialized memory read --Shaddai 
  sprintf( buf2, "%s\n\r", wordwrap( buf, 78 ) );
  room->description = STRALLOC( buf2 );

 * Remove any unused virtual rooms				-Thoric
void clear_vrooms(  )
  int hash;
  ROOM_INDEX_DATA *room, *room_next, *prev;

  for( hash = 0; hash < 64; hash++ )
    while( vroom_hash[hash] && !vroom_hash[hash]->first_person && !vroom_hash[hash]->first_content )
      room = vroom_hash[hash];
      vroom_hash[hash] = room->next;
      clean_room( room );
      DISPOSE( room );
    prev = NULL;
    for( room = vroom_hash[hash]; room; room = room_next )
      room_next = room->next;
      if( !room->first_person && !room->first_content )
        if( prev )
          prev->next = room_next;
        clean_room( room );
        DISPOSE( room );
      if( room )
        prev = room;

char *rev_exit( sh_int vdir )
  switch ( vdir )
      return "somewhere";
    case 0:
      return "the south";
    case 1:
      return "the west";
    case 2:
      return "the north";
    case 3:
      return "the east";
    case 4:
      return "below";
    case 5:
      return "above";
    case 6:
      return "the southwest";
    case 7:
      return "the southeast";
    case 8:
      return "the northwest";
    case 9:
      return "the northeast";

  return "<BUG: NOTIFY GOKU>";

 * Function to get the equivelant exit of DIR 0-MAXDIR out of linked list.
 * Made to allow old-style diku-merc exit functions to work.	-Thoric
EXIT_DATA *get_exit( ROOM_INDEX_DATA * room, sh_int dir )
  EXIT_DATA *xit;

  if( !room )
    bug( "Get_exit: NULL room", 0 );
    return NULL;

  for( xit = room->first_exit; xit; xit = xit->next )
    if( xit->vdir == dir )
      return xit;
  return NULL;

 * Function to get an exit, leading the the specified room
EXIT_DATA *get_exit_to( ROOM_INDEX_DATA * room, sh_int dir, int vnum )
  EXIT_DATA *xit;

  if( !room )
    bug( "Get_exit: NULL room", 0 );
    return NULL;

  for( xit = room->first_exit; xit; xit = xit->next )
    if( xit->vdir == dir && xit->vnum == vnum )
      return xit;
  return NULL;

 * Function to get the nth exit of a room			-Thoric
EXIT_DATA *get_exit_num( ROOM_INDEX_DATA * room, sh_int count )
  EXIT_DATA *xit;
  int cnt;

  if( !room )
    bug( "Get_exit: NULL room", 0 );
    return NULL;

  for( cnt = 0, xit = room->first_exit; xit; xit = xit->next )
    if( ++cnt == count )
      return xit;
  return NULL;

 * Modify movement due to encumbrance				-Thoric
sh_int encumbrance( CHAR_DATA * ch, sh_int move )
  int cur, max;

  max = can_carry_w( ch );
  cur = ch->carry_weight;
  if( cur >= max )
    return move * 4;
  else if( cur >= max * 0.95 )
    return move * 3.5;
  else if( cur >= max * 0.90 )
    return move * 3;
  else if( cur >= max * 0.85 )
    return move * 2.5;
  else if( cur >= max * 0.80 )
    return move * 2;
  else if( cur >= max * 0.75 )
    return move * 1.5;
    return move;

 * Check to see if a character can fall down, checks for looping   -Thoric
bool will_fall( CHAR_DATA * ch, int fall )
  if( xIS_SET( ch->in_room->room_flags, ROOM_NOFLOOR )
      && CAN_GO( ch, DIR_DOWN )
      && ( !IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_FLYING ) || ( ch->mount && !IS_AFFECTED( ch->mount, AFF_FLYING ) ) ) )
    if( fall > 80 )
      bug( "Falling (in a loop?) more than 80 rooms: vnum %d", ch->in_room->vnum );
      char_from_room( ch );
      char_to_room( ch, get_room_index( ROOM_VNUM_TEMPLE ) );
      fall = 0;
      return TRUE;
    set_char_color( AT_FALLING, ch );
    send_to_char( "You're falling down...\n\r", ch );
    move_char( ch, get_exit( ch->in_room, DIR_DOWN ), ++fall );
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

 * create a 'virtual' room					-Thoric
ROOM_INDEX_DATA *generate_exit( ROOM_INDEX_DATA * in_room, EXIT_DATA ** pexit )
  EXIT_DATA *xit, *bxit;
  EXIT_DATA *orig_exit = ( EXIT_DATA * ) * pexit;
  ROOM_INDEX_DATA *room, *backroom;
  int brvnum;
  int serial;
  int roomnum;
  int distance = -1;
  int vdir = orig_exit->vdir;
  sh_int hash;
  bool found = FALSE;

  if( in_room->vnum > MAX_VNUMS ) /* room is virtual */
    serial = in_room->vnum;
    roomnum = in_room->tele_vnum;
    if( ( serial & MAX_VNUMS ) == orig_exit->vnum )
      brvnum = serial >> 16;
      distance = roomnum;
      brvnum = serial & MAX_VNUMS;
      distance = orig_exit->distance - 1;
    backroom = get_room_index( brvnum );
    int r1 = in_room->vnum;
    int r2 = orig_exit->vnum;

    brvnum = r1;
    backroom = in_room;
    serial = ( UMAX( r1, r2 ) << 16 ) | UMIN( r1, r2 );
    distance = orig_exit->distance - 1;
    roomnum = r1 < r2 ? 1 : distance;
  hash = serial % 64;

  for( room = vroom_hash[hash]; room; room = room->next )
    if( room->vnum == serial && room->tele_vnum == roomnum )
      found = TRUE;
  if( !found )
    CREATE( room, ROOM_INDEX_DATA, 1 );
    room->area = in_room->area;
    room->vnum = serial;
    room->tele_vnum = roomnum;
    room->sector_type = in_room->sector_type;
    room->room_flags = in_room->room_flags;
    decorate_room( room );
    room->next = vroom_hash[hash];
    vroom_hash[hash] = room;
  if( !found || ( xit = get_exit( room, vdir ) ) == NULL )
    xit = make_exit( room, orig_exit->to_room, vdir );
    xit->keyword = STRALLOC( "" );
    xit->description = STRALLOC( "" );
    xit->key = -1;
    xit->distance = distance;
  if( !found )
    bxit = make_exit( room, backroom, rev_dir[vdir] );
    bxit->keyword = STRALLOC( "" );
    bxit->description = STRALLOC( "" );
    bxit->key = -1;
    if( ( serial & MAX_VNUMS ) != orig_exit->vnum )
      bxit->distance = roomnum;
      EXIT_DATA *tmp = get_exit( backroom, vdir );
      int fulldist = tmp->distance;

      bxit->distance = fulldist - distance;
  *pexit = xit;
  return room;

ch_ret move_char( CHAR_DATA * ch, EXIT_DATA * pexit, int fall )
  ROOM_INDEX_DATA *in_room;
  ROOM_INDEX_DATA *to_room;
  ROOM_INDEX_DATA *from_room;
  OBJ_DATA *boat;
  char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
  char *txt;
  char *dtxt;
  ch_ret retcode;
  sh_int door, distance;
  bool drunk = FALSE;
  bool nuisance = FALSE;
  bool brief = FALSE;

  if( !IS_NPC( ch ) )
    if( IS_DRUNK( ch, 2 ) && ( ch->position != POS_SHOVE ) && ( ch->position != POS_DRAG ) )
      drunk = TRUE;

     * Nuisance flag, makes them walk in random directions 50% of the time
     * * -Shaddai

    if( ch->pcdata->nuisance && ch->pcdata->nuisance->flags > 8 &&
        ( ch->position != POS_SHOVE ) && ( ch->position != POS_DRAG ) &&
        number_percent(  ) > ( ch->pcdata->nuisance->flags * ch->pcdata->nuisance->power ) )
      nuisance = TRUE;

  if( ( nuisance || drunk ) && !fall )
    door = number_door(  );
    pexit = get_exit( ch->in_room, door );

