dpr/src/src code added/
**									**
**			CLANS for CIRCLEMUD 3.0				**
**									**
**									**
**	Written by Daniel Muller aka FIDO aka Regulator			**
**									**
**	Tested on circle mud 3.0 patch level 11				**
**									**
** Bugs, comments, suggestions to: dmuller@pickles.hobart.tased.edu.au  ** 
**									**


1) Packaging
2) Installation instructions         <-- IMPORTANT - DO READ THIS!
3) Notes and ectera
4) Conditions of use
5) A word about the command 'clan debug'

** 1) Packaging
  In the Clan.patch.tar.gz archive, you should find:

  If any of these files are missing, please contact me at:

** 2) Installation instructions

  I've tried to make the installation of this clan system as easy as 
possible.  You simply run the patch on your source files, using a 
command line something like this: patch < Clan.patch

  Next, you need to go into your ./lib/text directory, and create a 
new directory called 'clan'.  So now, from your mud home directory you 
should have this directory: <mud home>/lib/text/clan

  In this new directory place the three text files included with the 
patch.  Files: index, index.mini, normal.clan

  And that's it.  Boot up your mud, and you should have no troubles 
editing your clans, and working with them.

*************** NOTE ********************
I could never stress enough the importance of checking the 'reject' 
file produced by the patch command.  If anything is rejected, make the 
changes manually using the reject report as a guide.

** 3) Notes and etcetera

  (Okay, so I can't spell.  =P)

  Q: What is this clan stuff?
  A: This patch is designed to give you a fully functional clan 
system.  Complete with full screen clan editing.

  Basically, this system gives players the ability to join or even 
create their own groups (called clans).  The benefits of which, can be 
decided by you the implementor.  The basic benefits of belonging to a 
clan (ie. the abilities I have included in this patch) are:

    clan say		- The clans own gossip channel
    clan gold		- The clan has its own master account
    clan ranks		- The ability to boss your fellow clan members about

  I've attempted to keep all the clan controls as subcommands of 
'clan'.  For a full list of functions, type "clan help" from inside 
the mud.  NOTE: The help menu changes depending on what commands are 
available to you at the time.

  Q: So, I'm starting to use this system.  How do I get into the clan?
  A: As the implementor, you can force the enlistment of members into 
clans.  Ie.  You have a player or yourself apply to a clan, with the 
command: 'clan apply <number>'.  Next, you use your implementor 
character to force the enlistment of this character into the clan, 
with the command: 'clan enlist <player name>'.  NOW, if the person 
being enlisted is registered as the owner of the clan, they 
automatically get promoted to the rank of 'CLAN RULER' in their clan.  
Making all clan commands available to them.  NOTE: It is wise to 
suggest to any fledgeling clan rulers, that they study the online help 
for the clan commands thoroughly.

  Q: How do I create new clans, or edit existing ones?
  A: Use the full screen editor.  By typing: 'clan edit <number>'.

**  Author's note: **
  I've attempted to keep changes to the stock circlemud code to a 
minimum, preferring to (whenever possible) put all new procedures into the 
file 'clan.c' or 'clan.h'.  Unfortunately, however, I wasn't able to keep 
ALL changes to that file only.  So, please carefully check the 
'reject' file produced by the patch command.

** 4) Conditions of use

  The only conditions I put on the use of my code, is that you credit 
me somewhere visible to the players (I don't care if you make it as 
obscure a credit as possible, or a full page rolling oration), AND 
that you email me and let me know how it goes.  =)

** 5) A word about the command 'clan debug'

  Just for your information.  The 'clan debug' command dumps it's 
output to a file called 'DEBUG' in the ./lib/text/clan directory.