 *  New editor code
 *  Author: Cronel (cronel_kal@hotmail.com)
 *  of FrozenMUD (empire.digiunix.net 4000)
 *  Permission to use and distribute this code is granted provided
 *  this header is retained and unaltered, and the distribution
 *  package contains all the original files unmodified.
 *  If you modify this code and use/distribute modified versions
 *  you must give credit to the original author(s).
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "mud.h"

 * Data types and other definitions

typedef struct editor_line EDITOR_LINE;

#define CHAR_BLOCK (80)

#define BLOCK_ROUNDUP( size )		(((size)+CHAR_BLOCK-1) / CHAR_BLOCK * CHAR_BLOCK)

#define RESIZE_IF_NEEDED( buf, buf_size, buf_used, added_use )	\
	if( (buf_used) + (added_use) >= (buf_size) ) 		\
	{ 							\
		sh_int added_size; 				\
		added_size = BLOCK_ROUNDUP( added_use );	\
		if( added_size == 0 ) 				\
			added_size = CHAR_BLOCK; 		\
		RECREATE( (buf), char, buf_size + added_size );	\
		(buf_size) += added_size; 			\

struct editor_line
  char *line; /* line text */
  sh_int line_size; /* size allocated in "line" */
  sh_int line_used; /* bytes used of "line" */
  EDITOR_LINE *next;

struct editor_data
  EDITOR_LINE *first_line;  /* list of lines */
  sh_int line_count;  /* number of lines allocated */
  EDITOR_LINE *on_line; /* pointer to the line being edited */
  int text_size;  /* total size of text (not counting
                   * newlines). */
  int max_size; /* max size in chars of string being
                 * edited (counting newlines) */
  char *desc; /* buffer description */
/* "max_size" is the maximum size of the final text converted to string */
/* "text_size" is equal to the strlen of all lines added up; the actual
 * total length when converted to string is equal to this number plus
 * line_count * 2, because of the trailing "\n\r" that has to be added
 * to each line (of course, plus 1 because of the final \0).
 * Thus, if(total_size + line_count * 2 +1) > max_size, the buffer cant
 * hold more data.
/* Hence, this define: */
#define TOTAL_BUFFER_SIZE( edd )	(edd->text_size + edd->line_count * 2 +1 )

 * Function declarations

/* funcs to manipulate editor datas */
EDITOR_LINE *make_new_line( char *str );
void discard_editdata( EDITOR_DATA * edd );
EDITOR_DATA *clone_editdata( EDITOR_DATA * edd );
EDITOR_DATA *str_to_editdata( char *str, sh_int max_size );
char *editdata_to_str( EDITOR_DATA * edd );

/* simple functions to set a description for what's currently
 * being edited */
void set_editor_desc( CHAR_DATA * ch, char *new_desc );
void editor_desc_printf( CHAR_DATA * ch, char *desc_fmt, ... );

/* the main editor functions visible to the rest of the code */
void start_editing_nolimit( CHAR_DATA * ch, char *old_text, sh_int max_total );
char *copy_buffer( CHAR_DATA * ch );
void stop_editing( CHAR_DATA * ch );
/* main editing function */
void edit_buffer( CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument );

/* misc functions */
char *finer_one_argument( char *argument, char *arg_first );
char *text_replace( char *src, char *word_src, char *word_dst, sh_int * pnew_size, sh_int * prepl_count );

/* editor sub functions */
void editor_print_info( CHAR_DATA * ch, EDITOR_DATA * edd, char *argument );
void editor_help( CHAR_DATA * ch, EDITOR_DATA * edd, char *argument );
void editor_clear_buf( CHAR_DATA * ch, EDITOR_DATA * edd, char *argument );
void editor_search_and_replace( CHAR_DATA * ch, EDITOR_DATA * edd, char *argument );
void editor_insert_line( CHAR_DATA * ch, EDITOR_DATA * edd, char *argument );
void editor_delete_line( CHAR_DATA * ch, EDITOR_DATA * edd, char *argument );
void editor_goto_line( CHAR_DATA * ch, EDITOR_DATA * edd, char *argument );
void editor_list( CHAR_DATA * ch, EDITOR_DATA * edd, char *argument );
void editor_abort( CHAR_DATA * ch, EDITOR_DATA * edd, char *argument );
void editor_escaped_cmd( CHAR_DATA * ch, EDITOR_DATA * edd, char *argument );
void editor_save( CHAR_DATA * ch, EDITOR_DATA * edd, char *argument );
void editor_format( CHAR_DATA * ch, EDITOR_DATA * edd, char *argument );