#ifdef DEBUG
  if( pexit )
    sprintf( buf, "move_char: %s to door %d", ch->name, pexit->vdir );
    log_string( buf );

  retcode = rNONE;
  txt = NULL;

  if( IS_NPC( ch ) && xIS_SET( ch->act, ACT_MOUNTED ) )
    return retcode;

  in_room = ch->in_room;
  from_room = in_room;
  if( pexit )
    to_room = pexit->to_room;
  //if ( !pexit || (to_room = pexit->to_room) == NULL )
  if( !pexit || !to_room )
    if( drunk && ch->position != POS_MOUNTED
        && ch->in_room->sector_type != SECT_WATER_SWIM
        && ch->in_room->sector_type != SECT_WATER_NOSWIM
        && ch->in_room->sector_type != SECT_UNDERWATER
        && ch->in_room->sector_type != SECT_OCEANFLOOR && ch->in_room->sector_type != SECT_SPACE )
      switch ( number_bits( 4 ) )
          act( AT_ACTION, "You drunkenly stumble into some obstacle.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR );
          act( AT_ACTION, "$n drunkenly stumbles into a nearby obstacle.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
        case 3:
          act( AT_ACTION, "In your drunken stupor you trip over your own feet and tumble to the ground.", ch, NULL, NULL,
               TO_CHAR );
          act( AT_ACTION, "$n stumbles drunkenly, trips and tumbles to the ground.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
          ch->position = POS_RESTING;
        case 4:
          act( AT_SOCIAL, "You utter a string of slurred obscenities.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR );
          act( AT_ACTION, "Something blurry and immovable has intercepted you as you stagger along.", ch, NULL, NULL,
               TO_CHAR );
          act( AT_HURT, "Oh geez... THAT really hurt.  Everything slowly goes dark and numb...", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR );
          act( AT_ACTION, "$n drunkenly staggers into something.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
          act( AT_SOCIAL, "$n utters a string of slurred obscenities: @*&^%@*&!", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
          act( AT_ACTION, "$n topples to the ground with a thud.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
          ch->position = POS_INCAP;
    else if( nuisance )
      act( AT_ACTION, "You stare around trying to remember where you where going.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR );
    else if( drunk )
      act( AT_ACTION, "You stare around trying to make sense of things through your drunken stupor.", ch, NULL, NULL,
           TO_CHAR );
      send_to_char( "Alas, you cannot go that way.\n\r", ch );
    return rNONE;

  door = pexit->vdir;
  distance = pexit->distance;

   * Exit is only a "window", there is no way to travel in that direction
   * unless it's a door with a window in it   -Thoric
  if( IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_WINDOW ) && !IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_ISDOOR ) )
    send_to_char( "Alas, you cannot go that way.\n\r", ch );
    return rNONE;

  if( IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_PORTAL ) && IS_NPC( ch ) )
    act( AT_PLAIN, "Mobs can't use portals.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR );
    return rNONE;

  if( IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_NOMOB ) && IS_NPC( ch ) && !is_split( ch ) )
    act( AT_PLAIN, "Mobs can't enter there.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR );
    return rNONE;

  if( IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_CLOSED )
      && ( !IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_PASS_DOOR ) || IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_NOPASSDOOR ) ) )
    if( !IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_SECRET ) && !IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_DIG ) )
      if( drunk )
        act( AT_PLAIN, "$n runs into the $d in $s drunken state.", ch, NULL, pexit->keyword, TO_ROOM );
        act( AT_PLAIN, "You run into the $d in your drunken state.", ch, NULL, pexit->keyword, TO_CHAR );
        act( AT_PLAIN, "The $d is closed.", ch, NULL, pexit->keyword, TO_CHAR );
      if( drunk )
        send_to_char( "You stagger around in your drunken state.\n\r", ch );
        send_to_char( "Alas, you cannot go that way.\n\r", ch );

    return rNONE;

   * Crazy virtual room idea, created upon demand.    -Thoric
  if( distance > 1 )
    if( ( to_room = generate_exit( in_room, &pexit ) ) == NULL )
      send_to_char( "Alas, you cannot go that way.\n\r", ch );

  if( !fall && IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_CHARM ) && ch->master && in_room == ch->master->in_room )
    send_to_char( "What?  And leave your beloved master?\n\r", ch );
    return rNONE;

  if( room_is_private( to_room ) )
    send_to_char( "That room is private right now.\n\r", ch );
    return rNONE;

  if( room_is_dnd( ch, to_room ) )
    send_to_char( "That room is \"do not disturb\" right now.\n\r", ch );
    return rNONE;

  if( room_HBTC_check( ch, to_room ) )
    char sbuf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];

    sprintf( sbuf, "You can't enter there until: %24.24s.\n\r", ctime( &ch->pcdata->nextHBTCDate ) );
    send_to_char( sbuf, ch );
    return rNONE;

  if( room_HBTC_not_partner( ch, to_room ) )
    send_to_char( "The person in there is not designated as your partner " "for the Time Chamber.\n\r", ch );
    return rNONE;

  if( !IS_IMMORTAL( ch ) && !IS_NPC( ch ) && ch->in_room->area != to_room->area )
    if( ch->level < to_room->area->low_hard_range )
      set_char_color( AT_TELL, ch );
      switch ( to_room->area->low_hard_range - ch->level )
        case 1:
          send_to_char( "A voice in your mind says, 'You are nearly ready to go that way...'", ch );
        case 2:
          send_to_char( "A voice in your mind says, 'Soon you shall be ready to travel down this path... soon.'", ch );
        case 3:
          send_to_char( "A voice in your mind says, 'You are not ready to go down that path... yet.'.\n\r", ch );
          send_to_char( "A voice in your mind says, 'You are not ready to go down that path.'.\n\r", ch );
      return rNONE;
    else if( ch->level > to_room->area->hi_hard_range )
      set_char_color( AT_TELL, ch );
      send_to_char( "A voice in your mind says, 'There is nothing more for you down that path.'", ch );
      return rNONE;

  if( !fall && !IS_NPC( ch ) )
     * int iClass;
    //  int move;
     * Pretty sure we don't need to check for guilds anymore now that we have
     * the new dh. -- Narn
     * for ( iClass = 0; iClass < MAX_CLASS; iClass++ )
     * {
     * if ( iClass != ch->class
     * &&   to_room->vnum == class_table[iClass]->guild )
     * {
     * send_to_char( "You aren't allowed in there.\n\r", ch );
     * return rNONE;
     * }
     * }

     * Prevent deadlies from entering a nopkill-flagged area from a
     * non-flagged area, but allow them to move around if already
     * inside a nopkill area. - Blodkai
     * if (  IS_SET( to_room->area->flags, AFLAG_NOPKILL )
     * &&   !IS_SET( ch->in_room->area->flags, AFLAG_NOPKILL )
     * && (  IS_PKILL (ch) && !IS_IMMORTAL (ch) ) )
     * {
     * set_char_color( AT_MAGIC, ch );
     * send_to_char( "\n\rA godly force forbids deadly characters from entering that area...\n\r", ch);
     * return rNONE;
     * }
    if( in_room->sector_type == SECT_AIR
        || in_room->sector_type == SECT_SPACE
        || to_room->sector_type == SECT_AIR || to_room->sector_type == SECT_SPACE || IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_FLY ) )
      if( ch->mount && !IS_AFFECTED( ch->mount, AFF_FLYING ) )
        send_to_char( "Your mount can't fly.\n\r", ch );
        return rNONE;
      if( !ch->mount && !IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_FLYING ) )
        send_to_char( "You'd need to fly to go there.\n\r", ch );
        return rNONE;

    if( in_room->sector_type == SECT_WATER_NOSWIM || to_room->sector_type == SECT_WATER_NOSWIM )
      if( ( ch->mount && !IS_FLOATING( ch->mount ) ) || !IS_FLOATING( ch ) )
         * Look for a boat.
         * We can use the boat obj for a more detailed description.
        if( ( boat = get_objtype( ch, ITEM_BOAT ) ) != NULL )
          if( drunk )
            txt = "paddles unevenly";
            txt = "paddles";
          if( ch->mount )
            send_to_char( "Your mount would drown!\n\r", ch );
            send_to_char( "You'd need a boat to go there.\n\r", ch );
          return rNONE;

    if( IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_CLIMB ) )
      bool found;

      found = FALSE;
      if( ch->mount && IS_AFFECTED( ch->mount, AFF_FLYING ) )
        found = TRUE;
      else if( IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_FLYING ) )
        found = TRUE;

      if( !found && !ch->mount )
        if( ( !IS_NPC( ch ) && number_percent(  ) > LEARNED( ch, gsn_climb ) ) || drunk || ch->mental_state < -90 )
          send_to_char( "You start to climb... but lose your grip and fall!\n\r", ch );
          learn_from_failure( ch, gsn_climb );
          if( pexit->vdir == DIR_DOWN )
            retcode = move_char( ch, pexit, 1 );
            return retcode;
          set_char_color( AT_HURT, ch );
          send_to_char( "OUCH! You hit the ground!\n\r", ch );
          WAIT_STATE( ch, 20 );
          retcode = damage( ch, ch, ( pexit->vdir == DIR_UP ? 10 : 5 ), TYPE_UNDEFINED );
          return retcode;
        found = TRUE;
        learn_from_success( ch, gsn_climb );
        WAIT_STATE( ch, skill_table[gsn_climb]->beats );
        txt = "climbs";

      if( !found )
        send_to_char( "You can't climb.\n\r", ch );
        return rNONE;

    if( ch->mount )
      switch ( ch->mount->position )
        case POS_DEAD:
          send_to_char( "Your mount is dead!\n\r", ch );
          return rNONE;

        case POS_MORTAL:
        case POS_INCAP:
          send_to_char( "Your mount is hurt far too badly to move.\n\r", ch );
          return rNONE;

        case POS_STUNNED:
          send_to_char( "Your mount is too stunned to do that.\n\r", ch );
          return rNONE;

        case POS_SLEEPING:
          send_to_char( "Your mount is sleeping.\n\r", ch );
          return rNONE;

        case POS_RESTING:
          send_to_char( "Your mount is resting.\n\r", ch );
          return rNONE;

        case POS_SITTING:
          send_to_char( "Your mount is sitting down.\n\r", ch );
          return rNONE;

