Ah! Another mortal, seeking adventure.  You should go through mudschool first,
to gain experience to face the trials outside.  Be sure to practice a weapon
in the guild room, or your stay with us shall be very short indeed.  Type
'equipment' to see what your are wielding, 'spells' to see your spells,
'skills' to see your skills, and 'commands' for a list of commands. Help is
available on most commands and abilities.

Please type 'help rules' to see the Rules of ROM.

-1 LAG~
Twas dial-up, and the failing mudders did toil and struggle in the fray
All checksummed were the compressed files
And the man pages, outdate
Beware the Internet my son,
The noise that hangs, the lag that kills
Beware the Usenet news, and shun the frivolous mud with frills
So took his his mudding client in hand
Longtime the virtual foe he sought
So rested he by the T1s three and paused a while in swap
And as in disk-drive swap he stayed,
The Internet, with lags of fame
Came packetwise through the T1 line
And error-checked as it came
One two one two and through and through, the mudding client went kill -9
He left it dead and with it's core he went a tracing back
And hath thou slain the Internet?
Come to my arms my disk-based bot!
Oh lag-free day, callooh callay, he chortled in his joy
Twas dial-up, and the failing mudders did toil and struggle in the fray
All checksummed were the compressed files
And the man pages, outdate.

{Y|{x              {W-{x{D={x {RStaff of AEMud{x {D={x{W-{x              {Y|{x  
 {y[                                              ]{x 
 {y[{x   {wCoder:{x {cXeric{x                               {y]{x  
 {y[                                              ]{x 
 {y[{x   {wAdministrators:{x {cXandera, Dasonge{x           {y]{x
 {y[                                              <{x 
 {y[{x {D-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-{x  {y]{x
 {y>                                              ]{x 
 {y[{x              {gHead of Departments{x             {y]{x 
 {y>                                              ]{x 
 {y[{x   {wTerraforming:{x {cDecius{x                       {y]{x
 {y[{x   {wSecurity:{x {c-{x                                {y]{x 
 {y[{x   {wP/R:{x {cPheonix{x                               {y]{x
 {y[                                              <{x 
 {y[{x {D-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-{x  {y]{x
 {y[                                              ]{x 
 {y[{x                    {gStaff{x                     {y]{x 
 {y>                                              ]{x 
 {y[{x   {wTerraforming:{x {c-{x                            {y]{x
 {y[{x   {wSecurity:{x {c-{x                                {y]{x
 {y[{x   {wP/R:{x {c-{x                                     {y]{x
 {y[                                              ]{x 
 {y[{x {D-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-{x  {y]{x
 {y[                                              <{x 
 {y[{x                   {gInterns{x                    {y]{x
 {y[                                              ]{x 
 {y[{x   {wTrainees:{x {c-{x                                {y]{x
 {y[                                              ]{x 

-1 ROM~
ROM started in early February 1993, using Merc 1.0 code. In July of 1993,  
ROM II was started, eventually replacing the original ROM.  ROM was up for
a little over a year, after which the code (version 2.3) was released,
and various other ROM muds were started, including Rivers of Mud under
a new management (Zump's ROM), at rom.org 9000.

Alander's current project is Athen, the sequel to the ROM code. It can
be found on Rehobaom's Legacy, at hypercube.org 9000.

The following people contributed to the ROM flavor of the merc base code:

Socials --
    Kelsey and Liralen
    adore       angel       bbath       bikini      blankie     blanket     
    blowe       chair       choke       eak         hail        herald      
    hfart       hobble      humor       mock        ouch        tender      
    wchair      wedgie      worthy      forgive	    kneel       skip
    dirty       evil        drift       lookear     glue        staple
    foot        shave       offer       insect      reality     teach
    chew        cadet       puppyeyes   infect      tforce      alone
    rocket      stupid      helpme      censor      hsh         homeis
    bring       heatup      errors      brag        bask        tenfeet
    inspect     bottle      gulp        putup       covert      smackdown 
    ping        pilfer      scorn       scoff       pity        twist   
    rant        jello	    wjello      rust        potato      smurf 
    squint      tmi
** The socials list has also been colorize and alphabetized by Taka
   Extensive fixes and corrections/additions have been made to the original
   socials file. -Taka

