& help

  Index of helpfiles, V1.0 (1 AUG 00)

  +beginner      +cnotes        +finger        +finger-setup  +glance  
  +ic            +info          +info-setup    +knock         +3who*
  +lwho          +shout         +staff         +staff/all     +timestamp
  +timestop      +uptime        +view          +view-setup    +warn
  +where         +who           @register      BACKGROUNDS    CREDITS        
  mutter         OOC            PLACES         places-config  places-options 
  To get help on any of the listed topics, type '+help <topic>'

& backgrounds
Commands for Setting your Background:                     

  SYNTAX:  +bg <#>                 - Read a background section.
           +bglist                 - List out sections that have been created
           +bgadd <#>=<text>       - Add to a background section.
           +bgrem <#>=<text>       - Removes text from a background section.
           +bgrep <#>=<old>/<new>  - Replaces text in a background section.
           +bgclear <#>            - Clears a background section.
           +bglock <#>             - Locks a background section when finished.

  The '<#>' sign in the BG help stands for the number of the section you are
  working on. The BG commands allows for multiple sections so that your 
  background can be broken up into reasonably sized pieces of text.

& +beginner

  MUSH is new to some of you and probably a little daunting. To ease your 
  feelings of panic, we offer a very basic list of commands that will get you 
  looking around and using the various features of the game.

    "<message>                You say <message>.
    Say <message>             See above.
    ooc <message>             Makes an OOC statement or pose.
    page <person>=<message>   Pages <person> with <message>.
    look                      Shows you the room you are standing in.
    look <object or person>   Shows the desc for that object or person.
    pose <message>            You pose <message> EX: pose grins.->John Doe 
    :<message>                See 'pose" above
    WHO                       Shows a list of who is connected to the MUSH.
    +staff                    Shows connected Staff.
    +staff/all                Shows the staff roster.

  NOTE: MUSH commands may be case sensitive. You can always page a staffer 
  for help.

  '+beginner' also recalls this file

& +cnotes

  SYNTAX: +cnotelist             - Gives you a list of all cnotes on your 
                                   character object.
          +cnoteview <notename>  - Shows you the contents of the named cnote.
          +cnote <notename>=text - Sets &cnote<notename> on the player to the 
                                   value of the text with person and time 
  To set notes on rooms, exits, and other objects that you own, set an 
  attribute: &CNOTE_<notename> <object>=<text>

  Please note that some cnotes require staff approval before they can go into 
  effect ICly.  Consult a member of staff for assistance.  


  SGP is a broad, cross platform coding effort with numerous contributors.  
  Current contributors of code and assistance in testing, writing helpfiles, 
  and pithy comments are as follows:

    Audumla@Everywhere   --A little bit of everything, +staff and +staff/all, 
                           +beginner, +version, and installer files.
    BEM@Granite          --Much of the base code including +who, joining 
                           and summon commands, debugging. 
    Miateila@Granite     --+finger and LOTS of pithy commentary
    Hilikiradi@Sandbox   --Debugging, Penn platform tests, +cnotes, 
                           +lwho, PLACES upgrades, and installer files. 
    Brazil@Everywhere    --MUX 2.0 issues
    Talek, Javelin, Raevnos, David,
    Vexon@M*U*S*H        --Penn Issues
    Ashen-Shugar         --RhostMUSH Issues, +motd
    Lilith@Sandbox       --Debugging, @register 
    Hunger@Pacifica      --Debugging, Aesthetics
    Jeff@TSC             --+version, @crontab 

& +finger 

  SYNTAX: +finger <name>

  This command shows you various bits of information about and will also 
  accept "me" as an argument.  +finger is generally a command that notes OOC 
  information and should not be considered IC unless game policy 
  specifically says otherwise.

  See Also '+finger-setup' for configuration options.  

& +finger-setup
Finger Setup
  Attributes read by this command:
  E-MAIL:              Your email address (optional)   
  POSITION:            Your Position
  SHORT-DESC:          A short description of yourself  
  FULLNAME:            Your character's full name.
  AGE:                 Your real age
  FAME:                What you are known for.
  APP_AGE:             Your apparent age
  PLAN:                Any plans your character may have
  RP-PREFS:            Any RP Prefs that you may have as a person
  ALTS:                Alternate characters you may be known as
  THEMESONG:           Your Theme Song
  QUOTE:               A typical quote from your character
  OFF-HOURS:           When you are usually online.
  TEMPERMENT:          Should explain itself, really.
  VACATION:            The dates you expect to be gone.
  URL:                 Your homepage, if any.
  &FINGER-<whatever>:  Let's you add other fields.

  AFINGER:     Similar to @adesc, gets triggered when someone +fingers 
               you.%%0 is the name of the person who +fingered you, 
               %%1 is their dbref.

& +glance 

  SYNTAX: +glance 

  Displays displays the &SHORT-DESC attributes of objects and connected 
  players in your present location.  Idle times of players are shown.  
  &SHORT-DESC information is truncated to 50 characters. 

& +ic

  SYNTAX: +ic

  Lets a player go to a set beginning IC location.

