Name        The Hall of the Titans~
Creator     Wynfair~
Builders    None~
VNUMs       19250 19280
Security    1
Flags       0
Aflags	0
Owned       0

cronos titan~
Cronos The Titan~
Cronos, The Lord of Time is standing here.
The Master of all time. The Great Cronos is here watching over all. Even his sone Zeus, whom Kicked his ass.
268435523 1172158 0 S
257 0 0 1d1+99 1d1+9
0 0
0 0 1
A skeleton~
An ugly ass skeleton is here, putting himself back together.
Its a bony Skeleton, what did you expect.
99 552 0 S
72 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
0 0 1
A Ghoul~
There is a gross ghoul floating here.
Yup, its what it looks like.

67 524840 -1000 S
79 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
0 0 1
hades underworld ruler~
Hades the Ruler of the Underworld is here
Its the Master of the Undead Realm.
67 1155754 -1000 S
119 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
0 0 1
A Bobcat~
A bobcat is here, eating a corpse.
It has fur, claws, A body and a head, don't forget the tail. Hmm..Maybe its a Bobcat.
67 0 0 S
66 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
0 0 1
A bear~
A brown bear is here looking for a tree to rub his back on.
Its A bigass brown bear.
67 0 0 S
13 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
0 0 1
titan Gaea mother~
Gaea, the mother of the Earth is here
She is covered in leaves from head to toe.
67 1680042 0 S
108 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
0 0 2
treasure dragon~
The Treasure Dragon~
A dragon of unbelievable size is here guarding the treasure.
103 1680042 0 S
1007 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
0 0 1
guard giant~
A Giant Guard~
A giant guard is here.
67 0 0 S
79 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
0 0 1
massive guard dog~
A massive guard dog~
There is a massive dog here guarding the hall.
65 552 0 S
85 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
0 0 1
titan Rhea mother~
The Titan Rhea~
The Mother of Zeus, Rhea is here.
65 0 1000 S
178 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
0 0 2
atlas titan~
Atlas is here holding up the world 
67 128 0 S
115 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
0 0 1
charon ferryman~
Charon the Ferryman~
Charon, The Ferryman of the River Styx is here
67 0 0 S
44 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
0 0 1
persephone titan undead~
Persephone, Hades Wife, is here standing with her lover.
67 256 0 S
68 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
0 0 2
spirit lost~
A lost spirit~
A lost spirit is trying to find its way.
65 0 0 S
59 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
0 0 0
lost soul~
A lost soul~
A lost soul is wandering around and looking for redemption.
65 0 0 S
61 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
0 0 0
redeemer spirit~
The Redeemer~
The Redeemer of souls is here to test you.
99 533160 -1000 S
471 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
0 0 1

Golden Key~
a Huge Golden Key~
A huge golden key is lying here.~
18 1 1
0 0 0 0
200 10000 0
dark black key huge~
a Huge Dark Black Key~
A dark key is lying here.~
18 4 1
0 0 0 0
200 0 0
glowing silver huge key~
a Huge Glowing Silver Key~
A silver key is lying on the floor here.~
18 1 1
0 0 0 0
200 0 0
staff power mages~
mages' Staff of Balance~
An awesome staff lies here radiating power.~
5 -555423 8193
0 5 10 8
150 0 0
18 14
19 14
17 300
12 1000
claw divinity~
the Claw of Divinity~
An awesome claw of a great gold dragon is lying here.~
5 -553887 8193
0 10 10 5
200 0 0
13 1000
17 300
19 10
18 10
demonic lance evil~
the Demonic Lance of Evil~
A dark black lance is here radiating darkness against the light.~
5 -554478 8193
0 10 20 11
44 0 0
13 1000
17 300
18 10
19 10
sword dark undead power~
the Dark Sword of Undead Power~
A dark, evil sword is lying here.~
5 -554444 8193
0 10 20 3
200 0 0
9 25
17 300
18 10
19 10
orb sphere~
the Orb of Time~
The spherical shaped Orb of time is here on a pedestal.~
8 65 24577
0 1 6 11
5 2147483647 0
17 500
18 50
19 50
pile gold~
a pile of gold~
A huge pile of gold.~
20 0 1
50000 1 6 11
5 0 0
the Treasure Dragon's Helm~
The Huge Helm of the Treasure Dragon.~
9 0 17
0 1 6 11
5 0 0
axe redeemer~
the Redeemer's Axe~
A holy axe is lying here.~
5 2608 8193
0 10 20 3
5 0 0
2 -20
1 -20
19 20
18 20
An extraordinary axe with an extremely fine blade. Although you sense something more hideous about the axe than meets the eye.~

