dpr/src/src code added/
memory test trigger~
0 o 100
* assign this to a mob, force the mob to mremember you, then enter the
* room the mob is in while visible (not via goto)
say I remember you, %actor.name%!
mob greet test~
0 g 100
say Hello, %actor.name%, how are things to the %direction%?
obj get test~
1 g 100
oecho You hear, 'Please put me down, %actor.name%'
room test~
2 g 100
wait 50
wsend %actor% you enter a room
car/cdr test~
0 d 100
say speech: %speech%
say car: %speech.car%
say cdr: %speech.cdr%
subfield test~
0 c 100
* test to make sure %actor.skill(skillname)% works
say your hide ability is %actor.skill(hide)% percent.
object otransform test~
1 jl 7
* test of object transformation (and remove trigger)
* test is designed for objects 3020 and 3021
* assign the trigger then wear/remove the item
* repeatedly.
oecho Beginning object transform.
if %self.vnum% == 3020
  otransform 3021
  otransform 3020
oecho Transform complete.
makeuid and remote testing~
2 c 100
* makeuid test ---- assuming your MOBOBJ_ID_BASE is 200000,
* this will display the names of the first 10 mobs loaded on your MUD,
* if they are still around.
eval counter 0
while (%counter% < 10)
  makeuid mob 200000+%counter%
  wecho #%counter%      %mob.id%   %mob.name%
  eval counter %counter% + 1
* this will also serve as a test of getting a remote mob's globals.
* we know that puff, when initially loaded, is id 200000. We'll use remote
* to give her a global, then %mob.globalname% to read it.
makeuid mob 200000
eval globalname 12345
remote globalname %mob.id%
wecho %mob.name%'s "globalname" value is %mob.globalname%
wecho %globalname%
wecho %mob.id%
mtransform test~
0 g 100
* mtransform test
* as a greet trigger, entering the room will cause
* the mob this is attached to, to toggle between mob 1 and 99.
mecho Beginning transform.
if %self.vnum%==1
  mtransform 99
  mtransform 1
mecho Transform complete.
Ginawa's guard~
0 g 100
if (%direction% == north)
wait 1
wait 1
say Good another victim!
wait 1
say Ya want out? Well you are gonna have to give me 1000 bucks!
Ginawa's Guard part 2~
0 m 1000
wait 1
say I can't believe you actually paid that!
wait 1
say But thanks for the cash!
wait 1
unlock door
open door
say You have "FIVE" seconds to get out of my sight!
wait 5 s
close door
lock door
Ginawa's guard 3~
0 m 1
wait 1
say This is not enough!So you are stuck here!!
give %amount% coins %actor%
2 bfg 100
oecho You feel very cold, and sick.
wait 240 s
oecho You have the strangest feeling you are being watched.
wait 240 s
oecho You feel very cold, and sick.
wait 480 s
oecho You hear some very loud high pitched screams coming from outside of your cell.
0 g 100
My name is Recoom, it rhymes with doom, and you will feel it all too soon.
0 g 100
say My name is Reccom, it rhymes with doom, and you will feel it all too soon.
1 c 3
if (%arg%==regeneration tank)
oecho %actor.name% enters a regeneration capsule.
oteleport %actor.name% 880
oforce %actor.name% rest
wait 10 sec
oteleport %actor.name% 1200
if (%arg%==regeneration tank)
oecho %actor.name% enters a regeneration capsule.
oteleport %actor.name% 880
oforce %actor.name% rest
wait 10
oteleport %actor.name% 1200
Majinia greeting~
2 g 100
wait 1
wsend %actor% a pleasant voice says, "Welcome to Majinia, drink, eat, and partake in the land of happiness."
a Buu-Buu Armor Shop trigger~
0 g 100
wait 1 s
say Welcome to the Buuuu WUUU Buuu Armor Shop, look about and have a happy day!
0 agi 100
say I don't like sharing this cell, it's either you or me, sorry I'm afraid I must kill you.
0 g 100
emote stands up and cracks his knuckles.
say Hehe this'll be fun.
emote begins to &11powerup!&11
emote &00moves toward you, then steps next to you.&00
Chibi-Daos greeting trigger!~
0 g 100
wait 1
emote sings, "Hello Hello! Welcome to my Shop! Bubble Gum goes *Pop* *Pop* *POP*!"
Bubble Gum Sword trigger~
1 j 100
wait 1
osend The bubble gum stick morphs into a sharp blade when picked up.
wait 1
oecho The bubble gum stick morphs into a sharp blade when wielded by, %actor.name%.
Large sword trigger~
1 j 100
wait 1
oecho The Konatsu Sword in %actor.name%'s hands shines brightly.
Cloak Trigger~
1 j 100
oecho A breeze of wind passes through the cloak worn about %actor.name%'s body.
Stixx's Gunblade~
1 j 100
wait 1s
oecho Stixx's Gunblade shines with an intense light as he swings it in the air.
Stixx's Gunblade~
1 j 100
wait 2s
oecho Stixx's Gunblade shines with an intense light as he swings it into the air.
White Saiyan Sword~
1 j 100
wait 2s
oecho The sword flames up as it's wielder touches it