& +info

  SYNTAX: +info           Show you the info that you have set on yourself.
          +info <player>  Shows you info set on other characters.

  +info allows you to set information on yourself that would be useful to 
  other players without them having them page you for it. This is an 
  /excellent/ way to tell other players about pertinent merits, flaws, or 
  other things that /would/ affect the way that they might interact with you, 
  yet would not be appropriate to place in your @desc.

  Players should make a brief mention like "+info set" at the end of their 
  @desc, so that others may know to look.

  See Also: +info-setup

& +info-setup
+info setup

  To set info on yourself, set it as an attribute &INFO-<category>.  General 
  info can be seen by anyone. More specific info is set in the same way, 
  except you use who should be able to see it instead of 'general'. Possible 
  things to use are: race, factions, clans, tribes, and traditions.:

  &info-general me=A wandering bum, usually seen in the dirtier parts of 
the streets.
  &info-camarilla me=This is the Gangrel Primogen, and as such, is a very 
noted member of the Camarilla...
  &info-garou me=This character has a Pure Breed 4.

& +knock

  SYNTAX: +knock <exit name or alias>

  This command will allow you to 'knock' on any door in the MUSH. The players 
  on the other side of the door will get an emit telling them that someone is 
  knocking on the door. 

  NOTE: Using this command on the street grid on exits like South <S> is very 
  silly and people will think that you are dumb if you do.

& mp
mp - multipaging:

  SYNTAX:  mp <names>=<message> - Allows multipaging to a list of players
           mp <message>         - Allows multipaging to the last group of 
                                  players multipaged.

& mutter
  SYNTAX: mutter <target>=<string>
          mutter/tt <target>=<string>
          mutter/place <place number>=<string>

  The first form of this command behaves identically to "whisper", except 
  that the other players in the room will see that you have said something. 
  A regular message, or part of a pose enclosed in "quotes", will have some 
  of its words or groups of words replaced by "..." If you enclose a phrase 
  with <angle brackets>, it will not be replaced. Poses without "quotes" 
  will simply show that you have muttered something. <target> can be any 
  player in the same room as you.

  The second form of this command behaves like the first, except that instead 
  of the entire room hearing the mutter, only people at a place will do so. 
  If you are at a place, those at your place will hear the mutter;if you are 
  not, and the target is, those at that place will hear the mutter. If 
  neither of you are at a place, an error message will be generated.

  The final version of this command allows everyone at a place to hear the 
  message in full, while the rest of the room hears the mutter.

  This code was written by Deirdre@AmberMUSH.

  See Also: 'mutter2'

& mutter2
mutter examples:

     mutter Finndo=Can you loan me thirty Pence? I'm broke!
     Meg mutters to Finndo, "Can... loan... thirty... broke!"

     mutter Bleys=:frowns. "What a <cheapskate> he is!" She shrugs.
     Meg frowns. She mutters to Bleys, "What... cheapskate..." She shrugs.

     mutter/place 1=:chuckles. "Thank you very much."
     Meg chuckles. She mutters to the long, mahogany bar, "Thank you..."

     mutter/tt Deirdre=Where did you hide those Trumps?
     At the bar, Meg mutters to Deirdre, "Where... Trumps?"

Out of Character speech:

  SYNTAX:  ooc <message>
           ' <message>
  Allows a player to speak or pose OOCly or out of character.

& places

  SYNTAX:  Mv from <#> to <#>          Moves a vacancy from one place to another.
           Join <place name>           Puts you at <place name>
           Join at #<num>              Puts you at place #<num>.
           Join with <name>            Puts you at the place with <name>.
           Depart                      Removes you from your place.
           sit *                        Alias for Join.
           Depart                      Removes you from your place.
           Places                      Lists who's present at all places.
           Place <num>                 Lists who's present at place <num>.
           Plook                       Lists in column format everyone around the 
           Plook <num>                 Lists name of <num> and virtual desc.
           tt <message>                (Tete a tete) Relays a message to all those at
                              your place. This command takes the usual 
                              say/pose tokens, and TT |<message> will emit.
           ttooc <message>             (Tete a tete) Relays an OOC message
           Update <#>/<Option>=<text>  See '+help places-options'

  PLACES are virtual places to sit, stand or occupy. You remain in the same
  room, but join a group of people within that room who may or may not be
  having a quiet conversation only with others placed with them.

  For installation help, type '+help places-config'.

  This code originally provided courtesy of Deirdre, Meg, and Osric of 
  AmberMUSH. It has since been editted by Angel@Heaven

& places-config
PLACES configuration:
  SYNTAX: Configure <num> places
          Unconfigure places

  Notes: A null fixed message means vacancies can be moved freely to and from 
  the place.  This does not make sense for things like couches and rugs.  Set 
  it to something like "That makes no sense." if you are using such a place.

  (O)Join and (O)depart messages take like this: %%N. All Join and Depart 
  messages are appended with the place name.

  Functions:  WHICHPLACE(<loc num>,<dbnum>) gives the number of a place where 
              <dbnum> is.
              ATPLACE(<loc num>,<place num>) gives you a list of things at a 
              PLACEINFO(<loc num>,<place num>,<option>) gives the value of 
              <option> at place.

