# file::    zombie.yaml
# author::  Macabre
# version:: 0.0.1
# date::    10/02/2008
# This source code copyright (C) 2005, 2006 by Jon A. Lambert
# All rights reserved.
# Released under the terms of the TeensyMUD Public License
# See LICENSE file for additional information.

# These are the character commands for the Tiny interface
- !ruby/object:Command 
  cmd: :cmd_get
  help: Pick up an object.
  name: get
- !ruby/object:Command 
  cmd: :cmd_drop
  help: Drop an object.
  name: drop
  zombie: true
- !ruby/object:Command 
  cmd: :cmd_olist
  help: Query an object ID
  name: @olist
  perm: builder
  pos: :any
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_mlist
  help: Query an mobile ID
  name: @mlist
  perm: builder
  pos: :any
- !ruby/object:Command 
  cmd: :cmd_load
  help: load an object (Ex. @load \#<oid>)
  name: @load
  perm: builder
  pos: :sitting
- !ruby/object:Command 
  cmd: :cmd_junk
  help: discards an item as junk (it disappears)
  name: junk
- !ruby/object:Command 
  cmd: :cmd_grant
  help: grant builder|admin permissions
  name: @grant
  perm: admin
  pos: :any
- !ruby/object:Command 
  cmd: :cmd_revoke
  help: revoke builder|admin permissions
  name: @revoke
  perm: admin
  pos: :any
- !ruby/object:Command 
  cmd: :cmd_help
  help: This help screen
  name: help
  pos: :any
  zombie: true
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_give
  help: give <object> to <player> \| give \# dollars to <player>
  name: give
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_room
  help: @room My Room <east> <west>
  name: @room
  perm: builder
  pos: :any
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_goto
  help: @goto (room# | player | mob mobilename)
  name: @goto
  perm: builder
  pos: :any
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_rlist
  help: @rlist (low-high) or name in title
  name: @rlist
  perm: builder
  pos: :any
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_todo
  help: todo (msg) - Submit or display the todo list
  name: todo
  perm: builder
  pos: :any
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_bug
  help: bug (msg) - Submit or display a bug report
  name: bug
  pos: :any
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_wizhelp
  help: wizhelp <topic> - Help for Builders and Wizards (admins)
  name: @wizhelp
  perm: builder
  pos: :any
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_stand
  help: stand - stands up
  name: stand
  pos: :any
  zombie: true
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_sit
  help: sit - Sit down to rest
  name: sit
  pos: :any
  zombie: true
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_sit
  help: sit - Sit down to rest
  name: rest
  pos: :any
  zombie: true
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_sleep
  help: sleep - sleeps to help recover
  name: sleep
  pos: :any
  zombie: true
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_time
  help: Gets the approximate time of day (or night)
  name: time
  pos: sitting
  zombie: true
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_weather
  help: Gets the weather
  name: weather
  pos: :sitting
  zombie: true
- !ruby/object:Command 
  cmd: :cmd_look
  help: displays the contents of a room or details of an object in the room
  name: look
  pos: :any
  zombie: true
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_stats
  help: Displays some useful player stats
  name: stats
  pos: :any
  zombie: true
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_wear
  help: Wear an article of clothing or armor
  name: wear
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_wield
  help: Wield something...like a weapon maybe?
  name: wield
  pos: :any
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_remove
  help: Remove an article of clothing or armor
  name: remove
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_unwield
  help: Remove a wielded item
  name: unwield
  pos: :any
- !ruby/object:Command 
  cmd: :cmd_medit
  help: |
    Creates a new mobile/NPC (ex. @medit npc Bob)
        npc        -  Standard mobile class
        zombie     -  Create a Zombie
        merchant   -  Create a merchant
  name: 'medit'
  perm: builder
  pos: :any
- !ruby/object:Command 
  cmd: :cmd_inv
  help: displays character inventory
  name: inventory
  pos: :any
  zombie: true
- !ruby/object:Command 
  cmd: :cmd_force
  help: Force a character or mobile to perform an action
  name: @force
  pos: :any
  perm: admin
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_alias
  help: |
    Create an alias for frequently used commands
      use %x for argument substitution.  Example:
          > alias g give %x to Bob
      This will allow you to type
          > g food
      and it will convert to
          > give food to Bob
  name: alias
  pos: :any
- !ruby/object:Command 
  cmd: :cmd_who
  help: shows a list of all connected characters
  name: who
  pos: :any
  zombie: true
- !ruby/object:Command 
  cmd: :cmd_invisible
  help: Toggles invisibility mode
  name: @invisible
  pos: :any
  perm: admin
- !ruby/object:Command 
  cmd: :cmd_say
  help: "sends <message> to all characters in the room"
  name: say
  pos: :sitting
  zombie: true
- !ruby/object:Command 
  cmd: :cmd_say
  help: "sends <message> to all characters in the room"
  name: "\""
  pos: :sitting
  zombie: true
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_spawn
  help: |
     Creates a spawn point for an object or mobile
        spawn #<oid> max=3     (Creates oid at this location, max of 3)
        spawn add #<spawnid> max=2 max_in_room=1 freq=10 inv=#20 wield=#25 wear=#26
            This modifies spawnid and adjust values as well as equips it
        spawn del #<spawnid>    (Deletes the spawnid)
  name: "@spawn"
  perm: builder
  pos: :any
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_kill
  help: Try and kill somebody
  name: kill
  zombie: true
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_flee
  help: Attempt to flee from a fight
  name: flee
  pos: :any
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_heal
  help: Heal a player
  name: heal
  pos: standing
  perm: admin
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_summon
  help: Summon a player to your current location
  name: @summon
  perm: admin
  pos: :sitting
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_redit
  help: |
   Room Editor (OLC) Edit a room.  
