# file::    teensy.yaml
# author::  Jon A. Lambert
# version:: 2.8.0
# date::    02/21/2005
# This source code copyright (C) 2005, 2006 by Jon A. Lambert
# All rights reserved.
# Released under the terms of the TeensyMUD Public License
# See LICENSE file for additional information.

# These are the character commands for the teensy interface
- !ruby/object:Command 
  cmd: :cmd_help
  help: displays help
  name: help
- !ruby/object:Command 
  cmd: :cmd_help
  help: displays help
  name: "?"
  zombie: true
- !ruby/object:Command 
  cmd: :cmd_look
  help: displays the contents of a room
  name: look
- !ruby/object:Command 
  cmd: :cmd_look
  help: displays the contents of a room
  name: examine
- !ruby/object:Command 
  cmd: :cmd_quit
  help: quits the game (saves character)
  name: quit
  pos: :any
  zombie: true
- !ruby/object:Command 
  cmd: :cmd_inv
  help: displays character inventory
  name: inventory
  pos: :any
- !ruby/object:Command 
  cmd: :cmd_reload
  help: reloads the command table
  name: '@reload'
  perm: admin
  pos: :any
- !ruby/object:Command 
  cmd: :cmd_say
  help: "sends <message> to all characters in the room"
  name: say
  pos: :sitting
- !ruby/object:Command 
  cmd: :cmd_say
  help: "sends <message> to all characters in the room"
  name: "\""
  pos: :sitting
  zombie: true
- !ruby/object:Command 
  cmd: :cmd_emote
  help: "displays <message> to all characters in the room"
  name: emote
  pos: sitting
- !ruby/object:Command 
  cmd: :cmd_emote
  help: "displays <message> to all characters in the room"
  name: "!"
  pos: :sitting
- !ruby/object:Command 
  cmd: :cmd_chat
  help: "sends <message> to all characters in the game"
  name: chat
  pos: :any
- !ruby/object:Command 
  cmd: :cmd_get
  help: gets all objects in the room into your inventory
  name: get
- !ruby/object:Command 
  cmd: :cmd_drop
  help: drops all objects in your inventory into the room
  name: drop
- !ruby/object:Command 
  cmd: :cmd_room
  help: "creates a new room and autolinks the exits using the exit names provided.\r\n\t\t(ex. @room My Room north south)"
  name: '@room'
  perm: builder
- !ruby/object:Command 
  cmd: :cmd_set
  help: "sets the description or timer for an object\r\n\tSyntax:\r\n\t\t@set desc #<oid><description>\r\n\t\t@set timer #<oid> <on|off>\r\n\t\t(ex. @set desc #1 A beautiful rose.)"
  name: '@set'
  perm: builder
  pos: :any
- !ruby/object:Command 
  cmd: :cmd_who
  help: shows a list of all connected characters
  name: who
  pos: :any
- !ruby/object:Command 
  cmd: :cmd_stats
  help: "displays a statistical report of the database"
  name: '@stats'
  perm: admin
  pos: :any
- !ruby/object:Command 
  cmd: :cmd_memstats
  help: "displays a report on memory statistics"
  name: '@memstats'
  perm: admin
  pos: :any
- !ruby/object:Command 
  cmd: :cmd_go
  help: "go through the exit specified (ex. go west)"
  name: 'go'
- !ruby/object:Command 
  cmd: :cmd_color
  help: "toggles colors on or off"
  name: '@color'
  pos: :any
  zombie: true
- !ruby/object:Command 
  cmd: :cmd_status
  help: "displays session information"
  name: '@status'
  pos: :any
- !ruby/object:Command 
  cmd: :cmd_dumpcache
  help: "displays the contents of the store cache"
  name: '@dumpcache'
  perm: admin
  pos: :any
- !ruby/object:Command 
  cmd: :cmd_shutdown
  help: "shuts down the server"
  name: '@shutdown'
  perm: admin
  pos: :any
- !ruby/object:Command 
  cmd: :cmd_trigger
  help: |
    Adds, deletes or shows triggers on an object
        @trigger add #<oid> #<scriptid> <eventtype>
        @trigger del #<oid> <eventtype>
        @trigger show #<oid>
        (ex. @trigger add #1 #5 arrive)
  name: '@trigger'
  perm: builder
  pos: :any
- !ruby/object:Command 
  cmd: :cmd_script
  help: |
    Adds, deletes or shows a script
        @script add <lang> <progname>|<code>
        @script del #<scriptid>
        @script show #<scriptid>
        (ex. @script add fart myprog
             @script add boolexp (#234|#42)&#34 )
  name: '@script'
  pos: :any
  perm: builder
- !ruby/object:Command 
  cmd: :cmd_show
  help: |
    Displays object
        @show #<oid>|me
        (ex. @show me)
  name: '@show'
  perm: builder
  pos: :any
- !ruby/object:Command 
  cmd: :cmd_gc
  help: runs garbage collection
  name: @gc
  perm: admin
  pos: :any