Name        Legends of Gor~
Creator     Velvet~
Builders    None~
VNUMs       17030 17039
Security    1
Flags       0
Aflags	4
Owned       0

Battle Tarn gor~
A Battle Tarn~
A Large Tarn stands here
This tarn is well trained, prepared for battle, yet still looking half wild, as if the trainer barely has any control over it.
67 557056 0 S
209 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
0 0 1
Tarn Trainer gor~
A Tarn Trainer~
A trainer of Tarns watches over his charges quietly
This man is a skilled trainer of Tarns, preparing them for those who would wish to ride one into battle.
67 8192 -200 S
243 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
0 0 1
tarn rider gor~
A Tarn Rider~
A tarn rider stands by his tarn.
Dressed in battle leathers, this tarn rider is a skilled warrior and a master of fighting from the back of his great tarn.
67 8192 0 S
231 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
0 0 1
Priest King gor~
A Priest King~
A faint aura reveals the presence of a Priest King.
One of the gods of this realm, this man wanders through the temple, listening to the prayers of his worshippers
67 533160 0 S
636 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
0 0 1
priest king gor~
One of the chanters~
A Man stands here chanting.
This glowing man stands here, chanting to the bright light within the mountain, as it grants him the powers he needs to aid his worshippers
67 8872 0 S
628 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
0 0 1
bright light God gor~
The Bright Light~
A blinding light fills the room
This mob is almost too bright to look at.
67 533160 1000 S
1205 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
0 0 0
Slave gor~
A Slave~
A slave stands here.
This slave spends most of his life working hard and hoping to avoid a beating, if he is lucky, he will be given to a kindly master, and will live well, but more likely he will live with a terrible master who will beat him whenever he feels like it.
67 8192 0 S
349 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
0 0 1


The base of the Mountain~
Standing tall out of the surrounding plains is a single peak.  Grey and
unforgiving, this peak looks almost unclimbable.  The sides are almost
straight, and are mostly smooth, except for one edge which has been carved
by ome un-imaginable power, to make smooth steps all the way up the cliff
0 4 5
0 0 17006
0 -1 17031
Up the Mountain steps~
You slowly ascend the stairway, to the halls of the Priest Kings.  With
some trepidation you make your way further and further up the mountain,
towards the cloud covered peak.  As you reach the top, you notice a vast
plateau, a flat area of the mountain.  At the opposite side of the plateau,
another peak reaches skyward, atop which you can see the temple of the
Priest Kings.  
0 0 5
0 -1 17032
0 -1 17030
The Mountain Plateau~
You stand on a vast flat space, carved directly out of the mountain.  To
the north a further peak extends out of the plateau, atop which sits the
temples of the priest kings.  On this plateau however, rest the vast array
of trained Battle Tarns, along with their riders and trainers, awaiting the
commands of the priest kings, or just worshipping at the base of their
temple.  A vast fountain of water shoots from a crack in the centre of the
plateau, running along the crack in both directions, before plumetting off
the edge of the plateau in two vast waterfalls.  
0 0 5
0 -1 17033
0 -1 17031
The Base of the Temple Peak~
You stand at the base of the Priest kings Temple peak, atop which you can
see the ancient columns of the priest kings temples.  A steep stairway leads
upwards, for those foolish enough to approach.  
0 0 5
0 -1 17032
0 -1 17034
The Steep Stairway~
You struggle up the steep stairs on the side of the cliff face, for
sometime, before you finally reach the entrance to the Temple of the Priest
Kings.  A vast archway rests at the top of the staircase, with huge columns
supporting the roof above it, beyond lies the entry chamber of the Temple 
0 0 5
0 -1 17035
0 -1 17033
The Temple Entry Chamber~
Stepping through the archway, you feel a shiver of fear, as the sensation
of being watched causes the hairs on your neck to stand on edge.  All
around, you can see a shadow of movement, yet you cannot see whatever is
moving.  Whatever lives here does not live on the same plane of existence as
0 0 5
0 -1 17034
0 -1 17036
The Inner Sanctum~
You walk further into the temple, into the inner sanctum.  Here, vast
marble columns support a beautifully arched roof in a mass of redundant
support mechanisms.  Great pictures are painted on the roof, depicting areas
of the world.  Here, the jungle of the Amazons, there a sprawling city.  As
you look around, you realise that there is little to the temple, beyond the
two rooms, yet you are sure there must be more.  Looking more closely, you
find what can only be classed as a secret entrance, leading directly into
the mountain itself 
0 0 5
0 -1 17035
0 -1 17037
Within the Mountain~
Entering the secret passageway, you descend into the depths of the
mountain.  No light shines here to guide your way, for those who live here
have no need of extra light sources.  The walls are smooth to the touch,
without a single rough edge, and the corners are curved.  
0 1 5
0 -1 17036
0 -1 17038
Within the Mountain~
As you descend further into the mountain, you start to hear faint voices,
chanting in the distance.  A slight light also seems to be emenating from a
chamber beneath you.  As you continue down the stair way, you notice that it
is starting to spiral, in a vast circular motion, that might even stretch to
encompass the entire inside of the mountain.  Before long however, one of
the walls falls away, and you find yourself at the top of a massive spiral
staircase, moving aroud the edge of a vast smooth cave.  The stairs on the
opposite wall must be on the inside wall of the opposite edge of the
mountain.  Looking down over the edge, you can see a bright light emenating
from the floor below, around which many figures stand, chanting quietly. 
Each is glowing softly.  
0 1 5
0 -1 17037
0 -1 17039
The Bottom of the Spiral Staircase~
You reach the bottom of the staircase, the bright light almost blinding
in it's intensity.  None of the chanters looks to you, as they glow brightly
themselves, chanting at the light.  No other exits lead of from this vast
room.  Here is the true god of this land, the one that the priest kings gain
their power from.  
0 0 5
0 -1 17038

M 17033 spec_breath_any Load to: A Priest King
M 17034 spec_breath_any Load to: One of the chanters

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M 0 17031 5 17032
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M 0 17031 1 17032