      Syntax redit              (Edits current room)
             redit #<room id>   (Edits room with <room id>)
             redit new [<name>] (Creates a new room with optional <name>)
  name: redit
  perm: builder
  pos: :any
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_oedit
  help: |
   Object Editor (OLC) Edit an object.  
      Syntax oedit #<object id>   (Edits object with <object id>)
             oedit new (type) [<name>] (Creates a new object with <name>)
                   optional types - container, food, liquid, battery
  name: oedit
  perm: builder
  pos: :any
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_eat
  help: Eat some food
  name: eat
  pos: :sitting
  zombie: true
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_bury
  help: Bury and item from your inventory
  name: bury
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_dig
  help: Dig in the ground to see if something is buried there.
  name: dig
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_put
  help: Put an object in another object. Eg - put food in bag
  name: put
  pos: :sitting
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_drink
  help: Drink from something
  name: drink
  pos: :sitting
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_fill
  help: Fill up a container with liquid
  name: fill
  pos: :sitting
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_empty
  help: Empties out an object on to the floor
  name: empty
  pos: :sitting
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_passwd
  help: Change your user account password
  name: @passwd
  pos: :any
  zombie: true
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_open
  help: Opens a door or other object
  name: open
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_close
  help: Closes a door or other object
  name: close
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_unlock
  help: Unlock a door or other object
  name: unlock
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_lock
  help: Lock a door or other object
  name: lock
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_save
  help: Save at a proper saving location (Like an Inn)
  name: save
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_rlink
  help: Link two room exits together.  Usage - rlink room1\# room2\#
  name: rlink
  perm: builder
  pos: :any
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_dbsave
  help: Saves currently running world to the DB (disk)
  name: @dbsave
  perm: admin
  pos: :any
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_tel
  help: Tel(elpath) a user a message directly.  They do not have to be in the same room.
  name: tel
  pos: :any
  zombie: true
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_replicate
  help: Replcates changes to a parent Oid to all in game clones
  name: @replicate
  pos: :any
  perm: builder
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_bash
  help: Bash in a door.  Usage - bash exitName
  name: bash
  skill: bash
  zombie: true
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_list
  help: List available items to purchase from a merchant
  name: list
  pos: sitting
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_buy
  help: Buy an item from a merchant
  name: buy
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_sell
  help: Sell an item or items to a merchant
  name: sell
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_offer
  help: Offer an item to a merchant to see what they would pay for it
  name: offer
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_motd
  help: Message Of The Day
  name: @motd
  pos: :any
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_description
  help: Set your players description
  name: @description
  pos: :any
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_balance
  help: Get your bank balance
  name: balance
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_withdrawl
  help: Withdrawl money from an ATM
  name: withdrawl
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_deposit
  help: Deposit money into an ATM
  name: deposit
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_last
  help: Show last \# of people logged on
  name: @last
  perm: builder
  pos: :any
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_mail
  help: |
   Send and recieve mail
   mail    - shows mailbox
   mail <user> <subject>
   mail read msgid  - read a message id
   mail del msgid   - delete a message id
   mail del all     - delete all messages
  name: mail
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_q
  help: Quit Stub
  name: q
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_follow
  help: Follow somebody
  name: follow
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_group
  help: Start a group (Party) from followers
  name: group
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_disband
  help: Disband a group or one of its members
  name: disband
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_split
  help: Split money with other group members.  Usage - split amount
  name: split
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_reboot
  help: Rebot the server.  Optional args are - update, pause
  name: @reboot
  perm: admin
  pos: :any
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_debugmode
  help: Toggles debug mode for in-game development
  name: @debugmode
  perm: admin
  pos: :any
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_syslog
  help: Shows the last 20 or so lines of the system log.  @syslog [number_of_lines]
  name: @syslog
  perm: admin
  pos: :any
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_afk
  help: Away From Keyboard (Toggle)
  name: afk
  pos: :any
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_wake
  help: Wake yourself or a sleeping person
  name: wake
  pos: :any
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_infect
  help: Infect somebody
  name: infect
  perm: admin
- !ruby/object:Command 
  cmd: :cmd_chat
  help: "sends <message> to all characters in the game"
  name: chat
  pos: :any
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_moan
  help: Lets out a zombie moan to attract other zombies
  name: moan
  skill: moan
  zombie: true
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_pardon
  help: Pardon somebody who is marked as a player killer
  name: @pardon
  pos: :any
  perm: builder
- !ruby/object:Command
  cmd: :cmd_mend
  help: Mends a broken or crippled limb
  name: mend
  skill: mend