 * Edit_data manipulation functions

EDITOR_LINE *make_new_line( char *str )
  EDITOR_LINE *new_line;
  sh_int size;

  size = strlen( str );
  size = BLOCK_ROUNDUP( size );
  if( size == 0 )
    size = CHAR_BLOCK;

  CREATE( new_line, EDITOR_LINE, 1 );
  CREATE( new_line->line, char, size );
  new_line->line_size = size;
  new_line->line_used = strlen( str );
  strcpy( new_line->line, str );

  return new_line;

void discard_editdata( EDITOR_DATA * edd )
  EDITOR_LINE *eline, *elnext;

  eline = edd->first_line;
  while( eline )
    elnext = eline->next;
    DISPOSE( eline->line );
    DISPOSE( eline );
    eline = elnext;
  if( edd->desc )
    STRFREE( edd->desc );
  DISPOSE( edd );

EDITOR_DATA *clone_editdata( EDITOR_DATA * edd )
  EDITOR_DATA *new_edd;
  EDITOR_LINE *new_line, *eline, root_line;

  CREATE( new_edd, EDITOR_DATA, 1 );
  new_line = &root_line;
  for( eline = edd->first_line; eline; eline = eline->next )
    new_line->next = make_new_line( eline->line );
    if( edd->on_line == eline )
      new_edd->on_line = new_line->next;
    new_line = new_line->next;

  new_edd->max_size = edd->max_size;
  new_edd->text_size = edd->text_size;
  new_edd->line_count = edd->line_count;
  new_edd->first_line = root_line.next;
  new_edd->desc = STRALLOC( edd->desc );

  return new_edd;

EDITOR_DATA *str_to_editdata( char *str, sh_int max_size )
  char *p;
  EDITOR_LINE *eline;
  sh_int i;
  sh_int tsize, line_count;

  CREATE( edd, EDITOR_DATA, 1 );
  eline = make_new_line( "" );
  edd->first_line = eline;
  i = 0;

  tsize = 0;
  line_count = 1;
  p = str;
  while( *p )
    if( tsize + line_count * 2 + 1 >= max_size )
    if( *p == '\r' )
    else if( *p == '\n' )
      eline->line[i] = '\0';
      eline->next = make_new_line( "" );
      eline = eline->next;
      i = 0;
      eline->line[i] = *p;
      RESIZE_IF_NEEDED( eline->line, eline->line_size, eline->line_used, 1 );

  if( eline->line[0] != '\0' )
    eline->line[i] = '\0';
    eline->next = make_new_line( "" );
    eline = eline->next;

  edd->line_count = line_count;
  edd->on_line = eline;
  edd->max_size = max_size;
  edd->text_size = tsize;
  edd->desc = STRALLOC( "" );

  return edd;

char *editdata_to_str( EDITOR_DATA * edd )
  EDITOR_LINE *eline;
  char *buf, *src, *tmp;
  sh_int size, used, i;

  used = 0;
  buf[0] = '\0';

  eline = edd->first_line;
  i = 0;
  while( eline )
     * ignore the last empty line 
    if( eline->next == NULL && eline->line[0] == '\0' )
    src = eline->line;
    while( *src )
      buf[i++] = *src++;

      if( used >= size - 3 )
        RECREATE( buf, char, size + MAX_STRING_LENGTH );
        size += MAX_STRING_LENGTH;
    buf[i++] = '\n';
    buf[i++] = '\r';
    used += 2;
    eline = eline->next;

  buf[i++] = '\0';

  tmp = STRALLOC( buf );
  DISPOSE( buf );
  smush_tilde( tmp );
  return tmp;