       * if ( !IS_FLOATING(ch->mount) )
       * move = movement_loss[UMIN(SECT_MAX-1, in_room->sector_type)];
       * else
       * move = 1;
       * if ( ch->mount->move < move )
       * {
       * send_to_char( "Your mount is too exhausted.\n\r", ch );
       * return rNONE;
       * }
     * else
     * {
     * if ( !IS_FLOATING(ch) )
     * move = encumbrance( ch, movement_loss[UMIN(SECT_MAX-1, in_room->sector_type)] );
     * else
     * move = 1;
     * if ( ch->move < move )
     * {
     * send_to_char( "You are too exhausted.\n\r", ch );
     * return rNONE;
     * }
     * }
     * WAIT_STATE( ch, move );
     * if ( ch->mount )
     * ch->mount->move -= move;
     * else
     * ch->move -= move;

   * Check if player can fit in the room
  if( to_room->tunnel > 0 )
    CHAR_DATA *ctmp;
    int count = ch->mount ? 1 : 0;

    for( ctmp = to_room->first_person; ctmp; ctmp = ctmp->next_in_room )
      if( ++count >= to_room->tunnel )
        if( ch->mount && count == to_room->tunnel )
          send_to_char( "There is no room for both you and your mount there.\n\r", ch );
          send_to_char( "There is no room for you there.\n\r", ch );
        return rNONE;

   * check for traps on exit - later 

  if( !IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_SNEAK ) && ( IS_NPC( ch ) || !xIS_SET( ch->act, PLR_WIZINVIS ) ) )
    if( fall )
      txt = "falls";
    else if( !txt )
      if( ch->mount )
        if( IS_AFFECTED( ch->mount, AFF_FLOATING ) )
          txt = "floats";
        else if( IS_AFFECTED( ch->mount, AFF_FLYING ) )
          txt = "flies";
          txt = "rides";
        if( IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_FLOATING ) )
          if( drunk )
            txt = "floats unsteadily";
            txt = "floats";
        else if( IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_FLYING ) )
          if( drunk )
            txt = "flies shakily";
            txt = "flies";
        else if( ch->position == POS_SHOVE )
          txt = "is shoved";
        else if( ch->position == POS_DRAG )
          txt = "is dragged";
          if( drunk )
            txt = "stumbles drunkenly";
            txt = "leaves";
    if( ch->mount )
      sprintf( buf, "$n %s %s upon $N.", txt, dir_name[door] );

      act( AT_ACTION, buf, ch, NULL, ch->mount, TO_NOTVICT );
      sprintf( buf, "$n %s $T.", txt );

      act( AT_ACTION, buf, ch, NULL, dir_name[door], TO_ROOM );

  rprog_leave_trigger( ch );
  if( char_died( ch ) )
    return global_retcode;

  char_from_room( ch );
  if( ch->mount )
    rprog_leave_trigger( ch->mount );
    if( char_died( ch ) )
      return global_retcode;
    if( ch->mount )
      char_from_room( ch->mount );
      char_to_room( ch->mount, to_room );

  char_to_room( ch, to_room );
  if( !IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_SNEAK ) && ( IS_NPC( ch ) || !xIS_SET( ch->act, PLR_WIZINVIS ) ) )
    if( fall )
      txt = "falls";
    else if( ch->mount )
      if( IS_AFFECTED( ch->mount, AFF_FLOATING ) )
        txt = "floats in";
      else if( IS_AFFECTED( ch->mount, AFF_FLYING ) )
        txt = "flies in";
        txt = "rides in";
      if( IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_FLOATING ) )
        if( drunk )
          txt = "floats in unsteadily";
          txt = "floats in";
      else if( IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_FLYING ) )
        if( drunk )
          txt = "flies in shakily";
          txt = "flies in";
      else if( ch->position == POS_SHOVE )
        txt = "is shoved in";
      else if( ch->position == POS_DRAG )
        txt = "is dragged in";
        if( drunk )
          txt = "stumbles drunkenly in";
          txt = "arrives";
    dtxt = rev_exit( door );
    if( ch->mount )
      sprintf( buf, "$n %s from %s upon $N.", txt, dtxt );

      act( AT_ACTION, buf, ch, NULL, ch->mount, TO_ROOM );
      sprintf( buf, "$n %s from %s.", txt, dtxt );

      act( AT_ACTION, buf, ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );

  if( !IS_IMMORTAL( ch ) && !IS_NPC( ch ) && ch->in_room->area != to_room->area )
    if( ch->level < to_room->area->low_soft_range )
      set_char_color( AT_MAGIC, ch );
      send_to_char( "You feel uncomfortable being in this strange land...\n\r", ch );
    else if( ch->level > to_room->area->hi_soft_range )
      set_char_color( AT_MAGIC, ch );
      send_to_char( "You feel there is not much to gain visiting this place...\n\r", ch );

   * Make sure everyone sees the room description of death traps. 
  if( xIS_SET( ch->in_room->room_flags, ROOM_DEATH ) && !IS_IMMORTAL( ch ) )
    if( xIS_SET( ch->act, PLR_BRIEF ) )
      brief = TRUE;
    xREMOVE_BIT( ch->act, PLR_BRIEF );

  do_look( ch, "auto" );
  if( brief )
    xSET_BIT( ch->act, PLR_BRIEF );

   * Put good-old EQ-munching death traps back in!    -Thoric
  if( xIS_SET( ch->in_room->room_flags, ROOM_DEATH ) && !IS_IMMORTAL( ch ) )
    act( AT_DEAD, "$n falls prey to a terrible death!", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
    set_char_color( AT_DEAD, ch );
    send_to_char( "Oopsie... you're dead!\n\r", ch );
    sprintf( buf, "%s hit a DEATH TRAP in room %d!", ch->name, ch->in_room->vnum );
    log_string( buf );
    to_channel( buf, CHANNEL_MONITOR, "Monitor", LEVEL_IMMORTAL );
    extract_char( ch, FALSE );
    return rCHAR_DIED;

   * BIG ugly looping problem here when the character is mptransed back
   * to the starting room.  To avoid this, check how many chars are in
   * the room at the start and stop processing followers after doing
   * the right number of them.  -- Narn
  if( !fall )
    CHAR_DATA *fch;
    CHAR_DATA *nextinroom;
    int chars = 0, count = 0;

    for( fch = from_room->first_person; fch; fch = fch->next_in_room )

    for( fch = from_room->first_person; fch && ( count < chars ); fch = nextinroom )
      nextinroom = fch->next_in_room;
      if( fch != ch /* loop room bug fix here by Thoric */
          && fch->master == ch && fch->position == POS_STANDING )
        act( AT_ACTION, "You follow $N.", fch, NULL, ch, TO_CHAR );
        move_char( fch, pexit, 0 );

  if( ch->in_room->first_content )
    retcode = check_room_for_traps( ch, TRAP_ENTER_ROOM );
  if( retcode != rNONE )
    return retcode;

  if( char_died( ch ) )
    return retcode;

  mprog_entry_trigger( ch );
  if( char_died( ch ) )
    return retcode;

  rprog_enter_trigger( ch );
  if( char_died( ch ) )
    return retcode;

  mprog_greet_trigger( ch );
  if( char_died( ch ) )
    return retcode;

  oprog_greet_trigger( ch );
  if( char_died( ch ) )
    return retcode;

  if( !will_fall( ch, fall ) && fall > 0 )
    if( !IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_FLOATING ) || ( ch->mount && !IS_AFFECTED( ch->mount, AFF_FLOATING ) ) )
      set_char_color( AT_HURT, ch );
      send_to_char( "OUCH! You hit the ground!\n\r", ch );
      WAIT_STATE( ch, 20 );
      retcode = damage( ch, ch, 20 * fall, TYPE_UNDEFINED );
      set_char_color( AT_MAGIC, ch );
      send_to_char( "You lightly float down to the ground.\n\r", ch );
  return retcode;

void do_north( CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument )
  move_char( ch, get_exit( ch->in_room, DIR_NORTH ), 0 );

void do_east( CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument )
  move_char( ch, get_exit( ch->in_room, DIR_EAST ), 0 );

void do_south( CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument )
  move_char( ch, get_exit( ch->in_room, DIR_SOUTH ), 0 );

void do_west( CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument )
  move_char( ch, get_exit( ch->in_room, DIR_WEST ), 0 );

void do_up( CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument )
  move_char( ch, get_exit( ch->in_room, DIR_UP ), 0 );

void do_down( CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument )
  move_char( ch, get_exit( ch->in_room, DIR_DOWN ), 0 );

void do_northeast( CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument )
  move_char( ch, get_exit( ch->in_room, DIR_NORTHEAST ), 0 );

void do_northwest( CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument )
  move_char( ch, get_exit( ch->in_room, DIR_NORTHWEST ), 0 );

void do_southeast( CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument )
  move_char( ch, get_exit( ch->in_room, DIR_SOUTHEAST ), 0 );

void do_southwest( CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument )
  move_char( ch, get_exit( ch->in_room, DIR_SOUTHWEST ), 0 );