The Hall of The Titans~
The large hall continues down a massive tunnel.  There are giant suits of
full plate armor stranding motionless along the walls.  You see several
doors branching off of the large hall and small pieces of the red carpet
leading you into each one.
0 8192 0
0 -1 19251
0 0 951
The seemingly endless hall~
The overall size of this place is breathtaking.  You now know what an ant
feels like.  The tapestries seem to go on forever.  You have just now passed
the end of the second one.  Off in the distance you can make out what
appears to be a set of stairs.
0 8192 0
0 -1 19252
0 0 19269
0 -1 19250
The Great Hall~
No matter what angle you look at the approaching stairs, they just keep
getting bigger.  You just might have to get a rope, or learn to fly, to
climb those stairs.
0 8192 0
0 -1 19253
0 -1 19251
0 -1 19260
The bottom of the Stairs.~
You are now at the bottom of the this massive set of stairs.  Each step
is an easy human story, about 20 feet.  What a climb this is goin to be.
0 8192 0
0 -1 19252
0 -1 19254
On the massive staircase~
So far it has been quite exhausting climbing this massive set of stairs. 
You can only imagine what huge things must lie ahead.
0 8192 9
0 -1 19255
0 -1 19253
The top of the massive staircase~
You are very exhausted by the long climb to the top of the massive
staircase.  Many doors are along the walls, you also notice that there are
some tapestries that line the walls.
0 8192 9
0 -1 19256
0 -1 19254
Entrance to the warm hallway~
You see elaborate tapestries along the walls.  Further north you can
barely see what appears to be a glint of light reflecting off some armor.
0 8192 0
0 -1 19257
0 -1 19255
In the warm hallway~
When you walk into this section of the hallway you take notice of the
large pedestals that have busts of great leaders placed on them.  The are
situated along the hallway with polished suits of armor.  Up ahead you can
see two giant-sized guards vigilantly guarding a huge set of oaken, double
0 8192 0
0 -1 19258
0 19252 19264
0 -1 19256
End of the warm hallway~
Standing in front of you is a huge set of oaken, double doors.  A great
dragon has been intricately carved into them.
0 8192 0
A huge set of oaken, double doors.
0 19251 19259
0 -1 19257
The chamber of the Titans~
There is a giant sphere in the center of the room.  Mystical markings are
etched all over the walls, their meaning is beyond comprehension.  This
Appears to be the meeting place of the Titans.
0 8192 0
0 -1 19258
0 19250 19268
A darkened room~
You stand in a room which is lit only by the eerie glow of a silver door.
There is a sense of nothingness to the air, and a faint smell of the
wilderness tickles your nose.
0 0 0
0 -1 19261
Deep in the wilderness~
You find yourself surrounded by trees and the like as you realize that
your no longer in the great hall of the Titans.  There is a srange noise
looming in the air, it sends chills down your spine and you just now notice
that the silvery door of your entrance is gone.
0 0 0
0 -1 19262
The grove of Damnation~
After hours of wandering in the woods you spot a small grove and dart
toward it, asuming it would be a better place to camp for the night rather
than sleep on the thorny bushes.  Upon entering you see a glowing portal,
cascading the west side of the grove, in just a few seconds, it envelopes
the area, and you with it.  Your only viable option is to go west.
0 0 0
0 -1 19263
In the Portal~
You are standing in a blinding portal of light.  The light starts to dim
and a being appears to defend her domain.
0 0 0
0 -1 19252
The Chamber of Death~
There are bones and corpses scattered everywhere.  The smell of death
looms over everything.  Your stomach churnes and your eyes bulge as you see
the horror that is spewed out before you.
0 0 0
0 -1 19265
The walk of Death~
More bodies come flying at you in a rushing effort to defend the secrets
of the temple.
0 0 0
0 -1 19266
0 -1 19264
The Dark River~
A huge river spans before you, and you can hear the screams of the dead. 
The darkness seems to engulf your very soul as a robed man shimmers into
existance.  You needn't ask his name, as all know who he is and his purpose.
0 0 0
0 -1 19267
0 -1 19265
There, in front, stand the echoing halls of the god of the
lower-world, strong Hades,
and of awful Persephone. A fearful hound guards the house in
front, pitiless,
and he has a cruel trick. On those who go in he fawns with his
tail and both his ears,
but suffers them not to go out back again, but keeps watch and
devours whomever 
he catches going out of the gates of strong Hades and awful
0 0 0
0 -1 19257
0 -1 19266
The Great Treasure Chamber of the Titans~
There are massive piles of gold and miscellaneous other things lying
about everywhere, along with the caretaker.
0 24577 0
0 -1 19259
The East Corridor~
You are standing in a cold hallway.  There are pillars all around the
hall decorating it along with the statues and tapestries.
0 0 0
0 0 19270
Before the Shimmering Portal~
At the End of the corridor you see a shimmering portal in the gateway to
the east.
0 0 0
0 0 19271
In the Portal~
You are surrounded by a soft light.  It embraces you, and yet, squeezes
the breath from your lungs.  Everything seems to puch you onward, into the
light, and yet darkness.
0 0 0
0 0 19272
The Spirit World~
0 1 0
0 0 19273
0 0 19275
0 0 19274
0 0 19276
The Spirit World~
0 1 0
0 0 19272
The Spirit World~
0 1 0
0 0 19272
0 0 19277
The Spirit World~
0 1 0
0 0 19278
0 0 19272
The Spirit World~
0 1 0
0 0 19272
0 0 19277
The Spirit World~
0 1 0
0 0 19276
0 0 19274
The Dark Portal~
Darkness is all around. Only a faint light to the north give you hope. Does the darkness ever end?
0 5 0
0 0 19279
The Darkness~
More Darkness, You feel lost, hopeless. There is nothing you can do, only wander aimlessly in this world of nothingness.
0 1 0
0 0 19280
Total Redemption~
Your redsemption is at hand. Your redeemer is here, holding his axe, he will save your soul....
0 0 0
0 0 19251