 * Main editor functions

void set_editor_desc( CHAR_DATA * ch, char *new_desc )
  if( !ch || !ch->editor )

  if( ch->editor->desc )
    STRFREE( ch->editor->desc );
  ch->editor->desc = STRALLOC( new_desc );

void editor_desc_printf( CHAR_DATA * ch, char *desc_fmt, ... )
  char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH * 2];  /* umpf.. */
  va_list args;

  va_start( args, desc_fmt );
  vsprintf( buf, desc_fmt, args );
  va_end( args );

  set_editor_desc( ch, buf );

void start_editing_nolimit( CHAR_DATA * ch, char *old_text, sh_int max_total )
  if( !ch->desc )
    bug( "Fatal: start_editing: no desc", 0 );
  if( ch->substate == SUB_RESTRICTED )
    bug( "NOT GOOD: start_editing: ch->substate == SUB_RESTRICTED", 0 );

  set_char_color( AT_GREEN, ch );
  send_to_char( "Begin entering your text now (/? = help /s = save /c = clear /l = list)\n\r", ch );
  send_to_char( "-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\r", ch );
  if( ch->editor )
    stop_editing( ch );

  ch->editor = str_to_editdata( old_text, max_total );
  ch->editor->desc = STRALLOC( "Unknown buffer" );
  ch->desc->connected = CON_EDITING;

  send_to_char( "> ", ch );

char *copy_buffer( CHAR_DATA * ch )
  char *buf;

  if( !ch )
    bug( "copy_buffer: null ch", 0 );
    return STRALLOC( "" );

  if( !ch->editor )
    bug( "copy_buffer: null editor", 0 );
    return STRALLOC( "" );

  buf = editdata_to_str( ch->editor );
  return buf;

void stop_editing( CHAR_DATA * ch )
  set_char_color( AT_PLAIN, ch );
  discard_editdata( ch->editor );
  ch->editor = NULL;
  send_to_char( "Done.\n\r", ch );
  ch->dest_buf = NULL;
  ch->spare_ptr = NULL;
  ch->substate = SUB_NONE;
  if( !ch->desc )
    bug( "Fatal: stop_editing: no desc", 0 );
  ch->desc->connected = CON_PLAYING;

void edit_buffer( CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument )
  EDITOR_LINE *newline;
  char cmd[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
  sh_int linelen;
  bool cont_line;
  char *p;

  d = ch->desc;
  if( d == NULL )
    send_to_char( "You have no descriptor.\n\r", ch );

  if( d->connected != CON_EDITING )
    send_to_char( "You can't do that!\n\r", ch );
    bug( "Edit_buffer: d->connected != CON_EDITING", 0 );

  if( ch->substate <= SUB_PAUSE )
    send_to_char( "You can't do that!\n\r", ch );
     * bug( "Edit_buffer: illegal ch->substate (%d)", ch->substate );
    d->connected = CON_PLAYING;

  if( !ch->editor )
    send_to_char( "You can't do that!\n\r", ch );
    bug( "Edit_buffer: null editor", 0 );
    d->connected = CON_PLAYING;

  edd = ch->editor;

  if( argument[0] == '/' || argument[0] == '\\' )
    argument = one_argument( argument, cmd );

    if( !str_cmp( cmd + 1, "?" ) )
      editor_help( ch, edd, argument );
    else if( !str_cmp( cmd + 1, "c" ) )
      editor_clear_buf( ch, edd, argument );
    else if( !str_cmp( cmd + 1, "r" ) )
      editor_search_and_replace( ch, edd, argument );
    else if( !str_cmp( cmd + 1, "i" ) )
      editor_insert_line( ch, edd, argument );
    else if( !str_cmp( cmd + 1, "d" ) )
      editor_delete_line( ch, edd, argument );
    else if( !str_cmp( cmd + 1, "g" ) )
      editor_goto_line( ch, edd, argument );
    else if( !str_cmp( cmd + 1, "l" ) )
      editor_list( ch, edd, argument );
    else if( !str_cmp( cmd + 1, "a" ) )
      editor_abort( ch, edd, argument );
    else if( !str_cmp( cmd + 1, "s" ) )
      editor_save( ch, edd, argument );
    else if( !str_cmp( cmd + 1, "!" ) )
      editor_escaped_cmd( ch, edd, argument );
    else if( !str_cmp( cmd + 1, "p" ) )
      editor_print_info( ch, edd, argument );
    else if( !str_cmp( cmd + 1, "f" ) )
      editor_format( ch, edd, argument );
      send_to_char( "Uh? Type '/?' to see the list of valid editor commands.\n\r", ch );

    if( str_cmp( cmd + 1, "a" ) && str_cmp( cmd + 1, "s" ) )
      send_to_char( "> ", ch );

