MUD++ Alpha 0.16
Copyright(C) 1995 Melvin Smith  - Mercer University, Macon GA.

So you've tried my code and your saying "Ack! This MUD server bites!"
Of course it does. It is a new base that I am coding in my spare time.
This means, after I code all day at work, I come home and if I am feeling
especially good that day, I sit down and try to remember where I was
three days ago and start hacking. This means several things:

1)	There are a lot of shameful hacks and "temporary code"
2)	It may have many inconsistencies in its early versions.
3)	Things may change drastically between early releases.
4)	I may release 3 updates in 3 days or I may not release one
	for a week or two.

If you are still reading, you must be at least partly hooked. You need
to subscribe to the MUD++ development list and start contributing areas,
ideas, pizza, money, jewelry, P5's with FPU bug, etc. and generally
flaming me for the code that is missing.

Send mail to
In body put 1 line:   subscribe mudpp-list

Now read on about my plans and a little more info.

MUD++ is in no way related or derived from any other existing mud, mush
moo, muck, chat, etc. MUD++ stands for Multi User Dimension. The ++
is because the whole shebang is coded in C++ using OOP.

What MUD++ has that you probably wont find in another base code.

o	Its GNU - flamewars begone !!
o	Distributed server (run your mud on multiple hosts) ( not public yet )
o	Coded in C++ using OOP methods. Easier to extend.
o	Buffered OutFile class with user defined cache size.
o	Memory mapped InFile class for very fast reads/parses.
o	Online Creation/Editing
o	Selective area reloading. ( works if you figure out the command :)  )
o	Repops are encapsulated in each room. Not 1 big list.
o	Helps are offline text files. Saves memory in long run and allows
	-very- large help files and easy management.
o	An object oriented TCP/IP server that can be used in another application
	without modifications. (server.h and
o	OOP Socket class.
o	String class - memory sharing, copy on write.
	Takes care of allocations and resizing itself.
o	Linked List class - Allows easy traversal, inserts and removals.
o	Hash Table class - You don't have to be an expert to use it.
o	Unlimited bit system and bit based security for imm commands.
o	Scope based index system instead of the standard Vnums.
o	Color ( preliminary )
o	Nice spell parser. ' char is not needed. 
o	Hashed command tables. Seperate table for wiz commands.
o	Object types and spell names are stored in the string form allowing
	areas to be passed between servers with different spells, types.
o	Hot reboot that doesn't close connections.
o	Ident support. (blocks right now)
o	Environment that affects players (in early stages)
o	Commercial licensing.

Future releases:

o	Socials ( DONE!! )
o	Skills ( not DONE!! )
o	Languages.
o	Distributed MUD Server improvements.
o	Online compiled language for triggers, scripts, spells.
o	MUD processes ( multi-tasking )
o	Multi-threaded.
o	Certain SQL front end extensions.
o	Windows client.
o	Windows based remote server manager.
o	MUD Mail/Email ( already written, but not included yet )
o	SMTP email back end for forwarding MUD mail. ( incomplete, not included )

What probably -wont- be in Future releases and why.

o	Explicit multi-classing.
	I have never seen two imps agree on a multi class system and I have
	decided that multi-classing is out of scope of a base code. Instead
	the base will incorporate a system of its own and be designed in
	a way that any imp can add multi-classing with minimal work.

o	Support for Diku, Merc, Envy, ROM, Circle area files.
	If enough people want something, someone will usually write it and post
	it to the list.

Thank you for trying MUD++, stay tuned for future releases.

-- Fusion

Try reaching me at 1 of these in this order. I never know when I'll move.