Beta testing --
    Ken Blosser, Doug Araya, and Sherene Neil all helped with bugs reports
    and suggestions, saving a lot of headaches

Bug reports --
    Thanks to Shad Muegge, Jerome Despret, Phoenix, Will Hongach,
    Erwin S. Andreasen, Adam Debus and especially Gary Turkington
    (author of the ROM FAQ) for help spotting bugs

ROM 2.4 was developed during my time with Moosehead mud, and the release
shares many of the features I wrote while I was there.  Additional code
was written by Seth Scott (the new poofin/poofout), and many contributions
and ideas from the Merc list were used.  Portions of Rusty's work on
Moosehead also remain.

The new features of 2.4 were largely produced in bull sessions with
Gabrielle Taylor and Brian Moore, without whom this release wouldn't
have happened.  In particular, the new privacy code, furniture, and
wiznet are the results of Gabrielle's ideas.

Changes to the standard diku mob and object format, as well as the changes
to Merc 2.1 source code, were done by Alander over many a late night of
hair-pulling. Hope you enjoy it.

(my apologies if anyone was forgotten in this list)

Extensive mods have been done to this mud i now call it GHOST 3.00 beta 0
For mor help type help GHOST.

'Immortal' (often, simply, 'immort') refers to players who have reached
the highest attainable levels in the game.  Here, anyone of level 52
or higher is an 'immortal.'  Immortals are capable of exceeding the
usual game rules, in more drastic and pervasive ways as levels increase;
examples range from teleportation and invisibility to mortal sight to
creation of objects, removal of a player's privileges (channels,
ability to move, or even ability to log in), and ability to promote
players to immortality.

Since immortals can wreak havoc with game balance, they are (ideally)
a carefully-chosen and policed group.  An absolute rule of immortal
behavior is that no immortal can aid or assist any player without
explicit permission from the higher ranks; in other words, please
don't ask an immortal to help you kill a mob, gather EQ, etc, or
you'll likely be either politely or rudely refused, or referred to
this file.

The duties of immortals, and even the very reasons for their existence,
are topics of continual and heated debate in various MUD forums, and are
fraught with misconceptions, poor examples, and outrageous hypocrisies. :)

Just type social for a list in alphabetical order of all the socials
for this mud.

-1 MERC~
This mud is based on Merc 2.1, created by Furey, Hatchet, and Kahn.  
Merc 2.1 is available as Merc_21.tar.gz from ftp.tcp.com and 
E-mail to 'majordomo@webnexus.com' to join the merc mailing list.

Thanks to ...
  ... Diku Mud for starting it all.
  ... The Free Software Foundation and DJ Delorie for kick-ass tools.
  ... Copper Mud and Alfa Mud for releasing their code and worlds.
  ... Aod of Generic for ... well, everything.  You're a hoopy frood, Aod.
  ... Alander for many ideas and contributions.
  ... John Brothers of Silly for permission to use Silly code and worlds.
  ... Zrin for administering the mailing list.
  ... Abaddon for proofreading our comm.c.
  ... Hind, Quin, Vic, Diavolo, Oleg, Trienne, and others for porting help.
  ... Diavolo, Grodyn, Morgenes, and others for code and bug fixes.
  ... Raff, Doctor, VampLestat, Nirrad, Tyrst, PinkF, Chris, Glop for worlds.
  ... the players and imps of Mud Dome, Final Mud, Mud Lite, Vego Mud, Rivers
      of Mud, Ruhr Mud, and Mystic Realms for bug reports, ideas, new code,
      and hours of enjoyment.

Also see "help ROM" for information about the Rivers of Mud code base.

Thanks to Ezra for drawing the originals of several maps on ROM.