   * Kludgy fix. Read_from_buffer in comm.c adds a space on
   * * empty lines. Don't let this fill up usable buffer space.. 
  if( !str_cmp( argument, " " ) )
    strcpy( argument, "" );

  linelen = strlen( argument );

  p = argument + linelen - 1;
  while( p > argument && isspace( *p ) )
  if( p > argument && *p == '\\' )
    cont_line = TRUE;
    *p = '\0';
    cont_line = FALSE;

  if( TOTAL_BUFFER_SIZE( edd ) + linelen + 2 >= edd->max_size )
    send_to_char( "Buffer full.\n\r", ch );
    editor_save( ch, edd, "" );
     * add it to the current line 
    RESIZE_IF_NEEDED( edd->on_line->line, edd->on_line->line_size, edd->on_line->line_used, linelen + 1 );
    strcat( edd->on_line->line, argument );
    edd->on_line->line_used += linelen;
    edd->text_size += linelen;

     * create a line and advance to it 
    if( !cont_line )
      newline = make_new_line( "" );
      newline->next = edd->on_line->next;
      edd->on_line->next = newline;
      edd->on_line = newline;
      send_to_char( "(Continued)\n\r", ch );

    send_to_char( "> ", ch );

void editor_print_info( CHAR_DATA * ch, EDITOR_DATA * edd, char *argument )
  sh_int i;
  EDITOR_LINE *eline;

  eline = edd->first_line;
  i = 0;
  while( eline )
    if( eline == edd->on_line )
    eline = eline->next;

  ch_printf( ch,
             "Currently editing: %s\n\r"
             "Total lines: %4d   On line:  %4d\n\r"
             "Buffer size: %4d   Max size: %4d\n\r",
             edd->desc ? edd->desc : "(Null description)", edd->line_count, i, TOTAL_BUFFER_SIZE( edd ), edd->max_size );

void editor_help( CHAR_DATA * ch, EDITOR_DATA * edd, char *argument )
  sh_int i;
  char *arg[] = { "", "l", "c", "d", "g", "i", "r", "a", "p", "!", "s", NULL };
  char *editor_help[] = {
     * general help 
    "Editing commands\n\r"
      "/l [range]      list buffer\n\r"
      "/c              clear buffer\n\r"
      "/d <line>       delete line\n\r"
      "/g <line>       goto line\n\r"
      "/i <line>       insert line\n\r"
      "/r <old> <new>  global replace (temporarily disabled)\n\r"
      "/a              abort editing\n\r"
      "/f <format>     format text in buffer (temporarily disabled)\n\r"
      "/p              print information\n\r"
      "/! <command>    execute command (do not use another editing command)\n\r"
      "/s              save buffer\n\r" "Type /? <command>  to get more information on each command.\n\r\n\r",

    "/l [range]: Lists the buffer. Shows what you've written. Optionaly\n\r" "   takes a range of lines as argument.\n\r",

    "/c: Clears the buffer, leaving only one empty line.\n\r",

    "/d <line>: Deletes a line. If you delete the line currently being\n\r"
      "   edited, the insertion point is moved down if possible, if not, up.\n\r",

    "/g <line>: Moves the insertion point to a given line.\n\r",

    "/i <line>: Inserts an empty line before the given line.\n\r",

    "/r <old text> <new text>: Global search and replace text. The arguments\n\r"
      "  are case-sensitive. To replace a multi-word text, surround it with\n\r"
      "  single quotes. When inside quotes, you must escape the single quote\n\r"
      "  character, double quote character, and the bar: (') becomes (\\'),\n\r"
      "  (\") becomes (\\\") and (\\) becomes (\\\\)\n\r",

    "/a: Aborts edition, terminating the edition session and throwing\n\r" "   away what you've edited.\n\r",

    "/p: Prints information about the current editing session.\n\r",

    "/!: Escaped command. Executes the given command as if you were\n\r"
      "   outside the editor. This is only allowed to imms, since it can\n\r" "   potentialy crash the mud.\n\r",