EXIT_DATA *find_door( CHAR_DATA * ch, char *arg, bool quiet )
  EXIT_DATA *pexit;
  int door;

  if( arg == NULL || !str_cmp( arg, "" ) )
    return NULL;

  pexit = NULL;
  if( !str_cmp( arg, "n" ) || !str_cmp( arg, "north" ) )
    door = 0;
  else if( !str_cmp( arg, "e" ) || !str_cmp( arg, "east" ) )
    door = 1;
  else if( !str_cmp( arg, "s" ) || !str_cmp( arg, "south" ) )
    door = 2;
  else if( !str_cmp( arg, "w" ) || !str_cmp( arg, "west" ) )
    door = 3;
  else if( !str_cmp( arg, "u" ) || !str_cmp( arg, "up" ) )
    door = 4;
  else if( !str_cmp( arg, "d" ) || !str_cmp( arg, "down" ) )
    door = 5;
  else if( !str_cmp( arg, "ne" ) || !str_cmp( arg, "northeast" ) )
    door = 6;
  else if( !str_cmp( arg, "nw" ) || !str_cmp( arg, "northwest" ) )
    door = 7;
  else if( !str_cmp( arg, "se" ) || !str_cmp( arg, "southeast" ) )
    door = 8;
  else if( !str_cmp( arg, "sw" ) || !str_cmp( arg, "southwest" ) )
    door = 9;
    for( pexit = ch->in_room->first_exit; pexit; pexit = pexit->next )
      if( ( quiet || IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_ISDOOR ) ) && pexit->keyword && nifty_is_name( arg, pexit->keyword ) )
        return pexit;
    if( !quiet )
      act( AT_PLAIN, "You see no $T here.", ch, NULL, arg, TO_CHAR );
    return NULL;

  if( ( pexit = get_exit( ch->in_room, door ) ) == NULL )
    if( !quiet )
      act( AT_PLAIN, "You see no $T here.", ch, NULL, arg, TO_CHAR );
    return NULL;

  if( quiet )
    return pexit;

  if( IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_SECRET ) )
    act( AT_PLAIN, "You see no $T here.", ch, NULL, arg, TO_CHAR );
    return NULL;

  if( !IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_ISDOOR ) )
    send_to_char( "You can't do that.\n\r", ch );
    return NULL;

  return pexit;

void set_bexit_flag( EXIT_DATA * pexit, int flag )
  EXIT_DATA *pexit_rev;

  SET_BIT( pexit->exit_info, flag );
  if( ( pexit_rev = pexit->rexit ) != NULL && pexit_rev != pexit )
    SET_BIT( pexit_rev->exit_info, flag );

void remove_bexit_flag( EXIT_DATA * pexit, int flag )
  EXIT_DATA *pexit_rev;

  REMOVE_BIT( pexit->exit_info, flag );
  if( ( pexit_rev = pexit->rexit ) != NULL && pexit_rev != pexit )
    REMOVE_BIT( pexit_rev->exit_info, flag );

void toggle_bexit_flag( EXIT_DATA * pexit, int flag )
  EXIT_DATA *pexit_rev;

  TOGGLE_BIT( pexit->exit_info, flag );
  if( ( pexit_rev = pexit->rexit ) != NULL && pexit_rev != pexit )
    TOGGLE_BIT( pexit_rev->exit_info, flag );

void do_open( CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument )
  char arg[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
  OBJ_DATA *obj;
  EXIT_DATA *pexit;
  int door;

  one_argument( argument, arg );

  if( arg[0] == '\0' )
    send_to_char( "Open what?\n\r", ch );

  if( ( pexit = find_door( ch, arg, TRUE ) ) != NULL )
     * 'open door' 
    EXIT_DATA *pexit_rev;

    if( IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_SECRET ) && pexit->keyword && !nifty_is_name( arg, pexit->keyword ) )
      ch_printf( ch, "You see no %s here.\n\r", arg );
    if( !IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_ISDOOR ) )
      send_to_char( "You can't do that.\n\r", ch );
    if( !IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_CLOSED ) )
      send_to_char( "It's already open.\n\r", ch );
    if( IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_LOCKED ) && IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_BOLTED ) )
      send_to_char( "The bolts locked.\n\r", ch );
    if( IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_BOLTED ) )
      send_to_char( "It's bolted.\n\r", ch );
    if( IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_LOCKED ) )
      send_to_char( "It's locked.\n\r", ch );

    if( !IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_SECRET ) || ( pexit->keyword && nifty_is_name( arg, pexit->keyword ) ) )
      act( AT_ACTION, "$n opens the $d.", ch, NULL, pexit->keyword, TO_ROOM );
      act( AT_ACTION, "You open the $d.", ch, NULL, pexit->keyword, TO_CHAR );
      if( ( pexit_rev = pexit->rexit ) != NULL && pexit_rev->to_room == ch->in_room )
        CHAR_DATA *rch;

        for( rch = pexit->to_room->first_person; rch; rch = rch->next_in_room )
          act( AT_ACTION, "The $d opens.", rch, NULL, pexit_rev->keyword, TO_CHAR );
      remove_bexit_flag( pexit, EX_CLOSED );
      if( ( door = pexit->vdir ) >= 0 && door < 10 )
        check_room_for_traps( ch, trap_door[door] );

  if( ( obj = get_obj_here( ch, arg ) ) != NULL )
     * 'open object' 
    if( obj->item_type != ITEM_CONTAINER )
      ch_printf( ch, "%s is not a container.\n\r", capitalize( obj->short_descr ) );
    if( !IS_SET( obj->value[1], CONT_CLOSED ) )
      ch_printf( ch, "%s is already open.\n\r", capitalize( obj->short_descr ) );
    if( !IS_SET( obj->value[1], CONT_CLOSEABLE ) )
      ch_printf( ch, "%s cannot be opened or closed.\n\r", capitalize( obj->short_descr ) );
    if( IS_SET( obj->value[1], CONT_LOCKED ) )
      ch_printf( ch, "%s is locked.\n\r", capitalize( obj->short_descr ) );

    REMOVE_BIT( obj->value[1], CONT_CLOSED );
    act( AT_ACTION, "You open $p.", ch, obj, NULL, TO_CHAR );
    act( AT_ACTION, "$n opens $p.", ch, obj, NULL, TO_ROOM );
    check_for_trap( ch, obj, TRAP_OPEN );

  ch_printf( ch, "You see no %s here.\n\r", arg );

void do_close( CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument )
  char arg[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
  OBJ_DATA *obj;
  EXIT_DATA *pexit;
  int door;

  one_argument( argument, arg );

  if( arg[0] == '\0' )
    send_to_char( "Close what?\n\r", ch );

  if( ( pexit = find_door( ch, arg, TRUE ) ) != NULL )
     * 'close door' 
    EXIT_DATA *pexit_rev;

    if( !IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_ISDOOR ) )
      send_to_char( "You can't do that.\n\r", ch );
    if( IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_CLOSED ) )
      send_to_char( "It's already closed.\n\r", ch );

    act( AT_ACTION, "$n closes the $d.", ch, NULL, pexit->keyword, TO_ROOM );
    act( AT_ACTION, "You close the $d.", ch, NULL, pexit->keyword, TO_CHAR );

     * close the other side 
    if( ( pexit_rev = pexit->rexit ) != NULL && pexit_rev->to_room == ch->in_room )
      CHAR_DATA *rch;