{D88{R.._|      | `-.  | `.  -_-_ _-_  _-  _- -_ -  .'|   |.'|     |  _..{D88{x
{D88{R   `-.._  |    |`!  |`.  -_ -__ -_ _- _-_-  .'  |.;'   |   _.!-'|  {D88{x
{D88{R      | `-!._  |  `;!  ;.{y _______________ {R,'| .-' |   _!.i'     |  {D88{x
{D88{R..__  |     |`-!._ | `.| {y|_______________|{R|."'|  _!.;'   |     _|..{D88{x
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{D88{R   |      |    |   |`-,!_{y|_|           {y|_|{R|.!-;'  |    |     |     {D88{x
{D88{R___|______|____!.,.!,.!,!{y|d|           {y|p|{R,!,.!.,.!..__|_____|_____{D88{x
{D88{R      |     |    |  |  | {y|_|           {y|_|{R| |   |   |    |      |  {D88{x
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{D88{R      |    _!.-j'  | _!,"{y|_|           {y|_|{R|!._|  `i-!.._ |      |  {D88{x
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{D88{R..-i'     |  _.''|  !-| !{y|_|           {y|_|{R.|`-. | ``._ |     |``"..{D88{x
{D88{R   |      |.|    |.|  !| {y|u|           {y|n|{R|`. |`!   | `".    |     {D88{x
{D88{R   |  _.-'  |  .'  |.' |/{y|_|           {y|_|{R! |`!  `,.|    |-._|     {D88{x
{D88{R  _!"'|     !.'|  .'| .'|{D[@]           {D[@]{R \|  `. | `._  |   `-._  {D88{x
{D88{R-'    |   .'   |.|  |/| /                 \|`.  |`!    |.|      |`-{D88{x
{D88{R      |_.'|   .' | .' |/                   \  \ |  `.  | `._    |  {D88{x
{D88{R     .'   | .'   |/|  /                     \ |`!   |`.|    `.  |  {D88{x
{D88{R  _.'     !'|   .' | /                       \|  `  |  `.    |`.|  {D88{x
     {DBased on GhostMud version 3.0 beta{x
     {DOriginal DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,Tom Madsen, {x
     {DMichael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer{x
     {DBased on MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn{x
     {DROM 2.4 copyright (c) 1993-1998 Russ Taylor{x
     {DGhostMud is copyright 1999-2000 TAKA{x

{wBy what name do you wish to be known as on {WAlternate Eternity{r? {W~

-1 MOTD~
{W* {GYou are responsible for knowing the rules (type 'rules').  Ignorance of 
  {Gthe rules is no excuse.
{W* {GImportant commands: help, commands, news, notes
{W* {GUse the delete command to erase unwanted characters

{RWelcome to Alternate Eternity!{x
[Hit Return to continue]

-1 GREET2~
GhostMud version 3.0 beta

               Original DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
               Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer
               Based on MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn
               ROM 2.4 copyright (c) 1993-1998 Russ Taylor
               This code base is GhostMud 3.x an offical rom 2.4 derivative.
	       GhostMud is copyright 1999-2001 TAKA
	       - further copyrighted 1999-2001 The Ghost Dancer MUD Project Team


{YWelcome to {WGHOST{x

This is GhostMud Version 3 an offical ROM derivative.

First off let me say thanks to the entire GhostMud team!!!!
This new codebase is a ROM derivative it started with ROM 2.6b4
A few snippets have been added and credit remains in the code.
I also have many unique features added to our mud some of them
are as follows.