    "/s: Saves the current buffer, terminating the edition session.\n\r",

  for( i = 0; arg[i] != NULL; i++ )
    if( !str_cmp( argument, arg[i] ) )

  if( arg[i] == NULL )
    send_to_char( "No editor help about that.\n\r", ch );
    send_to_char( editor_help[i], ch );

void editor_clear_buf( CHAR_DATA * ch, EDITOR_DATA * edd, char *argument )
  char *desc;
  sh_int max_size;
  max_size = edd->max_size;
  if( edd->desc )
    desc = STRALLOC( edd->desc );
    desc = STRALLOC( "" );
  discard_editdata( edd );
  ch->editor = str_to_editdata( "", max_size );
  ch->editor->desc = desc;
  send_to_char( "Buffer cleared.\n\r", ch );

void editor_search_and_replace( CHAR_DATA * ch, EDITOR_DATA * edd, char *argument )
  char word_src[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
  char word_dst[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
  EDITOR_DATA *cloned_edd;
  EDITOR_LINE *eline;
  char *new_text;
  sh_int new_size, repl_count, line_repl;

  argument = finer_one_argument( argument, word_src );
  argument = finer_one_argument( argument, word_dst );
  if( word_src[0] == '\0' || word_dst[0] == '\0' )
    send_to_char( "Need word to replace, and replacement.\n\r", ch );
  if( strcmp( word_src, word_dst ) == 0 )
    send_to_char( "Done.\n\r", ch );

   * Warning: the replacement of the word can result in the buffer growing
   * * larger than its maximum allowed size. To control this, the buffer is
   * * cloned, the replacement is applied to the clone, and if the size results
   * * legal after the operation, the original buffer is discarded and the
   * * clone is assigned as the current editing buffer. If the clone's size
   * * results too large after the replacement, the clone is simply discarded
   * * and a warning is given to the user 

  cloned_edd = clone_editdata( edd );

  eline = cloned_edd->first_line;
  repl_count = 0;
  while( eline )
    new_text = text_replace( eline->line, word_src, word_dst, &new_size, &line_repl );
    DISPOSE( eline->line );
    eline->line = new_text;
    cloned_edd->text_size -= eline->line_used;
    eline->line_used = strlen( eline->line );
    cloned_edd->text_size += eline->line_used;
    eline->line_size = new_size;
    repl_count += line_repl;
    eline = eline->next;

  if( TOTAL_BUFFER_SIZE( cloned_edd ) >= cloned_edd->max_size )
    send_to_char( "As a result of this operation, the buffer would grow\n\r"
                  "larger than its maximum allowed size. Operation has been\n\r" "cancelled.\n\r", ch );
    discard_editdata( cloned_edd );
    ch_printf( ch, "Replacing all occurrences of '%s' with '%s'...\n\r", word_src, word_dst );
    discard_editdata( edd );
    ch->editor = cloned_edd;
    ch_printf( ch, "Found and replaced %d occurrence(s).\n\r", repl_count );


void editor_insert_line( CHAR_DATA * ch, EDITOR_DATA * edd, char *argument )
  sh_int lineindex, num;
  EDITOR_LINE *eline, *newline;

  if( argument[0] == '\0' || !is_number( argument ) )
    send_to_char( "Must supply the line number.\n\r", ch );
  lineindex = atoi( argument );

  if( lineindex < 1 || lineindex > edd->line_count )
    ch_printf( ch, "Line number is out of range (1-%d).\n\r", edd->line_count );

  newline = make_new_line( "" );
  if( lineindex == 1 )
    newline->next = edd->first_line;
    edd->first_line = newline;
    num = 1;
    eline = edd->first_line;
    while( num < lineindex - 1 )
      eline = eline->next;
    newline->next = eline->next;
    eline->next = newline;


  ch_printf( ch, "Inserted line at %d.\n\r", lineindex );

void editor_delete_line( CHAR_DATA * ch, EDITOR_DATA * edd, char *argument )
  sh_int lineindex, num;
  EDITOR_LINE *prev_line, *del_line;

  if( argument[0] == '\0' || !is_number( argument ) )
    send_to_char( "Must supply the line number.\n\r", ch );
  lineindex = atoi( argument );

  if( lineindex < 1 || lineindex > edd->line_count )
    ch_printf( ch, "Line number is out of range (1-%d).\n\r", edd->line_count );

  prev_line = NULL;
  if( lineindex == 1 )
    if( edd->line_count == 1 )
      if( edd->first_line->line[0] != '\0' )
        edd->first_line->line[0] = '\0';
        edd->first_line->line_used = 0;
        edd->text_size = 0;
        send_to_char( "Deleted line 1.\n\r", ch );
        send_to_char( "The buffer is empty.\n\r", ch );

    del_line = edd->first_line;
    edd->first_line = del_line->next;
    num = 1;
    prev_line = edd->first_line;
    while( num < lineindex - 1 )
      prev_line = prev_line->next;
    del_line = prev_line->next;
    prev_line->next = del_line->next;

