dpr/src/src code added/
a repair robot~
a repair robot~
A repair robot skitters around on the walls, fixing things.
   This robot looks like a large mechanical spider.  On one of its eight legs
is a welding tool which it uses to repair damaged plating on the interior of
the Majin.    
72 0 0 E
100 -30 1 10d100+1000 10d20+60
1000 100000
8 8 0
BareHandAttack: 12
NumAttacks: 3
a technician~
a technician~
A technician looks over some weaponry on the mech.
   This is your standard grease covered technican- it seems that anything he
could get dirty he has.  Despite that, he continues his work of monitoring the
vitals of the mech.    
72 0 100 E
200 -30 1 10d1000+10 10d50+60
100 100000
8 8 1
BareHandAttack: 7
NumAttacks: 3
munitions robot~
a munitions robot~
A munitions robot picks up a dangerous missile.
   Reinforced with huge plates of steel, this robot is little more than a
loading arm with a brain.  Judging from the amount of damage to its plates, it
has made quite a few mistakes over the years when loading ammunition into the
weapons of the mech.    
72 0 0 E
400 -30 -2 30d1000+100 1d1+70
100 250000
8 8 0
BareHandAttack: 5
NumAttacks: 4
a guard~
a military guard~
A military guard stands at attention here, looking stern.
   This guard is in full combat fatigues.  Judging from the rifle in his hands
and the stern look on his face, he doesn't like your presence here one bit.  
You'd best be moving along...    
74 0 -100 E
500 -30 0 20d500+100 10d90+80
1000 100000
8 8 1
BareHandAttack: 12
NumAttacks: 2
Bilco the Pilot~
Bilco the Pilot makes some funny motions with his hands.
   Bilco wears a black military uniform, well pressed and in good order.  It
looks as if he's the leader of the team that pilots the mech.    
74 8 0 E
100000 -30 -3 30d1000+100 10d127+100
10000 250000
8 8 1
NumAttacks: 4
May the Engineer~
May the Engineer sits at her console and looks cute.
   Hmm...  The fabled "token cute girl" of every mech series!  May looks as if
she could beat up a large person and look cute at the same time...  Awww...  

74 0 0 E
1000 -30 2 30d1000+100 30d127+60
10000 250000
8 8 2
NumAttacks: 2
stan cyborg~
Stan the Cyborg~
Stan the Cyborg flexes his muscles and acts cool.
   Stan is the token robot of the group.  Being a robot, he has no facial
expressions and doesn't seem to have any emotions.  Ho hum.  The cyborg half of
his body is dangerously altered, with spikes and other cool-looking equipment
sticking out of it.    
74 0 0 E
10000 -30 -5 30d700+125 30d127+100
10000 250000
8 8 0
BareHandAttack: 8
NumAttacks: 3
the Boss~
the Boss~
The Boss sits in his large padded chair and acts mysterious.
   Representing the all-powerful stereotype of the mecha genre, the Boss simply
sits in his padded leather char and taps his fingers together, acting
mysterious and throwing out random mysterious phrases on occasion.    
74 0 100 E
10000 -30 -1 30d1000+100 30d127+120
1000 100000
8 8 1
NumAttacks: 2
&15A lean &12male &11Hoshi &15with &12blue &15eyes, medium spikey &11yellow &15hair and a &15silver aura is standing here.
81994 0 1000 E
9999999 -30 -20 30d1000+99999999 30d127+10000
99999 999999
8 8 1
NumAttacks: 10
a young hoshi~
a young Hoshi~
A young Hoshi is learning how to transform here.
   This young Hoshi wears the standard garb of his race- a fusion vest and a
pair of large puffy pants.  He seems to be lost in deep concentration, trying
to transform out of his winged True Form and into another.  From the looks of
it, he hasn't gotten very far.    
72 0 0 E
500 -10 -4 30d70+100 10d50+40
100 10000
8 8 1
NumAttacks: 3
T 30350
powerful Hoshi~
a powerful Hoshi~
A powerful female Hoshi splits into many forms.
8 0 0 E
700 -30 -5 10d100+1000 30d70+99
1000 250000
8 8 2
NumAttacks: 4