      SET_BIT( pexit_rev->exit_info, EX_CLOSED );
      for( rch = pexit->to_room->first_person; rch; rch = rch->next_in_room )
        act( AT_ACTION, "The $d closes.", rch, NULL, pexit_rev->keyword, TO_CHAR );
    set_bexit_flag( pexit, EX_CLOSED );
    if( ( door = pexit->vdir ) >= 0 && door < 10 )
      check_room_for_traps( ch, trap_door[door] );

  if( ( obj = get_obj_here( ch, arg ) ) != NULL )
     * 'close object' 
    if( obj->item_type != ITEM_CONTAINER )
      ch_printf( ch, "%s is not a container.\n\r", capitalize( obj->short_descr ) );
    if( IS_SET( obj->value[1], CONT_CLOSED ) )
      ch_printf( ch, "%s is already closed.\n\r", capitalize( obj->short_descr ) );
    if( !IS_SET( obj->value[1], CONT_CLOSEABLE ) )
      ch_printf( ch, "%s cannot be opened or closed.\n\r", capitalize( obj->short_descr ) );

    SET_BIT( obj->value[1], CONT_CLOSED );
    act( AT_ACTION, "You close $p.", ch, obj, NULL, TO_CHAR );
    act( AT_ACTION, "$n closes $p.", ch, obj, NULL, TO_ROOM );
    check_for_trap( ch, obj, TRAP_CLOSE );

  ch_printf( ch, "You see no %s here.\n\r", arg );

 * Keyring support added by Thoric
 * Idea suggested by Onyx <MtRicmer@worldnet.att.net> of Eldarion
 * New: returns pointer to key/NULL instead of TRUE/FALSE
 * If you want a feature like having immortals always have a key... you'll
 * need to code in a generic key, and make sure extract_obj doesn't extract it
OBJ_DATA *has_key( CHAR_DATA * ch, int key )
  OBJ_DATA *obj, *obj2;

  for( obj = ch->first_carrying; obj; obj = obj->next_content )
    if( obj->pIndexData->vnum == key || ( obj->item_type == ITEM_KEY && obj->value[0] == key ) )
      return obj;
    else if( obj->item_type == ITEM_KEYRING )
      for( obj2 = obj->first_content; obj2; obj2 = obj2->next_content )
        if( obj2->pIndexData->vnum == key || obj2->value[0] == key )
          return obj2;

  return NULL;

void do_lock( CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument )
  char arg[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
  OBJ_DATA *obj, *key;
  EXIT_DATA *pexit;
  int count;

  one_argument( argument, arg );

  if( arg[0] == '\0' )
    send_to_char( "Lock what?\n\r", ch );

  if( ( pexit = find_door( ch, arg, TRUE ) ) != NULL )
     * 'lock door' 

    if( !IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_ISDOOR ) )
      send_to_char( "You can't do that.\n\r", ch );
    if( !IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_CLOSED ) )
      send_to_char( "It's not closed.\n\r", ch );
    if( pexit->key < 0 )
      send_to_char( "It can't be locked.\n\r", ch );
    if( ( key = has_key( ch, pexit->key ) ) == NULL )
      send_to_char( "You lack the key.\n\r", ch );
    if( IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_LOCKED ) )
      send_to_char( "It's already locked.\n\r", ch );

    if( !IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_SECRET ) || ( pexit->keyword && nifty_is_name( arg, pexit->keyword ) ) )
      send_to_char( "*Click*\n\r", ch );
      count = key->count;
      key->count = 1;
      act( AT_ACTION, "$n locks the $d with $p.", ch, key, pexit->keyword, TO_ROOM );
      key->count = count;
      set_bexit_flag( pexit, EX_LOCKED );

  if( ( obj = get_obj_here( ch, arg ) ) != NULL )
     * 'lock object' 
    if( obj->item_type != ITEM_CONTAINER )
      send_to_char( "That's not a container.\n\r", ch );
    if( !IS_SET( obj->value[1], CONT_CLOSED ) )
      send_to_char( "It's not closed.\n\r", ch );
    if( obj->value[2] < 0 )
      send_to_char( "It can't be locked.\n\r", ch );
    if( ( key = has_key( ch, obj->value[2] ) ) == NULL )
      send_to_char( "You lack the key.\n\r", ch );
    if( IS_SET( obj->value[1], CONT_LOCKED ) )
      send_to_char( "It's already locked.\n\r", ch );

    SET_BIT( obj->value[1], CONT_LOCKED );
    send_to_char( "*Click*\n\r", ch );
    count = key->count;
    key->count = 1;
    act( AT_ACTION, "$n locks $p with $P.", ch, obj, key, TO_ROOM );
    key->count = count;

  ch_printf( ch, "You see no %s here.\n\r", arg );

void do_unlock( CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument )
  char arg[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
  OBJ_DATA *obj, *key;
  EXIT_DATA *pexit;
  int count;

  one_argument( argument, arg );

  if( arg[0] == '\0' )
    send_to_char( "Unlock what?\n\r", ch );

  if( ( pexit = find_door( ch, arg, TRUE ) ) != NULL )
     * 'unlock door' 

    if( !IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_ISDOOR ) )
      send_to_char( "You can't do that.\n\r", ch );
    if( !IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_CLOSED ) )
      send_to_char( "It's not closed.\n\r", ch );
    if( pexit->key < 0 )
      send_to_char( "It can't be unlocked.\n\r", ch );
    if( ( key = has_key( ch, pexit->key ) ) == NULL )
      send_to_char( "You lack the key.\n\r", ch );
    if( !IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_LOCKED ) )
      send_to_char( "It's already unlocked.\n\r", ch );

    if( !IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_SECRET ) || ( pexit->keyword && nifty_is_name( arg, pexit->keyword ) ) )
      send_to_char( "*Click*\n\r", ch );
      count = key->count;
      key->count = 1;
      act( AT_ACTION, "$n unlocks the $d with $p.", ch, key, pexit->keyword, TO_ROOM );
      key->count = count;
      if( IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_EATKEY ) )
        separate_obj( key );
        extract_obj( key );
      remove_bexit_flag( pexit, EX_LOCKED );

  if( ( obj = get_obj_here( ch, arg ) ) != NULL )
     * 'unlock object' 
    if( obj->item_type != ITEM_CONTAINER )
      send_to_char( "That's not a container.\n\r", ch );
    if( !IS_SET( obj->value[1], CONT_CLOSED ) )
      send_to_char( "It's not closed.\n\r", ch );
    if( obj->value[2] < 0 )
      send_to_char( "It can't be unlocked.\n\r", ch );
    if( ( key = has_key( ch, obj->value[2] ) ) == NULL )
      send_to_char( "You lack the key.\n\r", ch );
    if( !IS_SET( obj->value[1], CONT_LOCKED ) )
      send_to_char( "It's already unlocked.\n\r", ch );

    REMOVE_BIT( obj->value[1], CONT_LOCKED );
    send_to_char( "*Click*\n\r", ch );
    count = key->count;
    key->count = 1;
    act( AT_ACTION, "$n unlocks $p with $P.", ch, obj, key, TO_ROOM );
    key->count = count;
    if( IS_SET( obj->value[1], CONT_EATKEY ) )
      separate_obj( key );
      extract_obj( key );

  ch_printf( ch, "You see no %s here.\n\r", arg );

void do_bashdoor( CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument )
  CHAR_DATA *gch;
  EXIT_DATA *pexit;
  char arg[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];

  if( !IS_NPC( ch ) && ch->level < skill_table[gsn_bashdoor]->skill_level[ch->class] )
    send_to_char( "You're not enough of a warrior to bash doors!\n\r", ch );

  one_argument( argument, arg );

  if( arg[0] == '\0' )
    send_to_char( "Bash what?\n\r", ch );

  if( ch->fighting )
    send_to_char( "You can't break off your fight.\n\r", ch );

  if( ( pexit = find_door( ch, arg, FALSE ) ) != NULL )
    ROOM_INDEX_DATA *to_room;
    EXIT_DATA *pexit_rev;
    int chance;
    char *keyword;

    if( !IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_CLOSED ) )
      send_to_char( "Calm down.  It is already open.\n\r", ch );

    WAIT_STATE( ch, skill_table[gsn_bashdoor]->beats );

    if( IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_SECRET ) )
      keyword = "wall";
      keyword = pexit->keyword;
    if( !IS_NPC( ch ) )
      chance = LEARNED( ch, gsn_bashdoor ) / 2;
      chance = 90;
    if( IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_LOCKED ) )
      chance /= 3;

    if( !IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_BASHPROOF )
        //     &&   ch->move >= 15
        && number_percent(  ) < ( chance + 4 * ( get_curr_str( ch ) - 19 ) ) )
      REMOVE_BIT( pexit->exit_info, EX_CLOSED );
      if( IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_LOCKED ) )
        REMOVE_BIT( pexit->exit_info, EX_LOCKED );
      SET_BIT( pexit->exit_info, EX_BASHED );

      act( AT_SKILL, "Crash!  You bashed open the $d!", ch, NULL, keyword, TO_CHAR );
      act( AT_SKILL, "$n bashes open the $d!", ch, NULL, keyword, TO_ROOM );
      learn_from_success( ch, gsn_bashdoor );

      if( ( to_room = pexit->to_room ) != NULL && ( pexit_rev = pexit->rexit ) != NULL && pexit_rev->to_room == ch->in_room )
        CHAR_DATA *rch;

