Name        Jade's area~
Builders    Jade Quiet Sodalis Tybain~
VNUMs       97000 97050
Security    1
Recall      3001

frost giant~
a frost giant~
A frost giant stands here breathing icy mist into your face
Fuck you :)
1 0 0 S
112 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
0 0 0

#1rager #nmask~
a#1 rager#n mask~
A rager mask lies here~
9 0 -32767
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
17 -10
19 10
18 10
0 0

Jade's Room~
Architectural splendour hidden by drapes of darkness, surrounds you. 
This place creates a mood that chills you to the bone as if the darkness
were choking the very glamour of this place.  Despite the dark setting you
can make out most of the room, there is a large table running it's length
with a chair every few paces around the edge, there are several paintings
hanging on the walls most of which seem to cry out for freedom from the
smothering darkness.  Several statues stand in the corners of the room, As
you decide to investigate some of the sculptures and find no respite, the
statues are of twisted angels, their wings burned and broken, looking
towards the heavens open mouthed as if calling for forgiveness.  Some of
them have arrows jutting from their bodies fired from the bows of fellow
angels.  Elegant pillars of marble reach to the domed, sculpted ceiling and
glass display cases protect various treasures from the dank air.  
0 524 0
Tijer's Den~
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                           //,/                             -- |
                         // / |                         _--   /  ,
                       /'/ / /                       _--   _/_-- |
                      ( ( / /'                   _ --     _-- ,/'
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               ,,)))))));, \/--_     __----  ----  __/-  _-- /
            __))))))))))))));,>/\   /        __----  \--- _--
           -\(((((''''(((((((( >-\/     ----   __---' _-- -|
  --==//////((''  .     `)))))), /     ___-----  --\--__--- 
          ))| @    ;-.     (((((/           __-----'--/
          ( `|    /  )      )))/      -----__\__-----__------_
             |   |   |       (/      ------/__-------  ,;::'  \         ,
             o_);   ;        /      ------/           \,----\  |       /|
                   ;        (      -----/         `:::|      |;|      < >
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         / //  _;______;'-----------    |;;/\    /    
        //  | |                        /  |  \;;,\ 
       (<_  | ;                      /',/-----'  _>
        \_| ||_                     //-;--------- 
            `\_|                   (,-- 
0 524 0
Quiet's Sanctum.~
Your appear to be in a large room filled with a light misty air about it.
The mist makes you feel at ease in this unknown place to you.  The floors
and walls are lavishly covered with a deep blue colored silk.  There is no
furniture but several comfortable looking pillows off to one corner of the
room.  A hand drawn picture adorns each wall of the room giving you glimpses
of the occupants artistic status.  Each of the pictures has dipicted in it a
silent assassin stalking his victim from the shadows.  One the corner of
each picture is scribbeld the name Quiet.  The mist plays a light dance
about your head as if it was alive and understanding.  The sense that
someone is watching your every move lingers in the depths of your mind.  
0 4 0
Sodalis' Party Room~
This room is festive and cheery compared to the rest of the Thrak. 
Decorations of foil and brightly colored parchment adorn the walls, and
streamers hang from the large wrought iron chandelier.  Tables and trays
laden with good victuals, fine drinks and novel items fill the room.  The
clamour of rambunctious, good-spirited adventurers echoes through the
0 4 0
Tybain's Room~
0 26116 0