& places-options
PLACES configuration:

  SYNTAX: Update <Place #>/<Option>=<Configuration Text>

  Option Description    <Option>        Default Configuration Text
  ------------------    --------        --------------------------
  Place Name            NAME            Table x
  Maximum # of places   MAXPLACES       Random
  Current # of places   CURPLACES       Random (1 >= # >= MAXPLACES)
  Fixed fail message    FIXED           <NULL>
  Full fail message     FULL            That table has no more room.
  Join message          JOIN            You sit down at <place>.
  Ojoin message         OJOIN           sits down at <place>.
  Depart message        DEPART          You stand and leave <place>.
  Odepart message       ODEPART         stands and leaves <place>.
  Say prefix            PREFIX          At your table
  Description           DESCRIBE        A table with 4 legs and some chairs 

& plook

  SYNTAX: plook
          plook <target>

  The first form gives you a list of places, in a three column format.

  The second form takes the number of the place as an argument, and gives the 
  name and description of the virtual place. Descriptions are in the final 
  field of the PLACE# attribute on the room, after the | in the list of 

& @register

  SYNTAX: @register <RL Name>=<email>=<alts>

  All players must be registered and read and accept the conditions found in 
  'news AUP' before they are allowed out of the Registration room. 
  Unregistered character objects become subject to nuking at any time.

& +selfboot

  SYNTAX: +selfboot

  This command allows you to boot 'ghost' connections that are usually caused 
  by dropped connections to your ISP.  

& +shout
  SYNTAX: +shout <message>

  This command will allow you to shout a message so that is is heard in 
  adjacent rooms. Codewise, it propogates a given message through all non-
  audible exits leading from the room of the enactor.

  NOTE: People in adjacent rooms will not know who is shouting, but will be 
  told that 'A man', 'A woman', or 'Someone" is shouting.

  Overuse of this command can be very annoying to others.

  If you want to 'sound proof' an exit, to prevent a shout from being heard 
  through a particular exit, add &NO_SHOUT <exit name>=1.

& +staff

  SYNTAX: +staff

  This command shows all connected staff who are not set DARK, along with 
  their alias, staff position, duty status, and how long they have been idle.

& +staff/all

  SYNTAX: +staff/all

  This command shows all staff along with their alias, staff position, and if 
  they are connected or not.  For offline or DARK staff, it displays when they 
  were last connected.

& +timestamp

  SYNTAX: +timestamp      
  Allows a player to read their current timestamps.

& +timestop

  SYNTAX:  +timestop     
  +timestop create a timestop object and drops it in the room where the 
  timestop was requested.  Staff is notified.  The object itself will appear 
  in the location as:  TIMESTOP: <player> <timestamp> <location>

  +resume removes _all_ timestops from the room in which it is used.

& +uptime 

  SYNTAX: +uptime

  This command displays basic runtime statistics for the game.

& +view
  SYNTAX:  +view                  List all objects in the room with views set.
           +view here             Lists all viewable items in the room.
           +view <object>         Lists all views on a particular object.
           +view <object>/<view>  Reads a view.

  Setting viewable objects using this code allows for greater detail to be 
  coded into a room without requiring huge, spammy descriptions. +view may 
  also be set on characters.

  Be sure to add "+view items" to your @descs so people know to look at them.

  See Also: '+help +view-setup'

& +view-setup
Setting views:

  Set an attribute on the object thus:

               &view-<name of view> <object>=<text>

  An example:  &view-painting here=You see a painting hanging on the walls, 
  that seems to be done in an Impressionist tone...

        To erase a view, simply leave the <text> area blank.

  You may also set messages to be displayed to other players when a view is 
  looked at. This is just like setting a view, but the attribute is called 

  An example.  &oview-painting here=takes a look at the painting hanging on 
  the wall.

  Mary and Fred are in a room and Mary does a "+view here/painting" 
  Fred would see 'Mary takes a look at the painting hanging on the wall.'

& +warn

  SYNTAX:   +warn <player>         
  Issues an anonymous OOC warning of impending danger to the named player.

  This is only a generic warning -- players are encouraged to page or @pemit 
  more specific messages, but this will suffice in a pinch. Do not use this 
  command flippantly. Give players ample time to make up their minds. This is 
  to be used BEFORE a timestop occurs. The command DOES display a message to 
  staff when used.

& +3who

  SYNTAX: +3who

  Displays +who in a 3 column format.

& +lwho

  SYNTAX: +lwho 

  This commands information as that displayed by +who, but only shows the 
  players in the same room. 

& +who

  SYNTAX: +who
          +who <string>

  This command displays Player, Gender, Alias, Idletime, Location, dbref of 
  location if findable and set JUMP_OK, and if the player is also staff.

  The second version of this command accepts an argument and allow you to see
  only connected players who match the argument given, such as looking for all
  players whose names start with an 'm'.

  The staff version of this code shows DARK staff, location, and dbref of 

& +where

  SYNTAX: +where

  Shows the location of all findable players on the mush.  It sorts the list 
  by location and does not show DARK, UNFINDABLE, or those in UNFINDABLE 