        REMOVE_BIT( pexit_rev->exit_info, EX_CLOSED );
        if( IS_SET( pexit_rev->exit_info, EX_LOCKED ) )
          REMOVE_BIT( pexit_rev->exit_info, EX_LOCKED );
        SET_BIT( pexit_rev->exit_info, EX_BASHED );

        for( rch = to_room->first_person; rch; rch = rch->next_in_room )
          act( AT_SKILL, "The $d crashes open!", rch, NULL, pexit_rev->keyword, TO_CHAR );
      damage( ch, ch, ( ch->max_hit / 20 ), gsn_bashdoor );

      act( AT_SKILL, "WHAAAAM!!!  You bash against the $d, but it doesn't budge.", ch, NULL, keyword, TO_CHAR );
      act( AT_SKILL, "WHAAAAM!!!  $n bashes against the $d, but it holds strong.", ch, NULL, keyword, TO_ROOM );
      damage( ch, ch, ( ch->max_hit / 20 ) + 10, gsn_bashdoor );
      learn_from_failure( ch, gsn_bashdoor );
    act( AT_SKILL, "WHAAAAM!!!  You bash against the wall, but it doesn't budge.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR );
    act( AT_SKILL, "WHAAAAM!!!  $n bashes against the wall, but it holds strong.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
    damage( ch, ch, ( ch->max_hit / 20 ) + 10, gsn_bashdoor );
    learn_from_failure( ch, gsn_bashdoor );
  if( !char_died( ch ) )
    for( gch = ch->in_room->first_person; gch; gch = gch->next_in_room )
      if( IS_AWAKE( gch )
          && !gch->fighting
          && ( IS_NPC( gch ) && !IS_AFFECTED( gch, AFF_CHARM ) )
          && ( ch->level - gch->level <= 4 ) && number_bits( 2 ) == 0 )
        multi_hit( gch, ch, TYPE_UNDEFINED );


void do_stand( CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument )
  switch ( ch->position )
    case POS_SLEEPING:
      if( IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_SLEEP ) )
        send_to_char( "You can't seem to wake up!\n\r", ch );

      send_to_char( "You wake and climb quickly to your feet.\n\r", ch );
      act( AT_ACTION, "$n arises from $s slumber.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
      ch->position = POS_STANDING;

    case POS_RESTING:
      send_to_char( "You gather yourself and stand up.\n\r", ch );
      act( AT_ACTION, "$n rises from $s rest.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
      ch->position = POS_STANDING;

    case POS_SITTING:
      send_to_char( "You move quickly to your feet.\n\r", ch );
      act( AT_ACTION, "$n rises up.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
      ch->position = POS_STANDING;

    case POS_STANDING:
      send_to_char( "You are already standing.\n\r", ch );

    case POS_FIGHTING:
    case POS_EVASIVE:
    case POS_BERSERK:
      send_to_char( "You are already fighting!\n\r", ch );


void do_sit( CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument )
  switch ( ch->position )
    case POS_SLEEPING:
      if( IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_SLEEP ) )
        send_to_char( "You can't seem to wake up!\n\r", ch );

      send_to_char( "You wake and sit up.\n\r", ch );
      act( AT_ACTION, "$n wakes and sits up.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
      ch->position = POS_SITTING;

    case POS_RESTING:
      send_to_char( "You stop resting and sit up.\n\r", ch );
      act( AT_ACTION, "$n stops resting and sits up.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
      ch->position = POS_SITTING;

    case POS_STANDING:
      send_to_char( "You sit down.\n\r", ch );
      act( AT_ACTION, "$n sits down.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
      ch->position = POS_SITTING;
    case POS_SITTING:
      send_to_char( "You are already sitting.\n\r", ch );

    case POS_FIGHTING:
    case POS_EVASIVE:
    case POS_BERSERK:
      send_to_char( "You are busy fighting!\n\r", ch );
    case POS_MOUNTED:
      send_to_char( "You are already sitting - on your mount.\n\r", ch );


void do_rest( CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument )
  switch ( ch->position )
    case POS_SLEEPING:
      if( IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_SLEEP ) )
        send_to_char( "You can't seem to wake up!\n\r", ch );

      send_to_char( "You rouse from your slumber.\n\r", ch );
      act( AT_ACTION, "$n rouses from $s slumber.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
      ch->position = POS_RESTING;
      ch->focus = 0;

    case POS_RESTING:
      send_to_char( "You are already resting.\n\r", ch );
      ch->focus = 0;

    case POS_STANDING:
      send_to_char( "You sprawl out haphazardly.\n\r", ch );
      act( AT_ACTION, "$n sprawls out haphazardly.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
      ch->position = POS_RESTING;
      ch->focus = 0;

    case POS_SITTING:
      send_to_char( "You lie back and sprawl out to rest.\n\r", ch );
      act( AT_ACTION, "$n lies back and sprawls out to rest.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
      ch->position = POS_RESTING;
      ch->focus = 0;

    case POS_FIGHTING:
    case POS_EVASIVE:
    case POS_BERSERK:
      send_to_char( "You are busy fighting!\n\r", ch );
    case POS_MOUNTED:
      send_to_char( "You'd better dismount first.\n\r", ch );

  rprog_rest_trigger( ch );

void do_sleep( CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument )

  switch ( ch->position )
    case POS_SLEEPING:
      send_to_char( "You are already sleeping.\n\r", ch );
      ch->focus = 0;

    case POS_RESTING:
      if( ch->mental_state > 30 && ( number_percent(  ) + 10 ) < ch->mental_state )
        send_to_char( "You just can't seem to calm yourself down enough to sleep.\n\r", ch );
        act( AT_ACTION, "$n closes $s eyes for a few moments, but just can't seem to go to sleep.", ch, NULL, NULL,
             TO_ROOM );
      send_to_char( "You close your eyes and drift into slumber.\n\r", ch );
      act( AT_ACTION, "$n closes $s eyes and drifts into a deep slumber.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
      ch->position = POS_SLEEPING;
      ch->focus = 0;

    case POS_SITTING:
      if( ch->mental_state > 30 && ( number_percent(  ) + 5 ) < ch->mental_state )
        send_to_char( "You just can't seem to calm yourself down enough to sleep.\n\r", ch );
        act( AT_ACTION, "$n closes $s eyes for a few moments, but just can't seem to go to sleep.", ch, NULL, NULL,
             TO_ROOM );
      send_to_char( "You slump over and fall dead asleep.\n\r", ch );
      act( AT_ACTION, "$n nods off and slowly slumps over, dead asleep.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
      ch->position = POS_SLEEPING;
      ch->focus = 0;

    case POS_STANDING:
      if( ch->mental_state > 30 && number_percent(  ) < ch->mental_state )
        send_to_char( "You just can't seem to calm yourself down enough to sleep.\n\r", ch );
        act( AT_ACTION, "$n closes $s eyes for a few moments, but just can't seem to go to sleep.", ch, NULL, NULL,
             TO_ROOM );
      send_to_char( "You collapse into a deep sleep.\n\r", ch );
      act( AT_ACTION, "$n collapses into a deep sleep.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
      ch->position = POS_SLEEPING;
      ch->focus = 0;

    case POS_FIGHTING:
    case POS_EVASIVE:
    case POS_BERSERK:
      send_to_char( "You are busy fighting!\n\r", ch );
    case POS_MOUNTED:
      send_to_char( "You really should dismount first.\n\r", ch );

  rprog_sleep_trigger( ch );

void do_wake( CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument )
  char arg[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
  CHAR_DATA *victim;

  do_stand( ch, argument );

  if( !IS_AWAKE( ch ) )
    send_to_char( "You are asleep yourself!\n\r", ch );

  if( ( victim = get_char_room( ch, arg ) ) == NULL )
    send_to_char( "They aren't here.\n\r", ch );

  if( IS_AWAKE( victim ) )
    act( AT_PLAIN, "$N is already awake.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR );

  if( IS_AFFECTED( victim, AFF_SLEEP ) || victim->position < POS_SLEEPING )
    act( AT_PLAIN, "You can't seem to wake $M!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR );

  act( AT_ACTION, "You wake $M.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR );
  victim->position = POS_STANDING;
  act( AT_ACTION, "$n wakes you.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT );

