 *  File:           Mage.h
 *  Function:       Declarations for mage.h
 *  Author(s):      Queen Serenity of the Moon Kingdom
 *  Copyright:      Copyright (c) 1999 Queen Serenity of the Moon Kingdom
 *                  All Rights Reserved.
 *  Notes:          This is for Legend of Chrystancia.
 *                  This file contains all the #define's used in the truemagik
 *                  spells

/* Beginning of mage.h */

 * Rune, Glyph and Sigil bits.
#define RUNE_NONE					0
#define	RUNE_FIRE					(A)		// 1
#define	RUNE_AIR					(B)		// 2
#define	RUNE_EARTH					(C)		// 4
#define	RUNE_WATER					(D)		// 8
#define	RUNE_DARK					(E)		// 16
#define	RUNE_LIGHT					(F)		// 32
#define	RUNE_LIFE					(G)		// 64
#define	RUNE_DEATH					(H)		// 128
#define	RUNE_MIND					(I)		// 256
#define	RUNE_SPIRIT					(J)		// 512
#define	RUNE_MASTER					(K)		// 1024

#define GLYPH_NONE					0
#define	GLYPH_CREATION				(A)		// 1
#define	GLYPH_DESTRUCTION			(B)		// 2
#define	GLYPH_SUMMONING				(C)		// 4
#define	GLYPH_TRANSPORTATION		(E)		// 16
#define	GLYPH_ENHANCEMENT			(F)		// 32
#define	GLYPH_REDUCTION				(G)		// 64
#define	GLYPH_CONTROL				(H)		// 128
#define	GLYPH_PROTECTION			(I)		// 256
#define	GLYPH_INFORMATION			(J)		// 512

#define SIGIL_NONE					0
#define	SIGIL_SELF					(A)		// 1
#define	SIGIL_TARGETING				(B)		// 2
#define	SIGIL_AREA					(C)		// 4
#define	SIGIL_OBJECT				(D)		// 8

 *	Advanced spells.
#define ADV_NONE					0
#define	ADV_DAMAGE					(A)		// 1
#define	ADV_AFFECT					(B)		// 2
#define	ADV_ACTION					(C)		// 4
#define	ADV_AREA_AFFECT				(D)		// 8
#define	ADV_VICTIM_TARGET			(E)		// 16
#define	ADV_OBJECT_TARGET			(F)		// 32
#define	ADV_GLOBAL_TARGET			(G)		// 64
#define	ADV_NEXT_PAGE				(H)		// 128
#define	ADV_PARAMETER				(I)		// 256
#define	ADV_SPELL_FIRST				(J)		// 512
#define	ADV_NOT_CASTER				(K)		// 1024
#define	ADV_NO_PLAYERS				(L)		// 2048
#define	ADV_SECOND_VICTIM			(M)		// 4096
#define	ADV_SECOND_OBJECT			(N)		// 8192
#define	ADV_REVERSED				(O)		// 16384
#define	ADV_STARTED					(P)		// 32768
#define	ADV_FINISHED				(Q)		// 65536
#define	ADV_FAILED					(R)		// 131072
#define	ADV_MESSAGE_1				(S)		// 262144
#define	ADV_MESSAGE_2				(T)		// 524288
#define	ADV_MESSAGE_3				(U)		// 1048576
#define	ADV_COLORED					(V)
#define	ADV_UBER_AFFECT				(W)		// Serenity - Modify spell power, variably more or less powerful
#define	ADV_NO_GROUP				(X)		// Serenity - Don't hit groupies
#define ADV_ONLY_GROUP				(Y)		// Serenity - Only affect groupies
#define ADV_NO_KINGDOM				(Z)		// Serenity - Do not affect fellow kingdom members
#define ADV_ONLY_KINGDOM			(aa)	// Serenity - Only affect fellow Kingdom members
#define ADV_ONLY_PLAYERS			(bb)	// Serenity - Only affect players

 *	Advanced spell actions.
#define	ACTION_NONE					0
#define	ACTION_MOVE					1
#define	ACTION_MOB					2
#define	ACTION_OBJECT				3

 *	Advanced spell affects.
#define	ADV_STR						(A)		// 1
#define	ADV_DEX						(B)		// 2
#define	ADV_INT						(C)		// 4
#define	ADV_WIS						(D)		// 8
#define	ADV_CON						(E)		// 16
#define	ADV_SEX						(F)		// 32
#define	ADV_MANA					(G)		// 64
#define	ADV_HIT						(H)		// 128
#define	ADV_MOVE					(I)		// 256
#define	ADV_AC						(J)		// 512
#define	ADV_HITROLL					(K)		// 1024
#define	ADV_DAMROLL					(L)		// 2048
#define	ADV_SAVING_SPELL			(M)		// 4096
#define ADV_WEAK					(N)		// Serenity - Decreases Strength useful for trains
#define ADV_FRAIL					(O)		// Serenity - Decreases Constitution useful for trains
#define ADV_CLUMSY					(P)		// Serenity - Decreases Dexterity useful for trains
#define ADV_AMNESIA					(Q)		// Serenity - Decreases Wisdom useful for trains