$ If F$TrnLnm("MUSH_DEBUG") .Nes. "" Then Set Verify
$ Set NoOn
$! Basically a conversion of the startmush shell script as provided...
$ CurDir = "USR:[SYNFUL.MUSH]"
$! Remake the indices for the various help files
$ MkIndx :== $'CurDir'MkIndx
$ MkIndx 'CurDir'News.Txt 'CurDir'News.Indx
$ MkIndx 'CurDir'Help.Txt 'CurDir'Help.Indx
$ MkIndx 'CurDir'WizHelp.Txt 'CurDir'WizHelp.Indx
$! Should check for panic dump -- we don't, though.
$! Save a copy of the previous input database.
$ Rename 'CurDir'Mush_DB. 'CurDir'Mush_DB.Save
$! If there is a good checkpoint database, use it for the input database.
$! If not, use the saved database.
$ CKPDB = F$Search("''CurDir'Mush_DB_New.*")
$ If CKPDB .Nes. ""
$    Then
$	Rename 'CKPDB' 'CurDir'Mush_DB.
$    Else
$	Copy 'CurDir'Mush_DB.Save 'CurDir'Mush_DB.
$ EndIf
$ Define Sys$Error NetMush.Log
$ NetMush := $'CurDir'NetMush
$ NetMush 'CurDir'NetMush.Conf
$ Exit