01) long vnums are supported
02) hit points/mana/movements can be greater than 32K
03) Lots of coloring and reformating
04) A new banking and multi stock system - Losely based on Maniacs Banking code
05) Many New commands/spells/skills
06) Dribbles REMORT system but greatly improved
07) Many enhancements to the code
08) Player history and kill/death counters
09) Many fixes to existing commands 

{BThe {WGhostMud Team{x
{WTaka        {DThe Wolf                    {GHead Coder, Builder{x
              {Ra_ghost_dancer@excite.com   {x
{WCormac      {DSexy Thing                  {GHead Builder{x
{WVincent     {DBiggest Dwarf on the block  {GChief of Ideas, Builder{x
{WRoxie       {DMistress of dreamers        {GGraphics Ideas, Web Design{x
{WAzash       {DMagic Man                   {GSpells/Skills Testing and{x
              {Rmyndzi@hotmail.com          {Gbalancing, Q&A, Ideas{x
{WPyrox       {DRibbed for her pleasure!    {GKing of thieves and ideas,
              {Rpyrox311@hotmail.com        {GQuality assurance, Play testing

102 IMOTD~
Welcome Immortal!
You are responsible for following the laws of immortal behavior. These can
be found by typing 'help laws' or 'help commandments'.
* Excessive loading is not allowed, and is grounds for deletion.
* Asking for promotion is grounds for instant deletion.
* Type 'help jobs' to get some idea of what you should be doing.
[Press Enter to Continue]

102 JOBS~
This is a partial list of what a god of any given level should be doing. It is
not complete yet.

Angels and higher level gods may not assist mortals directly in any way.  
An Angel's main job is to help with quests (via switch), or possibly run
small quest of their own -- but the rewards should be minimal.

Deities have two main roles: reimbursement and quest running.  Be skeptical
on reimburses, don't just hand out every piece of gear.  I suggest limiting
reimbursements to 10 items at a time, and make sure that you do not load things
at too high a level (new format items have hard-coded levels, so are not a
problem).  vnum and stat are useful for this.  You can draft Angels to help you
run a quest, and please note that quests should NOT have huge rewards -- the
main point should be to have fun.  Deities have no business trying to enforce
rules -- the most you should do to a player is a NOCHANNEL or similar light

Gods can run quests just like Deities, and it's nice to do reimbursements too.
However, the main role of a God is keeping the peace.  Gods can enforce (but
not create rules), using the various NOTELL-class commands, as well as deny,
purge, freeze, and ban (but be careful with these commands!)  Gods are expected
to help make the mud run more smoothly, power trips are strictly verbotten.

Not fufilling the roles of your office can result in demotion or deletion.

Player killing and player stealing are allowed to all clan members 
(including loners), provided the victim is is within 8 levels of the
character and is also in a clan.  This will flag you as a "killer" or
"thief", allowing any character to attack, and also provoking action
from the city guard. {r*{x {RBULLSHIT{x, forget this rule...(Xeric)

                         ** The Rules of ROM **
1)  Do not kill mortals, do not kill mortals, do not kill mortals.
    This includes transferring/summoning them to aggressive mobs.
2)  Do not cheat for ANY mortal in ANY way, especially your own. 
    Unless of course you LIKE deletion. Yes this includes tanking,
    healing/restoring, casting protection spells <armor, sanct>,    
    and softening up or altering mobs.
3)  Do not transfer or summon mobs to mortals or mortals to mobs.
    They have legs, if they want to kill a mob, they can easilly
    go there themselves.
4)  DO NOT kill the shopkeepers for any reason at ALL.
5)  DO NOT use reboot.  <--- Note, simple English.
6)  Do not give out free equipment.  You don't need to win brownie
    points with the mortals.  Quest are fine but handing out items
7)  A note on quests: Quests are a good thing, more or less, BUT 
    do not give out overly extravagant prizes.  Exercise some 
    common sense here folks.  Do not load items more than 4 levels
    below their normal level (i.e. no level 5 ogre gauntlets).
8)  Do not undermine the authority of a higher level god.  If you 
    see that someone has been frozen or nochannelled do not restore
    their priveleges.  They are being punished for a reason.
9)  Do not try to overrule each other.  
10) Trusted mortals:  Do not use your god powers to help your mortal
    character.  If you do, your trust will be taken away.