  if( edd->on_line == del_line )
    if( del_line->next )
      edd->on_line = del_line->next;
    else if( prev_line != NULL )
      edd->on_line = prev_line;
      edd->on_line = edd->first_line;
  DISPOSE( del_line->line );
  DISPOSE( del_line );

  ch_printf( ch, "Deleted line %d.\n\r", lineindex );

void editor_goto_line( CHAR_DATA * ch, EDITOR_DATA * edd, char *argument )
  sh_int lineindex, num;

  if( argument[0] == '\0' || !is_number( argument ) )
    send_to_char( "Must supply the line number.\n\r", ch );
  lineindex = atoi( argument );

  if( lineindex < 1 || lineindex > edd->line_count )
    ch_printf( ch, "Line number is out of range (1-%d).\n\r", edd->line_count );

  edd->on_line = edd->first_line;
  num = 1;
  while( num < lineindex )
    edd->on_line = edd->on_line->next;

  ch_printf( ch, "On line %d.\n\r", lineindex );

void editor_list( CHAR_DATA * ch, EDITOR_DATA * edd, char *argument )
  EDITOR_LINE *eline;
  sh_int line_num;
  sh_int from, to;
  char arg1[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];

  argument = one_argument( argument, arg1 );
  if( arg1[0] != '\0' && is_number( arg1 ) )
    from = atoi( arg1 );
    from = 1;
  argument = one_argument( argument, arg1 );
  if( arg1[0] != '\0' && is_number( arg1 ) )
    to = atoi( arg1 );
    to = edd->line_count;

  send_to_pager( "------------------\n\r", ch );
  line_num = 1;
  eline = edd->first_line;
  while( eline )
    if( line_num >= from && line_num <= to )
      pager_printf( ch, "%2d>%c%s\n\r", line_num, eline == edd->on_line ? '*' : ' ', eline->line );
    eline = eline->next;
  send_to_pager( "------------------\n\r", ch );

void editor_abort( CHAR_DATA * ch, EDITOR_DATA * edd, char *argument )
  send_to_char( "\n\rAborting... ", ch );
  stop_editing( ch );

void editor_escaped_cmd( CHAR_DATA * ch, EDITOR_DATA * edd, char *argument )
  if( get_trust( ch ) > LEVEL_IMMORTAL )
    DO_FUN *last_cmd;
    int substate = ch->substate;

    last_cmd = ch->last_cmd;
    ch->substate = SUB_RESTRICTED;
    interpret( ch, argument );
    ch->substate = substate;
    ch->last_cmd = last_cmd;
    set_char_color( AT_GREEN, ch );
    send_to_char( "\n\r", ch );
    send_to_char( "You can't use '/!'.\n\r", ch );

void editor_save( CHAR_DATA * ch, EDITOR_DATA * edd, char *argument )

  d = ch->desc;

  d->connected = CON_PLAYING;
  if( !ch->last_cmd )
  ( *ch->last_cmd ) ( ch, "" );

char *Justify( char *oldstring, int iAlignment )
  char xbuf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH * 2];
  char xbuf2[MAX_STRING_LENGTH * 2];
//  char xbuf[(4*MAX_STRING_LENGTH - 1000)];
//  char xbuf2[(4*MAX_STRING_LENGTH - 1000)];
  char *rdesc;
  int i = 0;
  int end_of_line;
  bool cap = TRUE;
  bool bFormat = TRUE;

  xbuf[0] = xbuf2[0] = 0;

  i = 0;

  if( strlen( oldstring ) > MAX_STRING_LENGTH - 1 )
    return ( oldstring );

  if( oldstring[0] == '\0' )
    return oldstring;