 * teleport a character to another room
void teleportch( CHAR_DATA * ch, ROOM_INDEX_DATA * room, bool show )
  char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];

  if( room_is_private( room ) )
  act( AT_ACTION, "$n disappears suddenly!", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
  char_from_room( ch );
  char_to_room( ch, room );
  act( AT_ACTION, "$n arrives suddenly!", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
  if( show )
    do_look( ch, "auto" );
  if( xIS_SET( ch->in_room->room_flags, ROOM_DEATH ) && !IS_IMMORTAL( ch ) )
    act( AT_DEAD, "$n falls prey to a terrible death!", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
    set_char_color( AT_DEAD, ch );
    send_to_char( "Oopsie... you're dead!\n\r", ch );
    sprintf( buf, "%s hit a DEATH TRAP in room %d!", ch->name, ch->in_room->vnum );
    log_string( buf );
    to_channel( buf, CHANNEL_MONITOR, "Monitor", LEVEL_IMMORTAL );
    extract_char( ch, FALSE );

void teleport( CHAR_DATA * ch, int room, int flags )
  CHAR_DATA *nch, *nch_next;
  ROOM_INDEX_DATA *start = ch->in_room, *dest;
  bool show;

  dest = get_room_index( room );
  if( !dest )
    bug( "teleport: bad room vnum %d", room );

  if( IS_SET( flags, TELE_SHOWDESC ) )
    show = TRUE;
    show = FALSE;
  if( !IS_SET( flags, TELE_TRANSALL ) )
    teleportch( ch, dest, show );

   * teleport everybody in the room 
  for( nch = start->first_person; nch; nch = nch_next )
    nch_next = nch->next_in_room;
    teleportch( nch, dest, show );

   * teleport the objects on the ground too 
  if( IS_SET( flags, TELE_TRANSALLPLUS ) )
    OBJ_DATA *obj, *obj_next;

    for( obj = start->first_content; obj; obj = obj_next )
      obj_next = obj->next_content;
      obj_from_room( obj );
      obj_to_room( obj, dest );

 * "Climb" in a certain direction.				-Thoric
void do_climb( CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument )
  EXIT_DATA *pexit;
  bool found;

  found = FALSE;
  if( argument[0] == '\0' )
    for( pexit = ch->in_room->first_exit; pexit; pexit = pexit->next )
      if( IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_xCLIMB ) )
        move_char( ch, pexit, 0 );
    send_to_char( "You cannot climb here.\n\r", ch );

  if( ( pexit = find_door( ch, argument, TRUE ) ) != NULL && IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_xCLIMB ) )
    move_char( ch, pexit, 0 );
  send_to_char( "You cannot climb there.\n\r", ch );

 * "enter" something (moves through an exit)			-Thoric
void do_enter( CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument )
  EXIT_DATA *pexit;
  bool found;

  found = FALSE;
  if( argument[0] == '\0' )
    for( pexit = ch->in_room->first_exit; pexit; pexit = pexit->next )
      if( IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_xENTER ) )
        move_char( ch, pexit, 0 );
    if( ch->in_room->sector_type != SECT_INSIDE && IS_OUTSIDE( ch ) )
      for( pexit = ch->in_room->first_exit; pexit; pexit = pexit->next )
        if( pexit->to_room && ( pexit->to_room->sector_type == SECT_INSIDE
                                || xIS_SET( pexit->to_room->room_flags, ROOM_INDOORS ) ) )
          move_char( ch, pexit, 0 );
    send_to_char( "You cannot find an entrance here.\n\r", ch );

  if( ( pexit = find_door( ch, argument, TRUE ) ) != NULL && IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_xENTER ) )
    move_char( ch, pexit, 0 );
  send_to_char( "You cannot enter that.\n\r", ch );

 * Leave through an exit.					-Thoric
void do_leave( CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument )
  EXIT_DATA *pexit;
  bool found;

  found = FALSE;
  if( argument[0] == '\0' )
    for( pexit = ch->in_room->first_exit; pexit; pexit = pexit->next )
      if( IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_xLEAVE ) )
        move_char( ch, pexit, 0 );
    if( ch->in_room->sector_type == SECT_INSIDE || !IS_OUTSIDE( ch ) )
      for( pexit = ch->in_room->first_exit; pexit; pexit = pexit->next )
        if( pexit->to_room && pexit->to_room->sector_type != SECT_INSIDE
            && !xIS_SET( pexit->to_room->room_flags, ROOM_INDOORS ) )
          move_char( ch, pexit, 0 );
    send_to_char( "You cannot find an exit here.\n\r", ch );

  if( ( pexit = find_door( ch, argument, TRUE ) ) != NULL && IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_xLEAVE ) )
    move_char( ch, pexit, 0 );
  send_to_char( "You cannot leave that way.\n\r", ch );

 * Check to see if an exit in the room is pulling (or pushing) players around.
 * Some types may cause damage.					-Thoric
 * People kept requesting currents (like SillyMUD has), so I went all out
 * and added the ability for an exit to have a "pull" or a "push" force
 * and to handle different types much beyond a simple water current.
 * This check is called by violence_update().  I'm not sure if this is the
 * best way to do it, or if it should be handled by a special queue.
 * Future additions to this code may include equipment being blown away in
 * the wind (mostly headwear), and people being hit by flying objects
 * TODO:
 *	handle more pulltypes
 *	give "entrance" messages for players and objects
 *	proper handling of player resistance to push/pulling
ch_ret pullcheck( CHAR_DATA * ch, int pulse )
  EXIT_DATA *xtmp, *xit = NULL;
  OBJ_DATA *obj, *obj_next;
  bool move = FALSE, moveobj = TRUE, showroom = TRUE;
  int pullfact, pull;
  int resistance;
  char *tochar = NULL, *toroom = NULL, *objmsg = NULL;
  char *destrm = NULL, *destob = NULL, *dtxt = "somewhere";

  if( ( room = ch->in_room ) == NULL )
    bug( "pullcheck: %s not in a room?!?", ch->name );
    return rNONE;

   * Find the exit with the strongest force (if any) 
  for( xtmp = room->first_exit; xtmp; xtmp = xtmp->next )
    if( xtmp->pull && xtmp->to_room && ( !xit || abs( xtmp->pull ) > abs( xit->pull ) ) )
      xit = xtmp;

  if( !xit )
    return rNONE;

  pull = xit->pull;

   * strength also determines frequency 
  pullfact = URANGE( 1, 20 - ( abs( pull ) / 5 ), 20 );

   * strongest pull not ready yet... check for one that is 
  if( ( pulse % pullfact ) != 0 )
    for( xit = room->first_exit; xit; xit = xit->next )
      if( xit->pull && xit->to_room )
        pull = xit->pull;
        pullfact = URANGE( 1, 20 - ( abs( pull ) / 5 ), 20 );
        if( ( pulse % pullfact ) != 0 )

    if( !xit )
      return rNONE;

   * negative pull = push... get the reverse exit if any 
  if( pull < 0 )
    if( ( xit = get_exit( room, rev_dir[xit->vdir] ) ) == NULL )
      return rNONE;

  dtxt = rev_exit( xit->vdir );

   * First determine if the player should be moved or not
   * Check various flags, spells, the players position and strength vs.
   * the pull, etc... any kind of checks you like.
  switch ( xit->pulltype )
    case PULL_CURRENT:
      switch ( room->sector_type )
           * allow whirlpool to be in any sector type 
          if( xit->pulltype == PULL_CURRENT )
        case SECT_WATER_SWIM:
        case SECT_WATER_NOSWIM:
          if( ( ch->mount && !IS_FLOATING( ch->mount ) ) || ( !ch->mount && !IS_FLOATING( ch ) ) )
            move = TRUE;

        case SECT_UNDERWATER:
        case SECT_OCEANFLOOR:
          move = TRUE;
    case PULL_GEYSER:
    case PULL_WAVE:
      move = TRUE;

    case PULL_WIND:
    case PULL_STORM:
       * if not flying... check weight, position & strength 
      move = TRUE;

       * if not flying... check weight, position & strength 
       * also check for damage due to bitter cold 
      move = TRUE;

    case PULL_HOTAIR:
       * if not flying... check weight, position & strength 
       * also check for damage due to heat 
      move = TRUE;

       * light breeze -- very limited moving power 
    case PULL_BREEZE:
      move = FALSE;

       * exits with these pulltypes should also be blocked from movement
       * ie: a secret locked pickproof door with the name "_sinkhole_", etc
    case PULL_SLIP:
    case PULL_LAVA:
      if( ( ch->mount && !IS_FLOATING( ch->mount ) ) || ( !ch->mount && !IS_FLOATING( ch ) ) )
        move = TRUE;

       * as if player moved in that direction him/herself 
      return move_char( ch, xit, 0 );

       * all other cases ALWAYS move 
      move = TRUE;

