This directory holds all the commands used in the game.  They are parsed
via the folders listed in config.yaml.  Look for a section like this:

# command interfaces to load (in order)
  - teensy
  - tiny
  - zombie

If you can a cmd_get in teensy and you put a cmd_get in zombie the get
command from zombie is the one that will be used because teensy gets
loaded first then overrriden by tiny, then zombie.

Each directory has a matching yaml file that tells the engine which
cmd files to load and their specific settings.  cmd_xxx.rb files are
Command objects that run under the Character class.  So references to
id, @mode, location are all that current characters (or mobiles)

The Yaml file has some specific traits in the zombie nation mud engine.

Lets take this entry for an example:

- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_load
  help: load an object (Ex. @load \#<oid>)
  name: @load
  perm: builder
  pos: :sitting

The first line is always the same and that says we are making a Command obj.
  Required entries are: cmd, help, name
  The rest are optional.

  cmd  - :symbol to command sepcified as the def cmd_xxx in cmd_xxx.rb file
  help - Users help info if they type help <cmd>
  name - The command the character actually types to use this command
  perm - Minimum permisions to use this command.  Options are:
          builder - Requires a builder or admin to use this command
          admin   - Admin only command
  pos  - Minimum position to use this command.  By default a character
         must be standing to use a command.  Valid options are
           :any      - No restrictions on position
           :standing - Default
           :sitting  - Sitting or Standing
           :fighting - Fighting and standing command
  skill - Requires a skill to use (admins can also use)  The value specified
          is the required skill.  skill level must be a > 0 to execute and
	  the actual command could check for higher skills levels if necessary.