A south {
Name        Medusa's Ruins~
Title       Medusa's Ruins~
MinLev      0
MaxLev      0
RepopMes    ~
Security    1
Builder     None~

R south:13500 {
Under A Stone Arch~
You are setting out on a journey into an area unknown to
any of the Realm.  This area is currently under construction.
Medusa's Ruins  -  May not even exist?
Treasure Island -  On the South Continent.
0 0 inside 2
1 0
D{2 ~ 0 0 south:13501 ~}
R south:13501 {
Trail of the Golden Isles~
From the south blows a warm breeze laced with seawater and high adventure.
Fleeting visions of adventure, riches, and treachery cross your mind.
You stand in a path of soft, white sand. From the north you hear the
sounds of a bustling metropolis.
0 0 inside 2
1 0
D{0 ~ 0 0 south:13500 ~}
D{1 ~ 0 0 south:13533 ~}
D{2 ~ 0 0 south:13502 ~}
R south:13502 {
Trail of the Golden Isles~
From the south blows a warm breeze laced with seawater and high adventure.
Fleeting visions of adventure, riches, and treachery cross your mind.
You stand in a path of soft, white sand. From the north you hear the
sounds of a bustling metropolis.
0 0 inside 2
1 0
D{0 ~ 0 0 south:13501 ~}
D{2 ~ 0 0 south:13503 ~}
R south:13503 {
Trail of the Golden Isles~
From the south blows a warm breeze laced with seawater and high adventure.
Fleeting visions of adventure, riches, and treachery cross your mind.
You stand in a path of soft, white sand. From the north you hear the
sounds of a bustling metropolis.
0 0 inside 2
1 0
D{0 ~ 0 0 south:13502 ~}
D{2 ~ 0 0 south:13504 ~}
R south:13504 {
A Plateau~
Here the smell of seawater is very strong. Further to the south you can
see that the land ends abruptly, and from beyond the lip of the chasm
you see a huge mass in the mist miles away.
0 0 inside 2
1 0
D{0 ~ 0 0 south:13503 ~}
D{2 ~ 0 0 south:13505 ~}
R south:13505 {
The South Lookout~
You are standing atop the north continent. In the mist below
you see beams of light reflecting from a huge body of water.
More than a days journey to the south is a plush mountain island.
There is a landing just below where you are standing.
To the east is a ridge leading around the stone wall.
0 0 inside 2
1 0
D{0 ~ 0 0 south:13504 ~}
D{5 ~ 0 0 south:13506 ~}
R south:13506 {
Hanging Under the Lookout~
A steep and treacherous path made up of unsure footholds and bolders
makes its way up to a plateau above and further below into a recess
in the rock face. The warm gusts and thermals threaten to loosen your
grip at any moment.
0 0 inside 2
1 0
D{4 ~ 0 0 south:13505 ~}
D{5 ~ 0 0 south:13507 ~}
R south:13507 {
A Stone Landing of Precarious Height~
You have reached a stone landing, it seems to be somewhat flat, with
a few minor bumps here and there.  When you look up, you start to
lose your balance from the breath-taking steepness of the cliff.
To the north is a dark cave.  You can feel the air starting to thicken
with every breath.
0 0 inside 2
1 0
D{0 ~ 0 0 south:13508 The entrance to a fairly large cave.
D{4 ~ 0 0 south:13506 ~}
R south:13508 {
A Cave in the Rock Face~
You have ventured into a large cave that seems to have been dug into
the rock many decades ago.  You can see the faint pictures on the wall
of all shapes and sizes, depicting the many events that took place
during that era.
0 0 inside 2
1 0
D{0 ~ 0 0 south:13509 It is pitch black.
D{2 ~ 0 0 south:13507 A rock landing just outside the cave.
R south:13509 {
A Cave in the Rock Face~
You are now a little deeper into the mysterious cave.  The pictures
on the wall have increased in number.  Along with the pictures, there
seems to be a claw mark, as if some cat-type creature tried to dig
its way through the rock.
0 0 inside 2
1 0
D{0 ~ 0 0 south:13510 It is pitch black.
D{2 ~ 0 0 south:13508 You can start to see a little light at the end of the cave.
