dpr/src/src code added/
/* ************************************************************************
*   File: dream.c                                      Part of CircleMUD  *
*  Usage: dream sequence for Dark Prince Returns DBX                      *
*  Name: Dreams                                                           *
*                                                                         *
*  All rights reserved.  See license.doc for complete information.        *
*  Copyright (C) 1993, 94 by the Trustees of the Johns Hopkins University *
*  CircleMUD is based on DikuMUD, Copyright (C) 1990, 1991.               *
************************************************************************ */

#include "conf.h"
#include "sysdep.h"

#include "structs.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "spells.h"
#include "comm.h"
#include "db.h"
#include "handler.h"
#include "interpreter.h"

extern struct char_data *character_list;
extern struct obj_data *object_list;
extern struct room_data *world;

/*-------------------------------- DPR Dream Code| By: Zenzi -------------------------------*/
void check_dream(void)
  struct char_data *i, *next_char;

 for (i = character_list; i; i = next_char) {
   next_char = i->next;

/*------------------------------ The player needs a new dream -------------------------------*/
  if (GET_OTHER(i) == 0) {
  GET_OTHER2(i) = number(1, 17);
  GET_OTHER(i) += 1;

/*----------------------- Dream Sequence 1 (Code by - Zenzi|Idea - Zenzi) -------------------*/
  if ((GET_POS(i) == POS_SLEEPING) && (GET_OTHER2(i) == 1) && (GET_OTHER(i) > 0 && GET_OTHER(i) < 2))
 sprintf(buf,"&16You awaken ontop of a hill, in the distance you can hear the sound of battle.!\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16Struggling to get on your feet, you notice a deep gash in your left leg, and\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16you fall back to the ground screaming in pain.&00\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
GET_OTHER(i) += 1;
else if ((GET_POS(i) == POS_SLEEPING) && (GET_OTHER2(i) == 1) && (GET_OTHER(i) > 1 && GET_OTHER(i) < 3))
 sprintf(buf,"&16A young namekian runs up to you, and inspects you wound, You should be more\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16careful! The young namek puts his hands to your wound and you feel a tingling\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16sensation as the wound slowing heals up. You jump up as soon as he is done and\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16take off to where you feel the fighting coming from.&00\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 GET_OTHER(i) += 1; 
else if ((GET_POS(i) == POS_SLEEPING) && (GET_OTHER2(i) == 1) && (GET_OTHER(i) > 2 && GET_OTHER(i) < 4))
 sprintf(buf,"&16You fly over the landscape searching for the location of the fighting, for miles\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16all you see is burnt and multilated corpses... In a distance you can see a man and\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16what looks like a Bio-Android fighting, in the back of you mind you feel a surge of\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16power, you look behind you just as a ki-blast strikes you in the face.&00");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 GET_OTHER(i) = 0;
/*-------------------------- Dream Sequence 2 Code - Zenzi | Idea - Zero --------------------*/
else if ((GET_POS(i) == POS_SLEEPING) && (GET_OTHER2(i) == 2) && (GET_OTHER(i) > 0 && GET_OTHER(i) < 2))
 sprintf(buf,"&16You are standing on a basin.  Around you, lava and fire burst from the ground.\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16You see an Icer and a Saiyan locked in combat.  The Saiyan has reached the level.\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16of Super Saiyan.  You watch as the Icer gets pummeled to the ground.&00\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 GET_OTHER(i) += 1;
else if ((GET_POS(i) == POS_SLEEPING) && (GET_OTHER2(i) == 2) && (GET_OTHER(i) > 1 && GET_OTHER(i) < 3))
 sprintf(buf,"&16The Icer screams out insults toward the Saiyan.  You watch as the Icer creates two deadly.\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16discs of energy.  He makes them chase the Saiyan.  You are riveted as the Saiyan dodges them.\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 GET_OTHER(i) += 1;
else if ((GET_POS(i) == POS_SLEEPING) && (GET_OTHER2(i) == 2) && (GET_OTHER(i) > 2 && GET_OTHER(i) < 4))
 sprintf(buf,"&16Suddenly, the Icer loses control of the discs, and is sliced in half.  You think the battle is\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16over.  You wait for the Icer to die.  The Saiyan, though, gives the Icer some of his energy,\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16on this dying world, and he begins to leave.&00.&00\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 GET_OTHER(i) += 1;
else if ((GET_POS(i) == POS_SLEEPING) && (GET_OTHER2(i) == 2) && (GET_OTHER(i) > 3 && GET_OTHER(i) < 5))
 sprintf(buf,"&16The Icer attacks.  The Saiyan screams, You fool! and then everything fades to black\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 GET_OTHER(i) = 0;

