....[@@@..[@@@..............[@.................. MUD++ is a written from
....[@..[@..[@..[@..[@..[@@@@@....[@......[@.... scratch multi-user swords and
....[@..[@..[@..[@..[@..[@..[@..[@@@@@..[@@@@@.. sorcery game written in C++.
....[@......[@..[@..[@..[@..[@....[@......[@.... This server is an ongoing
....[@......[@..[@@@@@..[@@@@@.................. development project.  All 
................................................ contributions are welcome. 
....Copyright(C).1995.Melvin.Smith.............. Enjoy. 
Melvin Smith (aka Fusion) 
MUD++ development mailing list

#ifndef _THING_H
#define _THING_H

#include "bit.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "nameable.h"
#include "io.h"
#include "mudobj.h"

class Object;
class Repop;
class Char;
class Room;
class Affect;
class MudObject;

// Size on objects associated with the listed race 

const int SIZE_TINY		= 1;	// imps, fairies, brownies
const int SIZE_SMALL	= 2;	// gnomes, goblins
const int SIZE_MEDIUM	= 3;	// humans, elves, orcs, hobgoblins
const int SIZE_LARGE	= 4;	// trolls, ogres, minotaurs, small dragons
const int SIZE_HUGE		= 5;	// medium giants, medium dragons
const int SIZE_GIGANTIC	= 6;	// largest giants, hydra, dragons, leviathans, etc.

extern const bitType size_list[];

class Thing : virtual public Nameable, public MudObject
		String shortdesc;
		String longdesc;
		Room *in_room;
		short size;   // Tiny, Small, Medium,  etc.
		long weight;
		long volume;
		int invis;
		int timer;

		:	in_room(0), size(SIZE_MEDIUM), weight(1), volume(1),
			invis(0), timer(-1)

		// Copy constructor
		Thing( const Thing & x )
		:	MudObject( x ),
			shortdesc( x.shortdesc ), longdesc( x.longdesc ),
			in_room( 0 ), size( x.size ), weight( x.weight ),
			volume( x.volume ), invis( x.invis ), timer( x.timer )
			setName( x.getName() );

		Thing( const String & x )
		:	in_room( 0 ), size(SIZE_MEDIUM),
			weight( 1 ), volume( 1 ), invis( 0 ), timer( -1 )
			setName( x );

		Thing( const String & n, const String & s, const String & l )
		:	shortdesc( s ), longdesc( l ),
			in_room( 0 ), size(SIZE_MEDIUM), weight( 1 ), volume( 1 ),
			invis( 0 ), timer( -1 )
			setName( n );

		virtual ~Thing() {}
		virtual vmtype getVMType() { return VMT_THING; }

		// Interface for all 'Things'
		// Child classes must implement all pure virtual
		// functions and fulfill the requirement of a 'Thing'

		// Replace casts with an interface, yech
		virtual Object * asObj() { return 0; } 
		virtual Char * asChar() { return 0; }
		bool isThing() const { return true; }

		virtual void setRepop( Repop * ) = 0;
		virtual Repop * getRepop() { return 0; }

		void setTimer( int x ) { timer = x; }
		int getTimer() { return timer; }
		int tick() { timer--; return timer; }
		void setShort( const String & x ) { shortdesc = x; }
		const String & getShort() const { return shortdesc; }
		void setLong( const String & x ) { longdesc = x; }
		const String & getLong() const { return longdesc; }
		Room *inRoom() { return in_room; }

		int getSize() { return size; }
		void setSize( int x ) { size = x; }
		int getWeight() { return weight; }
		void setWeight( int lbs ) { weight = lbs; }
		int getVol() { return volume; }
		void setVol( int x ) { volume = x; }
		void setInvisLevel( int x ) { invis = x; }
		int getInvisLevel() const { return invis; }
		bool isInvis() const { return (bool)invis; }

inline const char * lookupSizeName( int x )
	return lookupBitName( size_list, x );

inline int lookupSize( const char * str )
	return lookupBit( size_list, str );

class countedThing
		int count;
		String name;

		countedThing() :
			count(0), name(0) 

		countedThing( const String & arg );

		~countedThing()	 {}