   * assign some nice text messages 
  switch ( xit->pulltype )
       * no messages to anyone 
      showroom = FALSE;
    case PULL_VACUUM:
      tochar = "You are sucked $T!";
      toroom = "$n is sucked $T!";
      destrm = "$n is sucked in from $T!";
      objmsg = "$p is sucked $T.";
      destob = "$p is sucked in from $T!";
    case PULL_CURRENT:
    case PULL_LAVA:
      tochar = "You drift $T.";
      toroom = "$n drifts $T.";
      destrm = "$n drifts in from $T.";
      objmsg = "$p drifts $T.";
      destob = "$p drifts in from $T.";
    case PULL_BREEZE:
      tochar = "You drift $T.";
      toroom = "$n drifts $T.";
      destrm = "$n drifts in from $T.";
      objmsg = "$p drifts $T in the breeze.";
      destob = "$p drifts in from $T.";
    case PULL_GEYSER:
    case PULL_WAVE:
      tochar = "You are pushed $T!";
      toroom = "$n is pushed $T!";
      destrm = "$n is pushed in from $T!";
      destob = "$p floats in from $T.";
      tochar = "The earth opens up and you fall $T!";
      toroom = "The earth opens up and $n falls $T!";
      destrm = "$n falls from $T!";
      objmsg = "$p falls $T.";
      destob = "$p falls from $T.";
      tochar = "The ground suddenly gives way and you fall $T!";
      toroom = "The ground suddenly gives way beneath $n!";
      destrm = "$n falls from $T!";
      objmsg = "$p falls $T.";
      destob = "$p falls from $T.";
      tochar = "You begin to sink $T into the quicksand!";
      toroom = "$n begins to sink $T into the quicksand!";
      destrm = "$n sinks in from $T.";
      objmsg = "$p begins to sink $T into the quicksand.";
      destob = "$p sinks in from $T.";
      tochar = "The ground starts to slide $T, taking you with it!";
      toroom = "The ground starts to slide $T, taking $n with it!";
      destrm = "$n slides in from $T.";
      objmsg = "$p slides $T.";
      destob = "$p slides in from $T.";
    case PULL_SLIP:
      tochar = "You lose your footing!";
      toroom = "$n loses $s footing!";
      destrm = "$n slides in from $T.";
      objmsg = "$p slides $T.";
      destob = "$p slides in from $T.";
    case PULL_VORTEX:
      tochar = "You are sucked into a swirling vortex of colors!";
      toroom = "$n is sucked into a swirling vortex of colors!";
      toroom = "$n appears from a swirling vortex of colors!";
      objmsg = "$p is sucked into a swirling vortex of colors!";
      objmsg = "$p appears from a swirling vortex of colors!";
    case PULL_HOTAIR:
      tochar = "A blast of hot air blows you $T!";
      toroom = "$n is blown $T by a blast of hot air!";
      destrm = "$n is blown in from $T by a blast of hot air!";
      objmsg = "$p is blown $T.";
      destob = "$p is blown in from $T.";
      tochar = "A bitter cold wind forces you $T!";
      toroom = "$n is forced $T by a bitter cold wind!";
      destrm = "$n is forced in from $T by a bitter cold wind!";
      objmsg = "$p is blown $T.";
      destob = "$p is blown in from $T.";
    case PULL_WIND:
      tochar = "A strong wind pushes you $T!";
      toroom = "$n is blown $T by a strong wind!";
      destrm = "$n is blown in from $T by a strong wind!";
      objmsg = "$p is blown $T.";
      destob = "$p is blown in from $T.";
    case PULL_STORM:
      tochar = "The raging storm drives you $T!";
      toroom = "$n is driven $T by the raging storm!";
      destrm = "$n is driven in from $T by a raging storm!";
      objmsg = "$p is blown $T.";
      destob = "$p is blown in from $T.";
      if( pull > 0 )
        tochar = "You are pulled $T!";
        toroom = "$n is pulled $T.";
        destrm = "$n is pulled in from $T.";
        objmsg = "$p is pulled $T.";
        objmsg = "$p is pulled in from $T.";
        tochar = "You are pushed $T!";
        toroom = "$n is pushed $T.";
        destrm = "$n is pushed in from $T.";
        objmsg = "$p is pushed $T.";
        objmsg = "$p is pushed in from $T.";

   * Do the moving 
  if( move )
     * display an appropriate exit message 
    if( tochar )
      act( AT_PLAIN, tochar, ch, NULL, dir_name[xit->vdir], TO_CHAR );
      send_to_char( "\n\r", ch );
    if( toroom )
      act( AT_PLAIN, toroom, ch, NULL, dir_name[xit->vdir], TO_ROOM );

     * display an appropriate entrance message 
    if( destrm && xit->to_room->first_person )
      act( AT_PLAIN, destrm, xit->to_room->first_person, NULL, dtxt, TO_CHAR );
      act( AT_PLAIN, destrm, xit->to_room->first_person, NULL, dtxt, TO_ROOM );

     * move the char 
    if( xit->pulltype == PULL_SLIP )
      return move_char( ch, xit, 1 );
    char_from_room( ch );
    char_to_room( ch, xit->to_room );

    if( showroom )
      do_look( ch, "auto" );

     * move the mount too 
    if( ch->mount )
      char_from_room( ch->mount );
      char_to_room( ch->mount, xit->to_room );
      if( showroom )
        do_look( ch->mount, "auto" );

   * move objects in the room 
  if( moveobj )
    for( obj = room->first_content; obj; obj = obj_next )
      obj_next = obj->next_content;

      if( IS_OBJ_STAT( obj, ITEM_BURIED ) || !CAN_WEAR( obj, ITEM_TAKE ) )

      resistance = get_obj_weight( obj );
      if( IS_OBJ_STAT( obj, ITEM_METAL ) )
        resistance = ( resistance * 6 ) / 5;
      switch ( obj->item_type )
        case ITEM_SCROLL:
        case ITEM_NOTE:
        case ITEM_TRASH:
          resistance >>= 2;
        case ITEM_SCRAPS:
        case ITEM_CONTAINER:
          resistance >>= 1;
        case ITEM_PEN:
        case ITEM_WAND:
          resistance = ( resistance * 5 ) / 6;

        case ITEM_CORPSE_PC:
        case ITEM_CORPSE_NPC:
        case ITEM_FOUNTAIN:
          resistance <<= 2;

       * is the pull greater than the resistance of the object? 
      if( ( abs( pull ) * 10 ) > resistance )
        if( objmsg && room->first_person )
          act( AT_PLAIN, objmsg, room->first_person, obj, dir_name[xit->vdir], TO_CHAR );
          act( AT_PLAIN, objmsg, room->first_person, obj, dir_name[xit->vdir], TO_ROOM );
        if( destob && xit->to_room->first_person )
          act( AT_PLAIN, destob, xit->to_room->first_person, obj, dtxt, TO_CHAR );
          act( AT_PLAIN, destob, xit->to_room->first_person, obj, dtxt, TO_ROOM );
        obj_from_room( obj );
        obj_to_room( obj, xit->to_room );

  return rNONE;

 * This function bolts a door. Written by Blackmane

void do_bolt( CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument )
  char arg[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
  EXIT_DATA *pexit;

  one_argument( argument, arg );

  if( arg[0] == '\0' )
    send_to_char( "Bolt what?\n\r", ch );

  if( ( pexit = find_door( ch, arg, TRUE ) ) != NULL )

    if( !IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_ISDOOR ) )
      send_to_char( "You can't do that.\n\r", ch );
    if( !IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_CLOSED ) )
      send_to_char( "It's not closed.\n\r", ch );
    if( !IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_ISBOLT ) )
      send_to_char( "You don't see a bolt.\n\r", ch );
    if( IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_BOLTED ) )
      send_to_char( "It's already bolted.\n\r", ch );

    if( !IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_SECRET ) || ( pexit->keyword && nifty_is_name( arg, pexit->keyword ) ) )
      send_to_char( "*Clunk*\n\r", ch );
      act( AT_ACTION, "$n bolts the $d.", ch, NULL, pexit->keyword, TO_ROOM );
      set_bexit_flag( pexit, EX_BOLTED );

  ch_printf( ch, "You see no %s here.\n\r", arg );

 * This function unbolts a door.  Written by Blackmane

void do_unbolt( CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument )
  char arg[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
  EXIT_DATA *pexit;

  one_argument( argument, arg );

  if( arg[0] == '\0' )
    send_to_char( "Unbolt what?\n\r", ch );

  if( ( pexit = find_door( ch, arg, TRUE ) ) != NULL )

    if( !IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_ISDOOR ) )
      send_to_char( "You can't do that.\n\r", ch );
    if( !IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_CLOSED ) )
      send_to_char( "It's not closed.\n\r", ch );
    if( !IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_ISBOLT ) )
      send_to_char( "You don't see a bolt.\n\r", ch );
    if( !IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_BOLTED ) )
      send_to_char( "It's already unbolted.\n\r", ch );

    if( !IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_SECRET ) || ( pexit->keyword && nifty_is_name( arg, pexit->keyword ) ) )
      send_to_char( "*Clunk*\n\r", ch );
      act( AT_ACTION, "$n unbolts the $d.", ch, NULL, pexit->keyword, TO_ROOM );
      remove_bexit_flag( pexit, EX_BOLTED );

  ch_printf( ch, "You see no %s here.\n\r", arg );