/*-------------------------- Dream Sequence 3 Code - Zenzi | Idea - Zenzi -------------------*/
else if ((GET_POS(i) == POS_SLEEPING) && (GET_OTHER2(i) == 3) && (GET_OTHER(i) > 0 && GET_OTHER(i) < 2))
 sprintf(buf,"&16A man in the center of the arena with a M on his forehead hold his hand out.\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16His hand begins to glow with energy, and he releases a large blast towards the.\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 GET_OTHER(i) += 1;
else if ((GET_POS(i) == POS_SLEEPING) && (GET_OTHER2(i) == 3) && (GET_OTHER(i) > 1 && GET_OTHER(i) < 3))
 sprintf(buf,"&16The people sitting right their were all disentegrated, you watch in horror.\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16as the people around the destruction zone go flying through the air falling.\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16on top of the others&00.&00\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 GET_OTHER(i) += 1;
else if ((GET_POS(i) == POS_SLEEPING) && (GET_OTHER2(i) == 3) && (GET_OTHER(i) > 2 && GET_OTHER(i) < 4))
 sprintf(buf,"&16Another man in the arena wearing a orange gi confronts the shorter man.\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16Tensions begin to rise and a short purple colored man gets in between the two\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16of them warning them not to fight.&00.&00\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 GET_OTHER(i) += 1;
else if ((GET_POS(i) == POS_SLEEPING) && (GET_OTHER2(i) == 3) && (GET_OTHER(i) > 3 && GET_OTHER(i) < 5))
 sprintf(buf,"&16The taller man in the orange gi holds up his finger and charges some ki...\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 GET_OTHER(i) = 0;