{GThese are the rules of {wGhost{G.  For other matters, use common sense.{x

{W* {GLimited player stealing or player killing.{x

{W* {GYour presence here is a privilege not a right. Obey any orders from gods, and{x
  {Gyou will be fine.  Deletion does not require a reason, appeals are to be sent{x
  {Gto the implementors.{x
{W* {GSitting around idle with a client is hazardous to your health. If we catch{x
  {Gyou doing it, you will lose half your playing time.{x

{W* {GNo multiple logins, multiple playing, or helping your own characters with {x
  {Gother characters you own -- by any arrangment.{x
{W* {GNo kill stealing.  This means you cannot attack a mob someone else is {x
  {Gfighting, unless they ask you to. Also avoid attacking fleeing mobs.{x

{W* {GCheating will not be tolerated.  This includes accepting favors from gods{x
  {Gand exploiting bugs. If you find a bug, report it, then do not use it.{x

{W* {GChanges to these rules are at the discretion of the immortals, and may be{x
  {Gdone without warning, notice, or even evidence of sanity. Walk softly,{x
  {Gand carry a big stick.{x

{W* {RNO SWEARING {Gover open channels will be accepted!{x

Use the delete command to erase unwanted characters, so the name will be
available for use.  This command must be typed twice to delete a character,
and you cannot be forced to delete.  Typing delete with an argument will
return your character to 'safe' status if you change your mind after the
first delete.

The healer decided to grab a quick buck, and now charges for his heals.  Some
services are still free to players of level 10 or below, however.  To see
a full listing of the healer's services, type 'heal' at his residence. To
receive healing, bring plenty of money, and type 'heal <spell>'.

-1 GAIN~
The gain command is used to learn new skills, once the proper trainer has 
been found. (Check New Thalos) The following options can be used with gain:

gain list:    list all groups and skills that can be learned
gain points:  lower your creation points by 1 (costs two sessions)
gain <name>:  add a skill or skill group, at the listed cost
gain convert: turns 10 practices into one training session

Gain uses training sessions, not practices. (see 'help train')
Gained skills and groups do NOT increase your experience per level or total
number of creation points. 

105 CLONE~
  clone obj <object>
  clone mob <mobile>
  clone <name>
  clone x*<object>
  clone x*<mobile>

The clone command duplicates an object or mobile.  The level of item or mobile
that may be cloned depends on your level.  The target object or mob must be in
the same room as you, or in your posession.  Strung and set information is
preserved by clone, as well as any spell effects and container contents or
mobile inventory, except for items which are too high for you to clone.  
Strung extended descriptions on objects are not kept, however.

105 JAIL~
  jail <name>

The jail command is used when a player has been overly disrespectful.
Use it with caution.

102 OMNI~
original author: -Prism snazzy@ssnlink.net
improvements and colored by Taka.
- list in level order
- show mortal trust levels

The omni command is for immortals only. It is more detailed than the
mortal who command. Try it you will like it.

     fvlist obj 
     	- list all available object vnumbers in the area you are in!
     fvlist mob 
     	- list all available mobile vnumbers in the area you are in!
     fvlist room 
        - list all available room vnumbers in the area you are in!
     fvlist rooma 
        - list all available room vnumbers for all vnums mud wide!
          when there is a free vnum gap of atleast 50.       


board [number|name]                     Shows or changes board.
note                                    Reads next note.
note read [number]                      Reads a certain note.
note remove <number>                    Removes a note written by you.
note list [number]                      Shows up to number notes.
note write                              Posts a note.
note catchup                            Marks all notes in this board read.

These commands are used for the new note system. Instead of just one board, 
there are several, each with its special purpose. 

Changing between the boards is accomplished using the BOARD command. BOARD
without any arguments gives you a list of all boards together with number of
unread message. To change, type BOARD <number> or BOARD <name of the board>.

To read next unread note, type NOTE. To read a note with a specified number,
type NOTE READ <number>. Typing NOTE while in a board with no unread notes
shifts you to the next board. Note that unlike the standard note system, a 
note has the same number in NOTE LIST and NOTE READ.

