This is Lords of War 4.0 This is not Lords of War 3.0.3 The bugs have been fixed. :)
email me sage@sover.net

Just some helpful things for you to know.
Olc is implemented!
Useful commands to know off:
challenge-(THE ARENA!)
copyover-(warm reboot keeps players connected while it reboots)
login shows you login information
pstat shows you affects and other information on players
renamep renames a player
top shows you who is doing well on the mud
wizhelp will show you all wiz commands and some new useful ones!

if you want newbie exp pico update.c and search for NEWBIEEXP
then uncomment the code. :)
Also I have included the kingdom code. Kingdom code is simply this.
Instead of clans you have kingdoms in which diffrent classes can be ruled
by a leader. So you could have demons/ww/vamps in the same kingdom. Multi
class clans. They are rather cool. Also they have a kinglist command which
keep track of the kingdoms pdeatha dn pkills. the commands clannum and
clannset will allow you to set the kingomds and there names and leaders
online. However to make them active you need to pico act_info.c search for
ADDKINGDOMS then comment out the kav); above it and uncomment the kingdom
stuff. Also you will need to undisable the disabled kingdom commands:
try help kingdom....:)
also help legend the legend status is coded howeveer the legend powers are
not those are for you people to code :). You can remove legend status if
you wish by editing it in act_info.c act_move.c, those files will be enuff
to remove it from having any affect on players.