/*-------------------------- Dream Sequence 4 Code - Zenzi | Idea - Zenzi -------------------*/
else if ((GET_POS(i) == POS_SLEEPING) && (GET_OTHER2(i) == 4) && (GET_OTHER(i) > 0 && GET_OTHER(i) < 2))
 sprintf(buf,"&16You see two men fighting relentlessly in a mountainous area, both seem evenly\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16powerful, but their attacks are so powerful, that pieces of rock are falling.\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16off the side of the mountains just from the air off their attacks.&00\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 GET_OTHER(i) += 1;
else if ((GET_POS(i) == POS_SLEEPING) && (GET_OTHER2(i) == 4) && (GET_OTHER(i) > 1 && GET_OTHER(i) < 3))
 sprintf(buf,"&16The attacks go back and forth, one after another, neither halting, or stopping\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16to rest. The taller man goes to punch but the shorter disappears, and reappears\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16above the taller and kicks him into a nearby mountain.&00\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 GET_OTHER(i) += 1;
else if ((GET_POS(i) == POS_SLEEPING) && (GET_OTHER2(i) == 4) && (GET_OTHER(i) > 2 && GET_OTHER(i) < 4))
 sprintf(buf,"&16Light starts to come out of every crack of the moutain and from deep within\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16a large kamehameha shoots outward towards the shorter man...\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 GET_OTHER(i) = 0;
/*-------------------------- Dream Sequence 5 Code - Zenzi | Idea - Steel -------------------*/
else if ((GET_POS(i) == POS_SLEEPING) && (GET_OTHER2(i) == 5) && (GET_OTHER(i) > 0 && GET_OTHER(i) < 2))
 sprintf(buf,"&16You watch in puzzlement as a green bio-android talks to a young boy, who amzingly\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16is a super saiyan. Their are many people around, and they are all watching..\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 GET_OTHER(i) += 1;
else if ((GET_POS(i) == POS_SLEEPING) && (GET_OTHER2(i) == 5) && (GET_OTHER(i) > 1 && GET_OTHER(i) < 3))
 sprintf(buf,"&16The bio-android says some things, and raises his hand, several miniture versions of the\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16bio-android appear, and start attacking the fighters that came to stop the bio-android.\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 GET_OTHER(i) += 1;
else if ((GET_POS(i) == POS_SLEEPING) && (GET_OTHER2(i) == 5) && (GET_OTHER(i) > 2 && GET_OTHER(i) < 4))
 sprintf(buf,"&16The boy screams, and growls loudly, and electricity crackles around his body.\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16You watch in awe as he becomes an Ascended Saiyan, and begins to destroy the many\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16mini bio-androids, littering the area.&00\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 GET_OTHER(i) = 0;
/*-------------------------- Dream Sequence 6 Code - Zenzi | Idea - Zenzi -------------------*/
else if ((GET_POS(i) == POS_SLEEPING) && (GET_OTHER2(i) == 6) && (GET_OTHER(i) > 0 && GET_OTHER(i) < 2))
 sprintf(buf,"&16From a safe distance you watch as a saiyan confronts a female android\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16atop a truck on the highway.\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 GET_OTHER(i) += 1;
else if ((GET_POS(i) == POS_SLEEPING) && (GET_OTHER2(i) == 6) && (GET_OTHER(i) > 1 && GET_OTHER(i) < 3))
 sprintf(buf,"&16The two throw a few punches, kicks, and ki-blasts back and forth,\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16jumping from veichle to veichle, with little or no concern for the innocent.\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 GET_OTHER(i) += 1;
else if ((GET_POS(i) == POS_SLEEPING) && (GET_OTHER2(i) == 6) && (GET_OTHER(i) > 2 && GET_OTHER(i) < 4))
 sprintf(buf,"&16The saiyan shoots a ki-blast off at the android who effortlessly deflects.\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16it with her hand, the blast veers off hitting a nearby car which explodes\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16violently, several cars hit the debris, starting a pileup.&00\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 GET_OTHER(i) = 0;
/*-------------------------- Dream Sequence 7 Code - Zenzi | Idea - Zenzi -------------------*/
else if ((GET_POS(i) == POS_SLEEPING) && (GET_OTHER2(i) == 7) && (GET_OTHER(i) > 0 && GET_OTHER(i) < 2))
 sprintf(buf,"&16You see a boy with a sword standing on top of a mountain talking down\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16to a half icer, half machine.\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 GET_OTHER(i) += 1;
else if ((GET_POS(i) == POS_SLEEPING) && (GET_OTHER2(i) == 7) && (GET_OTHER(i) > 1 && GET_OTHER(i) < 3))
 sprintf(buf,"&16The icer grows impatient, and angry, charging a massive ball of ki launching it,\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16at the boy. The massive attack sinks deep into the surface of the planet...\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 GET_OTHER(i) += 1;
else if ((GET_POS(i) == POS_SLEEPING) && (GET_OTHER2(i) == 7) && (GET_OTHER(i) > 2 && GET_OTHER(i) < 4))
 sprintf(buf,"&16The icer starts laughing mercilessly, and stops abrutly in fear as the ball\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16starts to rise from the ground with the boy holding it up with one hand, who\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16then throws it up into the atmosphere.&00\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 GET_OTHER(i) = 0;
/*-------------------------- Dream Sequence 8 Code - Zenzi | Idea - Zenzi -------------------*/
else if ((GET_POS(i) == POS_SLEEPING) && (GET_OTHER2(i) == 8) && (GET_OTHER(i) > 0 && GET_OTHER(i) < 2))
 sprintf(buf,"&16You look around, and find yourself high above the planet standing on kami's\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16lookout. A few feet away from you, you see a saiyan, and two boys talking.\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 GET_OTHER(i) += 1;
else if ((GET_POS(i) == POS_SLEEPING) && (GET_OTHER2(i) == 8) && (GET_OTHER(i) > 1 && GET_OTHER(i) < 3))
 sprintf(buf,"&16The saiyan beings to do some wierd little dance, moving back and forth and\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16bending over with his fingers pointing out. The two boys look at eachother.\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 GET_OTHER(i) += 1;
else if ((GET_POS(i) == POS_SLEEPING) && (GET_OTHER2(i) == 8) && (GET_OTHER(i) > 2 && GET_OTHER(i) < 4))
 sprintf(buf,"&16The saiyan calls over a namek, talks to him for a bit, and they then stand\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16next to eachother, and do the same little dance again, syncronized.\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16You can't help but laugh at it, and they all turn and look at you...&00\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 GET_OTHER(i) = 0;
/*-------------------------- Dream Sequence 9 Code - Zenzi | Idea - Zenzi -------------------*/
else if ((GET_POS(i) == POS_SLEEPING) && (GET_OTHER2(i) == 9) && (GET_OTHER(i) > 0 && GET_OTHER(i) < 2))
 sprintf(buf,"&16Your walking through north capital, when all of the sudden you see\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16hundreds of people running towards you screaming at the top of their lungs.\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 GET_OTHER(i) += 1;
else if ((GET_POS(i) == POS_SLEEPING) && (GET_OTHER2(i) == 9) && (GET_OTHER(i) > 1 && GET_OTHER(i) < 3))
 sprintf(buf,"&16You look up into the air and see a fat clown, and a old looking man flying\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16by launching ki-blasts down at the city.\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 GET_OTHER(i) += 1;
else if ((GET_POS(i) == POS_SLEEPING) && (GET_OTHER2(i) == 9) && (GET_OTHER(i) > 2 && GET_OTHER(i) < 4))
 sprintf(buf,"&16A human confronts the old man, who is greeted by the old man grabing the\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16human by the mouth, and holding him off the ground, draining his energy.\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16You watch horrified, as the old man then takes his free hand and puts it through&00\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16the human's stomach leaving only a gaping hole.\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 GET_OTHER(i) = 0;
/*---------------------- Dream Sequence 10 (Code by - Zenzi|Idea - Zenzi) -------------------*/
  if ((GET_POS(i) == POS_SLEEPING) && (GET_OTHER2(i) == 10) && (GET_OTHER(i) > 0 && GET_OTHER(i) < 2))
 sprintf(buf,"&16You watch as a saiyan runs behind another and grabs on to his tail!\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16The saiyan starts screaming, you look around and see a one-armed namek\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16with two fingers to his forehead, charging ki.&00\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
GET_OTHER(i) += 1;
else if ((GET_POS(i) == POS_SLEEPING) && (GET_OTHER2(i) == 10) && (GET_OTHER(i) > 1 && GET_OTHER(i) < 3))
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16The other helpless saiyan starts pleading for his life, and the namek\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16starts screaming something back. The short haired sayain's starts to let\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 GET_OTHER(i) = 0;
/*----------------------- Dream Sequence 11 (Code by - Zenzi|Idea - Zenzi) ------------------*/
  if ((GET_POS(i) == POS_SLEEPING) && (GET_OTHER2(i) == 11) && (GET_OTHER(i) > 0 && GET_OTHER(i) < 2))
 sprintf(buf,"&16You are standing on a rocky basin, you look around, wondering where are you\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16In the distance you can see some fighting going on, you decide to fly over to\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16check it out.\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
GET_OTHER(i) += 1;
else if ((GET_POS(i) == POS_SLEEPING) && (GET_OTHER2(i) == 11) && (GET_OTHER(i) > 1 && GET_OTHER(i) < 3))
 sprintf(buf,"&16You arrive to see a majin shredding two saiyans... You keep your distance \r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16distance not wanting to become one of the majin's next victims. Two two saiyans \r\n");
  send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16start screaming at eachother and you see one of them take something off their ear \r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16 \r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 GET_OTHER(i) += 1; 
else if ((GET_POS(i) == POS_SLEEPING) && (GET_OTHER2(i) == 11) && (GET_OTHER(i) > 2 && GET_OTHER(i) < 4))