R south:13510 {
Deep in the Heart of the Rock~
You are surrounded in darkness, the only sounds you hear are the sounds of
the wind whistling through the cavern, and water dripping from the cold damp
ceiling. Judging from the direction that the wind is blowing there must be
another entrance to the outside world.
0 0 inside 2
1 0
D{2 ~ 0 0 south:13509 ~}
D{3 ~ 0 0 south:13511 ~}
R south:13511 {
A Tunnel in the Mountain~
You are surrounded in darkness, the only sounds you hear are the sounds of
the wind whistling through the cavern, and water dripping from the cold damp
ceiling. Judging from the direction that the wind is blowing there must be
another entrance to the outside world.
0 0 inside 2
1 0
D{1 ~ 0 0 south:13510 ~}
D{3 ~ 0 0 south:13512 ~}
R south:13512 {
A Tunnel in the Mountain~
You are surrounded in darkness, the only sounds you hear are the sounds of
the wind whistling through the cavern, and water dripping from the cold damp
ceiling. Judging from the direction that the wind is blowing there must be
another entrance to the outside world.
0 0 inside 2
1 0
D{1 ~ 0 0 south:13511 ~}
D{3 ~ 0 0 south:13513 ~}
R south:13513 {
The Back of a Dim Cave~
You stand in the middle of the cave and light dimly shines in from the west.
Perhaps this cave is not as large as you thought it was. You here the sound of
the ocean far off in the distance.
0 0 inside 2
1 0
D{1 ~ 0 0 south:13512 ~}
D{3 ~ 0 0 south:13514 ~}
R south:13514 {
The Middle of a Dim Cave~
You stand in the middle of the cave and light dimly shines in from the west.
Perhaps this cave is not as large as you thought it was. You here the sound of
the ocean far off in the distance.
0 0 inside 2
1 0
D{1 ~ 0 0 south:13513 ~}
D{2 ~ 0 0 south:13515 ~}
R south:13515 {
An Entrance into the Mountain~
You stand at the entrance to a mountain, a rocky pats twist and turns
before you. The way looks treacherous, and the jagged rocks lie below
for any one so unfortunate as to fall down the mountain.
0 0 inside 2
1 0
D{0 ~ 0 0 south:13514 ~}
D{2 ~ 0 0 south:13516 ~}
R south:13516 {
A Precarious Landing on the Face of the Mountain~
You stand at the entrance to a mountain, a rocky pats twist and turns
before you. The way looks treacherous, and the jagged rocks lie below
for any one so unfortunate as to fall down the mountain.
0 0 inside 2
1 0
D{0 ~ 0 0 south:13515 ~}
D{2 ~ 0 0 south:13517 ~}
R south:13517 {
A Rope Bridge Over a Huge Gorge~
You walk across a rickety old rope bridge, danger and unsure footholds
greet you at every step. Below, you see the scattered remains of the
unfortunates, that have fallen from this great height into the rocky
floor below.
0 0 inside 2
1 0
D{0 ~ 0 0 south:13516 ~}
D{2 ~ 0 0 south:13518 ~}
R south:13518 {
On A Creaky Rope Bridge Over the Gorge~
You walk across a rickety old rope bridge, danger and unsure footholds
greet you at every step. Below, you see the scattered remains of the
unfortunates, that have fallen from this great height into the rocky
floor below.
0 0 inside 2
1 0
D{0 ~ 0 0 south:13517 ~}
D{2 ~ 0 0 south:13519 ~}
R south:13519 {
On A Creaky Rope Bridge Over the Gorge~
You walk across a rickety old rope bridge, danger and unsure footholds
greet you at every step. Below, you see the scattered remains of the
unfortunates, that have fallen from this great height into the rocky
floor below.
0 0 inside 2
1 0
D{0 ~ 0 0 south:13518 ~}
D{2 ~ 0 0 south:13520 ~}
R south:13520 {
The Center Point of The Rope Bridge~
Certain Death waits you if you stay here to long, Strong Gusts blow!
0 0 inside 2
1 0
D{0 ~ 0 0 south:13519 ~}
D{2 ~ 0 0 south:13521 ~}
D{5 plank~ 384 0 south:13523 ~}
R south:13521 {
On A Roper Bridge Far Out Over the Gorge~
You walk across a rickety old rope bridge, danger and unsure footholds
greet you at every step. Below, you see the scattered remains of the
unfortunates, that have fallen from this great height into the rocky
floor below.