  for( rdesc = oldstring; *rdesc; rdesc++ )
    if( bFormat )
      if( *rdesc == '\n' )
        if( *( rdesc + 1 ) == '\r' && *( rdesc + 2 ) == ' ' && *( rdesc + 3 ) == '\n' && xbuf[i - 1] != '\r' )
          xbuf[i] = '\n';
          xbuf[i + 1] = '\r';
          xbuf[i + 2] = '\n';
          xbuf[i + 3] = '\r';
          i += 4;
          rdesc += 2;
        else if( *( rdesc + 1 ) == '\r' && *( rdesc + 2 ) == ' ' && *( rdesc + 2 ) == '\n' && xbuf[i - 1] == '\r' )
          xbuf[i] = '\n';
          xbuf[i + 1] = '\r';
          i += 2;
        else if( *( rdesc + 1 ) == '\r' && *( rdesc + 2 ) == '\n' && xbuf[i - 1] != '\r' )
          xbuf[i] = '\n';
          xbuf[i + 1] = '\r';
          xbuf[i + 2] = '\n';
          xbuf[i + 3] = '\r';
          i += 4;
          rdesc += 1;
        else if( *( rdesc + 1 ) == '\r' && *( rdesc + 2 ) == '\n' && xbuf[i - 1] == '\r' )
          xbuf[i] = '\n';
          xbuf[i + 1] = '\r';
          i += 2;
        else if( xbuf[i - 1] != ' ' && xbuf[i - 1] != '\r' )
          xbuf[i] = ' ';
      else if( *rdesc == '\r' );
      else if( *rdesc == 'i' && *( rdesc + 1 ) == '.' && *( rdesc + 2 ) == 'e' && *( rdesc + 3 ) == '.' )
        xbuf[i] = 'i';
        xbuf[i + 1] = '.';
        xbuf[i + 2] = 'e';
        xbuf[i + 3] = '.';
        i += 4;
        rdesc += 3;
      else if( *rdesc == ' ' )
        if( xbuf[i - 1] != ' ' )
          xbuf[i] = ' ';
      else if( *rdesc == ')' )
        if( xbuf[i - 1] == ' ' && xbuf[i - 2] == ' ' && ( xbuf[i - 3] == '.' || xbuf[i - 3] == '?' || xbuf[i - 3] == '!' ) )
          xbuf[i - 2] = *rdesc;
          xbuf[i - 1] = ' ';
          xbuf[i] = ' ';
        else if( xbuf[i - 1] == ' ' && ( xbuf[i - 2] == ',' || xbuf[i - 2] == ';' ) )
          xbuf[i - 1] = *rdesc;
          xbuf[i] = ' ';
          xbuf[i] = *rdesc;
      else if( *rdesc == ',' || *rdesc == ';' )
        if( xbuf[i - 1] == ' ' )
          xbuf[i - 1] = *rdesc;
          xbuf[i] = ' ';
          xbuf[i] = *rdesc;
          if( *( rdesc + 1 ) != '\"' )
            xbuf[i + 1] = ' ';
            i += 2;
            xbuf[i + 1] = '\"';
            xbuf[i + 2] = ' ';
            i += 3;

      else if( ( *rdesc == '.' && *( rdesc + 1 ) == ' ' ) || *rdesc == '?' || *rdesc == '!' )
        if( xbuf[i - 1] == ' ' && xbuf[i - 2] == ' ' && ( xbuf[i - 3] == '.' || xbuf[i - 3] == '?' || xbuf[i - 3] == '!' ) )
          xbuf[i - 2] = *rdesc;
          if( *( rdesc + 1 ) != '\"' )
            xbuf[i - 1] = ' ';
            xbuf[i] = ' ';
            xbuf[i - 1] = '\"';
            xbuf[i] = ' ';
            xbuf[i + 1] = ' ';
            i += 2;
          xbuf[i] = *rdesc;
          if( *( rdesc + 1 ) != '\"' )
            xbuf[i + 1] = ' ';
            xbuf[i + 2] = ' ';
            i += 3;
            xbuf[i + 1] = '\"';
            xbuf[i + 2] = ' ';
            xbuf[i + 3] = ' ';
            i += 4;
        cap = TRUE;
        xbuf[i] = *rdesc;
        if( cap )
          cap = FALSE;
          xbuf[i] = UPPER( xbuf[i] );
      xbuf[i] = *rdesc;
  xbuf[i] = 0;
  strcpy( xbuf2, xbuf );

  rdesc = xbuf2;

  xbuf[0] = 0;

  for( ;; )
    end_of_line = iAlignment;
    for( i = 0; i < end_of_line; i++ )
      if( *( rdesc + i ) == '`' )
        end_of_line += 2;

      if( !*( rdesc + i ) )