 sprintf(buf,"&16One of the saiyans throws the earring to the other who attaches it to his own ear. \r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16You watch as the two saiyans bodies look as if they are picked up, and thrown into \r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16each other. When the dust clears, you see one... new saiyan, with a unbelievable \r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 GET_OTHER(i) = 0;
/*----------------------- Dream Sequence 12 (Code by - Zenzi|Idea - Zenzi) ------------------*/
  if ((GET_POS(i) == POS_SLEEPING) && (GET_OTHER2(i) == 12) && (GET_OTHER(i) > 0 && GET_OTHER(i) < 2))
 sprintf(buf,"&16Your standing just outside a city... In the distance you can see a large \r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16majin standing on a mountain ledge looking down over the city, with a short \r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16gremlin looking man next to them. \r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
GET_OTHER(i) += 1;
else if ((GET_POS(i) == POS_SLEEPING) && (GET_OTHER2(i) == 12) && (GET_OTHER(i) > 1 && GET_OTHER(i) < 3))
 sprintf(buf,"&16The majin begins to suck in air, his chest expanding outward. You continue to  \r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16watch, wonding what is going to happen. The majin's stomach gets bigger, and \r\n");
  send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16bigger, until he stops sucking in air, and laughs a bit. \r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 GET_OTHER(i) += 1; 
else if ((GET_POS(i) == POS_SLEEPING) && (GET_OTHER2(i) == 12) && (GET_OTHER(i) > 2 && GET_OTHER(i) < 4))

