Last Update: September 2003

Conversions from Other Database Formats:
TinyMUX 2.3 has been proven to read the following database formats:
   TinyMUX 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 (not beta), 2.0, 2.1, 2.2
   TinyMUX(Win32Beta) 1.5, 1.6, 2.0

Upgrading An Existing TinyMUX:
 - @shutdown the game. Make a flatfile of your DB and move it to a safe 
 - Compile MUX 2.3 per INSTALL.  Note that MUX 2.3 untars into a 
   seperate directory.
 - Copy the flatfile to game/data in the MUX 2.3 directory and use 
   db_load to convert the database to binary.
 - Copy .txt files to text/ 
 - Copy existing mux.config
 - **Important** Your old GAMENAME.conf file will not work under MUX 2.3
   if you are converting from a version prior to MUX 2.0.

   To make a proper file, you must edit the GAMENAME.conf in the MUX 2.3 
   game/ and add in the config parameters.

 - You can save a little time by 'cat oldfile >> newfile' and using 
   the editor to remove unneeded lines.
 - Copy any existing comsys.db and mail.db files to game/data.  If your 
   game comes up and the mail and/or comsys are not working, make sure 
   that you put the files in the right directory and restart the MUX.
 - Restart the game.

Changes to dbconvert:
 - One of the major and important changes since MUX 2.0 is the use of CHash
   in the place of GDBM.  You will notice the changes primarily in the way
   dbconvert and the db_unload and db_load scripts work.
 - dbconvert is the means by which the binary game data is converted to
   flatfile format and back again.  The db_load and db_unload scripts
   simplify the process for the user.
 - The syntax of the scripts is:
   - './db_load netmux netmux.flat netmux.db'
     This converts flatfiled database to binary for use by the server and
     would be done with dbconvert thus:
     ../bin/dbconvert netmux X < netmux.flat > netmux.db

   - './db_unload netmux netmux.flat'

     This converts binary data to flatfile for would be done with dbconvert

     ../bin/dbconvert netmux x < > netmux.flat