0 0 inside 2
1 0
D{0 ~ 0 0 south:13520 ~}
D{2 ~ 0 0 south:13522 ~}
R south:13522 {
On A Creaky Rope Bridge Over the Gorge~
You walk across a rickety old rope bridge, danger and unsure footholds
greet you at every step. Below, you see the scattered remains of the
unfortunates, that have fallen from this great height into the rocky
floor below.
0 0 inside 2
1 0
D{0 ~ 0 0 south:13521 ~}
D{2 ~ 0 0 south:13524 ~}
R south:13523 {
0 0 inside 2
1 0
D{4 ~ 0 0 south:13520 ~}
R south:13524 {
An Old Rope Bridge Leading to a Cliff~
You stand near the end of the Old rope bridge, relieved that you did not
meet your final peril. You thank the gods for your good fortune and move
on unaware of the danger that lies before you.
0 0 inside 2
1 0
D{0 ~ 0 0 south:13522 ~}
R south:13525 {
A Barren Wasteland just a Short Distance from Reality~
You stand in the middle of a surreal wasteland right out of a ghost
story. You hear insane howlings and other unknown hideous beings.
An icy wind from the north collides with a scorching thermal from the
0 0 inside 2
1 0
D{0 ~ 0 0 south:13532 ~}
D{1 ~ 0 0 south:13526 ~}
D{2 ~ 0 0 south:13531 ~}
D{3 ~ 0 0 south:13530 ~}
R south:13526 {
A Barren Wasteland just a Short Distance from Reality~
You stand in the middle of a surreal wasteland right out of a ghost
story. You hear insane howlings and other unknown hideous beings.
An icy wind from the north collides with a scorching thermal from the
0 0 inside 2
1 0
D{0 ~ 0 0 south:13528 ~}
D{1 ~ 0 0 south:13527 ~}
D{2 ~ 0 0 south:13529 ~}
D{3 ~ 0 0 south:13525 ~}
R south:13527 {
A Barren Wasteland just a Short Distance from Reality~
You stand in the middle of a surreal wasteland right out of a ghost
story. You hear insane howlings and other unknown hideous beings.
An icy wind from the north collides with a scorching thermal from the
0 0 inside 2
1 0
D{3 ~ 0 0 south:13526 ~}
R south:13528 {
A Barren Wasteland just a Short Distance from Reality~
You stand in the middle of a surreal wasteland right out of a ghost
story. You hear insane howlings and other unknown hideous beings.
An icy wind from the north collides with a scorching thermal from the
0 0 inside 2
1 0
D{2 ~ 0 0 south:13526 ~}
R south:13529 {
A Barren Wasteland just a Short Distance from Reality~
You stand in the middle of a surreal wasteland right out of a ghost
story. You hear insane howlings and other unknown hideous beings.
An icy wind from the north collides with a scorching thermal from the
0 0 inside 2
1 0
D{0 ~ 0 0 south:13526 ~}
R south:13530 {
A Barren Wasteland just a Short Distance from Reality~
You stand in the middle of a surreal wasteland right out of a ghost
story. You hear insane howlings and other unknown hideous beings.
An icy wind from the north collides with a scorching thermal from the
0 0 inside 2
1 0
D{1 ~ 0 0 south:13525 ~}
R south:13531 {
A Barren Wasteland just a Short Distance from Reality~
You stand in the middle of a surreal wasteland right out of a ghost
story. You hear insane howlings and other unknown hideous beings.
An icy wind from the north collides with a scorching thermal from the
0 0 inside 2
1 0
D{0 ~ 0 0 south:13525 ~}
R south:13532 {
A Barren Wasteland just a Short Distance from Reality~
You stand in the middle of a surreal wasteland right out of a ghost
story. You hear insane howlings and other unknown hideous beings.
An icy wind from the north collides with a scorching thermal from the
0 0 inside 2
1 0
D{2 ~ 0 0 south:13525 ~}
R south:13533 {
A Meadow~
0 0 inside 2
1 0
D{1 ~ 0 0 south:13534 ~}
D{3 ~ 0 0 south:13501 ~}
R south:13534 {
A Meadow~
0 0 inside 2
1 0
D{3 ~ 0 0 south:13533 ~}