 sprintf(buf,"&16You see the majin eyes open and his face twist with evil as he releases the air \r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16as one giant stream of energy that he directs down towards the city, destroying \r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16hundreds of buildings.&00\r\n");
 GET_OTHER(i) = 0;
/*----------------------- Dream Sequence 13 (Code by - Zenzi|Idea - Zenzi) ------------------*/
  if ((GET_POS(i) == POS_SLEEPING) && (GET_OTHER2(i) == 13) && (GET_OTHER(i) > 0 && GET_OTHER(i) < 2))
 sprintf(buf,"&16You watch a young super saiya-jin fight a tall grey man. They are throwing \r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16back punches and kicks at the drive in movie theather. One after another kicking \r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16eachother into the screen, or nearby buildings. \r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
GET_OTHER(i) += 1;
else if ((GET_POS(i) == POS_SLEEPING) && (GET_OTHER2(i) == 13) && (GET_OTHER(i) > 1 && GET_OTHER(i) < 3))
 sprintf(buf,"&16You watch as the young saiya-jin flys off and goes and hides in a building. \r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16The grey man follows after him, and lands in a hallway, slowly walking down \r\n");
  send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16the hallway searching for the young boy. \r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 GET_OTHER(i) += 1; 
else if ((GET_POS(i) == POS_SLEEPING) && (GET_OTHER2(i) == 13) && (GET_OTHER(i) > 2 && GET_OTHER(i) < 4))

 sprintf(buf,"&16You can see the young saiyan standing on a pipe just outside a window on the \r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16the side of the building. You look and watch as the pipe slowly starts to bend \r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16and break, the saiyan caught by surprise screams, alerting his attacker who \r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16flies right through the wall after the young saiyan.&00\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 GET_OTHER(i) = 0;
/*----------------------- Dream Sequence 14 (Code by - Zenzi|Idea - Zenzi) ------------------*/
  if ((GET_POS(i) == POS_SLEEPING) && (GET_OTHER2(i) == 14) && (GET_OTHER(i) > 0 && GET_OTHER(i) < 2))
 sprintf(buf,"&16Standing on top of a building, you can see 3 fighters, A young girl, a young \r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16boy, and a tall grey man. The grey man advances on the girl, turning his head \r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16to shoot a bizarre bolt of ki at the ground. \r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
GET_OTHER(i) += 1;
else if ((GET_POS(i) == POS_SLEEPING) && (GET_OTHER2(i) == 14) && (GET_OTHER(i) > 1 && GET_OTHER(i) < 3))
 sprintf(buf,"&16When the ki strikes the hard surface, it materlizes into some grey substance \r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16that appears to be a liquid of some kind, and begins to chase the young super \r\n");
  send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16saiyan boy. \r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 GET_OTHER(i) += 1; 
else if ((GET_POS(i) == POS_SLEEPING) && (GET_OTHER2(i) == 14) && (GET_OTHER(i) > 2 && GET_OTHER(i) < 4))