Posting a message is as simple as writing NOTE WRITE. You will be moved 
into interactive mode, where all you see are prompts for the fields like 
To:, From: etc. You will be automatically put AFK while writing a note.

To see the list of the notes in the current board, type NOTE LIST. Typing
NOTE LIST <number> will list only <number> of the last notes in the area.

You can remove your own note by using NOTE REMOVE <number>. Implementors may
remove other people's notes. Implementors can also select how many days
their note is kept before being purged. Purging happens automatically at
bootup. Purged notes are not deleted, but saved into a file.

To let only immortals see your note, address it to "imm". To let players of
a specific level and above, address it to that level (no other recipients may
appear in that case).

This board system was created by Erwin S. Andreasen, erwin@andreasen.org, aka
Phunk/Drylock and is freely available. The general outlook was based on
Mystic Adventure's note system (mud.gel.ulaval.ca 4000).

The skills and spells commands are used to display your character's list
of available skills (or spells, as the case may be).  They are listed in
order of level, with mana cost (for spells) or percentage (for skills)
listed where applicable.

The outfit command, usable by levels 5 and below, equips your character with
a new set of sub issue gear (banner, weapon, helmet, shield, and vest), 
courtesy of the Mayor's warehouses.  Only empty equipment slots are affected.




ROM uses varies automatic actions, to ease the boredom of always splitting
gold and sacrificing corpses.  The commands are as follows:

autolist    : list all automatic actions
autoloot    : take all equipment from dead mobiles
autogold    : take all gold from dead mobiles
autosac     : sacrifice dead monsters (if autoloot is on, only empty corpes)
autoexit    : display room exits upon entering a room
autosplit   : split up spoils from combat among your group members
autoassit   : makes you help group members in combat
autodamage  : displays the amount of damage in numberic form to your screen
autoall     : sets on all auto actions
autoconsume : allows undead to consume the fresh blood of corpses and gain
              back lost life in the form of mana, hp, and movement poists

Typing a command sets the action , typing it again removes it.


-1 CLAN~
A Clan is a collection of players, united to  follow and further
a common cause.   Each clan has rules and  regulations, to find out
more about clans and their 'beliefs' type "help <clan name>".  Only
Clan  members can kill or steal from other players.  To join a Clan
you  must be level 5 or above and level 25 or below.   Speak to the
Clan Leader about joining.  If you go Loner before level 25 you may 
join a Clan later.
   Joining  a  Clan is a dangerous step.   Many adventurers live to 
kill and torture others and chances are that your paths will cross.
Remember, attacking or killing fellow clan members *IS* illegal except to 
mutiny your Clan leader.
   Existing  Clans may buy  special rooms and  mobiles by acquiring 
diamonds as payment.   To see room prices, type "help prices".  New
Clans  may be formed by  petitioning the immortals.   Please  remember that 
their word is final on all matters not covered by this help.

New Clan Hall Rooms cost 50 diamonds.
Boosting the mana or healing gains for a room costs 250 diamonds.
Both in the same room costs double.
Making the Healer or Store prices lower costs 1,000 diamonds.

The count command displays the number of people (that you can see) logged
into the mud.  It also displays the highest number observed that day, if
it is higher.

-1 GATE~
The gate spell is a powerful transportation magic that opens up a portal 
between your character and another person or creature somewhere else in the
world.  This portal will transport you and any pet you might have, but not
other members of your group.  Monsters recieve a save against gate, and
monster or players more than 3 levels higher than you can not be gated to at 
all.  God rooms, private rooms, and no recall rooms cannot be gated to, and
no recall rooms cannot be gated out of.  Finally, any god or hero is also 
immune to gate, as well as in player who has no summon set.  Clan members 
may not be gated to except by their fellow Clan members.

This command is used to show all the spells affecting your character. At
low levels, only the spell name will be displayed, at higher levels the
effects and duration of the spell will also be shown.  Spell effects
are no longer shown on score (this can be changed by using 'show' command).