      if( *( rdesc + i ) == '\r' )
        end_of_line = i;
    if( i < end_of_line )
    if( *( rdesc + i - 1 ) != '\r' )
      for( i = ( xbuf[0] ? ( end_of_line - 1 ) : ( end_of_line - 4 ) ); i; i-- )
        if( *( rdesc + i ) == ' ' )
      if( i )
        *( rdesc + i ) = 0;
        strcat( xbuf, rdesc );
        strcat( xbuf, "\n\r" );
        rdesc += i + 1;
        while( *rdesc == ' ' )
        *( rdesc + ( end_of_line - 2 ) ) = 0;
        strcat( xbuf, rdesc );
        strcat( xbuf, "-\n\r" );
        rdesc += end_of_line - 1;
      *( rdesc + i - 1 ) = 0;
      strcat( xbuf, rdesc );
      strcat( xbuf, "\r" );
      rdesc += i;
      while( *rdesc == ' ' )
  while( *( rdesc + i ) && ( *( rdesc + i ) == ' ' || *( rdesc + i ) == '\n' || *( rdesc + i ) == '\r' ) )
  *( rdesc + i + 1 ) = 0;
  strcat( xbuf, rdesc );
  if( xbuf[strlen( xbuf ) - 2] != '\n' )
    strcat( xbuf, "\n\r" );

  return ( str_dup( xbuf ) );

// New editor format taken and altered from AFKMUD.  --Saiyr
void editor_format( CHAR_DATA * ch, EDITOR_DATA * edd, char *argument )
  char *buf;

  buf = editdata_to_str( ch->editor );
  buf = Justify( buf, 76 );
  ch->editor = str_to_editdata( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH );

  send_to_char( "OK.\n\r", ch );

 * Misc functions

char *text_replace( char *src, char *word_src, char *word_dst, sh_int * pnew_size, sh_int * prepl_count )
/* Replaces a word word_src in src for word_dst. Returns a pointer to a newly
 * allocated buffer containing the line with the replacements. Stores in
 * pnew_size the size of the allocated buffer, wich may be different from the
 * length of the string and is a multiple of CHAR_BLOCK. Stores in prepl_count
 * the number of replacements it made */
  char *dst_buf;
  char *next_found, *last_found;
  sh_int dst_used, dst_size, len;
  sh_int repl_count;

   * prepare the destination buffer 
  CREATE( dst_buf, char, CHAR_BLOCK );
  dst_size = CHAR_BLOCK;
  dst_used = 0;
  dst_buf[0] = '\0';

  last_found = src;
  repl_count = 0;
  for( ;; )
     * look for next instance of word 
    next_found = strstr( last_found, word_src );
    if( next_found == NULL )
       * if theres no more instances of word,
       * * copy the rest of the src 
      len = strlen( last_found );
      RESIZE_IF_NEEDED( dst_buf, dst_size, dst_used, len + 1 );
      strcat( dst_buf, last_found );
      dst_used += len;
     * copy the buffer up to this instance of the word
     * * and then copy the replacement word 
    len = next_found - last_found + strlen( word_dst );
    RESIZE_IF_NEEDED( dst_buf, dst_size, dst_used, len + 1 );
    strncat( dst_buf, last_found, next_found - last_found );
    strcat( dst_buf, word_dst );
    dst_used += len;

    last_found = next_found + strlen( word_src );
  *pnew_size = dst_size;
  *prepl_count = repl_count;
  return dst_buf;

 * Pick off one argument from a string and return the rest.
 * Understands quotes.
 * A pickier version than regular one_argument, it will not
 * convert to lowercase, and it can handle the (') character
 * when it's escaped inside '.
char *finer_one_argument( char *argument, char *arg_first )
  char cEnd;
  sh_int count;
  bool escaped;

  count = 0;

  while( isspace( *argument ) )

  cEnd = ' ';
  if( *argument == '\'' || *argument == '"' )
    cEnd = *argument++;

  escaped = FALSE;
  while( *argument != '\0' || ++count >= MAX_INPUT_LENGTH )
    if( cEnd != ' ' && escaped )
      if( *argument == '\\' )
        *arg_first = '\\';
      else if( *argument == '\'' )
        *arg_first = '\'';
      else if( *argument == '"' )
        *arg_first = '"';
        *arg_first = *argument;
      escaped = FALSE;
    if( cEnd != ' ' && *argument == '\\' && !escaped )
      escaped = TRUE;

    if( *argument == cEnd )
    *arg_first = *argument;
  *arg_first = '\0';

  while( isspace( *argument ) )

  return argument;