Last Update: February 2005

Please note that there are two sets of instructions included in this
file.  Please skip to 'Instructions for Existing Games' for how to
upgrade your server or to compile in preparation for moving an existing

Instructions for New Installations:

1.  cd src/ to the source directory.  Run './configure'.

    This will customize autoconf.h and Makefile for your system.  Add
    the option '--enable-wodrealms' to enable WOD Realms (See
    docs/REALMS).  Add '--enable-memorybased' to enable Memory-Based
    database handling (as opposed to the default disk-based database
    handling.  See docs/MEMORY).
2.  Edit the Configuration section of the Makefile.  This is usually 
    not needed. Most likely, all you will need to change are any C++ 
    flags needed by your particular C++ compiler,(in particular 
    -fpcc-struct-return), and any esoteric libraries needed by your 
    system. There may also be some #defines in config.h that you may want 
    to change, but in general, the defaults should not be changed.

3.  Run make depend, then make.  This will produce netmux, slave,
    and dbconvert.
4.  When starting from a MUX from scratch, do the following:

      - cd to the game directory. 'cd ../game'
      - Make your configuration file, as described in docs/CONFIGURATION
      - Type './Startmux'.  TinyMUX 2.4 automatically creates a minimal 
        DB if one does not exist in the game/data directory.
      - Log into the game as player wizard 'connect wizard potrzebie', 
        and shut it down again.
5.  Edit the .txt files in game/text to your liking.  In particular 
    connect.txt and motd.txt.
6.  Start up TinyMUX 2.4 by running './Startmux' again.

7.  @ccreate a channel named 'Public', and a channel named 'Guests' from
    within the MUX. Created players will automatically be joined to 
    'Public'with alias 'pub', guests will automatically join 'Guests' with 
    alias 'g'.

Changes to dbconvert:
 - dbconvert is the means by which the binary game data is converted to 
   flatfile format and back again.  The db_load and db_unload scripts 
   simplify the process for the user. 
 - The syntax of the scripts is:
   - './db_load netmux netmux.flat netmux.db'
     This converts flatfiled database to binary for use by the server and 
     would be done with dbconvert thus:
     ../bin/dbconvert -dnetmux -inetmux.flat -onetmux.db -l
   - './db_unload netmux netmux.flat'
     This converts binary data to flatfile for would be done with dbconvert 
     ../bin/dbconvert -dnetmux -onetmux.flat -u

Instructions for Existing Games:
[NOTE: It is HIGHLY recommended that you preserve a previous setup if 
you can, to make conversion a bit less painful.  If you had one while 
converting, make sure the conversion process has completed successfully 
before you delete your old distribution.  We cannot stress enough to 
you the importance of protecting your data throughout any conversion 
or upgrade.]

1.  cd src/ to the source directory.  Run './configure'.

    This will customize autoconf.h and Makefile for your system.  Add
    the option '--enable-wodrealms' to enable WOD Realms (See
    docs/REALMS).  Add '--enable-memorybased' to enable Memory-Based
    database handling (as opposed to the default disk-based database
    handling.  See docs/MEMORY).
2.  Edit the Configuration section of the Makefile.  This is usually 
    not needed. Most likely, all you will need to change are any C++ 
    flags needed by your particular C++ compiler,(in particular 
    -fpcc-struct-return), and any esoteric libraries needed by your 
    system. There may also be some #defines in config.h that you may want 
    to change, but in general, the defaults should not be changed.

3.  Run make depend, then make.  This will produce netmux, slave,
    and dbconvert.
4.  - Put databases in game/data. 

    - Put text files in game/text.

    - The scripts db_load, db_unload, and db_check may be found in the
      game/data directory. 

    - If you changed the GAMENAME in mux.config, be sure to change 
      the filenames in GAMENAME.conf as well.

    - If you had a mail database previously, adjust mail_expiration 
      accordingly, BEFORE you restart the game, or else ALL @mail older 
      than the default value of 14 days will be deleted.
5.  Start TinyMUX 2.4 by running './Startmux'.