Syntax: colour or color    Toggles colour mode on/off

You may also talk in colour. The format is like this:
Use the left-handed brace { to start, choose the letter of the color
you wish your message to be in, type your message, close with another
left-handed brace { followed immediately by an x

      {{r  {rdark red      {{c {cdark cyan
      {{R  {Rbright red    {{C {Cbright cyan
      {{G  {Gbright green  {{y {ygold
      {{D  {Dgrey          {{Y {Ybright yellow
      {{b  {bdark blue     {{m {mdark magenta
      {{B  {Bbright blue   {{M {Mbright magenta
      {{W  {Wbright white  {{w {wmuted white
      {{z  Blink
      clear(reset colour)       e.g. brace { letter <message> closing brace {x

When using colour, it looks better if you finish the line with whatever
colour it would normally be in. A gossip is normally the colour magenta,
so: {mLope gossips '{Ghello, {Rworld{m'{g  looks better than Lope gossips
'hello, world'

ColoUr is written by Lope (ant@solace.mh.se)


Critical strike is a skill, that when learned, will increase the fighter's
chance of delivering a death blow to the victim.  This is a straight 2% chance
of killing the mob in one hit.

If the percent chance fails, critical strike will still increase the amount
of damage that is dealt from the attack.

Critical strike skill by:
* Brian Babey (aka Varen)  
* [bribe@erols.com]  

We provide this as a free service to all. We only ask that you
follow the rules and keep this a nice wholesome family place where all
are welcome to play.

Please type {Yhelp {Rrules {Gfor the rules of this mud.

{RNO SWEARING {Gis permitted period over any open channels the immortals here
can and will punish you for your actions if you swear.

Enjoy the world and please send your ideas and suggestions to


GHOST Version 3.0

The following is a list of the snippets we have used.
Omni command snippet added!
 Author: -Prism snazzy@ssnlink.net>
Color snippet added!
 - Color was added using Lope Color. It is a snippet downloaded from
   a code code site.
critical strike snippet added!
 Author: Brian Babey (aka Varen) [bribe@erols.com]
New circle snippet added!
 Author: morning glory <mocat@hooked.net>
fear spell _snippet_ added being tested
 Author: Jason Huang (god@sure.net)  <<<< Bery Buggy >>>>
star map snippet added!
 Author: Nebseni of Clandestine MUD
battle prompts snippet added
 Author: Ian McCormick (aka Gothar)  mcco0055@algonquinc.on.ca
 ** The graphical prompt has been improved but besides that it
    is 100% stock from his snippet.
remort snippet added and fixed!
 Author: ataprocter@mail.coin.missouri.edu --Dribble

Special thanks to
ROM archives list at http://www.the-infinite.org/lists/romlist/
 seems to have provided the solution to our delete problem.

And to my wonderful other immortals at ghost dancer CORMAC, ROXIE and
VINCENT for thier ideas and help.

And Head Player Tester Pyrox for all his ideas and bug finds.

-1 TAKA~
{D         _{x
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{D      _/|  \-''- _ /{x
{D __-' { |          \{x
{D     /              \{x
{D     /       "{Bo{D.  |{Bo{D }{x
{D     |            \ ;{x
{D                   ',{x
{D        \_         __\{x
{D          ''-_    \.//{x
{D            / '-____'{x
{D           /{x
{D         _'{x
{D       _-'{x

Taka the wolf is our senior coder and does a lot
for The Ghost Dancer MUD Project. She is responsible
for all the code modifications that you currently

I Taka hand picked this team of people who I believe
are the best in the MUD business. each one is incredible
and each one has his or her own specialties. We at Ghost
are lucky to have them!

Thankyou to my fellow team and thankyou to our players.
I am proud to say the Ghost MUD code now powers 3 muds
and we are growing everyday.