M 19253 spec_cast_undead Load to: Hades
M 19256 spec_cast_cleric Load to: Gaea
M 19257 spec_breath_any Load to: The Treasure Dragon
M 19258 spec_guard Load to: A Giant Guard
M 19259 spec_fido Load to: A massive guard dog
M 19263 spec_rogue Load to: Persephone
M 19266 spec_cast_mage Load to: The Redeemer

O 0 19256 1 19268
O 0 19255 1 19268
O 0 19254 1 19268
O 0 19253 1 19268
M 0 19250 1 19259
G 0 19250 0
M 0 19254 10 19261
M 0 19254 10 19261
M 0 19254 10 19261
M 0 19254 10 19261
M 0 19254 10 19261
M 0 19254 10 19261
M 0 19254 10 19261
M 0 19254 10 19261
M 0 19254 10 19261
M 0 19254 10 19261
M 0 19254 10 19261
M 0 19255 10 19262
M 0 19255 10 19262
M 0 19255 10 19262
M 0 19255 10 19262
M 0 19255 10 19262
M 0 19255 10 19262
M 0 19255 10 19262
M 0 19255 10 19262
M 0 19255 10 19262
M 0 19255 10 19262
M 0 19256 1 19263
G 0 19252 0
M 0 19251 10 19264
M 0 19251 10 19264
M 0 19251 10 19264
M 0 19251 10 19264
M 0 19251 10 19264
M 0 19251 10 19264
M 0 19251 10 19264
M 0 19251 10 19264
M 0 19251 10 19264
M 0 19251 10 19264
M 0 19252 10 19265
M 0 19252 10 19265
M 0 19252 10 19265
M 0 19252 10 19265
M 0 19252 10 19265
M 0 19252 10 19265
M 0 19252 10 19265
M 0 19252 10 19265
M 0 19252 10 19265
M 0 19252 10 19265
M 0 19251 10 19266
M 0 19251 10 19266
M 0 19251 10 19266
M 0 19251 10 19266
M 0 19251 10 19266
M 0 19251 10 19266
M 0 19251 10 19266
M 0 19251 10 19266
M 0 19251 10 19266
M 0 19251 10 19266
M 0 19252 5 19266
M 0 19252 5 19266
M 0 19252 5 19266
M 0 19252 5 19266
M 0 19252 5 19266
M 0 19253 1 19267
G 0 19251 0
O 0 19257 1 19259
M 0 19257 1 19268
E 0 19259 0 6
M 0 19258 2 19257
M 0 19258 2 19257
M 0 19258 2 19250
M 0 19258 2 19250
M 0 19258 5 19253
M 0 19258 5 19253
M 0 19258 5 19253
M 0 19258 5 19253
M 0 19258 5 19253
M 0 19259 10 19251
M 0 19259 10 19251
M 0 19259 10 19251
M 0 19259 10 19251
M 0 19259 10 19251
M 0 19259 10 19251
M 0 19259 10 19251
M 0 19259 10 19251
M 0 19259 10 19251
M 0 19259 10 19251
M 0 19259 10 19251
M 0 19260 1 19259
M 0 19261 1 19250
M 0 19262 1 19266
M 0 19263 1 19267
M 0 19264 5 19272
M 0 19264 5 19273
M 0 19264 5 19274
M 0 19264 5 19275
M 0 19264 5 19276
M 0 19264 5 19277
M 0 19265 5 19272
M 0 19265 5 19273
M 0 19265 5 19274
M 0 19264 5 19275
M 0 19265 5 19276
M 0 19265 5 19277
M 0 19266 1 19280
E 0 19260 0 16