 sprintf(buf,"&16The young boy tries to fly away from the substance, but it is to late, it has \r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16caught his foot and begins to work up his body until he is completely covered in \r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16it. The substance begins to harden, and break down into a brick with the young-boy \r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16lcoked within.&00\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 GET_OTHER(i) = 0;
/*----------------------- Dream Sequence 15 (Code by - Zenzi|Idea - Zenzi) ------------------*/
  if ((GET_POS(i) == POS_SLEEPING) && (GET_OTHER2(i) == 15) && (GET_OTHER(i) > 0 && GET_OTHER(i) < 2))
 sprintf(buf,"&16You seem to be on the planet namek, you look around, looking to see whats going on \r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16not to far away you see a namek, beaten, bloodied, and mortally wounded on the \r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 send_to_char(buf, i);
GET_OTHER(i) += 1;
else if ((GET_POS(i) == POS_SLEEPING) && (GET_OTHER2(i) == 15) && (GET_OTHER(i) > 1 && GET_OTHER(i) < 3))
 sprintf(buf,"&16Another namek wearing a weighted cape walks up to the wounded namek, and kneels \r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16down next to them. You watch as the namek puts his hand on the wounded nameks \r\n");
  send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16chest and they both begin to glow with energy.\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 GET_OTHER(i) += 1; 
else if ((GET_POS(i) == POS_SLEEPING) && (GET_OTHER2(i) == 15) && (GET_OTHER(i) > 2 && GET_OTHER(i) < 4))

 sprintf(buf,"&16You blink, and the wounded namek is no longer on the ground, and the namek \r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16still standing, powerlevel has grow to a impressive ammount. You watch as the \r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16namek stands up and starts boosting about his power stating He can Do it and \r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 sprintf(buf,"&16jumps up and flies off at top speed.&00\r\n");
 send_to_char(buf, i);
 GET_OTHER(i) = 0;
/*------------------- Dream Sequence 16 {Coded By Zenshi|idea Zenshi} -----------------------*/
 if ((GET_POS(i) == POS_SLEEPING) && (GET_OTHER2(i) == 16) && (GET_OTHER(i) > 0 && GET_OTHER(i) < 2))
sprintf(buf,"&16You seem to be on earth as you see smoke and debris&00\r\n");
send_to_char(buf, i);
sprintf(buf,"&16Majin Buu is over to your right destroying a huge battle ship.&00\r\n");
send_to_char(buf, i);
GET_OTHER(i) = 0;
/*------------------ Dream Sequence 17 {Coded By Zenshi|idea Zenshi} ------------------------*/
 if ((GET_POS(i) == POS_SLEEPING) && (GET_OTHER2(i) == 17) && (GET_OTHER(i) > 0 && GET_OTHER(i) < 2))
sprintf(buf,"&16You toss and turn as you see destruction all around&00\r\n");
send_to_char(buf, i);
sprintf(buf,"&16You see Gohan and Majin buu fighting, both are near exaustion.&00\r\n");
send_to_char(buf, i);
GET_OTHER(i) = 0;
/*------------------------------------ End Dream Code ---------------------------------------*/
/* Zenshi, once you read this, delete this
 * You have to change the random number up one every time you add a dream.
 * the random number is on line 41. To goto a line from pico type
 * ctrl w, then ctrl t. and enter the line number.