Pyrox is a fountain of ideas and has helped to bring many changes to this mud
that benefit you and everyone else who will ever play a GHOST based mud. 
His ideas have been as simple as showing the name of the area in the where
command to as complex as a fully new backstab system. Both are implemented
here in GHOST. A full list of his ideas could never do him justice but beware
you will see his name in many places throughout this help text.

Azash is another friend i am lucky to have such a skilled bug finder on the
team. He also comes up with practical and usful ideas many of which are 
implemented here now. His council has been a god send at times and he is
talented enough to dabble in all aspects of muds. His assistance with our
new array based flags is what gives GHOST its unlimited expansion.

What can i say I love this guy. He is dedicated, fair and full of good
oppinions. I seek his council often for practical fair ways to implement
the plethora of ideas presented to me by this team. Vincent is also one
of the most talented writters i have had the pleasure of reading. His work
can be found throughout all of GHOST.

Cormac is the head builder and a busy man here. His input is everywhere
you look. He often gives me peeptalks and keeps me going and maybe the
very backbone that holds this team together.

-1 TEAM~
This team is fiercely loyal and very dedicated. They have been my shining
light and often are the reason I even work on the project at all. Each one
of them is special to me. It brings me the greatest pleasure to work with
such talented people as these. I look forward to a long and pleasant
development process, one in which I am constantly challenged and just when
I think it is hopeless, one of this team is always there to point to a path
I had some how overlooked before.

Thank you each and every one of you for your hard word and dedication as
well as your loyalty and (at times) brutal but fair honesty.

What can i say. Roxie is at times a bit discombobulated and often deep in
thought. She has a keen mind and a sharp wit. She also has an artistic side
that can be seen within GHOST. She is always pleasent and always up for
good conversation. She often makes me laugh and always makes me smile.

{cSelect your species{w:{x
1{x{D){x{cAnimal Lord{x{W:{x {wCommanders of the Wild{x  14{x{D){x{cGiant{x{W:{x {wGargantuan Skyscrapers{x
2{x{D){x{cAquatic{x{W:{x {wRulers of the Waters{x        15{x{D){x{cGnome{x{W:{x {wAdaptable Dwellers{x
3{x{D){x{cArial{x{W:{x {wLord of the Skies{x             16{x{D){x{cGoblinoid{x{W:{x {wRepresenters of Mischief{x
4{x{D){x{cCelestial{x{W:{x {wBeings of the Heavens{x     17{x{D){x{cGolem{x{W:{x {wTowers of Power{x
5{x{D){x{cDemonkin{x{W:{x {wEvil and Hate in flesh{x     18{x{D){x{cHuman{x{W:{x {wThe Balance{x 
6{x{D){x{cDracon{x{W:{x {wBlood of the Dragons{x         19{x{D){x{cIllithid{x{W:{x {wTwisters of the Mind{x
7{x{D){x{cDwarven{x{W:{x {wSeekers of Wealth{x           20{x{D){x{cMontrous Humanoids{x{W:{x {wDeformed Humans{x
8{x{D){x{cElemental{x{W:{x {wControllers of Elements{x   21{x{D){x{cNaga{x{W:{x {wKeepers of the Hive{x 
9{x{D){x{cElven{x{W:{x {wEnchanting Wanderers{x          22{x{D){x{cRatkin{x{W:{x {wCarriers of Plague{x
10{x{D){x{cFaerie{x{W:{x {wMystical Creatures{x          23{x{D){x{cReptilian{x{W:{x {wWarriors of Lazkrin{x 
11{x{D){x{cFey{x{W:{x {wHidden Dwellers of the Forest{x  24{x{D){x{cShapeshifter{x{W:{x {wChangers of Forms{x
12{x{D){x{cGargoyle{x{W:{x {wCreatures of the Night{x    25{x{D){x{cUndead{x{W:{x {wHell's Champions{x
13{x{D){x{cGenie{x{W:{x {wGranters of Wishes{x

-1 KIRA~
Kira is the newest member of the GHOST team. She is out to prove herself and 
look out world I think she will be great!

-1 $~
