[60001] Jerek: Maybe Vyn should stop being an ass?
[60001] Jerek: And maybe Imms should be fair with punishments
[60001] Jerek: The imm has also made it impossible to collect my corpse
[60001] Jerek: I'd appreciate if the Imms didn't harass me.
[  249] Diomedes: When powered up to max with the normal poweup command it should show, SoandSo is surround by a bright *whatever color* aura.
[ 9001] Jerek: Maybe imms should stop abusing their powers.
[201655] Jerek: Imms abuse their power when they know they are wrong.
[201644] Jerek: Make it so that if a Supreme Kaio is going to hide behind not being clanned, they can be pk'ed by anyone.
[ 3781] Hayato: make the junkions drop as much as they used to
[201604] Gehenom: majin
[ 9001] Silvio: fags
[  217] Hiroshi: I was told by my friend kaosoe the system of getting the dragonball wishes, and I think it is slightly unfair to those who are under all the uber-characters.  Once you pick up a dball, you automatically go pkred and are subject to immediate destruction, so I think it would be fair to have dball quests that are limited pl-wise so that those who are uber-powerful (500b+ or so) can't participate, just to give the somewhat underdeveloped characters a chance.  I, personally, don't want to use the dballs myself, but I have a feeling that others would appreciate these kinds of balances.  I'm still a little new, and I don't know if you already do these, so if you do, just ignore this.  But please think about it.
[201666] Hayato: I think lssj's should get blaster shell, i don't know how good it should be but i think it should atleast be a little better than FF
[60006] Saru: Poop
[60001] Nickolas: it would be cool if android characters were able to fly in space since they diont need air
[  208] Ikulis: after Cell absorbed one of the androids in DBZ, he showed the other one his face to make her let him absorb her. (sorry, i never remember those numbers) well, i would make a bio-androi skill "illusion" that lets you look like a player. you seem to have the eq he weared when you absorbed him, but his current title. whenever you use a skill or ability (except for fly) or you enter a fught, you lose this cover. your PL doesn't change either.
[120156] Darcook: Con +spar? I remember it used to stop tailstabs and hence double the gains you took while sparring.. Maybe put it back in?
[120156] Darcook: change help note2
[302601] Darcook: neutrals should be able to spar with evils.. and all clan memeber should be able to spar
[200800] Bruno: idea
[ 4181] Ariotto: poop
[ 4401] Jolliffe: Make LSSJ a Saiyan-s only wish for the Shadow Dragonballs.